Meeting Name

Heritage Advisory Committee

Quorum: 8


Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Time: 5:00PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church Street, Parramatta / MS Teams



Chairperson and Deputy Chair:

-       Stephanie Licciardo (Chair)

-       Graham Shirley (Deputy Chair)

Committee Members

-       Cheryl Bates

-       Laurie Bennett

-       Michele Grande (remote)

-       Scott Hill (remote)

-       Tim Owen (remote)

-       Wei Li (remote)

Council staff

·       Andrea Giusa – DTSU Council’s Heritage Advisor

·       Robert Sutton – DTSU Technical Specialist Manager

·       Paul Kennedy – Strategic Land Use Planning Project Officer

Guest Speakers

-       Alex McDougall, Executive Planner

-       Bianca Lewis, Executive Planner

-       Myfanwy McNally, City Significant Development Manager


·     Councillor Phil Bradley (Ex-officio) (remote)


Apologies / Leave of Absence

-       Jeff Allen

-       Julie Jones

-       Suzette Meade

-       Terrence Smith



Vandana Saini


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.


Welcome & Apologies


The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting. The meeting opened at 5:00pm.


The Committee received and noted the apologies from Committee members Jeff Allen, Julie Jones, Suzette Meade and Terrence Smith.


The Committee accepted the resignation of Raelene Billedo &  Steve Kane and as per the Terms of Reference,  Andrea Giusa – Convenor will contact the people on the eligibility list to confirm their interest.


Clause - Member Vacancies applies:

4.9 Where a vacancy occurs:

a. Within six (6) months from the appointment of members, the vacancy may be filled firstly by a person on the eligibility list if they are still interested and available to join the Heritage Advisory Committee;



1.      Andrea Giusa to contact people on the eligibility list to confirm their interest for membership to the Committee and make recommendation to the Committee.


Disclosure of Interests

There were no declarations of interest made at this meeting.


The Committee requested to include each and every address of the property that would be discussed be at the future meetings so as to establish the conflict of interest.


Confirmation of Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday, 1 November 2022


RESOLVED (Shirley/Bates)

That the Minutes of Heritage Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 1 November 2022 be received and noted as a true record of the meeting after the amendment as below to General Business:


That the Committee recommends the listing of First Nations Cultural Heritage sites and the mapping of these heritage sites across the City of Parramatta Local Government Area.”


Update on Major Projects DA

4 Major DA’s affecting  Heritage Items:

·       81-83 George Street and 1 Barrack Lane Parramatta – DA/937/2022

·       89-91 George Street Parramatta – DA/662/2022

·       188 Church Street, Parramatta MBC House, DA/960/022

·       94 Bettington Road, Oatlands, Oatlands Golf Club, DA/1001/2022


DA/960/022 - 188 Church Street, Parramatta MBC House

Myfanwy Mcnally, City Significant Development Manager addressed the Committee in relation to this development application.


It is concept DA to inform a future Design Competition in regards to height, scale and setbacks. The item is locally heritage listed and interfaces with Centenary Sq and Macquarie St. The concept DA seeks approval for a building envelope that makes provision for a nine story commercial premises upon the site comprising:

·       The retention of the three-story heritage listed Murray’s Building, namely it’s a façade and hipped roof features;

·       A six-story cantilevered addition with a maximum height of RL 50.15, including provision for plant and lift overrun;

·       A building envelope that facilitates GFA of 3,796.7sq.m with this concept proposal, but which is capable of accommodating a total GFA of 4,366.32sq.m. as part of a future Stage 2 DA. This includes up to an additional 15% FSR following a competitive design process and meeting the design excellence requirements of Clause 7.11 of the Parramatta LEP 2011.


Discussion of issues

·       Bulk and Scale – Council staff believe that while this development is complaint with the LEP FSR and height, the bulk of the development is overwhelming the heritage item. Council recommends that the addition be a single storey.

·       Context to Centenary Sq – Councils new CBD DCP controls has the objective that the existing two to three storey buildings flanking Centenary Sq be retained. The proposal would not meet this objective.


The Committee had an open discussion regarding the development application and shared the concerns.


RESOLVED (Bates/Hill)

That the Committee does not support adding a single storey as its significantly intruding the setting. The Committee does not support the extra 15% and the DA to be redesigned in a way that does not touch the roof of the building and gives the building enough visual curtilage around.


DA/1001/2022, 94 Bettington Road, Oatlands, Oatlands Golf Club

Bianca Lewis, Executive Planner addressed the Committee in relation to this development application. The location of the proposal is within 55m of Oatlands House, a local item under the Parramatta LEP 2011.


The DA seeks:

·       Demolition of existing buildings and structures

·       Tree removal and remediation works

·       Constructions of a temporary club house and associated temporary car parking spaces

·       Seven (7) buildings (3 to 8 storeys) containing 155 independent living units for the purposes of seniors housing (including people with a disability)

·       Construction and operation of a new registered club – Oatlands Golf Club

·       405 car parking spaces over 2 basement levels

·       Landscaping and ancillary facilities

·       Torrens title subdivision into 2 lots and further, subdivision of one of the subject lot into 17 lots in a community scheme and strata subdivision of the independent living units.


Discussion of issues – Heritage Advisor recommendations:

·       View impacts from Oatlands House – consideration of reducing height of the development so there is minimal or negligible view impact from Oatlands House.

·       Importance of vegetation screening – create a consistent and well-managed screening of vegetated areas around Oatlands House. Maintain the interpretation of the natural existing/survived 1830 extent of historical landscape and the 90 acres golf course surrounding Oatland House.

·       Proposed road alignment – maintain road alignment with the roundabout on Bettington Road (investigate the connection to the existing roundabout)

·       Improved articulation and backdrop to Oatlands House outbuildings – Investigate the option to subdivide building C in 2 buildings (C1 and C2) and realign other proposed buildings.


Public Submissions

·       The application was on public exhibition from 11 January to 9 February 2023. To date, 92 submissions have been received and 645 signature petition submissions have been received objecting the proposal.


The Chairperson opened the floor for discussion. The Committee shared their concerns in particular the visual height behind the Oatlands House.


Question on Notice: Is the site under the flood zone? How flood prone the site is?



2. The Council officer will examine the flood zone while writing the assessment report.

3. The Council officer to circulate the comprehensive view analysis of the development application to the Committee.


RESOLVED (Bates/Owen)

That the Committee strongly agree and supports the recommendations of the Heritage Advisor reducing 2 stories on the street and reduced up to 3 in the centre of the development site.




DA/937/2022 - 81-83 George Street and 1 Barrack Lane Parramatta: Office Tower Envelope & DA/662/2022 - 89-91 George Street Parramatta

Alex McDougall, Executive Planner addressed the Committee in relation to both the development applications as they have shared issues.


The primary purpose of the DA/937/2022 application is to test setback non-compliances.

·       The site is located immediately to the west of the state listed heritage item “Perth House” which includes a stables building. The large fig tree on the subject site is part of the listing.

·       The locally listed subterranean “Convict Drain” traverses the site.

·       The state and locally listed singles tory “Warders Cottage” is located to the south-west of the site.

·       Remnants of the locally listed “Convicts Barracks Wall” may run along the rear boundary of the site and adjoining the School service lane) .


DA/662/2022 - 89-91 George Street Parramatta

·       The site is located immediately to the east of the state listed heritage item “Perth House”.

·       Remnants of the locally listed “Convict Barracks Wall” run along the rear boundary of the site.


Discussion of issues – Perth House Impact

·       Setbacks: The site -specific controls in the City Centre DCP require a 3m tower setback to the western boundary. The proposal seeks to provide a non-complaint 1.1m (rear of site) – 2.9m (front of site) western tower setback. The DCP states that proximity to heritage is not a reason to reduce setbacks and that development should not overhang the curtilage of heritage items. It is recommended that the setback be enforced.

·       Podium Design: The lower levels of the building will form the backdrop of Perth House views from George Street. Concern is raised that the western façade of the lower levels is too ‘buy’ with use of a multitude of materials, colours, signage and projecting elements. It is considered that these lower levels should be more subdued, to provide an appropriate curtilage for Perth House.


Discussion of issues – Convict Barracks Wall Impact

The proposal includes basement piling and a wall on the rear boundary. The Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) suggests that there may be remnants of the heritage listed convict barracks wall immediately adjacent, if not straddling, the rear boundary of the site. The photo included in the Heritage Impact Statement (HIS) appears to pre-date the recent redevelopment of the adjacent school site. It is recommended that the applicant update the HIS to include updated information about the status and location of the wall and address the following:

·       The wall should be retained in its entirety.

·       Consider the need to provide a setback to the wall (perhaps 1m). An offset will enable its retention, conservation and interpretation. If underpinning is proposed, additional documents and reports should illustrate the feasibility of undertaking these works without damaging the wall.

·       The wall must be protected from potential impact damage from construction

·       Ability to provide any visibility of the wall from within the proposed development.


The Chairperson opened the floor for discussion.


The Committee confirmed whether there is an integrated development or section 60 application associated with any of the sites?


Heritage advisor  explained that Heritage NSW would generally review the site archaeological potential is that is within a State level of Significance and the proposal would be reviewed based on the significance (State) of the PHALMS 2000 Archaeological Management Unit (AMU). The possibility of retaining additional archaeological feature is minimum as the existing buildings would need to be demolished to test the data of the Convict drains and the site specifics AMU is label (possibly incorrectly) in the PHALMS 2000 as having “Nil” Archaeological Significance and “none” Archaeological research potential.


The Committee was concerned that the 3m setback for the podium is too little and have minimal visual interference. The site is an archaeological site and has an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.


RESOLVED (Licciardo/Shirley)

That the Committee believes that all of the setbacks at ground level are insufficient with regard to the setting of the heritage features on the side buildings and the wall. And that with regard to the height and the bulk of the podium, there should be more articulation at podium level.


RESOLVED (Li/Shirley)

That the height of the tower be reconsidered with regard to the impact and raise concerns around the survival of the Fig tree.


The Chairperson thanked Alex McDougall, Executive Planner

Bianca Lewis, Executive Planner & Myfanwy McNally, City Significant Development Manager for the updates.


The Council staff noted the recommendations from the Committee.


Updates on:

·       Local Heritage Fund (LHF) guidelines and form updated on our web page.

·       Latest received Local Heritage Fund Applications (5 applications)

·       LHF proposal for increasing of funds.

·       PLR 2 impacts, particularly on 64 Hughes Avenue, Ermington


Local Heritage Fund (LHF) guidelines and form updated on our web page & Latest received Local Heritage Fund Applications (5 applications)


Andrea Giusa, DTSU Council’s Heritage Advisor provided an update on the Local Heritage Fund Applications.


Background: Council’s Local Heritage Fund provides small grants 25% of the total cost of works up to $3,300 to owners of heritage items and properties located in conservation areas.


The LHF guidelines were revised in 2022-23. The grants are advertised by sending letters to Heritage property owners, via service requests, website and social media.


Total Budget


Available Fund for each of 3 meetings


Balance remaining from previous fund


Total expenditure sought at tonight meeting


Remaining balance after tonight expenditure



Applications profile, scope of works were discussed at the meeting and the following was approved:


Amount requested


61 Elanor Street Rosehill



3 Kent Street Epping



59 Kirby Street Rydalmere



18 Galloway Street North Parramatta



9 Bago Street Pendle Hill




LHF proposal for increasing of funds

Paul Kennedy, Project Officer Strategic Land Use Planning provided an update on the review of maximum grant amount under the Parramatta Local Heritage Fund.


The key highlights are:

·       The review is being done as the Council resolved on 14 June 2022:
That Council review the maximum amount available per grant and that the findings of this review be presented to a Councillor Workshop.

·       The Councillor workshop is schedule end of March 2023 and any feedback/view from Heritage Advisory Committee will be cascaded.

·       In 2016 the fund was limited to 25% of the value of work up to a maximum of $3,300. The Council reviewed other grant schemes across NSW and other Australian Capital cities and identified that the average grant is about $4000.

·       The options of the review are:

1)        Retain current maximum amount of $3,300 and ratio of 25%

2)       Increase maximum amount to $5,000 and retain ratio of 25%

3)       Increase maximum amount to $4,000 and retain ratio of 25%

4)       Retain current maximum amount of $3,300 and increase ratio to 50%

5)       Allow discretionary payments up to $10,000 in exceptional circumstances

·       A comparison of calculated expenditure of various options over the four recent years was presented to the Committee. The tested options include; increase amount to $5000, increase maximum amount to $4000 and increase ration from 25% to 50% from 2017- 2022.


The Committee discussed the advantages and disadvantages of all the options and recommended Option 2, 3 & Option 5.


RESOLVED (Hill/Bates)

That the Committee recommends Option 2 or Option 3 and Option 5.


Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 impacts, particularly on 64 Hughes Avenue, Ermington


Paul provided a historical and heritage context to the property and how the PLR Stage 2 cuts across some of the curtilage and is not protecting the heritage item.


The EIS response to impacts upon this heritage item in terms of noise/vibration/visual amenity impacts in unacceptable noting the EIS has assessed the overall impacts to Willowmere as “moderate to major”.


The Council EIS Submission regarding the Bulla Cream Dairy Site stated that the impact of the project on the main house is significant, not nil as suggested by EIS. The proposed mitigation measures, including use of the residual land around the item to be used for public open space is not sufficient, The location of the light rail should be moved away from the heritage item to protect its structural integrity and visual setting.


 The Committee input is valuable for the Council submission.


RESOLVED (Bennett/Shirley)

The Committee support the Council’s position and prefer the railway be realigned.


 The Committee thanked Paul Kennedy for the updates.


General Business/information

·       Archaeological findings Parramatta /Metro Site visit and presentation.

·       45 Macquarie Street Parramatta response from previous minutes;

·       Conflict of interest (the agenda includes all the addresses of developments)

·       Parameters of SEPP for infrastructure

·       Dereliction of State Heritage listed Broughton House, Thomas Street Parramatta

·       Heritage fence at 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta


Archaeological findings Parramatta /Metro Site visit and presentation.


Andrea Giusa informed the Committee that a Convict Hut was found at the site and is under investigation. Sydney Metro Statement details the findings of the Convict hut. The statement will be circulated to the Committee Members for self-study.

During the works there were few other elements uncovered such as bricks, glass, ceramics, pipes and roofing materials and also drains with broken brick linings that still work.


45 Macquarie Street Parramatta response from previous minutes

Moved to the next meeting


Conflict of interest (the agenda includes all the addresses of developments)

The future agenda will include addresses of all properties to be discussed at the meeting.


Parameters of SEPP for infrastructure

Moved to the next meeting


Dereliction of State Heritage listed Broughton House, 43A Thomas Street Parramatta

It’s a State Heritage listed site. Council rejected the Heritage Minor Work application HMW/4/2020 previously and refused, hence it was referred to a submission of a Development Application. The property owner did not apply for DA in 2020 although they have been in conversation with HNSW since 2019 and apply for a  S60 with Heritage NSW (mostly for emergency works) and it was partially approved in its scope. The Council Heritage Advisor contacted the builder in 2022 recently conducted an internal investigation and audit of the internal documents and correspondences. The Heritage Advisor recommended that compliance can only investigate the matter when they receive a formal service request and the legal and building compliance Teams would inform about the best course of actions.


RESOLVED (Bates/Shirley)

That the Committee is concerned that the property owner is not maintaining minimum standards of repair and there is a risk of specific demolition by neglect by not complying with minimum standards or performing minimum and require maintenance. There is a risk of loss of Stage significance.


Heritage fence at 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

On 10 Dec 2022 it was noted that the heritage wrought iron fencing and the sandstone Plinths surrounding the site boundaries on Macquarie St and O’ Connell Street and that constitutes the original 1880s fence of the UNESCO world listed sites Parramatta Park had been demolished after July 2022 and that it was not in compliance with the notice of determination (approval) DA/803/2013/E Condition (15) and condition 140 of later modification of the approval. The fencing is within Club Parramatta development which sits in a buffer zone or curtilage of the World listing, the fence is protected as part of the Conservation agreement which depict controls from Council’s DCP 2011 .


The fence is not owned by Parramatta Park Trust and is owned by Return Services Club. The DA stated that “prior to the release of construction certificate, the existing boundary fencing along the O'Connell and Macquarie Street is to be restored. Details of the restoration of the fencing are to be submitted to the written satisfaction of Council's Heritage Advisor before the issue of a construction certificate.”


The Committee’s concern is whether the applicant comply to the DA?  The Committee is of the view that the private certifier is responsible for compliance of the completions.


Andrea confirmed that the applicant did not submit the drawings or the information required as part of the DA/803/2013 Condition (15) and/or 140 satisfaction .


RESOLVED (Bates/Bennett)

That the Heritage Advisor investigate the conditions around the (restoration) of the fence that is on 2 Macquarie street, preform a site visit and raise an internal related to the actions that are non-compliance to the condition of the DA/803/2013/E.


Next Meeting Agenda Items:

-       What is the criteria to meet the threshold for listing as a Local Heritage items

-       How many new listings has been added to the Heritage Register in the last 5 years?

-       Sound Shell installation in Parramatta Park

-       Alternative to Blue plaques


The Chairperson thanked the Committee members and staff for their participation.


Next Meeting Date: 2 May 2023


Meeting Closed:  8:01pm.