Meeting Name

Policy Review Committee



28 June 2023

Time 5:30 PM


Level 12 Boardroom + MS Teams



John Angilley (Chair)

Clr Garrard

Clr Prociv

Clr Valjak

Clr Wearne

Clr Darley (alternate)

Clr Bradley (ex-officio)

Gwen Hughes

Melissa McIsaac

Paul Lyth

John Crawford


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Lord Mayor, Clr Pandey

Clr Davis

Gail Connolly



Melissa McIsaac


HPRM Reference










Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee noted apologies from the Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, Councillor Davis, and the Chief Executive Officer, Gail Connolly.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosures of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


The Minutes of the previous Policy Review Committee meeting, held on 30 May 2023, were confirmed by the Committee.


Councillor Prociv joined the meeting at 5:40pm, during discussion of Item 4.


Council Policies for Rescission


319 – City Centre Lanes Policy


The Committee considered the recommendation to rescind Council’s City Centre Lanes Policy, which was identified by staff to be redundant.


Councillor Darley joined the meeting at 5:42pm, during discussion of Item 5.1.


The Committee supported for the City Centre Lanes Policy to be put to the next available Council Meeting to endorse rescinding.


339 – Keeping of Birds and Animals Policy


The Committee considered the recommendation to rescind Council’s Keeping of Birds and Animals Policy, which was identified by staff to be redundant. Paul Lyth, Group Manager Regulatory Services, attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


The Committee supported for the Keeping of Birds and Animals Policy to be put to the next available Council Meeting to endorse rescinding.


Draft Council Policies for Consultation


New – Tower Crane Policy and Guidelines


The Committee noted that Council’s existing Hoarding and Tower Crane Policy is recommended to be divided into separate topics. The Committee reviewed the draft Tower Crane Policy & Guidelines and provided feedback on the proposed changes. Paul Lyth, Group Manager Regulatory Services, attended the meeting to address any Committee questions.


·      The Committee did not propose any amendments to the draft Tower Crane Policy and Guidelines as presented.

·      The Committee supported for the draft Tower Crane Policy and Guidelines to be put to a Council Meeting to endorse Public Exhibition. The Committee noted that the draft Tower Crane Policy and Hoarding Policy must proceed for Council endorsement as a package.


233 – Hoarding Policy and Guidelines


The Committee reviewed the draft Hoarding Policy & Guidelines and provided feedback on the proposed changes.


·      The Committee recommended the following amendments be applied to the draft Hoarding Policy:

o  Clause 2.1: To the end of this purpose statement, add “which must include a Visual Activation component”.

o  Clause 3.5: To increase the prominence of Visual Activation requirements, move existing sub-clause (f) to be sub-clause (a).

·      The Committee requested for staff to undertake further research to align the direction in Part 4 of the draft Hoarding Guidelines with the specifications for visual activation set out in the City of Sydney’s Guidelines for Hoardings and Scaffolding 2017. This would include adding to the draft Guidelines requirements for developers to include creative artworks or heritage graphics as part of hoarding embellishment designs.

·      The Committee requested for a copy of the updated draft Hoarding Guidelines to be circulated for final comment, before being put to a Council Meeting to endorse Public Exhibition.

·      The Committee requested for staff to undertake further research regarding the unbudgeted operational costs associated with implementing the recommended changes to the draft Hoarding Guidelines, and to put these costs to Council for consideration under the financial implications section of the Council Report.


Next Meeting Date – 26 July 2023


Meeting Closed:  6:41 PM