These are draft minutes and are subject to confirmation by the Committee at its next meeting. The confirmed minutes will replace this draft version on the website.


Meeting Name

Active Transport Advisory Committee



19 September 2023

Time 6:02pm


Level 12 Boardroom + MS Teams



Charlene Bordley (Chairperson)

Ian Weekes (Deputy Chairperson)

Bernadette Carpenter

Lester Pasley

Linda Gock

Mark Fyson

Matt Zahra

Pam Kendrick

Stephen Chong


Councillor Kellie Darley (Ex-officio)

Councillor Phil Bradley (Ex-officio)


Michael Jollon – Transport Planning Manager

Melissa McIsaac – Governance Secretariat

Roxanne Thornton – Chief Governance & Risk Officer

Marina Cavar – Governance Secretariat


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Angela Hansford

Mark Green

Paul McDonald

Kerry Tipton (observer)

Karandeep Singh Chadha (observer)


Michael Kolos – Project Officer Transport



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from Angela Hansford, Mark Green, and Paul McDonald.


Introductions for new incoming members following EOI process


Michael Jollon introduced newly appointed members Bernadette Carpenter, Mark Fyson, and Stephen Chong, and welcomed them to the meeting.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


Mark Fyson joined the meeting at 6:12pm during discussion of Item 4.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Active Transport Advisory Committee meeting, held on 18 July 2023, were resolved by Zahra and Kendrick and CARRIED.


Station Street E Harris Park Shared Path – Issue with newly installed poles within path (14 March 2023 Agenda Item 8)


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon on the issue initially raised at the 14 March 2023 Active Transport Advisory Committee meeting regarding the poles installed within the Station Street E Harris Park shared path.


The Committee were advised that it does not appear feasible for Council to deliver a short term solution to the issue, however the Traffic and Transport team are investigating mitigating through converting street to one-way direction. The Committee noted that this measure would require extended investigation and consultation time.


The Committee were further updated that staff have engaged with Council’s Project Management Office to consider internal project controls, including consultation requirements, to prevent the risk of reoccurrence.


·      The Chairperson encouraged the Committee to review the materials on Participate Parramatta for the concluded public exhibition of the Little India precinct streetscape upgrade, to identify if there may be opportunities to address the Station Street E shared path concerns as part of that project.

·      Michael Jollon will continue to update the Committee regarding project management controls that Council may implement to prevent the risk of reoccurrence.


Wigram Street Cycleway Conversion Update


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding the Wigram Street Cycleway Conversion.


The Committee were advised that Council is currently applying to Transport for New South Wales for a permanent traffic plan for the one-way conversion, with a view to bring to the proposal to the November Traffic Committee Meeting.


·      The Committee noted the updates.


Bike Plan Status


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding the review of Council’s Bike Plan. The Committee were advised that public exhibition closed in late August, and staff are considering the submissions received to prepare a report back to Council.


The Committee raised that they have not considered a recommendation in-depth as a Committee. Councillor Bradley and Councillor Darley supported for the Committee to adequately review the draft prior to the Bike Plan being put to the Chamber for adoption.


·      The Committee noted the public exhibition period had closed, however in order to consider the proposed Bike Plan, the Committee requested for Council officers to host a workshop with Committee members prior to Council determining any course of action or adoption of the Bike Plan. Further, interested Councillors should be invited to attend this workshop.

·      The Committee were encouraged to meet as an independent group prior to the Council-hosted workshop, to consider individual views and work to find a group consensus on the draft content. The Committee were encouraged to meet as soon as practicable following the September school holidays, given the timeframe for taking a report back to Council.

·      The Committee noted that Council staff will provide member contact details to the Chairperson to coordinate any independent meetings. The Committee will notify staff with any objection to the sharing of contact details.


Shared Path Promotion and Education Status


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding Council’s shared path promotion and education initiatives. The Committee were advised that Council have engaged Pedal Set Go to provide popup educational activations along the Parramatta Valley Cycleway, with the first session running on 20 September.


·      The Committee were encouraged to promote the popup sessions within their active transport networks.

·      The Chairperson recommended for the Committee to further discuss shared path safety and etiquette as part of the independent meeting regarding the Bike Plan.


Roxanne Thornton left the meeting at 6:53pm during discussion of Item 9.


Parramatta by Bicycle Map Status


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding the Parramatta by Bicycle Map. The Committee noted that the updated map had been previously circulated for comment. The Committee further considered future options for a digital map.


Roxanne Thornton re-joined the meeting at 7:04pm during discussion of Item 10.


·      Council staff received feedback from the Committee that the included heritage ride should be appropriately renamed, such as a heritage walk or trail, since the route is not rideable for cyclists.

·      The Committee may submit any final feedback on the Parramatta by Bicycle Map to Michael Jollon by Friday, 22 September.


Alfred Street Bridge and Alfred Street Cycleway


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding Council’s Alfred Street Bridge and Alfred Street Cycleway projects. The Committee were advised that the official opening of the Alfred Street Bridge has been delayed, with the date yet to be rescheduled, and that the Alfred Street Cycleway project is out to tender.


·      The Committee noted the updates.


Video Analytics Trial


The Committee received an update from Michael Jollon regarding Council’s 2 installed video counters, at the north end of the Alfred Street Bridge and where Alfred Street meets the M4 path.


·      Council staff agreed to follow up internally regarding adding a public disclaimer at the sites that video counters are in use.


Roxanne Thornton retired from the meeting at 7:12pm.


Westmead to Toongabbie Cycleway Feasibility


The Committee were advised by Michael Jollon that the Westmead to Toongabbie cycleway feasibility project is anticipated to be brought to Council in November to seek endorsement for public exhibition. Pending the dates of the public exhibition, staff will seek comment from the Committee at the November meeting, or via email if required.


The Committee were also advised that the same timeline will apply for the Duck River extension to Clyde project.


·      The Committee noted the updates.


Bennelong Parkway Walk and Bike Bridge Status


The Committee were advised by Michael Jollon that the Bennelong Parkway Walk and Bike Bridge project is anticipated to be brought to Council in November to seek endorsement for public exhibition. Pending the dates of the public exhibition, staff will seek comment from the Committee at the November meeting, or via email if required.


·      The Committee noted the update.


Shared E-Scooter Trial Status


The Committee were advised by Michael Jollon that the State Government are yet to determine Council’s application to participate in the Shared E-Scooter Trial.


·      The Committee noted the update.


Gasworks Bridge Maintenance


The Committee were advised by Michael Jollon that the Gasworks Bridge maintenance is continuing, and that information regarding weekend closures may be obtained from the Transport for NSW website.


·      The Committee noted the update.


Other Business


Committee members shared the following maters during General Business:

·      Traffic Committee updates: The Committee were advised that there are no relevant matters from recent Traffic Committee meetings.

·      Bike racks in Parramatta Square: The Committee considered concerns raised by multiple members regarding limited bike rack options in Parramatta Square, the poor condition of the bike rack at the Parramatta Library and challenges with accessing the basement bike racks, and regulation of parking bikes in Parramatta Square. The Committee discussed planning mechanisms that Council may use to ensure the provision of sufficient bike racks as part of developments.

·      Trailers and boats parked on cycle routes: The Committee discussed concerns regarding trailers and boats parked blocking cycle routes for extended periods, and considered the response from Council to Bernadette Carpenter’s previous enquiry.

·      Bike racks at Westfield complex on Church Street: The Committee discussed concerns regarding the low availability of bike rack spaces, due to frequent use by delivery riders.

·      Ride to Work Day on 18 October: The Chairperson enquired as to what events Council may have planned for Ride to Work Day. Michael Jollon advised that no events have been organised, however Council is currently investigating internal business improvements to support an effective program of cycling events and promotions.

·      Engaging schools regarding cycling initiatives: The Committee considered challenges with engaging schools regarding cycling initiatives or establishing nearby routes.

·      New pump track at Breakfast Creek, Harvey Park: The Committee were informed about an upcoming event to open a new pump track at Harvey Park.

·      Snap Send Solve: The Committee were advised about the Snap Send Solve service available for reporting matters of concern, and that the #betterstreets may be used to help promote submissions.


Councillor Darley retired from the meeting at 7:47pm during discussion of Item 17.


·      Bike racks in Parramatta Square: Council staff took a question on notice regarding who has jurisdiction over regulatory matters in Parramatta Square, and will provide a response at the next meeting.

·      Bike racks in Parramatta Square: The Committee put the following recommendations to Council –

1.       That Council should secure the bike rack at the Parramatta Library to ensure its useability.

2.      That Council should increase the number of bike racks installed in Parramatta Square.

3.      That Council should also give consideration to the spacing of bike racks servicing Parramatta Library, to accommodate the size of larger family or cargo bikes.

·      Trailers and boats parked on cycle routes: The Committee requested for the Group Manager Regulatory Services to attend the next available meeting to engage with the Committee in an open Q&A session regarding regulatory matters.

·      Councillor Bradley advised the Committee that the public may include Councillors in email enquiries and service requests sent to Council.


Next Meeting Date: 7 November 2023


Meeting Closed:  7:50pm