All those present should be aware that this Briefing meeting is being recorded.

All recordings will be confidential and comply with NSW workplace surveillance legislation. Your presence at this meeting will be taken as your consent.

The recordings will be used by Council staff for the purpose of taking minutes and they will not be used or disclosed in any other way, except as required by law.











To provide advice on Traffic Engineering matters when the item does not require use of the Delegation of Authority from TfNSW to Council to regulate traffic.



Ward: Rosehill

State Electorate: Parramatta


Recommendation to Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:

That the update regarding improvements on Hill Road, Wentworth Point be noted.



Ward: Various

State Electorate: Various


Recommendation to Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:

That the information regarding proposed projects for 2023/24 to 2026/27 to be funded from Developer Contributions be noted.



Ward: Various

State Electorate: Various


Recommendation to Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:

That the information regarding proposed traffic projects on State and Regional Roads for the purposes of accommodating development growth, improving access to main roads, or reducing congestion that are a priority for implementation, or further investigation be noted.


Ward: All

State Electorate: All


Recommendation to Traffic Engineering Advisory Group:

1.    That the Projects Lists for proposed traffic works be received and noted.

2.    That the two (2) traffic projects that have been completed since the last TEAG meeting be noted.






Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Agenda Item


2307 B1


Hill Road, Wentworth Point – Update on the proposed improvements on Hill Road


City of Parramatta Council


Traffic and Transport Investigations Engineer









The purpose of this report is to provide an update to Council regarding improvements on Hill Road, Wentworth Point.




That the update regarding improvements on Hill Road, Wentworth Point be noted.




Council, at its meeting held on 14 March 2022 considered a report regarding Hill Road and resolved:


1.    That a monthly update be provided to Ward Councillors regarding the status of the Federal Funding application under its Stimulus Program.

2.    That should the outcomes of the Federal Funding be unsuccessful or not received by end of July 2022, that Council will endeavour to secure alternative funding for the traffic signal upgrade at Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, to ensure these works are completed in the 2022/23 financial year.

3.    That Council continue to contact the developer advising of Council’s resolution calling for the urgent construction of the planned roundabout and street crossing at the corner of Hill Road and Burroway Road.

4.    Further, that updates on both projects referred to in this report be provided to each meeting of the Parramatta Traffic Committee and included in the minutes reported to Council until the projects are complete.

In addition, an email from Councillor Noack was received on 5 April 2022 requesting the following items also be included within each TEAG agenda:


1.    As per Council resolution a report on the work being done on the traffic lights at the corner of Bennelong Parkway and Hill Road

2.    As per Council resolution a report on work being done on the roundabout and pedestrian crossing at Hill Road and Burroway Road

3.    Update on lighting on Hill Road. This is the change to LED lightning

4.    Update on drainage for Hill Road

5.    Haslams Creek Bridge Update on Bennelong Road

6.    Crossing from Wentworth Common across Bennelong Road



Proposed Traffic Signals at Bennelong Parkway Intersection


Civil Works have now commenced for the traffic signals at the intersection of Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway. However, Ausgrid has advised Council that it has been impacted by a cable fault on a critical transmission feeder located in the Homebush area. Therefore, to ensure critical supply is maintained to the rest of the network while the fault is being repaired, Ausgrid has placed a pause on all excavations along the route of any supporting cable feeders. This includes some of the civil works required for Council’s Traffic Signals project at this intersection.


The current duration of the of the pause is forecasted to be until 18 July 2023. This date could change if there are unforeseen circumstances.


During the pause in June, the contractor has completed the following works:


-       Decommissioned the street light poles on the grassed island and temporarily replaced these with solar lights.

-       Streetlighting column foundations were installed on the slip lane.

-       Drainage works were undertaken in the grassed island.

-       Optus assets have been relocated.


In July during the pause period, the contractor is expected to complete the following works:


-       Streetlighting works in Hill Road on the south side of Bennelong Parkway

-       Works on the traffic control signal footings in Bennelong Parkway

-       Works on the traffic control signal posts on the west side of Hill Road subject to approval from TfNSW


As a result of this disruption, the project is now likely to achieve practical completion in September 2023.


As advised in the previous TEAG reports on the subject, Council has a dedicated webpage which provides the community with updates on the projects. ‘What’s Happening Here’ corflute signs have been installed around the site which have a QR Code link to this page. The page can be accessed through the below link: pedestrian-signals-at-wentworth-point



Federal Election Commitments

As part of a Federal Election promise, the Federal Government has committed $8.5 million for the upgrade of Hill Road, Wentworth Point. It is envisaged that these funds will be utilised to implement various components of the Hill Road Masterplan which include but are not limited to the following:


1.    Lighting and street furniture upgrades in Hill Road

2.    Stormwater Drainage Works

3.    Holistic Public Domain Improvements


The relevant federal department has confirmed that the funding will be provided under the Infrastructure Investment Program. At the request of the department, Council is currently finalising a comprehensive Project Proposal Report which is anticipated to be submitted by the end of this month.


It is to be noted that while the funding is committed, Council is required to follow set processes before projects which will utilise these funds can commence.


Proposed roundabout and pedestrian crossing at Burroway Road intersection


In response to a Notice of Motion regarding the delivery of a proposed roundabout and pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Hill Road and Burroway Road, Wentworth Point, Council at its meeting on 24 April 2023 resolved in part as follows:


That Council allow Sekisui House Australia (Sekisui) to complete the planned and required project for a roundabout and pedestrian facilities at the intersection of Hill Road and Burroway Road, Wentworth Point, as this is the quickest and lowest cost option for the overall project based on advice from the developer.


Council provided feedback in early April 2023 to the latest Civil Design package submitted by the developer, Sekisui House. Since then, Sekisui have confirmed acceptance of the feedback and are working to update the plans for the final approval of Council prior to commencing construction. As per the latest advice from Sekisui on 5 July 2023, it is anticipated that the revised detail design will be received by mid-July 2023.


Pedestrian Refuge Island in Hill Road at Half Street (Updated)


Council has previously approved the concept design of a pedestrian refuge island in Hill Road, Wentworth Point immediately north of Half Street as shown in Figure 1 below (ref. PTC 2202 A4). The preliminary cost estimate for the works is $248,000. Council is considering funding this project within the 2023/24 financial year and is currently undertaking the detailed civil design of the facility.

Figure 1: A concept plan of a proposed pedestrian refuge island in Hill Road, Wentworth Point immediately north of Half Street




Proposed pedestrian and cyclist bridge at Haslams Creek on Bennelong Parkway and pedestrian refuge island in Bennelong Parkway at Wentworth Common


Council has appointed BECA to detail design a new pedestrian and cyclist bridge over Haslams Creek at Bennelong Parkway. The project also includes designing pedestrian and cyclist paths to connect to the west, and a refuge island south of existing road bridge at Wentworth Common (subject to Sydney Olympic Park Authority approval).


The bridge detail design has been delayed due to the Environmental Impact Statement matters and confirmation of refuge island’s alignment. Once the design has been finalised it will be placed on public exhibition for community feedback, which is now anticipated in the second half of 2023. Subject to the results of consultation and reporting to Council, Council would seek external grant funding for construction in the 2023/24 financial year.


Drainage upgrades for Hill Road


The Technical Civil Works Design Brief of the Stormwater Masterplan for Hill Road has now been completed. Council staff are currently investigating funding opportunities in order to engage a consultant to undertake the study for the drainage masterplan. Currently, it is intended to utilise parts of the Federal Election commitments for the upgrade of Hill Road.



Lighting upgrades for Hill Road


Council is currently working with Ausgrid, SOPA and electrical contractor to find a solution to handover of the street lighting assets in Hill Road which were never formally handed over to Ausgrid by Auburn Council at that time. It is noted that the light poles and lamps do not

currently meet Ausgrid’s requirements and therefore need to be upgraded before Ausgrid can accept them as their assets.


Currently, there are no Council funds allocated in completing the required upgrade works, however, it is noted that Council plans to utilise parts of the $8.5 million Federal Election commitments for the upgrade of Hill Road as a source of funds to upgrade lighting once the funds are made available. The lighting will be made compliant to both Ausgrid and Australian Standards and the assets will be handed over to Ausgrid at the completion of the project.





This report only provides an update on the proposed traffic improvements and other proposed works on Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point and Sydney Olympic Park. Therefore, this matter has no financial impact upon Council's budget.


Behzad Saleh

Traffic and Transport Investigations Engineer


Attachments –  Nil




Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Agenda Item


2307 B2


Development contributions projects nominated for completion 2023/24 to 2026/27


City of Parramatta Council


Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer









This report outlines current intentions for use of Development Contributions funds for traffic management and pedestrian safety projects for 2023/24 to 2026/27. The report also provides an opportunity for members of TEAG to provide comments on the prioritisation of projects.




That the information regarding proposed projects for 2023/24 to 2026/27 to be funded from Developer Contributions be noted.




The City of Parramatta (Council) has two current development contribution plans, the City of Parramatta (Outside CBD) Development Contributions Plan 2021 (Amendment 1), effective from 9 May 2023, and the Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022, effective from 14 October 2022.


Council also has several legacy plans that contain funds in their reserves to be used in accordance with the plan. The plans outside of the CBD plan that still have significant funds are listed below:


·       Carter Street Precinct Development Contributions Plan 2016

·       City of Parramatta S94 Development Contributions Plan (formerly Hornsby LGA Land and Epping Town Centre)

·       City of Parramatta S94A Development Contributions Plan (former Hills LGA Land)

·       Parramatta Section 94A Development Contributions Plan (Amendment No. 5)

·       Section 94 Development Contributions Plan – Carlingford Precinct (Contribution Plan No. 14)


The predecessor plans to the Parramatta City Centre Plan are listed below:

·       The Parramatta CBD Development Contributions Plan 2007 (Amendment 5)

In addition to these funds Council also receives grants in varying amounts per year for pedestrian safety and traffic management projects. Generally, these grants are administered by Transport for NSW (TfNSW), though much of the funding is provided by the Federal Government.


Projects proposed for 2023/24 to 2026/27


The proposed projects to be funded from development contributions plans for traffic management and pedestrian safety projects from 2023/24 to 2026/27 are detailed in Tables 1 to 4 below. These lists are subject to funding being available in the various plans, grant funding that may be provided, and Council approval (both for funding and approval through the PTC process).




Cost - Contributions Plan/Reserve

Fitzwilliam Road at Tucks Road, Toongabbie

Install roundabout (Design only)


·  Former Parramatta s94A Plan

Ray Road at Kent Street, Epping

Install raised pedestrian crossing

(Design and construct)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

North Rocks Road at Loyalty Road, North Rocks

Install roundabout (Design only)


·  Former Hills s94A (excluding Carlingford Precinct)

Carlingford Road at Hepburn Avenue, Carlingford

Install traffic control signals - TfNSW plan checking fees and utility services relocations (Complete Design and Commence



·  $450k - Former Hornsby & Epping Town Centre s94 Plan

Table 1: Projects nominated for completion in 2023/24














Cost - Contributions Plan/Reserve

Fitzwilliam Road at Tucks Road, Toongabbie

Install roundabout (Construct only)


·  $45k - Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

·  $755k - Former Parramatta s94A Plan

Parkes Street at Wigram Street, Harris Park

Install eastbound right turn bay (Design only)


·  Parramatta City Centre Civic Improvement Plan

·  Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022

North Rocks Road at Loyalty Road, North Rocks

Install roundabout (Construct only)


·  Former Hills s94A (excluding Carlingford Precinct)

Thomas Street at Morton Street, Parramatta

Install roundabout (Design only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Midson Road at Grant Close, Epping

Install raised pedestrian crossing

(Design only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Macarthur Street at Albert Street East, North Parramatta

Install raised pedestrian crossing

(Design only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Carlingford Road at Hepburn Avenue, Carlingford

Install traffic control signals

(Construct only)


·  $1.15m - Former Hornsby & Epping Town Centre s94 Plan

·  $400k - Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Table 2: Projects nominated for completion in 2024/25





Cost - Contributions Plan/Reserve

Parkes Street at Wigram Street, Harris Park

Install eastbound right turn bay

(Design only)


·  Parramatta City Centre Civic Improvement Plan

·  Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022

Thomas Street at Morton Street, Parramatta

Install roundabout (Construct only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Midson Road at Grant Close, Epping

Install raised pedestrian crossing

(Construct only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Macarthur Street at Albert Street East, North Parramatta

Install raised pedestrian crossing

(Construct only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Gladstone Street at Brickfield Street and at Buller Street, North Parramatta

Install two roundabouts (Design only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Table 3: Projects nominated for completion in 2025/26




Cost - Contributions Plan/Reserve

Parkes Street at Wigram Street, Harris Park

Install eastbound right turn bay

(Construct only)


·  Parramatta City Centre Civic Improvement Plan

·  Parramatta City Centre Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022

Gladstone Street at Brickfield

Street and at Buller Street, North Parramatta

Install two roundabouts (Construct only)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

Yates Avenue between Alexander Street and McKay Street, Dundas Valley

Install a continuous footpath

(Design and construct)


·  Outside CBD Contributions Plan 2021

            Table 4: Projects nominated for completion in 2026/27


Methodology of nominating projects


The methodology of selecting projects from the development contributions plans comprises a mixture of quantitative and qualitative analysis.


The rationale for undertaking a project encompasses various factors including the need to:

·       rectify an accident-prone location

·       enhance pedestrian safety at locations with a pedestrian desire line

·       address concerns related to anti-social driving behaviors

·       mitigate traffic speed-related issues

·       safeguard vulnerable road users such as young and old pedestrians

·       accommodate urban development growth

·       upgrade existing non-compliant traffic facilities to current standards

·       improve access from side streets to major roads


In understanding these needs, Council staff use knowledge of the Local Government Area, and feedback received from the community to identify potential projects. Relevant data including accident records, traffic and pedestrian volumes, road characteristics (e.g. speed limit, sight distance, and gradient), and adjacent land use information is analysed. Consideration is given to the potential future impacts of TfNSW infrastructure projects, state significant developments (e.g. schools) and other major developments. The probability of a project being funded from other sources is also considered.

Sketch plans for some of the nominated projects are shown in the attachment.




This report is for information only and does not commit Council to any of the projects. The estimated cost of these projects is $8,500,000. These projects are proposed to be funded by Development Contributions, noting that the availability of funds will need to be reviewed each financial year to confirm availability.

Randil Pohorambage

Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer


Attachments –  A. Sketch Plans
























Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Agenda Item


2307 B3


Traffic Projects on State and Regional Roads


City of Parramatta Council


Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer









This report provides a list of proposed traffic projects on State and Regional Roads for the purposes of accommodating development growth, improving access to main roads, or reducing congestion that are a priority for implementation, or further investigation.



That the information regarding proposed traffic projects on State and Regional Roads for the purposes of accommodating development growth, improving access to main roads, or reducing congestion that are a priority for implementation, or further investigation be noted.




The proposed future projects on State and Regional Roads are detailed in Tables 1 to 3 below and shown in the map attached to this report. The list would be used for future planning purposes and could be considered if/when future funding opportunities arise.



Description or purpose

Fitzwilliam Road at Tucks Road, Toongabbie

Install roundabout

Carlingford Road/Hepburn Avenue, Carlingford

Install traffic signals

Parkes Street at Wigram Street, Harris Park

Install eastbound right turn bay

North Rocks Road at Loyalty Road, North Rocks

Install roundabout

Table 1: Proposed Council funded projects



Description or purpose

Victoria Road, Rydalmere

Provide continuous bus lane in westbound direction

Cumberland Highway/Darcy Road, Wentworthville

Upgrade intersection to reduce westbound queuing – treatment to be determined

Windsor Road between James Ruse Drive and Churchill Drive, Northmead

Provide 2 full time northbound lanes on Windsor Road and remove tidal flow arrangements. Southbound bus

lane to become full time.

Pennant Hills Road at Jenkins Road, Carlingford

Lengthen right turn bay into Jenkins Road

Pennant Hills Road at Moseley Street, Carlingford

Install traffic signals

Carlingford Road/Beecroft Road and Carlingford Road/Rawson Street/Ray Road, Epping

Upgrade intersections – treatments yet to be determined

Pennant Hills Road at Evans Road, Carlingford

Install traffic signals

Kissing Point Road/Quarry Road, Dundas Valley

Address overflowing right turn bay into Quarry Road

Parramatta Road/Alfred Street, Granville

Install traffic signals and extend Alfred Street to Cowper Street

Victoria Road, Rydalmere

Provide continuous bus lane in westbound direction

James Ruse Drive/Grand Avenue/ Hassall Street, Rosehill

Upgrade intersection to increase capacity

Table 2: Proposed future projects – Various funding sources




Holker Street/Silverwater Road, Silverwater

Road widening Click Link

Hill Road between Parramatta Road and John Ian Wing Parade, Lidcombe

Road widening and new intersection Click Link

Pennant Hills Road and North Rocks Road, Carlingford

Road widening Click Link

Pennant Hills Road and Carlingford Road, Carlingford

Road widening Click Link

Epping Road Rail Bridge, Epping

Widen bridge Click Link

Australia Avenue at Homebush Bay Drive, Sydney Olympic Park

Diverging Diamond Intersection Upgrade Click Link

Table 3: TfNSW future projects (with information currently available online)




Victoria Road/Kissing Point Road, Ermington

New leg of intersection as part of Melrose Park Development

Victoria Road/Wharf Road, Melrose Park

Road widening as part of Melrose Park development

Table 4: Future projects (to be completed as part of a development)


These upgrades are intended to accommodate growth, reduce congestion, or improve access from local roads to state or regional roads.


Upgrades around Westmead have been excluded from this report as Westmead is currently the subject of a NSW Government study called the Westmead Place-Based Transport Strategy.


A separate report titled ‘Development Contributions Projects Nominated for Completion 2023/24 to 2026/27’ has also been submitted to the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group for its meeting held on Wednesday, 19 July 2023. The report outlines current intentions for use of Development Contributions funds for traffic management and pedestrian safety projects. Note that the that the list below (taken from the attached plan) is also included in the list of projects to be completed by 2026/27 and funded form Developer Contributions.

·       Fitzwilliam Road at Tucks Road, Toongabbie – Install roundabout

·       North Rocks Road at Loyalty Road, North Rocks – Install roundabout

·       Carlingford Road at Hepburn Avenue, Carlingford – Install traffic signals

·       Parkes Street at Wigram Street, Harris Park – Install eastbound right turn bay


For most projects it is clear which organization would be responsible for funding and implementing the project. However, for a small number of projects it is not yet clear whether they would be funded by a specific development, or by TfNSW, or external grant, or Council’s Council Development Contributions Plans.




This report is for information only.

Randil Pohorambage

Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer


Attach – Map of projects





Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Agenda Item


2307 B4


Projects Recently Completed, Projects Currently Funded and Projects Lists for Consideration of Future Funding


City of Parramatta Council


Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer








This report provides information on traffic and pedestrian projects recently completed or currently funded and projects lists that City of Parramatta Council maintains for budget planning purposes.




1.    That the Projects Lists for proposed traffic works be received and noted.

2.    That the two (2) traffic projects that have been completed since the last TEAG meeting be noted.


Recently Completed Projects


Information on recently completed projects is provided below.


Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


1. Avenue of Oceania at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Sydney Olympic Park

Project Details:   Installation of raised combined pedestrian and cyclist crossing

Total cost of the project:      $275,807

Funding Details: Get NSW Active Program


Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding






2.     Intersection of:

·       Asquith Street and Melton Street North, Silverwater

·       Asquith Street and Stubbs Street, Silverwater

·       Stubbs Street and Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater

Project Details: Install raised median, kerb blisters, slow point and raised threshold at mid-block location and conflict points

Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding

Total cost of the project:      $83,785

Funding Details: Australian Government Black Spot


·       Asquith Street and Melton Street North, Silverwater

Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


·       Asquith Street and Stubbs Street, Silverwater


Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


·       Stubbs Street and Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater




Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


·       Asquith Street and Melton Street North, Silverwater

Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


·       Asquith Street and Stubbs Street, Silverwater


Projects Completed by Council Through Federal and State Funding


·       Stubbs Street and Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater


     Projects to be undertaken in 2023


Information regarding the progress on currently funded projects is provided at the start of the attachment to this report.


Future Projects


Traffic projects that are to be considered for future funding are categorised into one of four lists as detailed below:


·       Development Contributions Plan List - outside the Parramatta City Centre


Council adopted this list on 12 July 2021 as part of the City of Parramatta (Outside Parramatta CBD) Contributions Plan 2021 (refer to Tables 37 and 38 of the Plan via the link This list is prioritised into three categories; high (5 years), medium (5-10 years) and low (10-20 years). This work is proposed to be funded from Development Contributions, unless grant funding, a

Voluntary Planning Agreement, or other source of funding is obtained.


The Development Contributions Plan is reviewed and set approximately every 5 years. Therefore, the lists shown in Tables 37 and 38 of the City of Parramatta (Outside Parramatta CBD) Contributions Plan 2021 would also be set and fixed every 5 years (approximately) at the same time the Development Contributions Plan is approved by Council.


These projects have a range of purposes such as improving pedestrian safety and amenity; improving sight distance (or reducing speed where sight distance is limited); upgrading an existing facility; reducing congestion; guard rail or barriers; and reducing illegal or unsafe driving. The list includes projects that would be on the Black Spot list except they have a low Benefit Cost Ratio and would not attract grant funds. These projects are also considered for grant funding applications including new proposals that would be considered in the next review of the Development Contributions Plan.


·       Traffic Projects List – within the Parramatta City Centre


This list includes projects that are located within the Parramatta City Centre. These projects will generally be funded from the Parramatta City Centre Developer Contributions Plan.


·       Black Spot Projects List


This list is for the projects where funding is being or is proposed to be sought, from the State or Federal Government under their Black Spot and Safer Roads Programs.


The Black Spot locations generally have a high number of collisions, and the proposed work is forecast to have a significant reduction on accidents. Projects under Black Spot Program are ranked on Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR); whereas projects under Safer Roads Programs are ranked on Safety Performance Indicator (SPI). The individual funding programs also have different criteria regarding the number of accidents with injuries that have occurred. At present, a minimum of 2 injury accidents over a 5-year period is generally required for a project to be eligible for funding.


·       List of Traffic Projects Supported by Community Petition


This list includes locations where Council has received requests from at least 50% of households within the street for traffic calming to be installed in the street or part of the street. This support can be in the form of a petition or letters. Meeting this requirement demonstrates that the local community wants this treatment in the street. These streets often do not have a specific hazard, crash history, or concentration of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians. Often, in streets not on the list, many residents do not support traffic calming and have concerns regarding the installation of traffic calming, particularly in regard to perceptions of noise, loss of parking, and prioritisation of funds.


Development Contribution Funds are not suitable for these projects as these projects are not related to supporting growth in the area. These projects are generally unfunded.



Council’s Traffic and Transport Services maintains four (4) projects lists with the funding options as detailed below:


·       Development Contributions Plan list - outside the Parramatta City Centre:


These projects have been grouped into 3 categories of priority (high, medium, and long term). It is proposed to deliver the high priority projects from 2021/22 to 2025/26 using Development Contributions fund for part, or all projects.


Applications are also lodged for State and Federal Government funding for projects that would meet the requirements of funding applications at the time of lodgement. Applications are generally lodged between August and October each year for consideration under these programs.


·       Traffic Projects List – within the Parramatta City Centre:


These projects will generally be funded from the Parramatta City Centre Section 7.11 Contribution Plan (known as Civic Improvement Plan, CIP), unless otherwise noted.


·       Black Spot Projects List:


These projects will generally be funded from the State or Federal Government under their Blackspot and Safer Roads Programs. Applications are lodged between August and October each year for consideration under these programs.


·       List of Traffic Projects Supported by Community Petition:


These projects could be funded from General Revenue. Councillors may wish to use part of the ward initiatives budget to deliver these projects.


Approved External Funding for the 2022/23 Projects is detailed below:


·      Council has received a 100% funding offer totalling $454,000 under the FY22/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program for four (4) traffic projects. Refer to ‘Blackspot Projects List’ section of the attachment for details.

·      Council has received a 100% funding offer under the State Government’s FY22/23 Get NSW Active program for the construction of the following traffic facility projects:

-      Avenue of Oceania at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Newington - $240,000 for the construction of a combined pedestrian and cyclists crossing

-      M4 Cycleway at Good Street and Alfred Street, Granville - $600,000 for the construction of two combined pedestrian and cyclist crossings

-      Orchard Road at Plympton Road, Carlingford - $250,000 for the construction of a raised pedestrian crossing

-      Alamein Avenue, Carlingford - $240,000 for the construction of a raised pedestrian crossing

-      Victoria Street at Bridge Street, Epping - $250,000 for the construction of a combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing

-      John Ian Wing Parade, Sydney Olympic Park - $240,000 for the construction of a combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing


Internal Funding:


·       Council’s Draft Delivery Program and Operational Plan generally allocates funding for the delivery of traffic projects using Development Contributions Funds. Due to the recent grant funding offers received from Get NSW Active and the capacity to deliver projects in short time frames, the amount from Active Transport Funding was reduced in 2022/23 with the only project being the pedestrian refuge island in Park Parade near the Parramatta Aquatic Centre.


·       Several smaller items are funded through Ward Initiative Funds and/or the PTC traffic facilities fund.

·       Construction works has commenced on-site for the traffic signals at the intersection of Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point. This project has funding available as part of Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan which includes $3.85 million allocated specifically for the upgrade of the Hill Road and Bennelong Parkway intersection in the 2022/23 financial year.


Randil Pohorambage

Senior Traffic and Transport Engineer


Attachments –  A. Project Lists


Projects for 2023




Treatment Type



Ward: Epping; SED: Epping

Alamein Avenue west of Bardia Road, Carlingford

Construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing


Project awarded and expected to commence in July 2023.

This project has received 100% from the State Government’s Get NSW Active program

Contractor has been appointed.

Carlingford Road at Hepburn Avenue, Carlingford

Design and cost estimate for new traffic signals.


Traffic Control Signal (TCS) plan has been submitted to TfNSW for review and approval. This is design is 100% funded by Council.

Funding application has been lodged to TfNSW under Federal Government’s Stimulus Program.

Orchard Road north of North Rocks Road and Plympton Road, Beecroft

Construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing


RFQ has commenced. Expected to be completed by December 2023.

This project has received 100% from the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.

Contractor has been appointed.

Victoria Street, Epping

Construction of a combined raised pedestrian and cyclist crossing


Construction drawing is currently being prepared. Expected to be completed by December 2023.

This project has received 100% from the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.

Ward: North Rocks; SED: Seven Hills

Intersection of Caroline Chisholm Drive and Hillcrest Avenue, Winston Hills

Install speed cushions at all approaches to the roundabout

$16,956 (Actual)

Completed in April 2023.

This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.

Ward: Parramatta; SED: Seven Hills



Treatment Type



Fitzwilliam Road at Binalong Road and Reynolds Street, Old Toongabbie (Toongabbie Public School)

Install missing kerb ramps on the west leg and upgrade existing kerb ramps to current standards and install a channelised right turn treatment for motorists exiting Reynolds Street


Completed in March 2023.

This project is 100% funded by Federal Government under its Stimulus Commitments on Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure).

Intersection of Bulli Road and Binalong Road, Toongabbie

Install speed cushions on all approaches to the roundabout


Completed in May 2023.

This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program

Ward: Rosehill; SED: Granville

Parramatta Road at Marsh Street, Clyde

Construction of pedestrian/cyclist legs on existing signals at Parramatta Road- Marsh Street along with connecting shared paths along Parramatta Road between M4 Cycleway/Duck River/Parkline


The project has been completed in March 2023.

This project is 100% funded by NSW Government’s Active Transport Program for its construction in 2020/21.

M4 Cycleway at Good Street and Alfred Street, Granville

Construct combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing


Under Procurement. This project is expected to be completed by December 2023.

This project has received 100% from the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.

Ward: Rosehill; SED: Parramatta

Asquith Street, Stubbs Street and Beaconsfield Street, Silverwater

  Install speed cushions, median islands and kerb blister islands in Asquith Street at Stubbs Street and at Melton Street N and

  Install speed cushions at all approaches to the roundabout at the

intersection of Stubbs Street and Beaconsfield Street

$83,785 (Actual)

Construction finished in May 2023.

This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.

Park Parade south side of railway line at pedestrian underpass to Parramatta Park, Westmead

Construct a pedestrian refuge with kerb extension and pedestrian fencing


Under Construction.

This project is 100% funded by Council through its 2022/23 Active Transport Program (from Parramatta CBD Development Contributions Plan).



Treatment Type



Intersection of High Street at Raymond Street, Parramatta

Install a raised pedestrian crossing in High St (north leg) and speed cushions at other 3 legs.


This project is expected to be completed by December 2023.

This project is 100% funded by the 2022/23 Australian Government Black Spot Program.

Ward: Rosehill; SED: Auburn

Albion Street, Harris Park

Construction of 3 speed humps


Under construction.

This project is 100% funded by Council from its Ward Initiative, PTC Traffic Facilities, and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Block Grant funds.

Avenue of Oceania at Louise Sauvage Pathway, Newington

Construction of combined raised pedestrian and cyclist crossing

$275,807 (Actual)

Construction finished in May 2023.

This project has received 100% from the State Government’s Get NSW Active program.

Bennelong Parkway at the Pizza, Wentworth Point

Install linemarking and rubber blister island


Approved through the PTC February 2023 process. Construction planned for mid-2023.

This Project is 100% funded by Council.

Hill Road at Bennelong Parkway, Wentworth Point

Construction of new Traffic Signals


Construction has commenced.

This project is 100% funded by Council.

John Ian Wing Parade, Newington

Construct combined raised pedestrian and cyclists crossing at Louise Savauge Pathway


Under Procurement.

Construction is 100% funded under the FY22/23 Get NSW Active program.



Black Spot Projects List



Treatment Type

Estimated Cost

Injury Accidents (over 5-year Period)

that can be treated by the


Funding Status



Redbank Road at Balmoral Road, Northmead

To be investigated in liaise with TfNSW



Not yet funded

Application for the installation of speed cushions was unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23. TfNSW suggested that other

options be considered for this location.


Carnarvon St at Melton St North, Silverwater

Install a chicane



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal and State Governments’ Black Spot Programs in 2022/23.


Intersection of Ballandella Road and Burrabogee Road, Toongabbie

Install a roundabout



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23.


Intersection of Melton Street North and Beaconsfield Road,


Install a roundabout



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23.


Intersection of Bulli Road at Bungaree Road, Toongabbie

Install a roundabout



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23.


Loyalty Road and North Rocks Road, North Rocks

Install a roundabout



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23,


Gladstone Street at Brickfield Street and

at Buller Street, North Parramatta

Install two roundabouts



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal Stimulus Program in 2022/23.


Martha Street at Wentworth Street and, Clyde

Install raised thresholds on both approaches to Wentworth Street



Not yet funded



Derby St at Wetherill Street North, Silverwater

Install raised thresholds in Derby Street at both



Not yet funded

Unsuccessful for funding under Federal and State Governments’ Black Spot Programs in 2022/23.




Treatment Type

Estimated Cost

Injury Accidents (over 5-year Period)

that can be treated by the


Funding Status




approaches to Wetherill St North






Bold Street south of Cowper Street, Granville

Ward: Rosehill SED: Granville

Install a raised threshold



Not yet funded

Liaising with TfNSW to determine the appropriate treatment options for this location.

Reviewed the crash history and noted that the appropriate treatments cannot be installed at the intersection

due to following reasons:

·    Close proximity to two traffic signals (at Parramatta Road and at Railway Parade)

·    Required to maintain 3 travel lanes (including a bus lane) in the northbound and 2 travel lanes in the southbound directions.

·    Required to maintain right turn access between Bold Street and Cowper Street (west leg)



Traffic Projects supported by Community Petition


Proposed Treatment

Year Included on List

Ward: Epping;

Lexington Avenue at Raimonde Road, Eastwood

Concrete median islands


George Street, Epping

Chicanes (2)


Ward: Parramatta

Ballandella Road between Fitzwilliam Road and Barangaroo Road, Toongabbie

Raised Thresholds or Chicanes (2)


Frances Street, Northmead

Speed humps (3) or chicanes (2)


Harris Street, Constitution Hill

Speed Humps (3)


Ward: North Rocks

Barnetts Road, Winston Hills



Ward: Rosehill

Alice Street between Alfred and Arthur Streets

Speed Humps (2)


Deakin Street, Silverwater (between Stubbs Street and the cul-de-sac)

Speed Humps