Meeting Name

Heritage Advisory Committee

Quorum: 6


Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Time: 5:00PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street, Parramatta / MS Teams


Chairperson and Deputy Chair:

-        Stephanie Licciardo (Chair)

-        Graham Shirley (Deputy Chair) (remote)

Committee Members

-        Cheryl Bates

-        Jeff Allen (remote)

-        Laurie Bennett

-        Michele Grande (joined late remotely)

-        Suzette Meade (remote)

-        Tim Owen (remote)

-        Terrence Smith (remote)

-        Wei Li (joined late remotely)

Council staff

-        Andrea Giusa – DTSU Council’s Heritage Advisor

-        Bruce Mills – Group Manager, Place Services

-        Christopher Snelling – Group Manager Community Hubs & PHIVE

-        Kim Marsh – Senior Project Officer, Property & Place

-        Paul Kennedy – Strategic Land Use Planning Project Officer

-        Robert Sutton – DTSU Technical Specialist Manager


-        Dr Michaela Ann Cameron, Old Parramatta(n)


-        Councillor Phil Bradley (remote)

Apologies / Leave of Absence

-        Julie Jones

-        Scott Hill

-        Mark Leotta - DTSU Group Manager


Vandana Saini

HPRM Reference
















Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.


Welcome & Apologies


The Chairperson Stephanie Licciardo welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting opened at 5:06pm.


The Committee received and noted the apologies from Committee members Julie Jones, Scott Hill, and Wei Li.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no declarations of interest made at the start of this meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


RESOLVED (Meade/Shirley)

That the Minutes of Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 be received and noted as a true record of the meeting.


The Chairperson confirmed the Order of Agenda and considered Item 6 – Unnamed Laneway Northmead first in the line of order.


Unnamed Laneway Northmead


Bruce Mills and Kim Marsh gave a presentation on Unnamed Service Laneway behind Kleins Road Shops, Northmead.


At its 26 June 2023 Council Meeting, Council resolved:


“That consideration of the matter be deferred to a future Council

Meeting and to enable the matter to be referred to the Heritage Advisory

Committee to obtain advice on the proposed names of the unnamed

laneway in Northmead and to allow Council staff to provide Council with

alternative naming options.”


The purpose of the presentation is to seek endorsement of a “Name” from the Committee on Unnamed Service Laneway to be recommended back to the Council on 24 July 2023.


Kim Marsh provided a brief overview of the project.


·        The naming project has emerged because of a request received by Council in late July 2022 from a resident requesting that the unnamed service laneway be named to improve deliveries to the local shops as well as way finding.

·        To generate potential names, Council’s Research Team researched the history and identity of the area and proposed several names for consideration. These names were then submitted to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) for ‘pre-approval’ to check the eligibility of the proposed names.

·        This evaluation ensures that only names that meet the uniqueness requirements of the NSW Address and User Manual 2021 are publicly exhibited and then presented to Council for consideration.

·        The process was conducted under the City of Parramatta Council’s Road Naming Policy and the NSW Address Policy and User Manual (2021) developed by NSW Geographical Names Board.

·        Three exhibited names, pre-approved for use by the GNB were presented to the community to vote on – “Lizzie Lane”, “Cleburne Lane” and “Orphan Lane”. The names proposed by Council follow the theme People and Places form the Past.


The Committee had open discussion regarding the names, background, history, heritage significance, story of the chosen name, community response and choices.


The Committee also discussed the scope of the Policy as to when and how will the Naming of Laneways be referred to Heritage Advisory Committee as appropriate.


The Committee thanked Bruce Mills and Kim Marsh for the Presentation.



The Committee recommended:

(a)   That Council considers a change to the City of Parramatta Council’s Road Naming Policy that where a heritage name is considered, the Heritage Advisory Committee be advised and or consulted.

(b)   That a QR code to the wiki entry (or council website) be established to read the story of “Lizzie Lane”.

(c)    Further, that Committee recommends “Lizzie Lane” for the unnamed laneway in Northmead.


Presentation from Community Hubs and PHIVE


Christopher Snelling gave a presentation on Parramatta Town Hall Room Naming


The purpose of the presentation is to consult with Committee’s on the recommended approach to naming of public spaces within Parramatta Town Hall. The rooms require a public facing name befitting the history and landmark significance of Town Hall.

·        Meeting Room (Northern) – Inspector of Nuisance Room

·        Meeting room (Southern) – Town Clerk Room

·        Main Hall : The Great Hall (original name)

·        Southern extension – Southern Terrace / Dharug Name (Dual naming)


The Room on the first Floor has an existing name – Charles Byrnes Room.


Christopher shared the history and rationale of the chosen names. He also informed how the meeting rooms historical reference will be acknowledged.


The Committee thanked Christopher Snelling for the Presentation.



The Committee approved the recommended names.

·        Meeting Room (Northern) – Inspector of Nuisance Room

·        Meeting room (Southern) – Town Clerk Room

·        Main Hall : The Great Hall

·        Southern extension – Southern Terrace / Dharug Name (Dual naming)



The Committee was pleased that Council recognises Original Name for the Main Hall, Dharug recognition and bring some excitement to the new generation wondering why a room is named Inspector of Nuisance.



External guest presentation on St Johns cemetery Parramatta – Dr Michaela Ann Cameron, Digital historian


Dr Michaela Ann Cameron, Founder and Director of The Female Factory Online and The St. John's Cemetery Project gave a presentation on St. John’s, The Gateway to Old Parramatta.


The Key highlights were:

-        Brief Background : Project

-        Strategic Importance “ The Gateway to Old Parramatta”

-        Database: Burials (1790-1890)

-        Sub-Datasets: First Fleet, 50 verified First Fleeters, Female Factory and Female Orphan School, 145 verified burials.

-        Collections

-        Creating a virtual cemetery


The Committee was interested in the history of the St John’s Cemetery and excited about the digitisation of the Cemetery.


Andrea Giusa updated the Committee that in parallel to the pilot Project, the Council has done a site visit along with Heritage NSW Office and Friends of the Cemetery. Drone images of the wall surrounding the Cemetery have been captured as part of an early survey with an aim to  restore the walls in future.


The Committee noted the condition of the cemetery walls and headstones and considered approaching Anglican Church Trust to conserve and maintain the Cemetery.


The Committee thanked Dr Michaela Ann Cameron for the presentation and wished her good luck for the Project.


Michele Grande retired from the meeting.





That Council approach the Anglican Church Trust with regards to their intentions for maintenance and conservation of the cemetery walls and headstones, and that the Committee are to be advised if Council is aware of any report.


Presentation: Updates on Land Use Planning

·        Minimum standards of repairs and maintenance for Local Heritage Items

·        Parramatta as a Tourist Heritage Destination

·        Listing of Parramatta for Aboriginal national significance

·        Comprehensive Heritage review


Paul Kennedy gave updates on Land Use Planning items:


-        Council staff are currently investigating the below three matters that will be reported to a future meeting of Council.i.e.

v  Minimum standards of repairs and maintenance for Local Heritage Items – as per of resolution 2 May 2023 Committee meeting:

Resolved (Bennett/Grande)

That Council approach the State Government and other appropriate Heritage departments to amend the legislation in the way it would assist the local government in enforcing minimal maintenance of significant heritage items that are both locally and State listed.


v  Listing of Parramatta for Aboriginal national significance as recommended by Dr Jillian Comber – as per resolution of 2 May 2023 Committee meeting:

Resolved (Owen/Bates)

That the Parramatta Heritage Committee recommends that "Parramatta" as a place be nominated for National Heritage Listing. A proposed curtilage could encompass the key known First Nations and historical heritage items.


v  Parramatta as a Tourist Heritage Destination : – as per resolution of 2 May 2023 Committee meeting:

Resolved (Owen/Bates)

Further that, the Parramatta Heritage Committee recommends that Parramatta City Council, the Hon. Donna Davis (as the local State member), the Hon. Penny Sharpe (as the NSW State minister for heritage), and the Hon. John Graham (as the NSW State minister for tourism and jobs) commence a program on the promotion and furtherment of heritage tourism. The program should work with existing major heritage destinations (operated by PPT, FF, NT etc) and consider different sectors of tourism - including school groups, families, weekenders, and deep dive history tourists. Special programs should be developed for residents of the Council area, such as a 'locals' card, and seek to draw-in people from neighbouring LGAs, notably those linked through sustainable and accessible modes of transport e.g., the ferry or train.


-           Council staff are currently scoping a comprehensive heritage review with a view to it being included in the 24/25 financial year budget. The Committee will be invited to comment on the draft scope at the November meeting.


 The Committee had opened discussion regarding the above matters.  It was agreed that Committee members would provide further clarification to Council staff of the listing of Parramatta for Aboriginal national significance.



The Committee noted the updates.


General business/information

·        Heritage plaques (Laurie Bennett)

·        Colonial gates enquiry “Female Factory Precinct” :

·        Own-buy and sell heritage properties and updates on web-site content : Additional information is now available on the Council’s website for community.

·        Site visit to 43A Thomas Street, Parramatta “Broughton House” :

·        Update on the Parramatta Club boundary Fence 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta. 


Heritage plaques (Laurie Bennett)

-        Paul Kennedy shared some examples( images) of Heritage Plaques in Canada that he had captured during his recent visit.

-        Andrea also informed that Parramatta relies on the blue plaque program that is consistent across NSW. Council does not have any funding for Plaques Program.

-        Laurie Bennett spoke to the Agenda Item – Heritage Plaques.  It was agreed that material Laurie Bennett had prepared on heritage plaques would be circulated and briefly discussed at the next meeting.


Colonial gates enquiry “Female Factory Precinct”

-        The Heritage Advisor reported that a community member had contacted him with advice that gates they have in their possession could be linked to the Female Factory. Council staff had contacted Property & Development NSW and enquired whether they are interested in acquiring the assets if relevant. Committee suggested to contact PD NSW. A Committee member also believes that the gates do not seem to relate to the Female Factory or Cumberland Hospital. Council staff will initiate further historical research to identify the original location of the gates.


Own-buy and sell heritage properties and updates on web-site content

-        Additional information is now available on the Council’s website for community.


Site visit to 43A Thomas Street, Parramatta “Broughton House”

- Council staff visited the site with Heritage NSW and owner’s representative. The site is under investigation. The Committee will be provided with further updates as and when received.


Update on the Parramatta Club boundary Fence 2 Macquarie Street

-        Council staff visited the site with Council's Compliance Officer and took detailed photos of the fence. Council staff through compliance action are pursuing rectification of the fence.


The Committee thanked the staff for the updates.


Next Meeting Date: TBA


Meeting closed at 7:30pm.