An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in PHIVE (COUNCIL CHAMBER)  COUNCIL CHAMBER AT 5 PARRAMATTA SQUARE, PARRAMATTA on Monday, 26 June 2023 at 6:30PM.





Gail Connolly PSM






















Council                                                                                                                 26 June 2023





ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                               PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1             Supporting Local Homelessness Service Providers........................... 3

8.2             Conversion of former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta into an urban park.................................................................................................. 5

8.3             Advocacy for improved motorist safety at the M4 Motorway Church Street off-ramp...................................................................................................... 7

9        Public Forum

9.1             PUBLIC FORUM 1: Item 13.2 Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade                                                                                                                      9


After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff.




Council 26 June 2023                                                                                                         Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                  Supporting Local Homelessness Service Providers

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09027865

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey        





workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to seek support for a series of donations to local homelessness service providers during a time of great need given the current cost of living crisis.





(a)     That Council recognise the current cost of living crisis and its significant impact on those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness in the City of Parramatta community.

(b)     That Council donate $1,500 to each of the following local homelessness support service providers:

a.   Parramatta Mission

b.   St Vincent de Paul

c.   Uniting Youth2Home, Men2Home and Women2Home

d.   Jesuit Refugee Service

(c)     That Council writes to each of these providers advising of these donations for the purpose of assisting those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.

(d)     Further, that Council note a donation of $1,000 was made by Council to The Salvation Army’s Western Sydney Red Shield Appeal 2023 following the resolution of 8 May 2023.




1.   Like many communities across Australia during the current cost of living crisis, the City of Parramatta is home to an increasing number of people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness.


2.   In 2023, Council identified 204 people experiencing homelessness through its 13th annual Parramatta Homelessness Street Count, an increase from 177 people in 2021 and 186 people in 2022. The Street Count took place on Monday 20 February into the morning of Tuesday 21 February 2023 and was conducted by a team of Council and Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) staff, and local homelessness experts.


3.   The homelessness count revealed 30 people experiencing primary homelessness (sleeping rough), and 174 people experiencing secondary homelessness (supported through crisis and temporary housing services).


4.   Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue. Minimising the risk of homelessness and supporting people experiencing homelessness improves the wellbeing of the entire community of Parramatta, including residents, businesses and visitors.


5.   Council’s homelessness response centres around collaboration and partnerships, and consists of a mix of practical actions, policy, research and advocacy that aims to:

a.   Contribute to the prevention of homelessness

b.   Support and work with the local homelessness sector to support coordination between services in service delivery and advocacy

c.   Maintain and promote use of public space and assets for the whole community, and,

d.   Champion regional planning and partnerships.


6.      This Lord Mayor Minute proposes that, in light of the results of the 2023 Homelessness Street Count and the current cost of living crisis, that a series of donations of $1,500 each be made to several local homelessness service providers to assist rough sleepers and those experiencing secondary homelessness across the local government area.


7.      The proposed recipients, who Council collaborates and work in partnership with as they deliver support and services to vulnerable community members experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, are:


a.   Parramatta Mission

b.   St Vincent de Paul

c.   Uniting Youth2Home, Men2Home and Women2Home

d.   Jesuit Refugee Service


8.      Council should also note that a donation of $1,000 was made by Council to The Salvation Army’s Western Sydney Red Shield Appeal 2023 following the resolution of 8 May 2023.





1. The proposed donations of $1,500 to each provider, totaling $6,000, can be funded from the existing Lord Mayor and Councillor Support Donations Budget 2022/23. The amount is consistent with the donation made in 2022-2023 following Council’s resolution on 14 June 2022.



Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 26 June 2023                                                                                                         Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                  Conversion of former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta into an urban park

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09029446

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey        





workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: To advocate for the NSW Government to convert the former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta into a pocket park.





(a) That Council note that the former Royal Oak Hotel site at North Parramatta, which was acquired by Transport for NSW as part of the Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 1 development, is currently vacant land and is apparently, deemed surplus to PLR needs; and


(b) Further, that the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Transport, The Hon. Jo Haylen MP and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, The Hon. Paul Scully MP:

i.        noting that Council has apparently been verbally advised that the former Royal Oak Hotel in North Parramatta has been deemed surplus to PLR needs;

iii.     requesting that the NSW Government convert the site to an urban park for community use and to use the heritage former stables building for a suitable purpose, and

iii       requesting that the NSW Government consult with Council on the use of the former stables and the design of the proposed urban park.





1.      The former Royal Oak Hotel at North Parramatta (387 Church St) was acquired and demolished by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) in June 2020 to facilitate the development of Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 1. TfNSW is currently considering the future of the site, which currently lies vacant and is apparently surplus to PLR needs.


2.      The former Cobb & Co Stables, located at the rear of the site, holds local heritage value, and was retained and protected during the removal of the hotel.


3.      The NSW Government, in consultation with the City of Parramatta Council and the community, have committed to explore options for the future use of any residual land resulting from the removal of the Royal Oak Hotel.


4.      The site (see Figure 1) is approximately 350m2, and provides a potential opportunity for an urban park with seating and tables under canopy trees for nearby office workers and residents to enjoy.  


5.      The conversion of the site into an urban park would help address the open space deficit in the Parramatta CBD and help retain the local heritage value of the former Cobb & Co Stables.



Figure 1: Former Royal Oak Hotel Site – 387 Church St North Parramatta






6.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor pandey







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Council 26 June 2023                                                                                                         Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER         8.3

SUBJECT                  Advocacy for improved motorist safety at the M4 Motorway Church Street off-ramp

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09031602

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey        





workshop/briefing date:  Nil


PURPOSE: The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to advocate for improved motorist safety on the M4 Motorway at the eastbound approach to the Church Street off-ramp.




(a)     That Council write to the Hon John Graham, MLC Minister for Roads to advocate for improved motorist safety on the M4 Motorway at the eastbound approach to the Church Street off-ramp.

(b)     That Council acknowledge the work that TfNSW has done in recent years to upgrade the M4 at Church Street and the M4 Smart Motorway project.

(c)     Further, that Council request that TfNSW do more to warn motorists of traffic conditions on the approach to this exit and to monitor the speed of traffic and reduce the speed limit for vehicles on the exit ramp.



1.   The TfNSW accident data for the 5 years of most recently available data (October 2017 to September 2022) shows that there were 73 accidents in this period on the M4 Motorway Church Street exit ramp and the 400m on the eastbound approach to the exit ramp. Of the 73 accidents, 60 were rear end accidents.  Of the remaining 13 accidents, all but one involved two vehicles travelling in the same direction.  These accidents resulted in 71 people being injured and 2 fatalities.


2.   It is acknowledged that TfNSW has made improvements to this area. Electronic variable speed limit signs were installed on the M4 for eastbound traffic at Pitt Street in mid-2020 as part of the M4 Smart Motorway project.  The upgrade for the intersection of Church Street, the M4 ramps, Parramatta Road, and Woodville Road was completed in late 2022.  This upgrade should reduce the queueing on the M4 ramp that can extend back on to the main M4 lanes.


3.   However, more should be done to warn motorists of traffic conditions on the approach to this exit and to monitor the speed of traffic.  This work may include variable message signs that respond to changes in traffic flow and queuing and a reduced speed limit for the entire length of the exit ramp.




4.      There are no unbudgeted costs associated with this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Sameer Pandey




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 26 June 2023                                                                                                         Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                  PUBLIC FORUM 1: Item 13.2 Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade

REFERENCE            F2022/03176 - D09028461        


FROM                          Monica Kelly

Dear Lord Mayor and Councillors

I wish to speak before you this evening in relation to Item 13.2 Parramatta Lake Upgrade, for your consideration.

My public forum deals with the approach Council is taking in relation to utilising the grant money to make Parramatta Lake more swimmable.
While I congratulate Council for securing the grant, I urge Council to reconsider developing the lake in line with the current plans while the sewerage system is outdated and defective.

I live very close to the Lake and swim in it nearly daily during the warmer months, and I walk and picnic in the area in the cooler months, as do many other people. Frequently, the flashing light on the top of the septic tank is flashing, disgusting smells emanate from it, and I took a video of the tank swarming with flies leaching raw sewerage into the water. I am happy to share this video with anyone who wants to view it.

Council has been encouraging patronage of the Lake for years, yet the toilet system is third world. It is highly likely that development of the Lake, as proposed currently, will increase its patronage. Yet I cannot think of any other public swimming space in Sydney in 2023, that is not connected to the sewerage system.

I understand from Council’s documents that some 50,000 people annually visit the Lake, yet there are only a few toilets in both the men’s and women’s toilets. There are also zero showers and changing rooms.

The NSW DPIE ‘Places to Swim’ website states that uses of the grant includes amenities and facilities that directly support the recreational use of the waterways (change rooms, toilet facilities, picnic and BBQ facilities, foreshore works, netting, pontoons, signage).

If Council fails to upgrade the amenities with this grant, then our own funds will need to be expended to do just that. Maybe not next year, but eventually the sewerage system will have to be upgraded to meet first world standard.

I do not want to see my beloved Lake the subject of a health emergency, a dysentery outbreak, or some other well-understood illness contracted by swimming in human excrement. I also do not want to see Council prosecuted for creating an unhealthy workplace. And I do not want my friends and neighbours to become ill from swimming in what was once a beautiful, natural waterhole.

Council has obviously undertaken a lot of work and developed a design that will satisfy many users of the Lake but changing focus to improving the sewerage system does not mean that the design work has been wasted. Upgrading the sewerage system is urgent and vital, particularly considering the growing popularity of the Lake. Another thought occurred to me, that if I have videoed the septic tank leaking, others likely have also. Frequently, there are camera crews at the Lake and all it takes is for one of them to smell the septic tank, or be told about it, and the good news story turns to bad. Very bad.

Thank you for listening.



The Lake Parramatta Swimming Area Upgrade project is 100% funded by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and grant funding is conditional on the delivery of the concept plan. The Lake Parramatta swimming Area concept Plan involves an upgrade to the swimming area to improve visitor safety and access to the swimming area. The project does not include the provision of public toilets and a scope change of this significance would be a breach of the grant conditions.


While Council has no immediate plans to replace or upgrade the toilet facilities, Council is progressively undertaking upgrades to Lake Parramatta Reserve in line with its adopted Masterplan.  All Lake Parramatta toilet facilities are plumbed to a pump out system which is serviced regularly, council has recently upgraded the pumps and rectified a systems fault following overflow issues identified in you submission. Council acknowledges your recommendation to connect the site to the Sydney water sewer system, though to do so would be a significant project in scope and cost as the nearest sewer line is in Bristol Street and would require the construction of a new pumping station.





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