Meeting Name

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee



9 March 2023

Time 5:00PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church St Parramatta /

MS Teams



Committee Members

·         Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv (Joined at 5:23pm)

·         Alisa Huang

·         Daniel Green

·         Said Islam

·         Dr Shima Taheri

·         Shant Ohannessian

·         Suntharalingham Senthilanantha (joined remotely at 5:25pm)


·         Anthony Newland, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design

·         Sandra Martin, Infrastructure Planning & Design


Apologies / Leave of Absence

·         Lord Mayor Donna Davis

·         Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Sameer Pandey

·         Ian Taylor, PLR Interface Manager – Infrastructure Planning and Design


Chaired By

Councillor Paul Noack



Vandana Saini


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.




The Chairperson welcomed attendees to the meeting.




The Committee received and noted apologies from

·         Lord Mayor Donna Davis

·         Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Sameer Pandey


Disclosure of Interests




Confirmation of Previous Minutes from 1 December 2022 Meeting


The Committee confirmed the tabled minutes.


Expression of Interest Update


Anthony Newland, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design –provided an update on the Expression of Interest to fill the 4 vacant positions for Committee Membership.


An Expression of Interest was called out via Council’s social media from 13 Feb -24 Feb 2023 and some candidates were also shortlisted from the internal database.


The selection panel recommends 4 candidates out of the 20 EOI.


Raj Sharma – Olympic Park

Lynda Calder – Ermington

Steven Brown – Ermington

Jin Young Lee – Wentworth Point


The Committee endorsed the recommendation and agreed to submit a  report to Council for approval at its meeting on 27 March 2023.


PLR Stage 2 Enabling Works Update

·         Project Agreement DRAFT

·         Urban design Requirement report DRAFT


Anthony Newland provided an update regarding the current status of EIS and enabling works to the Committee.


Current status of EIS:

Council put in a submission to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in December 2022. The Committee should note that the EIS evaluation was finalised based on the alignment designs as at May 2022 and did not include current alignment changes– A9 at Eric Primrose Park, Macquarie Street turnback and Track extension and new stop at Wharf. The revised statement is due in April 2023.


The Council is now waiting for Transport for NSW (TfNSW) response to DPE in which they are proposing an amendment to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).  Council is in conversation with TfNSW to arrange a meeting with the EIS team and discuss the submission in detail with an aim to influence the analysis of the amendment report that will be finalised by April 2023.


Action: Outcomes of meeting with EIS team will be tabled to the Committee for feedback.


PLR Stage 2 Enabling Works Update

·         Project Agreement DRAFT – The TfNSW has issued Project Agreement Draft for Enabling Works.


·         Urban Design Requirement report DRAFT (Yellow Book) –  Anthony explained that the second part of Bridge with connections north and south was referred to as Yellow Book. The current Urban Design for Stage 1 was called the “Blue Book”. The Urban Design Requirements book determines in part what the contractor builds and is quite high level to give leeway to the contractor in the design and construct stage. Council has been issued with the Yellow book to provide comments to TfNSW.


Recommendation: Archer Park can be used as a Park and Ride park for residents of Melrose Park and surrounding areas.


The Committee noted the current status and the PLR Stage 2 Enabling Works Update.


EIS Amendment Update

·         New Alignment – A9 at Eric Primrose Park

·         Macquarie Street Turnback


Anthony Newland provided a detail summary of the current EIS and Council’s submission for the following enabling works.


New Alignment – A9 at Eric Primrose Park

·         EIS does not adequately discuss visual impact of the embankment based alignment through the foreshore park, loss of the existing tree scape shielding industrial buildings from the park

·         Council maintains its objection to the loss of foreshore land

·         TfNSW to remove the Light Rail alignment from Eric Primrose Reserve


Macquarie Street turnback

·         CoP recommends detailed engagement with CoPC on turnback options

·         Detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each option for operations, customers, efficiency of movement to key destinations, public domain, heritage and other like matters.


Track extension and new Stop at Sydney Olympic Park Wharf

·         Full analysis required from TfNSW on new Stop near wharf


Anthony provided an insight of the Pro’s and Con’s of branch line to SOP Wharf – with new Stop 9(Map explained in the presentation):

·         Transport Strategy

o   Pro’s: This will provide better customer experience, connection to school at  North and improve major even access.

o   Con’s : Proposed location may lead to potential congestion and time delays for car commuters – this needs to be assessed by TfNSW.

·         Traffic

o   Pro’s: No impact on Sekisui access and Bus bay

o   Con’s: Change of Burroway intersection proposed as roundabout to a signalised intersection

·         Public Domain

o   Con’s: Branch stop and turnback facilities would occupy limited space planned for delivery of large boulevard type design and will also reduce landscaping

Property Acquisition

·         Acquisition of part Footbridge Boulevard (private road explained in the presentation the issues with the intersection design, including high voltage cables under the road and proposed right turn bay)

·         50 or so sites for acquisition across the alignment of which roughly half are industrial and half residential.



The Committee thanked Anthony Newland for the updates.


General Business


The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) on the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 revised Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be released in April 2022 and will be presented to the Committee in the next meeting in May 2023.


Next Meeting Date


18 May 2023 at  5:30PM TBA


Meeting Closed:  6:15PM