Meeting Name

Heritage Advisory Committee

Quorum: 7


Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Time: 5:00PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street, Parramatta / MS Teams


Chairperson and Deputy Chair:

Stephanie Licciardo (Chair)

Graham Shirley (Deputy Chair)


Committee Members

Cheryl Bates

Jeff Allen (remote)

Laurie Bennett

Michele Grande (remote)

Suzette Meade (remote)

Tim Owen (remote)

Wei Li (remote)


Council staff

Andrea Giusa – DTSU Senior Heritage Specialist

Paul Kennedy – Strategic Land Use Planning Project Officer

Myfanwy McNally – A/DTSU Group Manager

Bruce Mills – Group Manager Place Services (remote)

Kim Marsh – Place Manager (remote)

Michelle Desailly – Interpretation & Strategy Coordinator (remote)

Roxanne Thornton – Chief Governance & Risk Officer



Councillor Ange Humphries (remote)

Councillor Georgina Valjak (remote)

Councillor Kellie Darley (remote)

Councillor Phil Bradley (remote)

Apologies / Leave of Absence

Julie Jones

Scott Hill

Terrence Smith

Mark Leotta – DTSU Group Manager

Robert Sutton – DTSU Technical Specialist Manager


Melissa McIsaac (remote)

HPRM Reference

















Welcome & Apologies


The Chairperson Stephanie Licciardo welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chairperson amended the order of business to save Item 1, Acknowledgement of Country, until Suzette Meade joined the meeting.


The Committee noted that members Julie Jones, Scott Hill, and Terrence Smith were not in attendance.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interests made for this meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


RESOVED (Bates/Shirley)

That the Minutes of Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 4 July 2023 be received and noted as a true record of the meeting, with the following amendments:

·          Item 2: Remove notation that Cheryl Bates was an apology for the meeting (attended the meeting)

·          Item 7: discussed word choice of “amused”

·          Item 7: add to the Outcome that “the Committee are to be advised if Council is aware of any report”

·          Item 8: Change Dr Jillian “Chamber” to “Comber”

·          Item 8: specify that the Committee will be invited to comment on the draft scope for the comprehensive heritage review at the November 2023 meeting.


Suzette Meade and Roxanne Thornton jointed the meeting during discussion of Item 4.


Acknowledgement of Country


Suzette Meade provided an Acknowledgement of Country to open the meeting.


Tim Owen accepted the Chairperson’s request to provide an Acknowledgement of Country at the next meeting.


Business arising from Minutes of meeting held on 4 July 2023


The Committee received an update regarding the outcomes of Item 8 from the 4 July meeting, Listing of Parramatta for Aboriginal national significance. The Committee noted that Tim Owen met with Michelle Desailly to further discuss the extent of the area that could be covered.


·          Tim Owen agreed to prepare a mud map illustrating the area under consideration, to be provided to Paul Kennedy for circulation to the Committee, for comment and confirmation.

·          The Committee supported for the confirmed map to be put to Council’s First Nations Advisory Committee for consultation.


Note: The Chairperson amended the order of business to proceed with Item 12.


General Business


The Committee considered the following matters during General Business:


Royal Oak Hotel site


The Committee received an update from Paul Kennedy regarding the plans for the Royal Oak Hotel site. Councillor Darley further clarified that on 26 June 2023, Council resolved to write to the NSW Government requesting that the site be converted to an urban park for community use, and for the Government to consult with Council on the design of the park.


Update on relocation of Subiaco Columns


The Committee received an update from Paul Kennedy regarding the relocation of the Subiaco Columns. The Committee noted that Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team have advised that the columns have been moved to secure storage at Rydalmere, but there has been limited progress on the concept design due to staff resourcing constraints.


Condition of heritage properties in Ada Street, Harris Park


The Committee received a presentation from member Cheryl Bates regarding the poor condition of heritage properties in Ada Street, Harris Park, and the operation of food carts outside of heritage listed items. Cheryl advised the Committee that Council should allocate additional staff resources to support heritage protection and ensure compliance, in alignment with other area councils with similar size heritage portfolios.



Councillor Darley retired from the meeting during the presentation on Ada Street, Harris Park.


·          The Chairperson requested for Council staff to further follow up with the Parks and Open Space Unit to specify an anticipated date for completion of the Subiaco Columns concept design, and to confirm if this project has been included in Council’s 2023/24 budget.

·          The Committee resolved the following in response to Cheryl Bates’ presentation regarding the condition of heritage properties in Ada Street:


RESOLVED (Bates/Licciardo)

That the Committee recommends for Council to consider the appointment of at least 2 more full time equivalent staff, to increase heritage staff numbers to the equivalent of 3 full time staff.


RESOLVED (Bates/Bennett)

That the Committee recommends for Council to investigate the establishment and operation of food carts on properties that are heritage listed and do not comply with the planning requirements.


RESOLVED (Licciardo/Shirley)

That the Committee requests for Council staff to report back to the Committee on any advice with regards to Council’s response on the condition of heritage listed properties 2, 4, 6, and 8 Ada Street, Harris Park.



Naming of contemporary function space of Parramatta Town Hall


The Committee noted that Item 6 has been deferred to the next meeting.


Update on road naming projects: Rosehill and Melrose Park


The Committee received a presentation from Kim Marsh and Bruce Mills, from Council’s Place Services unit, regarding current road naming projects in the LGA.


The Committee noted that Council is working with Viva Energy Australia to determine a name for a privately owned proposed subdivision road at the Clyde Western Area Remediation Project, Rosehill (State Significant Development). The developer has agreed to Longworth Road, as provided by Council’s Research Team and pre-approved by the Geographical Names Board. Staff requested the Committee’s support to commence community consultation for the Longworth Road name proposal.


The Committee further noted that road naming is underway for Stage 2 of the Melrose Park development, and that the private land owner, Sekisui House, is seeking for Council to propose additional naming options. Staff requested for the Committee to provide historical name suggestions.


Councillor Humphries and Councillor Bradley joined the meeting during discussion of Item 7.


·          The Committee generally supported Council staff taking the Longworth Road proposal to community consultation. It was noted that Laurie Bennett raised concern over the proposed name due to the individual’s limited period of association the area.

·          The Committee were invited to provide suggestions for additional road name options for the Stage 2 Melrose Park development. Council staff agreed to circulate for reference the names previously rejected by the developer.

·          Council staff took a question on notice to further investigate any means within its authority to mandate road naming criteria for roads on private land, such as through a condition of consent for the development application.


Kim Marsh and Bruce Mills retired from the meeting at the conclusion of Item 7.


Update on heritage interpretation for Parramatta Aquatic Centre


The Committee received a presentation from Michelle Desailly regarding the new heritage installations and interpretation at the Parramatta Aquatic Centre site.


The Committee were invited to tour the Parramatta Aquatic Centre to view the installations once it opens to the public on 25 September.


·      The Committee noted the updates and praised the work of Council staff and the Dharug specialist panel throughout the project.

·      A copy of the presentation will be circulated for the Committee to consider the installations in depth.


Councillor Valjak retired from the meeting during discussion of Item 8.

Michelle Desailly retired from the meeting at the conclusion of Item 8.


Local Heritage Fund Applications


The Committee received a presentation from Andrea Giusa, Senior Heritage Specialist, regarding the Local Heritage Fund Applications program.


The Committee noted the updates to the program guidelines and requirements for the 2023-24 financial year.


The Committee were advised that two Local Heritage Fund Applications have been received by Council, requesting a total $6,637.50 in funding. The Committee considered the applications and whether to approve the requested funding.


·          The Committee recommended for Council to promote the Local Heritage Fund program by publishing on Council’s Website examples of past successful grant applications, and to assist applicants by including some guidance regarding proposed projects which do or do not require a Development Application. The Committee noted that the application form has been updated to seek consent from applicants for Council to use their project information and images in promotional materials.

·          The Committee determined the received Local Heritage Fund applications as follows:



Cost of Works

Amount approved


36 Lakeside Road, Eastwood

1.   Replacement of damaged fascia board woodwork

2.  Painting of façade

3.  Replacement of side fence and gate





260 Marsden Road, Carlingford

Replacement of roof material with Monnier Marseille tiles







Roxanne Thornton retired from the meeting during discussion of Item 9.


Update from Land Use Planning


The Committee received a presentation from Paul Kennedy regarding updates from the Strategic Land Use Planning Unit, as follows:


·         Local Heritage Fund and communications strategy: The Committee was advised that Council resolved on 24 July to increase the Fund’s annual budget and the maximum grant amount, and that a draft heritage promotion strategy is anticipated to be presented to the November Committee Meeting for consultation.

·         Planning Proposal for St John’s Cathedral site: The Committee was updated on the Department of Planning and Environment’s decision to reduce the FSR of the northern development site from 16:1 to 10:1.

·         Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2: The Committee were advised that a Public Art and Heritage Interpretation Strategy is being prepared for incorporation into the project. The Committee was invited to provide feedback on relevant aspects of the Strategy.


·          The Committee noted the updates provided.

·          The Committee was invited to submit any feedback to Paul Kennedy regarding the Public Art and Heritage Strategy. Reference materials regarding the Strategy concept will be circulated for comment.


Heritage interpretation plaques


The Chairperson determined to defer Item 11 to the next meeting to allow sufficient time for consideration of the materials previously circulated by Laurie Bennett regarding establishing a Parramatta LGA Heritage Plaques program. The Chairperson requested to list this matter as the first item of business on the Agenda after standing items.


Other Business


The Chairperson invited the Committee to raise any other matters of concern, with the following matters being raised:


·          Suzette Meade requested the Committee to discuss the State Government’s announcement not to rebuild Willow Grove, and noted that this matter was considered as a Lord Mayoral Minute at the 11 September Council Meeting.

·          Graham Shirley requested an update from Council staff regarding Broughton House. Andrea Giusa advised that Council is investigating the site and that negotiations are underway with the owner to inspect the interior, however there are safety concerns with access.

·          Councillor Bradley requested to follow up on a matter previously raised by the Committee, regarding the potential of reinstalling a heritage plaque on the Parramatta River Heritage Walk to mark a meeting place of Governor Phillip and local Aboriginal people, and the possibility of a formal heritage listing for the site. Council staff advised that the potential for a heritage listing will form part of Council’s planned comprehensive heritage review. Stephanie Liccardo offered that should the Committee request, an update could also be provided at a future meeting regarding Greater Sydney Parklands’ heritage interpretation work for the site.

·          Laurie Bennett raised the auditor general’s report from July 2023; the Chairperson requested for Laurie to send the report to Council staff for inclusion on a future meeting Agenda.

·          Laurie Bennett sought information regarding the status of a heritage wall at the Bunnings site at the corner of Windsor and North Rocks Road, North Parramatta. Council staff took this matter on notice.

·          Laurie Bennett raised difficulty with navigating the NSW Heritage Register database website. The Chairperson recommended to send any enquiries or feedback directly to the NSW Environment and Heritage Group.


Myfanwy McNally, Michele Grande, Wei Li, and Jeff Allen retired from the meeting during Open Business.


·          The Committee resolved the following in response to the State Government’s announcement regarding Willow Grove:


RESOLVED (Meade/Bates)

That the Committee recommends for Council to undertake the following actions:

(a)   request a copy of the inventory of Willow Grove; and

(b)   investigate options for a respectful memorial to the former home on the site.

The Committee requested for these matters to be brought back to a future Committee meeting for consideration, including further discussion on how the Willow Grove matter may provide learnings as an example of where demolition of a heritage property should never be supported on the premise of rebuilding it somewhere else.


·          The Committee resolved the following in response to the discussion of heritage interpretation on the Parramatta River Heritage Walk:


RESOLVED (Shirley/Meade)

That the Committee requests for Greater Sydney Parklands to provide an update at the next meeting regarding Parramatta Park Trust’s role in heritage interpretation for the meeting site, and engagement underway with relevant landowners and interested community groups.


·          The Committee noted that Stephanie Licciardo will refrain from participating in future discussion on Greater Sydney Parkland’s involvement with heritage interpretation along the Parramatta River Heritage Walk due to a potential perceived conflict of interest, as Senior Manager Heritage and Culture at Greater Sydney Parklands.

·          Suzette Meade offered to provide a progress report at a future meeting regarding The Walking Volunteers’ work to update heritage walks on the Parramatta River, as per the related Council Resolution from 11 September.


Next Meeting Date: 7 November 2023


Meeting closed at 7:28 pm.