Meeting Name

First Nations Advisory Committee

Quorum:  7


13 June 2023, Tuesday

Time: 5:00PM


Level 12 – Boardroom, 126 Church St Parramatta / MS Teams



Jayne Christian (remote)

Committee members:

ˉ          Edwina Crawford (remote)

ˉ          Issac Roberts

ˉ          Marlene Corbett

ˉ          Roslyn Fogg (in person)

ˉ          Raelene Billedo

Council Staff

-       David Moutou

-       Karen Maber

Guest Speakers

-       Christopher Snelling, Group Manager PHIVE

-       Mathew Cornwell, MD Ngurra Advisory

-       M’Leigh Brunetta, Events & Festivals Managers


Clr Phil Bradley

Apologies / Leave of Absence


-       Bruce Gale

-       Cleonie Quayle

-       Julie Clarke Jones

-       Luke Eldridge


Rodrigo Gutierrez, Community Capacity Building Manager, Community Services


Vandana Saini

HPRM Reference


Recording Announcement

Secretariat read out the following announcement prior to the meeting.

“All those present should be aware that this Meeting is being recorded. All recordings will be confidential and comply with NSW workplace surveillance legislation. Your continued presence at this meeting will be taken as your consent. The recordings will be used by governance for the purpose of taking any minutes and they will not be used or disclosed in any other way, except as required by law.”











Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.


Welcome & Apologies


The Chairperson declared the meeting open at 5:07pm. The Committee members and staff present at the meeting introduced themselves. 


The Committee received and noted apologies from the following Committee members:

-       Bruce Gale

-       Cleonie Quayle

-       Julie Clarke Jones

-       John Robertson

-        Luke Eldridge


The Committee received and noted the resignation of two Committee members:

-       Andrew Fernando

-       Fetuuloa Lolesio


The Chairperson noted the absence of a quorum and permitted to proceed with informal discussion that does not involve decision-making.


Disclosure of Interests

Jayne Christian declared that she engages with Weaving Garden and has conducted Welcome to Country.


Minutes of Previous Meeting - 14 February 2023 and 14 April 2023

In absence of a quorum consideration of the minutes were deferred to the next meeting.


The Committee noted the presence of photographer in the meeting room. The Committee gave consent for being photographed. The photos will be saved in First Nation Peoples Images Library.


North Parramatta and Rosehill/Camellia Project


Mathew Cornwell gave a presentation on Camellia Rosehill project.


The key highlights of the presentation were:


·       About the Project:

v  Camellia-Rosehill is a strategically important riverside precinct in the heart of the Central River City of the Parramatta LGA.

v  The precinct has a rich history of industry and productivity. However poor environmental management, land contamination and access constraints have resulted in an underutilised and uncared for area.

v  By 2041 the precinct will be enhances with service and circular economy industries and new recreational and entertainment facilities all enabled by better transport access via light rail, active transport and road connections.

v  A Place Strategy and draft Connecting with Country Framework have been developed for the project following inputs from Parramatta / Cumberland Shire Councils and First Nations community members.

·       Proposed Masterplan:

v  The draft masterplan is available on the DPE portal.

v  The masterplan proposes 18 hour entertainment precinct, capacity for 15,400 jobs, 10,000 new homes and more.

·       About the Urban Design Framework:

v  The project is being lead by Hassell and is part of the State Rezoning Phase for the precinct.

v  Deliverables will include Urban Design Report, Statutory Planning Report and Design Guidelines.

·       First Nations Consultants:

v  Djinjama and Ngurra Advisory have been engaged to work alongside Hassel on the project.

·       Project Challenges and issues identified:

v  High likelihood of damage to cultural sites of significance because of the Industrial Estate.

v  Country has been left uncared for many waterways are heavily polluted with toxins and litter.

v  Access to the site has been limited for community due to the Industrial nature of the site.

·       Project Opportunities:

v  The Urban Design Framework is a significant opportunity for First Nations community members to have direct input into how public and private spaces are deigned with Country at the centre.


The Committee was requested to respond on the key questions that can support in Community engagement.

1.      Who are the key First Nations community groups, organisations or Elders that need to be a part of this consultation.

2.      Are there community members with long standing connection to Rosehill?

3.      Would any of the Advisory Committee members be interested in participating in a Walk on Country?

4.     What should ongoing engagement with the Advisory Committee look like?


The Committee provided some feedback to the above.


The Committee thanked Mathew Cornwell for the presentation.



The Committee will receive an invite to the rsvp for participating in a Walk on Country.


Naming of Parramatta Town Hall Rooms


Christopher Snelling gave a presentation on Parramatta Town Hall Room Naming.


The purpose of the presentation is to consult with Committee’s on the recommended approach to naming of public spaces within Parramatta Town Hall. The rooms require a public facing name befitting the history and landmark significance of Town Hall.

·       Meeting Room (Northern) – Inspector of Nuisance Room

·       Meeting room (Southern) – Town Clerk Room

·       Main Hall : The Great Hall (original name)

·       Southern extension – Southern Terrace / Dharug Name (Dual naming)


The Room on the first Floor has an existing name – Charles Byrnes Room.


Christopher shared the history and rationale of the chosen names. He also informed how the meeting rooms historical reference will be acknowledged.


The Committee thanked Christopher Snelling for the Presentation.



The Committee is pleased that the Town Hall is coming back to life as it’s a very significant building. In the recent years the Town Hall was dwarfed by the recent developments around it.


The Committee approved the recommended names.


Burramatta NAIDOC


M’Leigh Brunetta gave a short presentation on Burramatta NAIDOC event.


The Warami festival starts with the Sorry day, then runs to the Reconciliation week and concludes with the NAIDOC week and NAIDOC week event.


The National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in July each year to celebrate and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s history, culture and achievements. The theme for NAIDOC 2023 is ‘Four Our Elders’, an acknowledgment of the role our Elders have played, and continue to play, in our communities and families.


Warami: Burramatta Day 2023 will be celebrated on the 8th July 2023 in The Crescent, Parramatta Park.



The Committee approved the program and look forward to attend.


ABC TV in Parramatta


The Agenda Item deferred to the next meeting i.e. 14 August 2023.




First Nations Strategy Update


Mathew Cornwell gave an update on the First Nations Strategy.


·       Project background

·       Project scope

·       Project Deliverable Timeframes


The Committee note the update.


RESOLVED (Fogg/Billedo)


That the Committee recognised and acknowledged Steven Ross work and wished him good luck in Blacktown Council.


The Keeping Place


Karen Maber gave updates on The Keeping Place.


The Committee noted the updates.




General Business


-       Jayne Christian applied for Leave of Absence till 1 November 2023.

-       Uncle Bruce will take the role of Chairperson in the interim and in his absence the role will be opened to the Committee to volunteer.

-       Committee accepted the written resignation from Cleonie Quayle and a verbal resignation from Luke Eldridge.

-       Staff will process the EOI as per the Terms of Reference for the vacant positions.


The Chairperson closed the meeting at 6:48pm.


Next Meeting Date – 8 August 2023