Meeting Name

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee



1 September 2022

Time 5:30PM


Level 12 Boardroom, 126 Church St Parramatta / MS Teams




·         Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Sameer Pandey

·         Councillor Dan Siviero

·         Councillor Paul Noack

·         Councillor Angie Humphries (Ex-Officio)


Committee Members

·         Alisa Huang

·         Daniel Green

·         David Marr

·         Gregory Willis

·         Saif Islam

·         Shant Ohannessian

·         Dr Shima Taheri

·         Suntharalingham Senthilanantha (Remote)

·         Veelyn Tan



·         Anthony Newland, Group Manager Infrastructure Planning & Design – City Planning & Design

·         Lily Wang, Parramatta Light Rail Program Interface Manager – City Planning & Design


Apologies / Leave of Absence

Lord Mayor Donna Davis (Chairperson)

Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv (Alternate)



Chaired By

Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Sameer Pandey



Vandana Saini


HPRM Reference









Acknowledgement of Country

The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.


Welcome and member introductions


Deputy Lord Mayor Clr Sameer Pandey welcomed all elected members and Councillors to the first meeting of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Advisory Committee.




Resolved (Noack/Green)

That the Committee receive and note apologies from Lord Mayor Clr Donna Davis.


Committee member Induction


Lily Wang conducted the Induction Workshop.


The topics included:

·         Council decision to establish the Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 2 Advisory Committee

·         Terms of Reference – Standard and PLR ToR

·         Code of Conduct

·         Role & duties of Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson,  Committee Members, Convenor, Ex-Officio and Secretariat


Open Discussion:

·         The Committee would prefer to meet on Tuesday instead of Thursday depending on the availability in the Calendar.

·         The Committee recommends a site inspection of other venues for better understanding of the proposed routes and also an option to have future meetings in any of the venues along that route e.g. Wentworth Point Library.



1.        Governance to advise whether another day of the week that would be possible for future meeting dates.

2.       Undertake site visits along the alignment to better understand the proposed routes.


Disclosure of Interest




Election of Deputy Chair


Resolved (Noack/Siviero)

That the Election of the Deputy Chair was deferred to the next Committee meeting.


The Election of the Deputy Chair to be held at the next Committee meeting on 1 December 2022.


Overview of current progress of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2


Lily Wang  and Anthony Newland provided a summary of the progress of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 that is also presented to the Transport NSW.

-         Project Timeline : Oct 2017 to Ongoing

-         TfNSW Approvals Design and Process

-         May 2022 ‘Have Your Say’ Consultation

-         Blue Book & the Definition Design Report : Urban Design Guideline

-         What are the Next steps: The PLR Stage 2 EIS is due on Q4 2022. Council is currently awaiting the draft EIS.



3.         Circulate all the presentations, the ‘Have Your Say’ formal written response to TfNSW to the Committee.

4.         Provide a list of what the abbreviations mean.

5.         Create a timeline / standard chart of the PLR Stage 2 design and assessment process.

6.         Keep the community updated on local public transport initiatives (in particular in Newington).

7.         For future presentations to the Committee, clarify what information is confidential and what information is publicly available.


General Business


The Committee thanked the staff for the presentation.


QON: Do we have a Community Engagement Subgroup for PLR Stage 2 that is State Government led?


Staff Response: No current transport group.


8.      Set up an action register


Next Meeting Date – 1 December 2022 (tentative)


Meeting Closed:  7:40pm