Meeting Name

First Nations Advisory Committee



13 September 2022

Time: 6:00PM


Level 3 Meeting Room 1,  126 Church St Parramatta / MS Teams



Committee members:

Andrew Fernando

Bruce Gale

Cleonie Quayle

Fetuuloa Lolesio

Isaac Roberts

Jayne Christian

John Robertson

Julie Clarke Jones

Luke Eldridge

Raelene Billedo

Ros Fogg


Council Staff

-       Christopher Snelling, Group Manager, 5-7 Parramatta Square and Community Hubs, Community Services

-       David Moutou, Group Manager Community Services

-       Deena Ridenour, Team Leader Strategic Design

-       Genevieve Blanchett, Project Officer, City Strategy

-       Janelle Blucher, Research & Collection Services Coordinator, Community Services

-       Leigh Salas, Manager Customer Experience, Community Services

-       Karen Maber, Keeping Place Officer, Community Services


Guest Speakers

Amy Barnes

Skye Kelly, Greater Cities Commission

Liza Noonan, Greater Cities Commission

Mat Cornwell

Rick Hughes


Ex-Officio Councillor

Clr Phil Bradley


Apologies / Leave of Absence

- Edwina Crawford

- Marlene Corbett (Leave of absence)

- Steven Ross, Community Capacity Building Officer, First Peoples Engagement & Strategy, Community Services (Convenor)



Rodrigo Gutierrez, Community Capacity Building Manager, Community Services




Vandana Saini


HPRM Reference








Acknowledgement of Country

Uncle Bruce gave the acknowledgment of Country.


Welcome & Apologies

The Committee members and staff introduced themselves.


Disclosure of Interests

There were no declaration of interest declared at the meeting.



-       Chairperson

The nominated members were:

- Jayne Christian (Committee member)

- John Robertson  (Self nomination)


Note: Luke Eldridge retired from the meeting due to technical difficulties.


The voting results were

-       Jayne Christian : 5

-       John Robertson: 4


Jayne Christian was appointed as the Chairperson of the First Nation Advisory Committee Meeting.


Deputy Chair Person

-       Bruce Gale (Self nomination)


Bruce Gale was appointed as the Deputy Chairperson of the First Nation Advisory Committee Meeting.


Greater Sydney Commission


Liza Noonan gave a presentation on Greater Sydney Commission and the Six Cities Region (Discussion Paper).


The Six Cities Region is an important place for the people of the Central River City, including First Nation custodians.


The team focuses on:

·       The development of the Westmead Health and Innovation District

·       Work right across government with colleagues from planning transport, schools, health to support the strategic coordination of how Westmead develop as a vibrant and inclusive place that respects country.

·       The team also focus on attracting the right types of investors and businesses so as to develop it as a key economic district for the Central River City.

·       The Commission consists of representatives from local government, community and business.

·       City of Parramatta, First Nation Advisory Committee is invited to be a special guest at the next Alliance meeting which is scheduled for the first half of December.

The Committee thanked Liza Noonan for the presentation.


Note: Liza Noonan & Rick Hughes, Skye Kelly left the meeting at 6:41pm.


Julie Clarke Jones nominated herself to be a representative at the Greater Sydney Commission.


The Keeping Place – PHIVE (5 Parramatta Square)


The Committee received and noted the tabled presentation on The Keeping Place – PHIVE (5 Parramatta Square)


Christopher Snelling presented The Keeping Place that is a reflection of a commitment to custodianship, preservation and celebrations of First Nations culture. Also knows as PHIVE, is Parramatta’s new community, culture, and civic hub, located in the heart of the Parramatta CBD.


The key highlights of the presentation were:

·       PHIVE delivers

·       What is a Keeping Place

·       Establishment Phase

·       Access and Usage

·       Keeping Place Officer role overview

·       Stakeholder consultation

·       Keeping Place Operations

·       Cultural Material

·       Next Steps


Committee members are invited to be a representative at the Reference Committee (Cultural Material Selection)


Civic Link and associated First Nations Cultural Infrastructure projects


The Committee received and noted the tabled presentation on Civic Link and associated First Nations Cultural Infrastructure projects.


Genevieve Blanchett gave a brief overview of the presentation.


·       Civic Link Overview

·       First Nations Walk & Country Theme

·       Cultural Precinct & Potential Dharug Cultural Centre


The Committee thanked Genevieve Blanchett for the presentation.




First Nations Strategy


Rodrigo Gutierrez gave a brief background on the development of the current First Nations Strategy.



City of Parramatta previously used a framework as a guide to work with First Nations communities and peoples that was a stretch reconciliation action plan which ended in 2020. And at the end of that, CoP took the opportunity as an organization to reflect both , the impact of the last version of the reconciliation action plan and new plans. Therefore it came up with the First Nations Strategy. The Committee is expected to play a central role in the development of the Strategy.


Mat Cornwell & Amy Barnes gave a presentation on First Nations Strategy.

The key highlights were:

·       What is the role of the First Nations Advisory Committee?

·       The Process

o   Community Consultation & Co-Design Process

o   Internal Workshops for Council staff to provide Feedback on Stage 1

o   Present Strategy & seek final feedback &

o   Public Exhibition of Draft First Nations Engagement Strategy

·       Stakeholders and Consultations involvement

·       Findings – strategy motivation

·       Strategy Pillars (5 Pillars)

o   Recognition & Voice

o   Closing the gap

o   Leadership & Engagement

o   Reconciliation &

o   Celebration

·       Establishing ways of working

·       Feedback from the First Nations Advisory Committee Members


The Committee to provide feedback on the First Nations Strategy out of session workshop or individually.


General Business


David Moutou shared the resolutions from the 12 September 2022 Council Meeting for the items:

1.      Naming Proposal for Unnamed Laneways in North Parramatta (Dual names)

2.      Recommendation on the naming of facilities in the Parramatta Aquatic Centre


Rodrigo to share additional business items via email to the Committee Members.


Next Meeting Date: 15 November 2022


Meeting Closed:  7:56pm