Meeting Name

Access Advisory Committee Meeting


6 June 2023

Time 5:35 PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street Parramatta, Microsoft Teams and Audio Dial-in



Committee Member

Jayne Boardman

Ross Chaplin

Scott Green - Chairperson

Timothy Hart - Deputy Chairperson

Mark Kunach 



David Moutou – Acting Executive Director, Community Services

Hamish Murray – Project Officer – Universal Design & Access

Elizabeth Collins - Community Care Manager

Tanya Owen - Community Capacity Building

Lead & Convenor

Ash Kanitkar – Community Capacity Building Project Officer

Ania Moscarelli -  Community Care Manager



Councillor Phil Bradley



Charlene Bordley – Chairperson, Active Transport Advisory Committee member

Ana Beatrice-Tan – Community Engagement Officer, Research & Engagement

Thomas Andrew Atkins - Senior Landscape Architect


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Emily Mahendran - Committee Member

Susan Thompson - Committee Member

Kanisha Diwakar – Committee Member

William Pass – Acting Community Capacity Building Manager


Marvi Gordon

HPRM Reference










Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Committee members and guests provided a brief introduction of themselves.




The Committee received and noted the apology Emily Mahendran and William Pass.


The Committee was advised of Leone Clark’s resignation. Leone has served as a Committee Member for over 15 year years, and her time and contribution is appreciated and valued.


Acting Executive Director, Community Services to coordinate a letter of appreciation for Leone Clark and recognition for her service.


Council Office post meeting note: late apologies were received from Susan Thompson and Kanisha Diwakar.


Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosure on interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


Due to no quorum achieved for the 4 April 2023 meeting, no minutes have been distributed.


The Committee was notified the meeting is being recorded for via Microsoft Teams for minute taking purposes.


Guest Speaker: Junction Street Plaza Youth Hub – confidential


Community Engagement Officer, Research & Engagement and Senior Landscape Architect presented the Junction Street Plaza Youth Hub.


Primary purpose of discussion was to engage Committee Members from an early stage and provide a current status update.


-           Part of a longer term vision plan for the site.

-           Activate the space

-           Safe space for children from 10 to 15 year old age group.

-           This project is funded by NSW Government (confidential).


Currently two rounds of preliminary consultation.

Feedback to date indicating key features desired by community:

-           Multi-purpose space

-           Space for community events for specific age group

-           Safe, green, free, welcoming and accessible space

-           Use of space (passive an infrastructure)

-           Amenities (power points)

-           Environmental safety


Comments and discussion points of the Committee:

1.         A query on CCTV for the space.

2.         Considerations for accessibility, and how to make relatively small adjustments to increase inclusion through consideration early in the design process.

3.         Recommendation to consult young people with disabilities.

4.         Query around how to ensure safety and security for the age groups concerned

5.         Availability of accessible parking.


Ana Beatrice-Tan and Thomas Andrew Atkins to return to the Committee at the design stage to provide a status update and continue consultation with the Committee.


1.         Council Bradley joined the meeting virtually at 5:52pm.

2.         Charlene Bordley joined the meeting in person at 5:55pm.

3.         Thomas Andrew Atkins joined the meeting virtually at 6:00pm.

4.         Ana Beatrice-Tan and Thomas Andrew Atkins left the meeting at 6:28pm.


Project Update: Parramatta Aquatic Centre - confidential


Acting Executive Director, Community Services presented a project update on Parramatta Aquatic Centre on operational planning and infrastructure within the facility that have been improved as a result of earlier feedback from the Access Advisory Committee.


Comments and Questions Taken on Notice

1.         Are there automatic doors for the accessible change facilities?

2.         All Committee Members were invited to participate in a test event and/or a tour.


1.         Acting Executive Director, Community Services along with Project Officer – Universal Design & Access will investigate accessible change room doors and report back to the Committee.

2.         The Convenor will email the Committee to repeat invitation and request Committee Member’s preferred participation regarding early site access.


1.         Timothy Hart left the meeting at 6:36pm.

2.         Order of the business was amended. Item 10 Other Business was discussed prior to Item 9 Business Arising from Previous Minutes.


Other Business

  • DIAP Photo Project


Community Capacity Building Project Officer provided a status update on a graphics project under Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The project seeks to assist Council in achieving a better a better representation of people with disability across all images used, so that we are showing the true diversity of our Community across all products.


It is likely that we will follow an Expression of Interest process to seek people as photo subjects of the project.


The Committee received and noted.


Business Arising from Previous Minutes

  • Playground access audits


Community Capacity Building Lead & Convenor along with Project Officer – Universal Design & Access shared an update on progress towards identifying playgrounds in the LGA that are accessible, and along with this, defining the minimum requirements for an accessible playground.


Jayne Boardman complimented and provided high praise of the efforts of City of Parramatta Council, listening to Access Advisory Committee feedback and utilising this in project implementation.


Acting Executive Director, Community Services shared City of Parramatta Council was the winner of Local Government Professionals Excellence Awards for Organizational Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The feedback from the Committee has contributed to this award.


The Committee received and noted.


Update from Active Transport Committee


1.         The Committee received and noted Item 1 and 3.

2.         Project Officer – Universal Design & Access will coordinate a date with Transport Planning Manager, Strategic Land Use Planning to present to the Committee.


Next Meeting Date: 1 August, 2023


Meeting Closed: 7:07pm