An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 25 July 2022 at 6:30pm.
Brett Newman
Council 25 July 2022
8 Minutes of the Lord Mayor
8.1 St John's Cathedral Parramatta 220th Anniversary............................ 3
8.2 Support for the Sri Lankan Community................................................. 5
8.3 Children's Medical Research Institute - Jeans for Genes Fundraising 7
After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff.
Council 25 July 2022 Item 8.1
SUBJECT St John's Cathedral Parramatta 220th Anniversary
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08620918
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
workshop/briefing date: Nil
The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to recognise the 220th anniversary of St John's Cathedral Parramatta and note the special anniversary service which occurred on 24 July 2022.
(a) That Council note St John’s Cathedral Parramatta is celebrating their 220th year anniversary in July 2022;
(b) That the Lord Mayor write to St John’s Cathedral Parramatta congratulating them on this significant milestone and for the commitment to Christian service to the community since 1802; and
(c) Further, that Council note a special Anniversary Service was held at St John’s on 24 July 2022 to recognise this occasion.
1. St John’s Cathedral is the oldest continuously-used church worship site in Australia.
2. In 1797, Governor John Hunter granted land for the building of a Church. The original St John’s foundation stone was laid in 1799.
3. St John’s was declared a parish on the 23 July 1802 by the Governor Philip Gidley King. After arriving in 1788 and establishing a military post on a site in Parramatta Park, the British settlers, who had displaced local indigenous families from their land, held church gatherings in temporary buildings or under trees.
4. Reverend Samuel Marsden opened St John’s church formally on Easter Day, 10 April 1803. This was the first officially established church building in Australia and was the only one until 1810.
5. In the early 1800’s the church underwent many changes. It was lengthened, re-roofed, and the twin towers added in 1818. A new chancel was designed and built by James Smith in 1819, and the church yard enclosed with a paling fence. A gallery was added in 1823.
6. In 1852, St John’s had become so dilapidated and unfit for public worship that a decision was made to replace it with a new building. The towers remained as a link to the past and the new St John’s building that congregations gather in today was consecrated in March 1858 by Bishop Barker. Transepts were added in 1882 and further renovations made in 1966.
7. Today, the Cathedral houses a community of Christians who are proud of their history and their Anglican heritage. Worship services are conducted in four languages; English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Farsi.
8. A 200 Year Anniversary Service was held on Sunday 24 July 2022 at the Cathedral. The service featured contemporary songs, traditional hymns and children’s activities. Bishop Gary Koo delivered a sermon from Matthew 9. Following the Anniversary Celebration, the Cathedral was open for interactive guided tours and Organ Recitals.
9. On behalf of the City of Parramatta, I congratulate St John’s Cathedral Parramatta on their 220th Anniversary and thank them for their continued commitment to service and contributions to the City and its people.
10. There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.
Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
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Council 25 July 2022 Item 8.2
SUBJECT Support for the Sri Lankan Community
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08621273
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
workshop/briefing date: Nil
The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to express the City of Parramatta’s support for the people of Sri Lanka and their families and friends in Australia during these extremely difficult times.
(a) That Council show support for the Sri Lankan community in the City of Parramatta as Sri Lanka experiences economic and political instability;
(b) That Council make a $2,000 donation to the United Nations World Food Programme for emergency food and health assistance; and
(c) Further, that Council note the strong ties between Australia and Sri Lanka.
1. The City of Parramatta is home to a proud multicultural population, including a significant Sri Lankan community. Many members of the Sri Lankan community are providing financial support to family members living in Sri Lanka as the country undergoes the worst economic crisis in 20 years.
2. This Lord Mayor Minute calls on Council to show support for the Sri Lankan community in the City of Parramatta as Sri Lanka experiences economic and political instability.
3. Australia and Sri Lanka share a history of cooperation in trade and investment, education, sport, culture and development. As Commonwealth members, the two countries recently celebrated 75 years of diplomatic relations, engaging on a wide range of issues, from cooperation on economic, security and development priorities, to human rights and reconciliation.
4. This Minute proposes a donation of $2,000 be made to the United Nations World Food Programme to meet Sri Lanka’s urgent food and healthcare needs.
5. The proposed donation of $2,000 to the World Food Programme can be met from the existing 2022/23 Lord Mayor and Council Support donations budget (126000 – 646203).
Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
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Council 25 July 2022 Item 8.3
SUBJECT Children's Medical Research Institute - Jeans for Genes Fundraising
REFERENCE F2022/00105 - D08621312
REPORT OF Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
workshop/briefing date: Nil
The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to seek Council support for a donation to the Children’s Medical Research Institute 2022 Jeans for Genes fundraising initiative.
(a) That Council donate $2,000 to the 2022 Jeans for Genes fundraising initiative in support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute at Westmead, and their world-leading research to finding treatments and cures for serious conditions affecting kids; and
(b) Further, that Council note the City of Parramatta will proactively encourage staff and the community to support the fundraising initiative through internal communications and Council’s social media channels.
1. 1 in 20 children faces a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and life-threatening metabolic disorders. There are 12 children born every minute with a genetic disease.
2. Finding treatments and cures can only come from vital research, and the Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) at Westmead conducts critical medical and biological research to help find treatments and cures for children’s genetic diseases.
3. Over the last 60 years, CMRI has pioneered microsurgery techniques, developed immunisations against devastating childhood illnesses, and improved care for premature babies – all of which improved the lives of countless Australian children.
4. Today, CMRI is the site of world-leading research in areas such as cancer, neurobiology, embryology, genomics and gene therapy.
5. Launched in 1994 by CMRI, Jeans for Genes Day is a nationwide awareness and fundraising initiative held each year to support the vital work being done by scientists and researchers in the Westmead labs of CMRI.
6. This year, Jeans for Genes Day will be held on 5 August 2022, and the community can get involved by making a donation, or taking part in fundraising activities including Bake It Blue, Sofa to 6K or registering their ‘Jean-ius’ event.
7. The community can visit to find out more about Jeans for Genes Day and how it helps the scientists at CMRI find cures, so that kids can go back to being kids.
8. This minute proposes a donation of $2,000 to the Jeans for Genes Day fundraising initiative, to show support for CMRI and the incredible work they do saving lives and protecting the health of our nation’s children.
9. Council will also encourage further support for the cause through internal communications to Council staff and public facing social media posts.
10. This Lord Mayoral Minute proposes a donation of $2,000 be made to the 2022 Jeans for Genes Day fundraising initiative to benefit the Children’s Medical Research Institute at Westmead.
11. This donation can be met from the existing 2022/23 Lord Mayor and Council Support donations budget (126000 – 646203).
Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis
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