Council Meeting



Monday, 26 June 2023





Council Chamber

Level 4, PHIVE

Parramatta Square, Parramatta















The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey and Councillors Phil Bradley, Kellie Darley, Donna Davis, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard, Henry Green, Ange Humphries, Deputy Lord Mayor Cameron Maclean, Paul Noack, Dr Patricia Prociv, Dan Siviero, Georgina Valjak, Donna Wang and Lorraine Wearne.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey, opened the meeting at 6:39PM.




The Lord Mayor acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Dharug Nation as the traditional owners of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and to their elders past, present and emerging.




The Lord Mayor, advised staff and the public that meeting is being recorded and webcast  live on Council’s website, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. The recording will be made available on Council’s website.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission.





Procedural Motion



RESOLVED     Councillor Noack and Councillor Wearne


That the request to attend the Ordinary Council Meeting dated 26 June 2023 via remote means submitted by Councillor Humphries due to personal reasons be accepted.






Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13 June 2023



RESOLVED     Councillor Noack and Councillor Prociv


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.






The Lord Mayor Councillor Pandey declared a significant non-pecuniary interest in the urgent matter as he is involved in Parramasala Corporation and Festival. He left the meeting and did not vote on the item.



Condolence: Vale Simon Crean


RESOLVED     The Lord Mayor Councillor Pandey and Councillor Esber


That tonight, Council recognises the recent passing of former Labor leader, the Hon. Mr Simon Crean. Mr Crean led the Federal Labor Party in opposition from 2001 to 2003, was Member for Hotham from 1990 to 2013 and held a number of ministerial portfolios in the Hawke, Keating, Rudd and Gillard governments.


He was a wise, thoughtful and egalitarian Labor man, who left an enduring legacy for all working Australians.


Council expresses sincere condolences to Mr Crean’s wife Carole, family and friends at this sad time.



The Chamber observed a minute silence.


8.     Minutes of the Lord Mayor



Supporting Local Homelessness Service Providers

(Report by Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED   The Lord Mayor Councillor Pandey and Councillor Bradley


(a)       That Council recognise the current cost of living crisis and its

significant impact on those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the City of Parramatta community.


(b)    That Council donate $1,500 to each of the following local homelessness support service providers:

a.  Parramatta Mission

b.  St Vincent de Paul

c.  Uniting Youth2Home, Men2Home and Women2Home

d.  Jesuit Refugee Service


(c)  That Council writes to each of these providers advising of these donations for the purpose of assisting those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the Parramatta LGA.


(d)    Further, that Council note a donation of $1,000 was made by Council to The Salvation Army’s Western Sydney Red Shield Appeal 2023 following the resolution of 8 May 2023.



Conversion of former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta into

an urban park

(Report by Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED   The Lord Mayor Councillor Pandey and Councillor Bradley


(a) That Council note that the former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta, which was acquired by Transport for NSW as part of the Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 1 development, is currently vacant land and is apparently, deemed surplus to PLR needs; and


(b) Further, that the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Transport, The Hon. Jo Haylen MP and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, The Hon. Paul Scully MP:


i.               noting that Council has apparently been verbally advised that the former Royal Oak Hotel in North Parramatta has been deemed surplus to PLR needs;


ii.              requesting that the NSW Government convert the site to an urban park for community use and to use the heritage former stables building for a suitable purpose, and


iii      requesting that the NSW Government consult with Council on the use of the former stables and the design of the proposed urban park.




Advocacy for improved motorist safety at the M4 Motorway Church

Street off-ramp

(Report by Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey)



RESOLVED    The Lord Mayor Councillor Pandey and Councillor Prociv)


(a)    That Council write to the Hon John Graham, MLC Minister for Roads to advocate for improved motorist safety on the M4 Motorway at the eastbound approach to the Church Street off-ramp.


(b)    That Council acknowledge the work that TfNSW has done in recent years to upgrade the M4 at Church Street and the M4 Smart Motorway project.


(c)    Further, that Council request that TfNSW do more to warn motorists of traffic conditions on the approach to this exit and to monitor the speed of traffic and reduce the speed limit for vehicles on the exit ramp.

9.     Public Forum




Report No

Report Title


Monica Kelly


Item 13.2 Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade


10.   Petitions


There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.

11.   Rescission Motions



Proposed Suburb Boundary Adjustment between Harris Park and

Parramatta (Item 13.3 from Ordinary Council Meeting of 13 June


(Report by Councillor Garrard)



RESOLVED     Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang

That consideration of the rescission motion be deferred to a future meeting to be held on 24 July 2023.


Recording of Voting:

For the Motion: Councillors Valjak, Green, Siviero ,Garrard, Wang, Wearne, Noack, Pandey and Humphries

Against the Motion: Councillors Darley, Maclean, Esber, Prociv, Davis 

                                 and Bradley.


On being put to the Meeting, voting on this Motion was nine votes FOR and six votes AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.




Procedural Motion



RESOLVED     Councillor Pandey and Councillor Garrard


That the meeting be adjourned, the time being 7:28pm.



Note: At the time the meeting was reconvened, the following Councillors were present: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Garrard, Green, Humphries, Maclean, Noack, Dr Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.



Council reconvened at 7:34pm.


12.   Reports to Council - For Notation



Investment Report for May 2023

(Report of Tax and Treasury Accountant)



RESOLVED     Councillor Maclean and Councillor Esber


That Council receive and note the Investment Report for May 2023.


13.   Reports to Council - For Council Decision



Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 17 May 2023

(Report of Traffic and Transport Manager)



RESOLVED      Councillor Noack and Councillor Green


(a)    That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee held on 17 May 2023, provided at Attachment 1.


(b)    That Council approve the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee from the meeting held on 17 May 2023 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, with the exception of Item 2, part 1 (recommending that approval of the road closure for an event be delegated to staff), noting the following financial implications for each item.




The median island is to be installed by the developer of 14-16 Parkes Street, Harris Park at no cost to Council. Accordingly, there is no direct impact to Council’s budget as a result of this proposal.




All four events are to be organised by Little India Harris Park Business Association (LIHPBA). This matter has therefore no financial impact on Council.


(c)    Further, that Item 2 part 1 not be approved and that Council note that if required the matter will be dealt with by an extraordinary Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting.





Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade

(Report of Supervisor Open Space and Natural Resources)



Motion              Councillor Darley and Councillor Prociv


(a)    That Council notes the results of the second round of community consultation.


(b)    That Council approves the final concept plan at attachment three to this report, for the Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade project and notes the project will now proceed to the documentation, procurement, and construction phase.


(c)    Further, that there be an urgent workshop to discuss the functioning of the toilet facilities, including the sceptic tank, pump-out system, frequency of overflows and options for connecting the toilets to the existing nearby sewer line in Bristol Street and potential internal funding and external grant funding opportunities.



Amendment      Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


That Council defer any approval of the concept plan to an urgent

workshop to discuss the concerns that the residents have raised with



On being put to the Meeting, the Amendment was CARRIED.


The Amendment then became the Motion.



RESOLVED     Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wang


That Council defer any approval of the concept plan to an urgent

workshop to discuss the concerns that the residents have raised with




Councillor Esber left the meeting at 7.55pm and returned at 7.56pm.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED     Councillor Pandey and Councillor Esber


That the meeting be adjourned, the time being 8:33pm.



Note:  At the time the meeting was reconvened, the following Councillors were present: The Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey and Councillors Bradley, Darley, Davis, Esber, Garrard, Green, Maclean, Noack, Dr Prociv, Siviero, Valjak, Wang and Wearne.



Council reconvened at 8:46pm.




DEFERRED ITEM 13.1 FROM OCM 22052023: Proposal to Name the

Unnamed Laneway in Northmead

(Report of Senior Project Officer Place Services)



RESOLVED     Councillor Humphries and Councillor Bradley


That consideration of the matter be deferred to a future Council

Meeting and to enable the matter to be referred to the Heritage Advisory

Committee to obtain advice on the proposed names of the unnamed

laneway in Northmead and to allow Council staff to provide Council with

alternative naming options.



A question was taken on notice for this item.



Delivery Program 2022-26, Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24

(Report of Corporate Strategy Manager; Chief Finance Officer)



Motion              Councillor Maclean and Councillor Esber


(a)  That Council adopt the four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year Operational Plan (2023/24) (DPOP), inclusive of:


1           The Annual Budget 2023/24


2           The Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/24 (to commence from 1 July 2023) with an addition of an item under section 1.9-1.13 for 4 hours free parking and a $10 daily flat rate for longer than 4 hours on Sundays.


3           The following amendments:


                             i.    Addition of a Customer Service Improvement Project. This project will be established as a key project on page 79 within the Customer Contact Centre. Its purpose is to review Council's current customer service approach and implement an improvement program organisation wide.


                            ii.    Addition of a Property Strategy Project. This project will be established as a key project on page 97 under Property Development. Its objective is to develop a comprehensive property strategy that outlines Council's approach to managing commercial property holdings and future investments.


                           iii.    Addition of an Events Strategy Project. This project will be established as a key project on page 80 within the Events and Festivals department. Its focus is to review Council's Events Strategy, ensuring it aligns with the evolving needs of our community.


(b)       That Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, and as outlined in the Engagement Outcomes Report (Attachment 6), have been taken into consideration in the finalisation of the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24.


(c)        That Council adopt expenditure totalling $614.7m in the Budget 2023/24 (which incorporates the draft operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such expenditure be voted.


(d)       Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make administrative proofing adjustments such as formatting, design or typographical errors as required in the DPOP, Budget and Fees & Charges before print and publication.


Recording of Voting:


On being put to the Meeting, voting on this Motion was six votes

FOR and eight votes AGAINST. The Motion was LOST.



Amendment      Councillor Garrard and Councillor Green


(a)    That Council adopt the four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year Operational Plan (2023/24) (DPOP), inclusive of:


1           The Annual Budget 2023/24


2           The Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/24 (to commence from 1 July 2023).


3.      And with the exclusion of the IPART approved rate peg of 3.7%


(b)    That Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, and as outlined in the Engagement Outcomes Report (Attachment 6), have been taken into consideration in the finalisation of the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24


(c)    That Council adopt expenditure totalling $614.7m in the Budget 2023/24 (which incorporates the draft operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such expenditure be voted.


(d)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make administrative proofing adjustments such as formatting, design or typographical errors as required in the DPOP, Budget and Fees & Charges before print and publication.


Recording of Voting:


On being put to the Meeting, voting on this Amendment was six votes

FOR and eight votes AGAINST. The Amendment was LOST.


Note: Councillor Noack abstained from voting on this matter.



Foreshadowed Motion       Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne


(a)  That Council adopt the four-year Delivery Program 2025/26) and one-year Operational Plan (2023/24) (DPOP), inclusive of:


1      The Annual Budget 2023/24

2      The Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/24 (to commence from 1 July 2023).


(b)    That Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, and as outlined in the Engagement Outcomes Report (Attachment 6), have been taken into consideration in the finalisation of the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24


(c)    That Council adopt expenditure totalling $614.7m in the Budget 2023/24 (which incorporates the draft operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such expenditure be voted.


(d)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make administrative proofing adjustments such as formatting, design or typographical errors as required in the DPOP, Budget and Fees & Charges before print and publication.


Recording of Voting:


On being put to the Meeting, voting on this Motion was fourteen votes

FOR and one vote AGAINST. The Motion was CARRIED.


The Foreshadowed Motion became the Motion.



RESOLVED     Councillor Garrard and Councillor Wearne


(a)    That Council adopt the four-year Delivery Program (2022/23 – 2025/26) and one-year Operational Plan (2023/24) (DPOP), inclusive of:


1      The Annual Budget 2023/24

2      The Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/24 (to commence from 1 July 2023).


(b)    That Council note the submissions received via the public exhibition process, and as outlined in the Engagement Outcomes Report (Attachment 6), have been taken into consideration in the finalisation of the Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24.


(c)    That Council adopt expenditure totalling $614.7m in the Budget 2023/24 (which incorporates the draft operating and capital budgets) and the funds to cover such expenditure be voted.


(d)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make administrative proofing adjustments such as formatting, design or typographical errors as required in the DPOP, Budget and Fees & Charges before print and publication.



Councillor Noack left the meeting at 9:48pm and returned at 9:50pm.


14.   Notices of Motion



Opportunities to Improve Streetscape Planning and Strategies

(Report by Councillor Siviero)



RESOLVED     Councillor Siviero and Councillor Garrard

That the CEO prepare a report outlining Council’s existing strategy for implementing town centre and streetscape improvements and options to improve the approach in the future. The report should address, amongst other things:


i.   The current methodology for identifying, prioritising and planning works that contribute to the enhancement of streetscapes and town centres in the City;

ii.   Current and potential incentives available for both public and private landowners to undertake improvements on their sites that will enhance the amenity of the public domain;

iii.  An exploration of opportunities to utilise planning controls in order to improve the treatment/upgrade of footpath verges and public areas;

iv.  An assessment of the annual budget allocations and maintenance programs (including agreements with State agencies) that currently exist and opportunities for improvements; and

v.  An evaluation of potential grant or other funding opportunities to enhance Council's capacity for delivering streetscape and town centre upgrades.


Councillor Maclean left the meeting at 9.54pm and returned at 9.56pm.

Councillor Valjak left the meeting at 9.57pm and returned at 9.58pm.

Councillor Davis left the meeting at 10:00pm.




Councillors' Ward Initiatives Budget

(Report by Councillor Humphries)



RESOLVED     Councillor Humphries and Councillor Garrard

(a)     That Council approve the rollover of $1,077,070 of unallocated Ward Initiatives Budget from the FY2022/23, on a ward by ward basis, in the FY2023/24 Budget.


(b)     That Council approve continuation of the Ward Initiatives Budget at $150,000 per Ward, in the FY2023/24 Budget.


(c)     Further, that the Chief Executive Officer prepare a Councillor Ward Initiatives Policy for approval by Council, to support the administration of the Ward Initiatives Budgets in FY2023/24, having regard to similar successful policies currently operating in New South Wales and Victorian councils.




Potential Installation of Safe Haven Baby Boxes

(Report by Councillor Humphries)



RESOLVED     Councillor Humphries and Councillor Esber

The matter was withdrawn.



Review of City Events and Festivals Strategy

(Report by Councillor Noack)



RESOLVED     Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero

a)  That the CEO undertake a review of Council’s Events Strategy and prepare a report to Council that ensures Council’s Events Strategy continues to address local community needs whilst also helping to position the City of Parramatta as an international destination.  The report should address, amongst other things:


(i)       The potential to increase the annual events and festivals program budget in financial year 2024/2025;


(ii)       The re-categorisation of the emerging Diwali celebration in Harris Park as a marquee city event for future years;


(iii)      The integration of existing sponsorship and marketing policies into the Strategy; and


(iv)      A review of the existing categories and budgets for city events having regard to emerging community trends and the changing demographics of the City.


b)  Further, that Council provide in-kind support to the organisers of the local community’s 2023 Diwali events, such as assistance with traffic management and event programming.




Verge Planting and Landscaping Treatments at Entry Points to the

City of Parramatta

(Report by Councillor Prociv)



RESOLVED     Councillor Prociv and Councillor Esber

a)  That Council investigate options to improve the visual amenity of the major entry points (gateways) to the City through the provision of verge planting and/or landscaping treatments in road reservations and suitable adjoining public spaces.


b)  Further, that Council investigate funding to undertake a pilot project of verge/landscape planting within the neglected open space areas surrounding the entry point to the City near the James Ruse Drive arterial road exit ramp near the M4 motorway intersection at Rosehill.



Councillor Davis returned at 10.08pm.

Councillor Wearne left the meeting at 10.16pm.



Parramatta as a C40 Global City

(Report by Councillor Bradley)



RESOLVED     Councillor Bradley and Noack

That the CEO provide a report to Council prior to November 2023, regarding the feasibility of the City of Parramatta becoming a global C40 City. The report should include, amongst other things:


i.               The benefits and opportunities for our City;


ii.              The process for being recognised as a C40 City;


iii.             How the accreditation will integrate with Council’s existing strategic plans;


iv.            Appropriate membership types;


v.              Potential partners and collaborators to support Council’s bid; and


vi.  An outline of the likely costs of preparing the bid and ongoing membership costs should Council be successful.



Councillor Wearne returned at 10.18pm.




Defibrillators at Community Centres

(Report by Councillor Valjak)



RESOLVED     Councillor Valjak and Councillor Noack

(a) That Council note the life-saving work conducted by local charity, The Michael Hughes Foundation, and congratulate the charity on its recent merger with Heart of the Nation.


(b)  That the Chief Executive Officer prepare a report investigating the costs associated with expanding the provision, installation and maintenance of defibrillators/AED units at Council’s community centres, with a priority on those facilities most used for seniors (over 55s) programs.


(c)  Further, that the Lord Mayor write to State Member for Parramatta  requesting a review of the relevant legislation pertaining to defibrillators to mandate the provision of defibrillators in a similar manner to the legislation that relates to fire extinguishers in commercial and community buildings.



Councillor Davis retired from the meeting at 10:23pm.



Damaging Increase in Emergency Services Levy on Councils

(Report by Councillor Garrard)



RESOLVED     Councillor Garrard and Councillor Siviero

a)  That the Lord Mayor write to the NSW Treasurer, the Hon Daniel Mookhey MP, the Minister for Emergency Services, the Hon Jihad Dib MP, the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Ron Hoenig MP and all State Members within the LGA

i.   Expressing Council’s strong opposition to the NSW Government’s decision to scrap the Emergency Services Levy (ESL) subsidy for councils, and at a time after Council has publicly advertised its Operational Plan and annual budget to the community; and


ii.   Calling on the NSW Government to undertake a thorough review of the ESL, with a view to implementing a fair, transparent and financially sustainable funding method that does not adversely impact local government. This review should include consultation with local government.


b)  Further, that Council provide a copy of the above letter to Local Government NSW.





Community Pantry Initiative

(Report by Councillor Darley)



RESOLVED      Councillor Darley and Councillor Prociv

(a) That the CEO prepare a report to Council detailing the range of support available to those in need in our community for free or low-cost food, groceries, pantry staples and personal products and how this support is promoted to people in need.


(b) That, the report identify, amongst other things, gaps in services, promotion/communications and other specific needs of the community services and organisations providing this support, including opportunities for Council to assist in addressing any identified gaps.


(c) Further, that the report address how to allocate and distribute the $16,500, saved from the Councillor allowance not being increased in the 2023/24 budget, to organisations providing food relief in the Parramatta LGA.



Councillor Wearne retired from the meeting at 10.39pm.


15.   Questions with Notice

There were no Questions with Notice from the 13 June 2023 Council Meeting.




Note: Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session. No member of the gallery wished to make representations.



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-


16.1  Tender 30/2022 Office Refurbishment at 4 Bridge Street, Granville. (D08961581) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993.


16.2  Appointment of Consultancy for Civic Link Block 3 Design Services ITT03/2023. (D08955458) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993.


16.3  Approval of Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Project Agreement. (D08935009) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993.


16.4  Acquisition of Crown Land fronting Rawson Street, Epping to Facilitate Access. (D08903667) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993.


16.5  Proposed Lease of Shop 1/4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta (Justice Precinct Car Park). (D08996000) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993.


16.6  Purchase of Property in North Parramatta for Council's Community Recycling Centre. (D09016838) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (f) of the Local Government Act 1993.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


That Items 16.1 to 16.6 with the exception of 16.5 are resolved enbloc with the recommendations of staff being adopted.




Tender 30/2022 Office Refurbishment at 4 Bridge Street, Granville

(Report of Project Manager)



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


(a)    That Council appoint 2020 Projects Pty Ltd (ABN: 35 114 198 140) as the preferred proponent for the fitout and office refurbishment at No. 4 Bridge Street, Granville for the contract sum of $506,622.00 (excl. GST).


(b)    That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)    That Council approve additional expenditure from the nominated contract contingency sum of $50,662.20 where needed to meet the requirements of the project and in accordance with the existing contract terms and project management framework of the organisation.


(d)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.




Appointment of Consultancy for Civic Link Block 3 Design Services


(Report of Group Manager Infrastructure Planning and Design)



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


(a)      That Council appoint McGregor Coxall Pty Ltd as the principal contractor for ITT 03/2023 Civic Link Block 3 Design Services Consultancy, for the contract sum of $1,460,720.00 (excl. GST).


(b)      That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision on this matter.


(c)      That Council approve additional expenditure from the nominated contract contingency sum of $292,144.00 where needed to meet the requirements of the project and in accordance with the existing contract terms and project management framework of the organisation.


(d)      Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.



Approval of Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Project


(Report of Project Interface Manager - Parramatta Light Rail)



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


(a)    That Council note its support and approve entering into the Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Project Agreement (for the proposed bridge over the Parramatta River and landings linking Melrose Park and Wentworth Point), as an essential component of Stage 2 of the Parramatta Light Rail Project.


(b)    That the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer execute and affix the common seal of Council to the Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Project Agreement with Transport for NSW in respect of the Stage 2 Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Project, the terms of which shall be consistent with Attachment 1, subject only to minor finalisation amendments to this documentation (hereafter, "Project Agreement").


(c)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to execute all other necessary documents, ancillary agreements (including the form of any agreements attached to the Project Agreement) and other land dealings identified in the Project Agreement necessary to implement and manage Council's obligations under the Project Agreement.


Acquisition of Crown Land fronting Rawson Street, Epping to

Facilitate Access

(Report of Development Manager; Development Manager Property




RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


(a)    That Council delegate authority to its Chief Executive Officer to negotiate with the landowner and any other interest holders of Lot 1 in DP1294062, identified in Attachment 1 of this report, to acquire their interests in that land for road purposes to facilitate access to Boronia Park and improve the road network in Epping Town Centre pursuant to Council’s legislative authority under sections 177 and 178 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW).


(b)    That, if agreement cannot be reached with the landowner and/or other interest-holders of Lot 1 in DP1294062, Council approve the compulsory acquisition of those relevant interests in Lot 1 in DP1294062 pursuant to its legislative authority under sections 177 and 178 of the Roads Act 1993 (NSW) and in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW) and delegate authority to its Chief Executive Officer to make an application to:


i.  the Minister for Local Government to issue Proposed Acquisition Notice(s) under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW) for Council to compulsorily acquire Lot 1 in DP1294062 and


ii.  the Governor of NSW for the publication of an Acquisition Notice in the NSW Government Gazette under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW) for Council to compulsorily acquire Lot 1 in DP1294062.


(c)    That Council affix the Common Seal of Council to any documents required to be sealed as part of the process for Council to acquire Lot 1 in DP1294062


(d)    That Council delegate authority to its Chief Executive Officer to execute any documents required to be executed as part of the process for Council to compulsorily acquire Lot 1 in DP1294062 that do not require the Common Seal of Council.


(e)    Further that, in accordance with section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Council classify Lot 1 in DP1294062 as ‘Operational Land’.





Proposed Lease of Shop 1/4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta (Justice

Precinct Car Park)

(Report of Space Management Officer)



RESOLVED     Councillor Darley and Councillor Valjak


That the consideration of the matter be deferred to the next Council meeting 10 July 2023




Purchase of Property in North Parramatta for Council's Community

Recycling Centre

(Report of Property Officer)



RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Maclean


(a)    That Council approve the acquisition of Lot 417 DP1167391 on the terms and conditions outlined in this report.


(b)    That Council classify the land identified being Lot 417 DP1167391 as Operational upon transfer of the land.


(c)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all associated documents in order to complete his matter.




Matter of Urgency



RESOLVED     Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero


That a procedural motion be granted to consider a matter of urgency in relation to Parramasala Corporation and Festival prior to 30 June 2023.


The Deputy Lord Mayor ruled the matter urgent in accordance with clause 9.3 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.



RESOLVED     Councillor Noack and Councillor Siviero


(a)       That Council note that the board of Parramasala Ltd met on Friday 23 June 2023 and considered the potential dissolution of the entity and the transfer of any remaining funds and Trademark to the City of Parramatta.


(b)       That Council delegate authority to the CEO to negotiate and execute the transfer of remaining Parramasala Ltd funds and Trademark to the City of Parramatta, subject to the following:


                          i.               Council assuming no legal or financial risks from Parramasala Ltd;


                        ii.               The funds are not hypothecated to any specific event, promotion, or sponsorship;


                       iii.               The dissolution of Parramasala Ltd occurs before 1 January 2024;


                       iv.               The receipt of legal advice confirming there is no impediment to Council acquiring the remaining Parramasala Ltd funds and Trademark. 


(c)        Further, that the outcome regarding the potential transfer of remaining Parramasala Ltd funds and Trademark to the City of Parramatta be communicated to Councillors prior to the CEO executing the relevant documents.



The Lord Mayor declared a significant non-pecuniary interest on this Item and left the meeting. He did not vote on the Item.

The Deputy Lord Mayor chaired the meeting.






RESOLVED     Councillor Esber and Councillor Siviero


That the meeting revert to Open Session, time being 11:26pm.



The Lord Mayor returned to the chamber at 11.26pm and resumed chairing the meeting.



The Chief Executive Officer read out the resolutions for Items 16.1 to 16.6 and the Matter of Urgency.



The meeting concluded at 11:30pm.


This page and the preceding 19 pages are the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday, 26 June 2023 and confirmed on Monday,10 July 2023.




