Meeting Name

Floodplain Risk Management Committee



01 June 2023

Time 5:35PM


Level 03 Meeting Room 1 - 126 Church Street Parramatta and Microsoft Teams



-        Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv – Chairperson

-        Councillor Phil Bradley – Deputy Chairperson


Committee Members

-        Jeff Boulous  - Great River Sydney

-        Fiona Coe - Department of Planning & Environment

-        Nadine Goss - Community Member

-        David Grasby - Sydney Water

-        Luke Magee – Parramatta Chamber of Commerce

-        Angela Hansford – Community Member

-        Annie Neilsen - Community Member

-        Hassan Narimani - (delegate of Andrzej Listowski) Sydney Olympic Park Authority

-        Nasim Sohrabi – Transport for NSW

-        Shelley Stingmore – NSW Emergency Services

-        Jazmin Van Veen - Department of Planning & Environment



-        Jim Tsom - Supervisor Catchment Management and Convenor

-        Paul Clark – Senior Catchment & Development Engineer

-        Sarah McAskill - Local Emergency Management Officer



-        Nassim Sohrabi

-        Eric Lin - Stantec



Apologies / Leave of Absence

Robert Cologna, David Kirkland, Deepak Makhijani



Marvi Gordon


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.



Introductions and Apologies


The Chairperson, Cr Prociv opened the meeting at 5:35pm and welcomed everyone at the meeting. The Committee noted that the meeting is being recorded for the purpose of minute taking.


The Committee received and noted the apologies from

1.       Robert Cologna

2.      David Kirkland and

3.      Deepak Makhijani

4.     Mariah Drakoulis



Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosure of interest this Advisory Committee meeting.



Confirmation of Minutes from 16 March 2023



The minutes of the Floodplain Risk Management Committee, held on 16 March 2023, was received and noted and confirmed as a true record of the proceeding of that meeting.



RESOLVED Annie Nielsen/Ankit Shah



Sydney Metro Stabling Yard at Unwin, Rosehill



Sydney Metro Team presented Sydney Metro Stabling Yard at Unwin, Rosehill led by Sam Douglas.


In virtual attendance from Transport for New South Wales – Sydney Metro were;

1.       Monica Raju

2.      Ankit Shah - WTP Delivery Design Manager Metro West

3.      Zac Richards


Discussion focused on:


·        Design criteria

·        Impacts of climate change

·        Increase flooding above floor flooding

·        Pollution in Duck River



Responses to questions taken on notice will be circulated to FRMC members only in a separate document.


Jazmin Van Veen left the meeting at 6:28pm.

Nasim Sohrabi left the meeting at 6:31pm.



Parramatta River Flood Study Map Results (Councillor Workshop 17 May) – Confidential



Supervisor Catchment Management provided a presentation on Parramatta River Flood Study Map Results of the status update to the Committee.



The Committee received and noted the presentation.


Responses to questions taken on notice will be circulated to FRMC members only in a separate document.



1.       David Grasby left the meeting at 6:53pm.

2.      Cr Bradley and Annie Nielsen retired from the meeting at 6:52pm.

3.      Will Tang, Ankit Shah and Mark Cameron left the meeting at 6:56pm.



Parramatta River Flood Study Map Results  - Communications and engagement plan – Confidential



Supervisor Catchment Management provided a presentation on Parramatta River Flood Study Map Results  - Communications and engagement plan to the Committee.


The Committee received and noted the presentation.



General Business


Fiona Coe, Senior Natural Resource Officer (Floodplain) from Department of Planning and Environment provided a presentation on Managing Flood Risk.


The Committee received and noted the presentation.



Next Meeting Date


Meeting Closed: 7:29pm


Encl: Questions taken on Notice at the Meeting.



Question Taken On Notice at the 1 June 2023 Meeting

Committee Member


Question for the TfNSW team: Who is the best contact avenue for the Clyde site regarding flood performance and any customer flooding issues?

David Grasby


Sydney Water has received a variety of complaints over the past couple of years in the A'Becketts Creek catchment immediately upstream of the Clyde MSF, including claims for overfloor flooding damages. These concerns were elevated up to the level of the (former) Member for Parramatta, but we haven't yet heard from the new MP.

David Grasby


Current pollution that is sitting in Duck Creek, how can that be looked at or dealt with or even thought about?

Cr Patricia Prociv


1.     What is the council plan for the flood mitigation responsibilities for land neighbouring SOPA land and SOPA land?


2.    Given the volume of developments at Carter Street Precinct, the impact on the existing stormwater drainage assets has increased significantly. What is the council plan in dealing with the stormwater quality draining to the creeks and mitigating the impact on the existing SOPA assets including the pipe network, wetlands and creeks?

Hassan Narimani Senior Manager Engineering and Asset - SOPA


Testing the PMF event for longer durations

Fiona Coe