

Council Meeting

Monday, 28 August 2023






Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta













The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Donna Davis (online), Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (online), Henry Green, Ange Humphries, DLM Cameron Maclean, Paul Noack (online), Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.



Chief Executive Officer - Gail Connolly, Executive Director Finance & Information - John Angilley, Executive Director Property & Place - Bryan Hynes, Executive Director City Engagement and Experience - Angela Jones-Blayney, Acting Executive Director City Planning and Design - Robert Cologna, Executive Director Community Services - Jonathan Greig, Acting Executive Director City Assets & Operations - James Smallson, Chief Governance & Risk Officer - Roxanne Thornton (Minutes), Chief Technology Officer - John Crawford, Chief Financial Officer - Amit Sharma, ICT Strategy & Partnering Manager - Ian Vong, Level 1 Support - Erik Ivarsson, Level 1 Support - Quade Bronson, Group Manager Place Services - Bruce Mills, Group Manager Project Delivery - Boz Lukin, Traffic & Transport Manager - Richard Searle, Chief of Staff - Justin Mulder, Senior Policy & Advocacy Adviser - Renee Attard, Group Manager Property Develop - Justin Day, Coordinator Parks & Open Space Planning - Megan Ryan, Group Manager Parks & Open Spaces - Terry Johnson, Group Manager City Experience & Identity - Sheree Gover


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, opened the meeting at 6:35pm.



The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.


The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.


As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.





RESOLVED (Councillor Humphries and Councillor Esber)

That Councillors Davis, Garrard and Noack be granted approval to attend this meeting by audio visual link.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 14 August 2023



RESOLVED (Councillor Prociv and DLM Councillor Maclean)

That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Councillor Pierre Esber disclosed a Non-Pecuniary Less than Significant Interest in Item 13.3 (Adoption of Parramatta Harmonisation DCP 2023) for the reason that he is the owner of a plumbing business in Parramatta. Councillor Esber will remain in the meeting and will participate in the discussion and voting on this item.





Condolence - Vale John Devitt AM

(Report of the Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)


On behalf of the Chamber, I wish to express our condolences on the death of former Olympic swimmer and Granville local, John Devitt AM, on 17 August 2023.

John Devitt won gold, silver and bronze at the 1956 Melbourne and 1960 Rome Olympic Games, achieving 14 world records throughout his swimming career. He served as an Australian Olympic Committee executive, helping to secure Sydney as the host for the 2000 Olympic Games.

In a recent message to Council, his son Mark Devitt said: “Whilst he lived on the Beaches for many years, he will always be a Parramatta boy.” Mark wished Council “all the best, and [hoped] to see the next generation of Olympians come from the new facility”, our Parramatta Aquatic Centre.

On behalf of Council, I express our sincere condolences to John Devitt’s family and friends at this sad time. Would Councillors please stand for a minute’s silence.


Note:          A Minute’s silence was observed by all in attendance.

8.    Minutes of the Lord Mayor



75th Diamond Anniversary of Lions Clubs

(Report of the Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)


RESOLVED (Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Garrard)


(a)      That Council congratulate Lions Australia on their 75th diamond anniversary year as well as Carlingford Dundas Lions Club on its 60th anniversary.

(b)       That Council recognise that City of Parramatta is home to more than 10 Lions and Leo Clubs, with an enduring legacy of community service.

(c)       That the Lord Mayor host a morning tea to recognise this significant milestone and write to the Lions and Leo Clubs in the City of Parramatta, inviting them to attend, congratulating them on 75 Years of Lions Australia and thanking them for their community service. City of Parramatta Councillors will also be invited to attend the morning tea.

(d)      That Council make a $1,500 donation to the Carlingford Dundas Lions Club to be funded from the Lord Mayor’s budget.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Preparation of a Tourism Strategy for City of Parramatta

(Report of the Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)


RESOLVED (Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Wang)


(a)       That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to prepare a scope that includes an estimated cost and timeframe for the preparation of a Tourism Strategy for the City of Parramatta that promotes our city as a destination of choice for visitors, and for the scope to be reported back to Council at its meeting on 25 September 2023.

(b)       That this work be coordinated with the implementation of the City of Parramatta’s Economic Development Strategy 2023-2032.

(c)       That the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Minister for Jobs and Tourism, The Hon. John Graham MLC, The Member for Parramatta, Donna Davis MP and relevant stakeholders to advocate for funding for a ‘Vivid Parramatta’ program.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





Congratulations to City of Parramatta’s Artists’ Studios for the 2023 Local Government Week Award

(Report of the Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)


RESOLVED: (Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Darley)


(a)       That Council note the City of Parramatta has been recognised at the 2023 Local Government Week Awards for Parramatta Artists’ Studios First Nations Engagement Framework;

(b)       That Council congratulate staff who have been recognised for excellence in communication, arts and cultural inclusion and planning across the state.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


9.    Public Forum


10.  Petitions

There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.

11.  Rescission Motions


procedural motion

deferral of business




RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Valjak)


That the following items be deferred for consideration at the ordinary meeting of Council on 9 October 2023:

·         Item 12.3 - Status Report - Council's Social Media accounts

·         Item 13.7 - Audit of Sporting Facilities and Amenities (Female Friendly)

·         Confidential Item 16.2 - Exemption to Tender - Facebook Advertising

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Status Report - Council's Social Media accounts

(Report of Digital & Creative Manager)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Valjak)

This matter was deferred to Council Meeting 9 October 2023

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Audit of Sporting Facilities and Amenities (Female Friendly)

(Report of Group Manager Parks & Open Space)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Valjak)

This matter was deferred to Council Meeting 9 October 2023

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Exemption to Tender - Facebook Advertising

(Report of Digital & Creative Manager)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Valjak)

This matter was deferred to Council Meeting 9 October 2023

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


12.  Reports to Council - For Notation



Update on Quarter Four Progress Report - Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2022/23

(Report of Project Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Darley and DLM Councillor Maclean)


That Council receive and note the report.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Question Taken on Notice (Clr Bradley): Item 12.1 Update on Quarter Four Progress Report - Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2022/23

·         The Number of street trees planted were approx. 1,500, which is much lower than the anticipated target of 4,000 . Further clarification is requested as to  explain the short fall from target.



Investment Report for July 2023

(Report of Tax and Treasury Accountant)



RESOLVED      (DLM Councillor Maclean and Councillor Wearne)


That Council receive and note the Investment Report for July 2023.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



dealing with items by exception




RESOLVED      (Councillot Garrard and Councillor Esber)


That, in accordance with Section 13 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, Council resolve to adopt the following items in accordance with the recommendations as printed, without debate:

·         Item 13.4 - Public Exhibition of Draft Petitions Policy 2023

·         Item 13.5 - Post Exhibition: Adoption of Procurement Policy 2023

·         Confidential Item 16.1 - Tender ITT 10/2023 - Supply and installation of new multi-level carparking technology and maintenance agreement

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

·         Confidential Item 16.4 - LATE REPORT: Leasing ICT Equipment

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

·         Confidential Item 16.5 - Proposed Property Acquisition, Parramatta CBD Location

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




Public Exhibition of Draft Petitions Policy 2023

(Report of Policy Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Esber)

(a)      That the draft Petitions Policy 2023 be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

(b)      That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to make any necessary editorial and content changes to the draft Petitions Policy 2023 for public exhibition to give effect to Council’s resolution.

(c)       That staff prepare a report to Council following the exhibition period to present a final Petitions Policy 2023 for adoption.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Post Exhibition: Adoption of Procurement Policy 2023

(Report of Policy Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Esber)

(a)      That Council notes that no submissions were received following public exhibition of the draft Procurement Policy 2023.

(b)      That Council adopts the Procurement Policy 2023 as attached to this report.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Tender ITT 10/2023 - Supply and installation of new multi-level carparking technology and maintenance agreement

(Report of Place Manager - Coordinator)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Esber)

(a)      That Council approve the appointment of TMA Australia as the principal contractor/proponent for the ‘Supply and installation of new multi-level carparking technology and maintenance agreement’ for the contract sum of $1,729,736 (excl. GST) for the supply and installation of the equipment, and up to $573,986.83 (excl. GST) for a maximum 10-year maintenance agreement (a total maximum contracted sum of up to $2,303,722.83 (excl. GST)).

(b)      That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.

(c)       That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




LATE REPORT: Leasing ICT Equipment

(Report of Chief Technology Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Esber)


Note:   This item has been deferred to the next Council Meeting.



Proposed Property Acquisition, Parramatta CBD Location

(Report of Development Manager Property Development)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Esber)

(a)      That Council approve the submission of an Expression of Interest for 13 Wentworth Street, Parramatta as detailed in this report.

(b)      That the CEO is delegated to execute all necessary documents for the submission of the Expression of Interest.

(c)       That Council approve $50,000 to be allocated from the Property Reserve for valuation, technical and legal due diligence.

(d)      That the CEO is delegated to negotiate commercial terms and all necessary documents for the acquisition of 13 Wentworth Street, Parramatta up to the amount nominated in this report.

(e)      That the CEO is delegated to execute all relevant contracts and documents to complete the acquisition of 13 Wentworth Street, Parramatta.

(f)        That if acquired, the property will be classified as operational land.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


13.  Reports to Council - For Council Decision



DEFERRED ITEM FROM OCM 14 AUGUST 2023 - Proposed Increase in Community Representatives for the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee

(Report of Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero)

(a)      That Council increase the number of community representatives from ten (10) to eleven (11) on the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee.

(b)      That Council amend the Terms of Reference of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee to reflect the increase in community representatives from ten (10) to eleven (11).

(c)       That on this occasion the CEO be delegated to appoint an 11th community representative to the Advisory Committee, following an EOI process, per the Terms of Reference.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 19 July 2023

(Report of Traffic and Transport Manager)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Noack and Councillor Darley)

(a)      That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 19 July 2023, provided at Attachment 1.

(b)      That Council approve the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee from the meeting held on 19 July 2023 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.



The proposal is for Council to issue a permit to allow Leigh Memorial Church ceremonial vehicles to park on the footpath of Macquarie Street. Any subsequent construction works that may be required to provide a suitable area on the footpath for this parking space is to be organised by the Church at no cost to Council.



The estimated cost of the proposed ‘No Trucks - 3t and Over’ restriction is $2,000 (Incl. GST). This project is 100% funded by Transport for NSW Block Grant Funds for installation and maintenance of traffic signs and line markings in FY2023/24.



The proposed Special Event Traffic Management Plan (SETMP) for Parramatta Lanes 2023 event will be funded from Council’s Major Events budget.



The cost estimate for the proposed four asphalt speed humps in Ferndale Close, Constitution Hill is $65,000. This project is to be installed as part of the T-Way Cycleway realignment project funded by the State Government Get NSW Active Program. Accordingly, there is no direct impact to Council’s budget.



The estimated cost of the proposed raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing in Brodie Street south of Alan Street, Rydalmere is $540,500. This project is 100% funded by the State Government Parramatta-Sydney Foreshore Link (Early Delivery Projects) Program.



The proposed raised pedestrian crossing is to be installed by the developer of 37-39 Hill Road, Wentworth Point. Accordingly, there is no direct impact to Council’s budget.



The proposed traffic management is to be implemented by the organiser of Billbergia Bennelong Bridge Run. Accordingly, there is no direct impact to Council's budget.


(c)      That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group also be presented to all future Council meetings.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Adoption of Parramatta Harmonisation DCP 2023

(Report of Team Leader Strategic Land Use Planning)



Note: Councillor Esber disclosed a Non-Pecuniary Less Than Significant  interest in this item. A copy of the Declaration of Interest Form is ON FILE.

MOTION (DLM Councillor Maclean and Councillor Prociv)

(a)      That Council note that a total number of 58 submissions were made in response to the exhibition of the draft Harmonisation Development Control Plan (DCP) which are summarised at Attachment 3.

(b)      That Council repeal the five DCPs that currently apply to parts of the City of Parramatta and adopt the updated draft Harmonisation DCP (which will form Parramatta DCP 2023) contained at Attachment 1 for finalisation noting the amendments made following the public exhibition detailed at Attachment 4.

(c)       That Council:

i)          adopt the administrative amendments to the stand-alone DCPs for Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West and Carter Street precincts provided at Attachment 2 for finalisation, and

ii)         advise the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision at (c) i) and where required obtain its approval for the amendments. 

(d)      That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan finalisation process relating to the DCP controls.

AMENDMENT (Councillor Valjak and Councillor Garrard)

(a)      That Council note that a total number of 58 submissions were made in response to the exhibition of the draft Harmonisation Development Control Plan (DCP) which are summarised at Attachment 3.

(b)      That Council repeal the five DCPs that currently apply to parts of the City of Parramatta and adopt the updated draft Harmonisation DCP (which will form Parramatta DCP 2023) contained at Attachment 1 for finalisation noting the amendments made following the public exhibition detailed at Attachment 4 subject to the removal of Section 5.4.3 All Electric Buildings of the draft Harmonisation DCP and the subsequent required section renumbering and administrative changes.

(c)      That Council:

                  i.        adopt the administrative amendments to the stand-alone DCPs for Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West and Carter Street precincts provided at Attachment 2 for finalisation, and

                 ii.        advise the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision at (c) i) and where required obtain its approval for the amendments. 

(d)      That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan finalisation process relating to the DCP controls.

(e)      That Council commence a further review of the DCP provisions relating to electric buildings for development outside the CBD and report the findings to Council. The review should consider whether requiring all-electric (gas-free) developments outside the Parramatta CBD is appropriate. The review should consider the role this policy change could play in achieving targets in Council’s current Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2017 (and Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023), and NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan.

Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.

Against the Amendment: DLM, Councillor Maclean and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber and Prociv.


On being Put to the meeting, voting on the Amendment was 9 votes FOR and 6 votes AGAINST. The Amendment was CARRIED and therefore became the Motion.


MOTION (Councillor Valjak and Councillor Garrard)

(a)      That Council note that a total number of 58 submissions were made in response to the exhibition of the draft Harmonisation Development Control Plan (DCP) which are summarised at Attachment 3.

(b)      That Council repeal the five DCPs that currently apply to parts of the City of Parramatta and adopt the updated draft Harmonisation DCP (which will form Parramatta DCP 2023) contained at Attachment 1 for finalisation noting the amendments made following the public exhibition detailed at Attachment 4 subject to the removal of Section 5.4.3 All Electric Buildings of the draft Harmonisation DCP and the subsequent required section renumbering and administrative changes.

(c)      That Council:

                iii.        adopt the administrative amendments to the stand-alone DCPs for Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West and Carter Street precincts provided at Attachment 2 for finalisation, and

                iv.        advise the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision at (c) i) and where required obtain its approval for the amendments. 

(d)      That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan finalisation process relating to the DCP controls.

(e)      That Council commence a further review of the DCP provisions relating to electric buildings for development outside the CBD and report the findings to Council. The review should consider whether requiring all-electric (gas-free) developments outside the Parramatta CBD is appropriate. The review should consider the role this policy change could play in achieving targets in Council’s current Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2017 (and Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023), and NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan.


AMENDMENT (Councillor Esber and DLM Councillor Maclean)

That this matter be deferred to a Councillor Workshop on a date to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer.

Record of Voting:

For the Amendment: DLM Councillor Mclean, Esber, Darley and Prociv.

Against the Amendment: Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors  Bradley, Davis, Garrard , Green , Humphries, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and  Wearne.


On being Put to the meeting, voting on the Amendment was four (4) votes FOR and eleven (11) votes AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.



RESOLVED (Councillor Valjak and Councillor Garrard)

(a)      That Council note that a total number of 58 submissions were made in response to the exhibition of the draft Harmonisation Development Control Plan (DCP) which are summarised at Attachment 3.

(b)      That Council repeal the five DCPs that currently apply to parts of the City of Parramatta and adopt the updated draft Harmonisation DCP (which will form Parramatta DCP 2023) contained at Attachment 1 for finalisation noting the amendments made following the public exhibition detailed at Attachment 4 subject to the removal of Section 5.4.3 All Electric Buildings of the draft Harmonisation DCP and the subsequent required section renumbering and administrative changes.

(c)      That Council:

                 v.        adopt the administrative amendments to the stand-alone DCPs for Wentworth Point, Homebush Bay West and Carter Street precincts provided at Attachment 2 for finalisation, and

                vi.        advise the Department of Planning and Environment of the decision at (c) i) and where required obtain its approval for the amendments. 

(d)      That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan finalisation process relating to the DCP controls.

(e)      That Council commence a further review of the DCP provisions relating to electric buildings for development outside the CBD and report the findings to Council. The review should consider whether requiring all-electric (gas-free) developments outside the Parramatta CBD is appropriate. The review should consider the role this policy change could play in achieving targets in Council’s current Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2017 (and Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2023), and NSW Government’s Net Zero Plan.


Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.

Against the Motion: DLM Maclean and Councillors Darley, Esber, Prociv, Bradley, Davis


On being Put to the meeting, voting on the Motion was nine (9) votes FOR and six (6) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.


Question Taken on Notice (Clr Humphries): Item 13.3 Adoption of Parramatta Harmonisation DCP 2023


In reference to the Quote from NSW Premier, The Hon. Chris Minns MP, regarding the Victorian Government decision on gas emission

·         QON:  Why there is such a disparity between NSW and VIC gas usage and supply pipeline?




RESOLVED (Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Maclean)

That with the time being 9.15pm, Council adjourn the meeting for 10 minutes, until 9.25pm.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous

Note:          The Council meeting adjourned at 9.15pm.




Note:          Council reconvened at 9.30pm.


Note:          At the time of reconvening, the following Councillors were present:


Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Maclean and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Garrard (online), Green, Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wearne, Noack (online), Davis (online) and Wang.






RESOLVED      (Councillor Davis and Councillor Siviero)


That at this time of the meeting, being 9.37pm, the Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey advised that the meeting would move into Closed Confidential Session to allow consideration of matters in Closed Session in accordance with Section 10A of the Local Government Act 1993. Accordingly, members of the press and public are excluded from the closed session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session will be withheld.

This action is taken to discuss 16.3    Tender ITT 25/2022 – City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:          The Council moved to Closed Confidential Session at 9.38pm.


Note:          Councillor Humphries returned to the meeting at 9.40pm via audio visual link.





Tender ITT 25/2022 – City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout

(Report of Group Manager – Project Delivery)



REcommendation        (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne)


(a)      That Council award the contract for the City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout to FDC Fitout and Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd, for the contract sum of $28,632,109 (excl. GST).

(b)      That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.

(c)       That the proposed upgrade to Councillor accommodation on Level 4 at PHIVE, including the enhanced facilities in the three existing meeting rooms and the moveable concierge desk and councillor support facilities as shown in Concept Plan AR5-6201 dated 24 August 2023 be funded from the balance of the project budget for the 9 Wentworth Street Future Workplace Build and Fitout, noting that the cost of the works is estimated at $200,000.

(d)      That the CEO commence all necessary action to expand Council’s occupation onto the Ground Floor of 9 Wentworth Street to include enhanced Lord Mayor and Councillor facilities, additional councillor support/staff workstations and to provide a suitable civic and customer service presentation for visitors to the administration building.

(e)      That the CEO be authorised to commence immediate negotiations in regard to the cessation of the ground floor tenant lease and the preparation of concept designs to facilitate the occupation of the ground floor of the building, as described above. The costs associated with these actions shall be funded from the balance of the project budget for the 9 Wentworth Street Future Workplace Build and Fitout.

(f)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary Legal, contractual, and statutory documentation in connection with the completion of the Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout Project to the currently approved budget, as noted in this report.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Note:          Councillor Garrard left the meeting at 10.09pm and did not return to the meeting.


Note:          Councillor returned to Open Session at 10.10pm.


Note:          Councillor Wearne left the meeting at 10.12pm and did not return to the meeting.



Increase in Trees/Plants Available to Residents and Businesses in the Annual Tree/Plant Giveaway

(Report of Group Manager Parks & Open Space)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Bradley and Councillor Humphries)


(a)      That Council continues to provide up to four free plants to interested residents under the free tree/plant giveaway to a maximum limit of 4,000 plants per annum.

(b)      That Council include local businesses in the 2024 free tree/plant giveaway.

(c)       That Council does not expand the variety or type of trees or plants to non-native plants such as food/fruit trees or seasonal vegetables in 2024, with a review of this decision to occur following completion of the 2024 giveaway.

(d)      That the CEO investigate a potential increase to the budget as part of the 2024/25 budget process to increase the number and range of plants to be given away and to also investigate hosting a ‘tree giveaway’ event in each ward.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Local Government Boundary Adjustment between City of Parramatta Council and The Hills Shire Council (Winston Hills)

(Report of Senior Project Officer Place Services)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Prociv and Councillor Valjak)

(a)      That Council endorses the proposed boundary adjustment between the City of Parramatta Council and The Hills Shire Council.

(b)      That the Chief Executive Officer write to the General Manager of The Hills Shire Council advising the outcome of Council’s decision.

(c)       That Council submits the proposed boundary adjustment request under Section 218E of the Local Government Act 1993 to the Minister for Local Government, and NSW Geographic Names Board (GNB) of NSW for formal assignment and Gazettal under the Geographical Names Act 1996.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous




LATE REPORT: Review of the City of Parramatta Council Ward Boundaries

(Report of Chief Governance & Risk Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Prociv and Councillor Green)

That Council:

(a)      Agrees that the Rosehill Ward, Parramatta Ward and North Rocks Ward are the only wards affected by the redistribution of ward boundaries.

(b)      Adopts the proposed ward boundaries in Attachments 1 and 2 for public exhibition.

(c)       Places the proposed ward boundaries on public exhibition for a period of 28 days allowing for receipt of submissions for up to 42 days after the day on which the public exhibition commences.

(d)      Receives a report on the results of the public consultation, including any submissions received.

(e)      Submits to the NSW Electoral Commission for approval, the final redistributed ward boundaries and names of the Wards for the City of Parramatta.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


14.  Notices of Motion


Renaming Sydney Olympic Park Wharf to Wentworth Point Wharf

(Councillor Paul Noack)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero)

(a)      That Council note that the boundary adjustment for the buildings of Sanctuary and Jewel in Wentworth Point was gazetted on 14 July 2023 and the Geographic Names Board will update the NSW Address database accordingly.

(b)      That Council support the changing of the name Sydney Olympic Park Wharf to Wentworth Point Wharf.

(c)       That the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Transport, The Hon. Jo Haylen MP and the State Member for Parramatta, Donna Davis MP, calling on them to implement this name change without delay.

(d)      That the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Transport, The Hon. Jo Haylen MP to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


Note:       Councillor Green left the meeting at 10.44pm and did not return to the meeting.



Preparation of an Integrated Transport Strategy for City of Parramatta

(Councillor Georgina Valjak)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Valjak and Councillor Wang)

(a)      That the Chief Executive Officer prepare a scope that includes an estimated cost and timeline for the preparation of an Integrated Transport Strategy for the Parramatta local government area to inform the 2024/2025 DPOP and budget processes and report back to Council by April 2024.

(b)      That this work be coordinated with the preparation of Council's Advocacy Strategy in 2023/24.

(c)       That Council continues to advocate for its transport priorities including commitment to and delivery of Sydney Metro West and Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 and advocacy for rail connections from Parramatta to Norwest, Epping and Kogarah via Bankstown (River Rail) and west to the Western Sydney Airport.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous



Free Parking for Persons Attending Council Meetings

(Councillor Kellie Darley)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Darley and Councillor Prociv)

(a)      That Council provide free parking at Parramatta Square Carpark for members of the public when attending a Council meeting, accessible 1 hour prior to the start of the Council meeting.

(b)      That the CEO determine the best way for this to be executed, given the ticketless parking system, and make available details of the process on Council’s website and within the carpark.

(c)       That for the period 1 September 2023 to 31 March 2024, the CEO maintain monthly records of the number of persons seeking free parking for attendance at Council meetings, and the resultant loss of income arising from the introduction of the free parking arrangements, for consideration by Council during the 2024/25 Budget (fees and charges) preparation process.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous


15.  Questions with Notice


Question with Notice - Spring Garden Competition

(Report of Councillor Kellie Darley)





Executive Director City Assets and Operations response (in blue):


1.   Will the Spring Garden Competition be held in 2023?


The City of Parramatta’s Spring Garden Competition was held annually coordinated by Council’s Open Space staff. The competition was placed on hold in 2022, to review its performance and effectiveness. The competition invited the local community and organisations to enter their gardens competing across eight different categories for a cash prize. Prize-winners in the individual category were awarded $400 and organisational categories awarded $500.


2.   What were the findings of a review of the competition, after it was put on hold in 2022?


The review of the competition found that over the last 5 years the competition attracted an average of 39 entrants per year. The LGA has 106,000 households so the competition attracted 0.1% of households. There was a very high rate of entrants participating in the same category each year.  The cost of running the competition was as follows:

·    Prize pool $3500

·    digital marketing budget $1500

·    Professional photography budget $1000.

·    Staff administration time $8,000

o TOTAL: $14,000


In summary the competition was found to be poorly subscribed and had a relatively low level of community engagement for the cost involved in running it. It is not recommended to continue the competition in 2023.


3.   How else does Council support residents to increase biodiversity and habitat across our LGA, plus improve the amenity of streetscapes, through gardens in front and backyard and balconies?


Council runs other programs with much higher participation rates that aim to increase biodiversity and habitat across our LGA, plus improve the amenity of gardens and streetscapes. These include;

·      Free tree plant giveaway (an annual event held September this year)

·      Free indigenous plant giveaway for National Tree Day participants (held in July annually)

·      Free indigenous plant giveaway for World Environment Day at the Parramatta Farmers Markets

·      Webinar – Creating small bird habitat in your backyard

·      Two workshops per year on creating frog backyard habitat

·      Two workshops per year on caring for native bees in your backyards called ‘Hive and Seek – Native Bee Program’

·      Four workshops per year on Grow Our Own Food Program

·      Encouragement of verge gardens via Council’s website

·      Promotion of the Habitat Steppingstones Program to encourage residents to pledge and create wildlife habitat at their property.




Question Taken on Notice at the 14 August 2023 Council

(Report of Council Secretariat & Registers Officer)     



Councillor Darley asked a question on Item 12.2: Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 23 February 2023


The Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) meeting was held in February, and Council has only received the minutes in August, noting that the minutes are to be confirmed by the ARIC before it comes to Council.  Why is there a delay in receiving the minutes of the February ARIC meeting?


Executive Director Finance and Information Response:


The current process for ARIC minutes is as follows:

1.   The draft unconfirmed minutes are supplied by Governance to the Coordinator Internal Audit (Convenor of the meeting) for review and clarification of any issues with staff soon after the meeting.

2.   The draft unconfirmed minutes are then reviewed by the Risk and Audit Manager and then sent to the Chairperson for review.

3.   The reviewed, draft unconfirmed minutes are circulated to the remaining ARIC members for review and comment.

4.   Any necessary edits from the above reviews are incorporated into the minutes, which are now deemed to be ‘finalised’, but remain unconfirmed.

5.   The unconfirmed minutes are then included in the business papers for the next quarterly ARIC meeting, for ratification. When the ARIC meeting ratifies the minutes, they are now deemed to be confirmed minutes.

6.   Following ratification, the confirmed minutes are reported to an ordinary meeting of Council.


Noting the above, it can be expected for Council to receive the confirmed ARIC minutes approximately 4 to 4.5 months after the relevant meeting.




Note:       The recommendation of the Closed Session in relation to Item 16.3 (Tender ITT 25/2022 – City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout) be received and noted as a resolution of Council without any alteration or amendment thereto.




Tender ITT 25/2022 – City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout

(Report of Group Manager – Project Delivery)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne)

(a)      That Council award the contract for the City of Parramatta Council Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout to FDC Fitout and Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd, for the contract sum of $28,632,109 (excl. GST).

(b)      That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.

(c)       That the proposed upgrade to Councillor accommodation on Level 4 at PHIVE, including the enhanced facilities in the three existing meeting rooms and the moveable concierge desk and councillor support facilities as shown in Concept Plan AR5-6201 dated 24 August 2023 be funded from the balance of the project budget for the 9 Wentworth Street Future Workplace Build and Fitout, noting that the cost of the works is estimated at $200,000.

(d)      That the CEO commence all necessary action to expand Council’s occupation onto the Ground Floor of 9 Wentworth Street to include enhanced Lord Mayor and Councillor facilities, additional councillor support/staff workstations and to provide a suitable civic and customer service presentation for visitors to the administration building.

(e)      That the CEO be authorised to commence immediate negotiations in regard to the cessation of the ground floor tenant lease and the preparation of concept designs to facilitate the occupation of the ground floor of the building, as described above. The costs associated with these actions shall be funded from the balance of the project budget for the 9 Wentworth Street Future Workplace Build and Fitout.

(f)        That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary Legal, contractual, and statutory documentation in connection with the completion of the Future Workplace Base Build and Fitout Project to the currently approved budget, as noted in this report.

Record of Voting:

For the Motion: Unanimous





The meeting concluded at 10.55pm.

This page and the preceding 22 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 28 August 2023 and confirmed on Monday, 11 September 2023.






