

Council Meeting

Monday, 24 July 2023






Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta
















The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Donna Davis, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries, Cameron Maclean, Paul Noack, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, opened the meeting at 6:41pm.




The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.




The Lord Mayor advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.




Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Bradley and Councillor Wearne)


That the request to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 24 July 2023 via remote means submitted by Councillor Noack be accepted.






Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 10 July 2023



RESOLVED (Councillor Darley and Councillor Wearne)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.





There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.


8.      Minutes of the Lord Mayor


90th Birthday of First Lord Mayor, Mr Alan Hyam OAM

(Report by The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED      (The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey)


(a)     That Council recognise the first Lord Mayor of City of Parramatta, Mr Alan Aizley Hyam OAM, acknowledging his 90th birthday on 26 July 2023.

(b)     Further, that Council write to the former Lord Mayor to congratulate him on this significant milestone and his legacy in the City of Parramatta. 



NSW Government Grant - $10.6 million Civic Link Funding

(Report by The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED (The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Bradley)


(a)    That Council notes the NSW Government’s allocation of $10.6 million from the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund to help deliver the final section of the City of Parramatta’s Civic Link project; and


(b)    Further, that Council notes the Civic Link will be city-shaping infrastructure, providing a green-canopied pedestrian corridor connecting Parramatta’s CBD with the River foreshore.




NSW Government Commitment - $2.5 million Caloola Road Reserve Upgrade

(Report by The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED (The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Bradley)


(a)     That Council notes the NSW Government’s election commitment of $2.5 million to upgrade Caloola Road Reserve to transform it into a permanent park; and


(b)     Further, that the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Hon. Paul Scully MP to request a meeting to discuss the progression of the commitment to provide the local community with a high-quality public park at Caloola Reserve.


National Tree Day 2023

(Report by The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED (The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillor Darley)


(a)     That Council celebrates City of Parramatta’s upcoming National Tree Day 2023 event on 30 July at Upjohn Park Reserve.

(b)     That Council notes that up to 1500 free trees will be given out to residents, on a first come first served basis (limited to one plant per person).

(c)     That Council congratulates Council staff and volunteers who will plant 10,000 native plants at the event into the Ecologically Endangered Community at Upjohn Park, Ermington, totalling 30,000 native plants placed in this area over the past 3 years.


(d)     Further, that Council notes its appreciation for the people and organisations participating in the National Tree Day event and volunteering their time to contribute to the City of Parramatta’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy goals.


9.      Public Forum

There were no public speakers at this meeting.

10.    Petitions

There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.

Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Humphries and Councillor Wearne)


That the order of business on the agenda be amended to consider Councillor Noack’s Notice of Motion Item 14.1 Proposed Suburb Boundary Adjustment - Harris Park first, as he is attending the meeting online from overseas and the difference in the time zone.



Proposed Suburb Boundary Adjustment - Harris Park

(Report by Councillor Noack)



MOTION            (Councillor Humphries and Councillor Noack)


That a report  come to Council to consider options for a suburb boundary review in Harris Park consistent with the Geographical Names Board review requirements by end of October 2023.



AMENDMENT  (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang)


(a)      That Council commence the process for boundary adjustments to the suburb of Harris Park and further boundaries around Harris Park that are also generally consistent with the guidelines of the Geographical Names Board.


(b)      Further, that Council consider a suburb boundary review process across the local government area in line with the Geographical Names Board review requirements.


The Amendment on being PUT to the meeting was LOST.


The Motion on being PUT to the meeting was CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Councillor Humphries and Councillor Noack)

That a report  come to Council to consider options for a suburb boundary review in Harris Park consistent with the Geographical Names Board review requirements by end of October 2023.



11.    Rescission Motions



DEFERRED from OCM 26 June 2023 Notice of Motion of Rescission: Item 11.1: Proposed Suburb Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park and Parramatta (Item 13.3 from Ordinary Council Meeting of 13 June 2023)

(Report by Councillor Garrard)



MOTION            (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero)


That the resolution of Council dated 13 June 2023 in relation to Item 13.3 – Deferred Item from Council Meeting of 13 March 2023: Proposed Suburb Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park and Parramatta, namely:


(a)     That Council refuse the request from the developers of ‘Parkes 88’ at 14-20 Parkes Street, Harris Park (ALAND Development) for Council to commence the boundary adjustment process to realign the suburb boundary between Parramatta and Harris Park to include properties north of Parkes Street, Harris Park.


(b)     Further, that ALAND Development be notified of Council’s decision.


be and is hereby rescinded.


On being PUT to the meeting, voting on this Motion was LOST.



Notice of Motion of Rescission: Item 13.7 Results of Community Consultation Popular Election of Lord Mayor and Referendum Question (from OCM 10 July 2023 )

(Report by Councillor MacLean)



MOTION            (Councillor MacLean and Councillor Esber)


That the resolution of the Council held on 10 July 2023 in relation to Item 13.7 –Results of Community Consultation Popular Election of Lord Mayor and Referendum Question, namely:


That Council receive and note the report and not proceed further (status quo)


be and is hereby rescinded.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Humphries, MacLean, Noack and Prociv.


Against the Motion: Councillors Garrard, Green, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this Motion was nine (9) votes FOR and six (6) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED. Councillor Esber moved a new Motion.


MOTION            (Councillor Esber and Councillor Darley)


(a)      That arising from the recent community consultation and the significant level of public support received for the idea of holding a constitutional referendum for a popularly elected mayor, Council proceed with the next steps towards holding such a referendum in September 2024 by conducting community consultation on Council models as advised by the CEO.


(b)      Further, that a report be submitted to Council on 11 September 2023 on the results of the community consultation and the statutory process should Council wish to proceed with a constitutional referendum in September 2024.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, Councillors, Darley, Davis, Esber, MacLean and Prociv.


Against the Motion: Councillors Bradley, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this Motion was six (6) votes FOR and nine (9) votes AGAINST. The Motion was LOST. Councillor Valjak moved a Foreshadowed Motion.




RESOLVED      (Councillor Valjak and Councillor Wearne)


(a)      That no further action be taken until full information is provided to residents.


(b)      Further, that a full education campaign be put in the 2024 DPOP for Community consultation in relation to the structure of Council, Council Wards and boundaries/Councillors role and the role of the Lord Mayor.


Record of Voting:


For the Motion: Councillors Bradley, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Noack, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


Against the Motion: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, Councillors, Darley, Davis, Esber, MacLean and Prociv.


On being PUT to the meeting voting on this Motion was nine (9) votes FOR and six (6) votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean)


That the meeting be adjourned, the time being 8:40pm.










At the time the meeting was reconvened, the following Councillors were present: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Garrard, Green, Maclean, Noack, Dr Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.


Council reconvened at 8:58pm


Councillor Humphries left the meeting at 8:40pm


Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


That Items 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, and 13.5 be resolved enbloc.



12.    Reports to Council - For Notation



Investment Report for June 2023

(Report by Tax and Treasury Accountant)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean)


That Council receive and note the Investment Report for June 2023.


13.    Reports to Council - For Council Decision



DEFERRED from OMC 22 May 2023: Item 13.1: Proposal to Name the Unnamed Laneway in Northmead

(Report by Senior Project Officer Place Services)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


(a)     That Council approve the preferred name of ‘Lizzie Lane’, for the unnamed laneway that is located between Balmoral Road and Briens Road, running parallel to Kleins Road, Northmead NSW 2152 (Attachment 1).


(b)     Further, that this name be referred to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) of NSW for formal assignment and Gazettal under the Geographical Names Act 1996.




Policies for Rescission: Keeping of Birds and Animals Policy, City Centre Lanes Policy

(Report by Policy Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


That Council approve the immediate rescission of the following Council Policies:


i.              319 - City Centre Lanes Policy

ii.            339 - Keeping of Birds and Animals Policy




Appointment of Community Members to the Active Transport Advisory Committee

(Report by Project Officer Transport)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


(a)     That Council appoint the following community members to the Active Transport Advisory Committee for the remaining period of this Council term:


·    Bernadette Carpenter

·    Christopher Chacos

·    Stephen Chong


(b)     That in the event of a further vacancy arising on the Active Transport Advisory Committee during the current Council term that the next person on the eligibility list as detailed in this report be approached to fill any vacancy without the need to conduct another Expression of Interest process.


(c)     Further, that Council thanks all applicants who submitted an EOI to join the Active Transport Advisory Committee.




Parramatta Local Heritage Fund - Policy Review and Grant Allocations

(Report by Project Officer Land Use)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


(a)     That Council note that the 2023/2024 budget as endorsed by Council on 26 June 2023 increases the annual budget for the Local Heritage Fund from $30,000 to $50,000.


(b)     That Council approve an increase in the maximum grant amount under Council's Local Heritage fund from $3,300 to $5,000 with the grant to be no greater than 25% of the value of the work being undertaken.


(c)     That Council allow discretionary payments up to $10,000 with the grant to be no greater than 50% of the value of the work being undertaken, subject to conditions including the following:


i.    Applicants to demonstrate the work is essential to prevent serious or irreparable damage or deterioration to a heritage property; and


ii.   Applications for such payments will be deferred to the end of the financial year to ensure other applicants are not penalised and would only be granted subject to the availability of funds.


(d)     That changes under (b) and (c) above are to take effect in the 2023/2024 financial year.


(e)     That a communications strategy to promote the broader heritage program including the Local Heritage Fund be prepared and then be endorsed by Council's Heritage Advisory Committee and implemented through Council’s communication channels.


(f)      Further, that Council approve the Heritage Grant recommendations of the Heritage Committee meeting on 2 May 2023, noting that the recommendations are based on the current policy which allows maximum grants of $3,300 and not the new policy recommended above, as follows:


i.        Decline a grant of $2,244.25 for 19 – 21 Wentworth Street, Parramatta


ii.       Make a grant of $3,300 for 70 Ross Street, North Parramatta


iii.      Make a grant of $3,300 for 76 – 78 Lanhams Road, Winston Hills




Parramatta Town Hall - Draft Fees and Charges

(Report by Community Infrastructure and Business Systems Manager)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


That Council:


(a)     Endorses for the Parramatta Town Hall Draft Fees and Charges (Attachment 1) and Categories for the Waiver or Reduction of fees (Attachment 2), for the purposes of public exhibition in accordance with section 610 of the Local Government Act 1993.


(b)     Note that Council will consider submissions from the public and the outcomes of consultation after the 28-day period prior to adopting the Parramatta Town Hall Fees and Charges and Categories for Waivers and Reduction of Fees at a future meeting of Council.


(c)     Approves the proposed Catering model for Parramatta Town Hall (Attachment 3).  


(d)     Delegate to the Chief Executive Officer to make editorial amendments to the Parramatta Town Hall Draft Fees and Charges, Categories Waivers and the Reduction of Fees, and the Catering approach which do not significantly alter their scope, purpose or intent. 




Proposed Trial - Opening of PHIVE on Public Holidays

(Report by Group Manager Community Hubs and PHIVE)



MOTION            (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


(a)      That Council undertake a 12-month trial and extend PHIVE’s opening hours to include two select NSW public holidays being Labour Day 2023 (Monday 2 October 2023) and the King’s Birthday 2024 (Monday 10June 2024) and gauge the community response.


(b)      That Council note the estimated additional cost for the 12-month trial is $54,921 inclusive of staffing (at public holiday rates), building operations (security, cleaning and utilities), and activation program.


(c)       Further, that Council prepares a post-trial report on the outcomes of the trial and the community response to inform Council’s consideration of any ongoing changes to PHIVE opening hours in 2024/25 to include select public holidays.


AMENDMENT  (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne)


(a)    That Council undertake a 12-month trial and extend PHIVE’s opening hours to include three select NSW public holidays being Labour Day 2023 (Monday 2 October 2023); Easter Monday 2024 (Monday 1 April 2024); and the King’s Birthday 2024 (Monday 10 June 2024) and gauge the community response.


(b)    That Council note the estimated additional cost for the 12-month trial is $54,921 inclusive of staffing (at public holiday rates), building operations (security, cleaning and utilities), and activation program.


(c)    Further, that Council prepares a post-trial report on the outcomes of the trial and the community response to inform Council’s consideration of any ongoing changes to PHIVE opening hours in 2024/25 to include select public holidays.


The Amendment on being PUT to the meeting was LOST.


The Motion on being PUT to the meeting was CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


(a)     That Council undertake a 12-month trial and extend PHIVE’s opening hours to include two select NSW public holidays being Labour Day 2023 (Monday 2 October 2023) and the King’s Birthday 2024 (Monday 10 June 2024) and gauge the community response.


(b)     That Council note the estimated additional cost for the 12-month trial is $54,921 inclusive of staffing (at public holiday rates), building operations (security, cleaning and utilities), and activation program.


(c)     Further, that Council prepares a post-trial report on the outcomes of the trial and the community response to inform Council’s consideration of any ongoing changes to PHIVE opening hours in 2024/25 to include select public holidays.



14.    Notices of Motion



Proposed Review of Council's Circus Policy

(Report by Councillor Humphries)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Humphries)

That this Notice of Motion be withdrawn.




Proposed Safety Upgrade of Shared Pedestrian and Cyclist Path, Station Street East, Harris Park

(Report by Councillor Prociv)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Prociv and Councillor Darley)

(a)           That Council officers investigate short and long-term options to reduce the impact of lighting poles and signs and provide adequate width for all users of the shared pedestrian and cyclist path on the west side of Station Street East, Harris Park.


(b)      That a report on (a) above be provided to the Active Transport Advisory Committee, to investigate the feasibility of relocating or reducing the impact of recently installed lighting poles on the path. 


(c)       That Council also investigate widening the shared path or provision of separate cycling facilities on the west side of Station Street East, Harris Park. 


(d)      That a draft report on the proposal at (c) above be provided to the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group and Active Transport Advisory Committee. 


(e)      Further, that Council be informed of the report recommendations and the outcomes of the relevant Committee meetings.




Sponsorships, Corporate Memberships and Memoranda of Understanding

(Report by Councillor Garrard)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang)

(a)      That the CEO provide a report to Council detailing regarding current and planned sponsorships, corporate memberships and Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) of Council and that:


a.     The report include financial and non-financial sponsorships, memberships and MOUs of council; and

b.     A copy of the sponsorship agreements, membership details and MOUs.


(b)      Further, that the CEO provide the report to Council before the end of August 2023.




City of Parramatta's Social Media Accounts

(Report by Councillor Garrard)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero)

(a)      That Council provide a report detailing Councils Social Media accounts and Social media influences by end of August 2023.


             I.          That the report include a breakdown of all financial expenses relating to social media posts, i.e. boosting, influences etc; and.


            II.          That the report include incoming financial details regarding payments for posts.


(b)      Further, that Council provide details regarding what policy and procedures are in place to ensure a balanced approach to businesses having an opportunity to promote on Council’s social media pages.


Councillor Esber left the meeting at 9:25pm and returned at 9:27pm.



Revolving Energy Fund

(Report of Councillor Bradley)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Bradley and Councillor Prociv)

That a report be brought back to Council on establishing a Revolving Energy Fund that includes:


a.     the potential benefit of creating an internally restricted reserve to enable verified energy savings to be re-invested into more renewable energy and efficiency works and/or staffing;


b.     recommended accounting systems and governance structure;


c.       seed capital and payback mechanisms;


d.       fund operations – including the procedure for reviewing, evaluating, and selecting projects in conjunction with asset management plans and the Environmental Sustainability Strategy; and


e.    performance-tracking of individual projects and the entire REF portfolio over time.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Davis and Councillor Wearne)


That the request at 9:32pm by Councillor Humphries to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting via remote means be accepted.



15.    Questions with Notice



Questions With Notice - 10 July 2023 Council Meeting

(Report by Governance Manager)



1.      Item 13.6 – Endorsement of City Events and Festival FY24 Program


Councillor Garrard


a.   What is the financial implication on how much Council is spending in relation to sponsorship and should that be a part of the Events and Festival Plans?


b.   Could staff provide a breakdown of the total budget for the consumables [material and contracts] for the activities for the events (approximately $7.5million)?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience response:


a.   The value of sponsorships within the CEE Events and Festivals budget includes $400,000 for the Sydney Festival and $65,000 for the Science Festival. (An additional $75,000 is also made available for the Community Grants program).


However, the total value of sponsorships across the organisation is yet to be calculated and will be reported separately to Council in August-September 2023.


b.   The table below relates to the total budget, split between consumables/activity and staffing for FY24, noting it is subject to change.


 Employee Costs


Materials & Contracts


Total Expenses


Less Revenue*


Net Cost to Council


Employee Costs


Materials & Contracts


Total Expenses


Less Revenue*


Net Cost to Council


*Grant funding




2.      Item 13.6 – Endorsement of City Events and Festival FY24 Program


Councillor Wearne


a.   Could staff provide an update on Council’s Economic Development section?


b.   Could there be a workshop on the economic development in the City?


Executive Director City Strategy response:


a.   Between 2017 and 2021, Council was guided by the City of Parramatta’s Economic Development Plan (EDP). The plan set the blueprint to harness growth and investment in our City to grow our local economy and provide benefit to our community. 


Under the EDP, Council delivered a number of strategic projects, advocacy campaigns, and programs. These projects aimed to address issues in our City which hindered economic growth and sustainability. These projects included: 


·    Launching a comprehensive program of workshops and initiatives to support small businesses, start-ups, and aspiring business owners. Programs provided foundational skills and aimed to build the capacity of businesses to thrive and grow

·    Established Parramatta Legal & Justice Coalition to advocate for the expansion of the Legal and Justice Precinct in Parramatta and transform the CBD into one of Australia’s key legal hubs

·    Advocated for improved public transport infrastructure and the delivery of key rail routes connecting Parramatta to Greater Sydney, with the delivery of the Central City Rail Economic Impact Study  

·    Delivered the Night City Framework 2020-2024 which sets the foundation for Parramatta to be a thriving night city through the prioritisation of the night time economy

·    Council approved the COVID-19 Community Resilience and Economic Relief Packages which included the COVID-19 Business Response Grants program providing $150,000 in funding for businesses to adapt and diversify to keep trading during the COVID-19 pandemic

·    Council provided frequent and targeted communication during COVID 19 to keep businesses updated on the changing trading conditions; pivoted our business workshops and programs online; introduced gift cards for local businesses; and championed an online networking platform.

Other achievements include:


·    Parramatta Start Up Forum event in 2020 with over 170 attendees as well as a series of business workshops for our start up community

·    Piloted a skills building program for start ups and partnered with Launchpad to deliver masterclasses for start ups

·    Monthly Parramatta E-newsletter

·    Hosted an online Business Conference with the NSW Small Business Commissioner as keynote speaker

·    Joined the NSW Government’s Small Business Friendly Councils Program/Easy to Do Business

·    Launched the Celebrating Women in Business series of programs and network

·    Completed the Parramatta CBD Retail Study 2020

·    Commissioned Future Directions of Industrial Lands Study

·    Delivered 3 rounds of Night Time Economy Diversification Grants

·    Delivered in partnership with the AFR the Western Sydney Workplace Report as a key investment attraction initiative for the City 

·    Delivered in partnership with the Property Council site tours of two commercial buildings in Parramatta to promote the City to new tenants and agents

·    Achieve internationally recognised Purple Flag Accreditation for Parramatta CBD in recognition for our vibrant, diverse and safe nightlife

·    Participated in the NSW Government’s Westmead Alliance Meetups and contributed to the Draft Westmead Economic Development Plan

·    Progressed development of the Late Night Trading Development Control Plan

·    Supported the NSW 24 Hour Commissioner’s Parramatta Street Party events to support our communities post-COVID

·    Contribute to events and programs by our strategic partners, including Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue

·    Supported Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue’s events including Boomtown and the inaugural Ignite event

·    Supported the inaugural Sound West event in Parramatta to promote artists, innovators, creators and entrepreneurs

·    Conducted annual Business Sentiment Surveys

·    Deliver the Perceptions Tracker Survey with our Research and Insights team

·    Worked with key business stakeholders and the community in the development of the Draft Economic Development Strategy

b.   Councillors have attended five workshops in the last 12 months on the refresh of Council’s strategies, including the Economic Development Strategy. A further workshop scheduled for 31 July 2023 will provide an opportunity for Councillors to be briefed on the Economic Development Strategy.


3.      Item 13.6 – Endorsement of City Events and Festival FY24 Program


Councillor Siviero


Could staff provide a list of events that are provided by other Directorates and funded by other Directors which are not part of the events and festivals budget mentioned in the report?


Chief Executive Officer response:


The information requires additional resources from across all directorates and it will be made available to Councillors via email and uploaded on the Councillor Portal once ready.



4.      Item 13.6 – Endorsement of City Events and Festival FY24 Program


Councillor Valjak


What is the KPI measurement for what was successful event experiences last year? Could staff provide the details of the KPI measurement to Councillors?


Executive Director City Engagement and Experience response:


A response will be provided to the Council Meeting on 14 August 2023.




Questions With Notice - Council's Customer Service Charter and Service Standards

(Report by Councillor Darley)



Executive Director City Engagement and Experience Response:


1.   Staff have commenced the review of how Council’s Customer Service Policy, Customer Service Charter and standard Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are communicated to customers.  Council currently has more than 100 SLAs and the review is examining the potential to consolidate the existing SLAs into three or four common SLAs that can easily be published and understood by the community, staff and other key stakeholders.

2.   Whilst work on the review continues, the CEO has recently discussed and agreed with Councillors that an organisation-wide Customer Experience Transformation Project will be commenced to transformation all aspects of customer service within the Council to better serve the community.

3.   The Executive Director, City Engagement and Experience is the senior staff member responsible for the delivery of high quality customer service to internal and external customers.  Recruitment of a permanent Executive Director is currently underway.  Following the appointment of a permanent staff member, their immediate priority will be the scoping of the Customer Service Transformation Project and a workshop with Councillors to ensure that the scope of the project is consistent with organisational needs and community expectations for the delivery of high quality customer service.

4.   At this time it is intended to hold the Councillor workshop in October-November 2023 followed by a report to Council before the end of 2023.



A follow-up question was taken on notice for this Item.




Note: Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session. No member of the gallery wished to make representations.



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor MacLean)


That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-

16.1  ITT24/2022 - Collection and Receipt, Processing and Disposal of Residential and Commercial Waste Services. (D08985192) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

16.2  Call to Offer - 1-3x Brigg Road, Epping - Bert Park Memorial Hall. (D09050895) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.



ITT24/2022 - Collection and Receipt, Processing and Disposal of Residential and Commercial Waste Services

(Report by Group Manager Waste & Cleansing)



MOTION            (Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean)


(a)     That Council approve the appointment of the preferred tenderer for the ITT24/2022 – Collection and Receipt, Processing and Disposal of Residential and Commercial Waste Services as follows:

Tendered service

Preferred proponent

Part A – Collection

·    Garbage

·    Recycling

·    Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO)

·    Household bulky waste (clean up)

Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd

(non-conforming proposal and No Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Part B – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Garbage

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part C – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Recycling

Visy Paper Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part D – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    FOGO

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part E – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Clean up

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)


(b)      That Council notes Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd (Veolia) is the preferred tenderer for Part A Collection and is Council’s current incumbent and therefore pursuant to the Local Government Regulation 2021 the contract will provide for:


          i.       All existing employees currently employed with Veolia under the current contract will continue employment in the new contract as determined by Veolia and as required under s178 of the Local Government Regulation 2021.


         ii.       The recognition of employees continuity of service, therefore existing employees are not subject to a probationary period


        iii.       The retention of existing employees accrued statutory leave entitlements such as long service leave


(c)       That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(d)      Further, that Council delegate authority to the CEO to negotiate the terms of the contracts and finalise and execute all necessary documents associated with this tender, in order to engage the successful tenderer.


AMENDMENT  (Councillor Darley and Councillor Garrard)


(a)     That Council approve the appointment of the preferred tenderer for the ITT24/2022 – Collection and Receipt, Processing and Disposal of Residential and Commercial Waste Services as follows:

Tendered service

Preferred proponent

Part A – Collection

·    Garbage

·    Recycling

·    Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO)

·    Household bulky waste (clean up)

Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd

(non-conforming proposal and No Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Part B – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Garbage

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part C – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Recycling

Visy Paper Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part D – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    FOGO

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part E – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Clean up

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)


b.         That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


c.         Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate the terms of the contracts and finalise and execute all necessary documents associated with this tender, in order to engage the successful tenderer.


The Amendment on being PUT to the meeting was LOST.


The Motion on being PUT to the meeting was CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean)


(a)     That Council approve the appointment of the preferred tenderer for the ITT24/2022 – Collection and Receipt, Processing and Disposal of Residential and Commercial Waste Services as follows:

Tendered service

Preferred proponent

Part A – Collection

·    Garbage

·    Recycling

·    Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO)

·    Household bulky waste (clean up)

Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd

(non-conforming proposal and No Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

Part B – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Garbage

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part C – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Recycling

Visy Paper Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part D – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    FOGO

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)

Part E – Receipt, Processing and Disposal

·    Clean up

Cleanaway Pty Ltd

(conforming proposal)


(b)      That Council notes Veolia Recycling & Recovery Pty Ltd (Veolia) is the preferred tenderer for Part A Collection and is Council’s current incumbent and therefore pursuant to the Local Government Regulation 2021 the contract will provide for:


          i.    All existing employees currently employed with Veolia under the current contract will continue employment in the new contract as determined by Veolia and as required under s178 of the Local Government Regulation 2021.


         ii.    The recognition of employees continuity of service, therefore existing employees are not subject to a probationary period


        iii.    The retention of existing employees accrued statutory leave entitlements such as long service leave


(c)       That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(d)      Further, that Council delegate authority to the CEO to negotiate the terms of the contracts and finalise and execute all necessary documents associated with this tender, in order to engage the successful tenderer.




Call to Offer - 1-3x Brigg Road, Epping - Bert Park Memorial Hall

(Report by Leasing Officer)



RESOLVED      (Councillor Wearne and Councillor Maclean)


(a)      That Council acknowledge the submission(s) received and subsequent Outcome Report following the conclusion of the Call To Offer for 1-3x Brigg Road, Epping known as the Bert Park Memorial Hall.


(b)      That Council endorse  entering into an interim license agreement for up to 12 months with Rotary Club Epping pending completion of Council’s Property Strategy.


(c)       Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all documentation associated with this matter.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Councillor Esber and Councillor Wearne)


That the meeting revert to Open Session, time being 10:08pm.



The Chief Executive Officer displayed on the screen the resolutions from the Closed Session for webcasting purposes.


The meeting concluded at 10:11pm.


This page and the preceding 21 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 24 July 2023 and confirmed on Monday, 14 August 2023.





