Meeting Name

 Active Transport Advisory Committee



20 September 2022

Time 6:00PM


126 Church Street Parramatta  and Microsoft Teams



Charlene Bordley

Linda Gock

Mark Green

Angela Hansford

Pam Kendrick

Paul McDonald

Muhammad Sukhera

Catherine Unwin

Ian Weekes

Matt Zahra


Michael Jollon, Transport Planning Manager

Michael Kolos, Project Officer Transport (Convenor)



Apologies / Leave of Absence

Martin Lugod and Andrew Watson



Marvi Gordon


HPRM Reference







Acknowledgement of Country


The City of Parramatta Council acknowledges the Burramattagal Clan of The Dharug, the traditional owners of land of Parramatta and pays its respects to the elders past, present and emerging.





The Committee received and noted the apologies for Martin Lugod and Andrew Watson.



Disclosure of Interests


There were no disclosure of interest for this Advisory Committee meeting.



Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson



Committee member Pam Kendrick nominated Charlene Bordley, for the position of Chairperson.


When put to vote, the nomination of Charlene Bordley to the position of Chairperson was UNANIMOUS.


Committee member Ian Weekes nominated himself for the position of Deputy Chairperson.


When put to vote, the nomination of Ian Weekes to the position of Deputy Chairperson was UNANIMOUS.


Charlene Bordley was elected to the position of Chairperson.


Ian Weekes was elected to the position of Deputy Chairperson.



Chairperson Charlene Bordley assumed the role as Chair.



NSW Government E-Scooter Share Scheme Trial – ATAC comment sought to inform selection of a provider and minimum service requirements (Attachment One)



Concerns were raised by the Committee Members as listed below;


1.               Maximum speed limit of the E-scooter;

2.              Advertising and signage of the trial:

a.              Who will cover the expense of advertising and signage of the trial;

b.              Signage for shared path, helmet requirements, speed limit, slow down;

c.              Signage (temporary, suggest corflute material) to show area within trial;

d.              Location suggestions that signs be relocatable, have schools involved in design, place signs on bins;

e.              Speed limit signage for E Scooters;

3.              Broken centre line on shared path to help users keep to their side of the path;

4.              Parking for e-scooters;

5.              Insurance issues addressed before trial;

6.              Who will police the E-scooters?

7.              What is the E-scooter speed limit on PVC (Parramatta Valley Cycleway)? Answer: 10km/hr;

8.              Education program for E-scooters:

a.              Public open day on E-scooter introduction;

b.              Behaviour change programme;

c.              Safety and awareness for bike users;

d.              Strike scheme for poor E-scooter riding;

9.              Will the E-scooter trial attract riders for transport and recreation uses? Answer: Intention is for both

10.           Helmet sanitation – how will this be done?

11.             Helmet sizing – how will this be done?


1.            Councillor Phil Bradley joined the meeting in person at 6:28pm and retired at 6:52pm.

2.           Councillor Dr Patricia Prociv joined the meeting in person at 6:28pm and retired at 6:52pm.



Staff committed, to addressing ATAC comments, to the extent practical, through the implementation of the shared scheme e-scooter trial and providing additional information listed above prior to the 8 November 2022 meeting.



Cycleway Development Project Status



The Committee was provided a brief project status of the Cycleway Development within the Parramatta Local Government Area and neighbouring Cumberland Council.


Wigram Street Popup Cycleway and Conversion to Permanent Cycleway – ATAC comment sought (Attachments Two & Three)



The Committee considered and discussed option 1 (one way northbound traffic between Bowden and Allen Streets and widen cycleway to 3m wide) and 2 (retain two way traffic and 2.4m wide cycleway) as provided in Attachment 2 and 3.


The Committee recommended Option 1. The Committee decision was UNANIMOUS.



Matters Raised by Committee Members (General Business)




Next Meeting Date – 8 November 2022


Meeting Closed: 8:10pm