An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 22 August 2022 at 6:30pm.






Brett Newman






















Council                                                                       22 August 2022







ITEM                                                SUBJECT        PAGE NO



14      Notices of Motion

14.1          CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program....................... 3

14.2          Name Change at Wentworth Point - Jewel and Sanctuary Buildings........... 4

14.3          Long Serving Staff Recognition.......... 6

15      Questions with Notice

15.1          Questions Taken on Notice - 8 August 2022 Council Meeting........................ 8


After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff.




Council 22 August 2022                                                                Item 14.1


ITEM NUMBER        14.1

SUBJECT                 CBD Footpaths Audit and Pavement Replacement Program

REFERENCE           F2022/00105 - D08642696

FROM                      Deputy Lord Mayor Pandey       



That a report be provided to Council, based on Council’s current footpath asset audit for the CBD, on the CBD pavement replacement program, including costs, in consultation with Councillors.




1.     No background was provided.




2.     Council is currently conducting an audit on all the footpaths within the Local Government Area (LGA), which also incorporates the CBD through a third party. It is estimated to be finalized by January 2023.




3.     Reporting back to Councillors with the result of the audit can be done within existing resources, early in 2023 after the completion of the audit.


Sameer Pandey

Deputy Lord Mayor


John Warburton

Executive Director, City Assets & Operations


John Angilley

Chief Financial and Information Officer


Brett Newman

Chief Executive Officer







There are no attachments for this report.


Council 22 August 2022                                                                Item 14.2


ITEM NUMBER        14.2

SUBJECT                 Name Change at Wentworth Point - Jewel and Sanctuary Buildings

REFERENCE           F2022/00105 - D08618672

FROM                      Councillor Noack        



(a)  That Council commence the NSW Geographic Names Board process, including community consultation, for a proposal to amend the suburb boundary of Wentworth Point to include the addresses of the Jewel and Sanctuary Buildings precinct which is currently located in the suburb of Sydney Olympic Park, as noted in the hatched area on the attached map.


(b)  Further, that Council receive a report on the outcome of this process and community consultation to inform a determination for formal referral of the boundary change request to the NSW Geographic Names Board.




1.     No background has been provided.




2.       Council has received a boundary change request from Sekisui House in alignment with the proposed Notice of Motion. The boundary change map is provided below.



3.       Officers are also supportive of this request and progressing this boundary change request is in the Place Services work plan for this financial year.  


4.       If endorsed by Council, the proposed Notice of Motion would be helpful in commencing the boundary change request as it would be pursuant to an endorsed Council resolution.




5.     The boundary change request is within the Place Services work plan for the current financial year.



FY 22/23

FY 23/24

FY 24/25

FY 25/26






Internal Revenue





External Revenue





Total Revenue










Funding Source










Operating Result





External Costs





Internal Costs















Total Operating Result










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Paul Noack



Bryan Hynes

Executive Director Property & Place


John Angilley

Chief Financial and Information Officer


Brett Newman

Chief Executive Officer



There are no attachments for this report.


Council 22 August 2022                                                                Item 14.3


ITEM NUMBER        14.3

SUBJECT                 Long Serving Staff Recognition

REFERENCE           F2022/00105 - D08642688

FROM                      Deputy Lord Mayor        




(a)  That Council provide an update on recognition programs in place for long serving staff and high performing individuals and teams.


(b)  Further, that the update include advice on the opportunity for Council to include in the recognition program an acknowledgement from Councillors as part of the overall approach, including provision for a meet and greet and a certificate of acknowledgement signed by all Councillors.




1.     No background was provided.




2.     Council has an established ‘Above and Beyond’ Awards recognition program that recognises employee effort and achievement.


3.     The Above and Beyond Awards program provides for individual staff and teams to be nominated by their peers, line managers or senior leaders for demonstrating at least one of Council’s values (being Customer Focus, Innovation, Integrity, Teamwork) by demonstrating how they have gone above and beyond their normal role that positively impacts Council and our community.  Awards are held bi-monthly and all winners receive a certificate of appreciation and a gift card and go in the running for the ‘Employee of the Year’ or ‘Team of the Year’ annual award.


4.     Council also recognises our long serving staff members who have been with Council for 15+ years.  Long serving staff members are formally acknowledged during the Council’s annual staff Christmas Party with their names and service recognised.  Each long serving staff member receives a certificate of service and a gift card.


5.     Council’s Above and Beyond Awards Program is currently being reviewed to align with the commitment to People First. Community First. and Council’s ASPIRE behaviours.  This refresh provides the opportunity for staff and teams to be formally recognised demonstrating these behaviours, to encourage others to follow and to create organisational culture change.


6.     Provision can be made to continue to include the Lord Mayor and Councillors at annual award events to meet with long serving staff to present certificates of appreciation and service.








7.     There are no unbudgeted financial implications associated with this Notice of Motion.  The cost for the recognition of Above and Beyond winners and long serving staff members is provided for within Council’s 2022/23 budget.  In addition, the review being undertaken of Council’s Above and Beyond Awards Program is also provided for within existing staff resources.



FY 22/23

FY 23/24

FY 24/25

FY 25/26






Internal Revenue





External Revenue





Total Revenue










Funding Source










Operating Result





External Costs





Internal Costs















Total Operating Result










Funding Source









































Sameer Pandey

Deputy Lord Mayor


Bernadette Cavanagh

Executive Director, People Culture & Workplace


John Angilley

Chief Financial and Information Officer


Brett Newman

Chief Executive Officer







There are no attachments for this report.


Council 22 August 2022                                                                Item 15.1


ITEM NUMBER        15.1

SUBJECT                 Questions Taken on Notice - 8 August 2022 Council Meeting

REFERENCE           F2022/00105 - D08640963

REPORT OF            Governance Manager       









Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


The Oars Foot bridge is never lit, or very rarely lit. Why is this the case?


Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


When consultation was undertaken as part of the Masterplan for the Charles Street Wharf, did this include a public art component?


Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


In relation to the Charles Street Wharf, what work is occurring down there at the moment? Can a briefing be held on this.


Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


How many residences would this Artwork be visible to?

i.e. how many residential units would be able to see this piece of artwork, and how many could it impact?




1.     Paragraph 9.23 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states:


“Where a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is unable to respond to the question at the meeting at which it is put, they may take it on notice and report the response to the next meeting of the Council.”




Item 13.10 – Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


During discussion on the Motion moved by Councillor Pandey, Councillor Wearne asked the following question:


                The Oars Foot bridge is never lit, or very rarely lit. Why is this the case?


Executive Director City Assets and Operations Response


It is understood there are technical issues with the operation of these lights, the staff responsible is on unexpected sick leave and will be back in early September.  We will provide a more detailed response at a Council meeting in September.



Item 13.10 – Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


During discussion on the Motion moved by Councillor Pandey, Lord Mayor Davis asked the following question:


When consultation was undertaken as part of the Masterplan for the Charles Street Wharf, did this include a public art component?


Executive Director City Planning & Design Response


In late 2019, Council endorsed for exhibition the Draft Concept Design for upgrades to the public domain at Charles Street Square.  Information presented to the community throughout the public exhibition acknowledged the planned public artwork, stating: A major new public artwork featuring sculpture and projections on to the escarpment across the river, will tell the stories of the Parramatta and its people (Community information brochure, Feb 2020). Views on the potential content for the work (the broad story it should tell) were also canvassed via the engagement program.


The consultation summary report that accompanied the refined design for Council endorsement after exhibition, described the extent of the engagement program which provided information about the draft concept design to over 800,000 people (using letterbox drops, web visits, staffed displays, media, social media, document downloads), resulting in 115 formal submissions. Positive feedback on the project included support for the public art and interpretation opportunities – particularly in relation to Dharug stories, the river and natural environment, and key events over time.  63% of respondents were local residents, 4% were local businesses and 63% of participants wanted the public art and interpretation in the space to represent “the stories of the Dharug people and their connection to the land”; followed by local native plants and animals 58%, key events in Parramatta over time 53% and the dynamic river environment 52%.

In the public exhibition of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) in September/October 2020, which included the detailed design for the public domain, the setting for a sculpture (proposed at the time), the housing of the artwork projectors and the projected light onto the escarpment was detailed.  While the REF recognised content for the artwork itself was to be further developed (REF Community Summary page 01, Sept 2020) information on the ecological and lighting impacts (a technical assessment), and the proposed relevant lighting and biodiversity mitigations were included. These have been incorporated into the technical brief for the projection design.  The REF exhibition reached some 160,000 people (using letterbox drops, web visits, social media, document downloads) and resulted in four formal submissions.


To further the development of the site interpretation plan for the project, a requirement of approvals under the Heritage Act for the public domain project, and to explore the incorporation of Dharug content into the artwork, a series of workshops were held with Dharug representatives late 2020 and early 2021 to advise and guide an approach to this content.


As part of ongoing engagement with local stakeholders (residents and business) regular updates are provided with the invitation to contact the project team. The lighting trial held on 9 May 2022, included signage and letterbox drops explaining the trial and the public art with a repeated invitation to contact the project team. No enquiries were received.



Item 13.10 – Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


During discussion on the Motion moved by Councillor Pandey, Councillor Garrard asked the following question:


In relation to the Charles Street Wharf, what work is occurring down there at the moment? Can a briefing be held on this.


Executive Director City Assets & Operations Response


Council is currently doing a major project to upgrade the public domain adjacent to the Ferry Wharf at Charles Street Square.  It follows the completion of the new Escarpment Boardwalk on the opposite side of the river. 


The project is a key part of Council’s plans to revitalise the Parramatta River foreshore and is valued at approximately $12m.  Work began in early 2022 and is programmed to finish in March 2023.  


The upgraded Square will feature new ramps and stairs, a wide riverfront walk, paved terraces, an amphitheatre and new public shelter, set amongst extensive trees and gardens.  


The Charles Street Square project is also being co-funded by Council and the NSW Government, which is contributing $4.65m to the $12.1m upgrade.


A briefing can be arranged for interested Councillors



Item 13.10 – Arthur Phillip Commemorative Public Art Project – Charles Street Square


During discussion on the Motion moved by Councillor Pandey, Councillor Wearne asked the following question:


How many residences would this Artwork be visible to?

i.e. how many residential units would be able to see this piece of artwork, and how many could it impact?


Executive Director Community Services Response


On the 9th of May 2022, projection tests were undertaken at Charles St Square to determine if there is any visual impact of the proposed Artwork on neighbouring areas. The scope of the test included the following:


·    Projection coverage area

·    Ambient light levels in the surrounding areas

·    Ability to view projection from various locations

·    Impact of the projection on surrounding community

·    Suitability of the projection equipment suggested in the options report

·    Location of projection equipment


The projection tests concluded that the projection will not impact neighbouring areas as it is contained to the rock wall of the embankment. The projector is located on the opposite side of the ferry wharf to the embankment, projecting across the water to the embankment. This projection throw is direct and mapped to the embankment. The projection does not spill outside of or beyond the embankment. This was confirmed via the projection test. Further, the optimal viewing location of the projection work is the ferry wharf and surrounding Charles St Wharf areas. Viewing from any other location is compromised by distance and angle of viewing, including height.

A staff review has identified three main residential apartment premises within the neighbouring area. This includes apartment premises on the corner of Charles and George Streets, Stewart Street and Queens Avenue. Further, there are also four main commercial premises on Charles and Phillip Streets in the neighbouring area. Light spill will not impact any of these premises, as they are outside of the projection area. Further, due to the distance from the projection and angle of viewing, these premises will have significantly reduced visibility of the projection work. One commercial premise at the ferry wharf will have a less-compromised view of the projection work, providing a point of interest for visitors, whilst not impacting their activity.


