An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 14 March 2022 at 6:30pm.







Brett Newman






















Council                                                                                                              14 March 2022




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                               PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1             February / March 2022 NSW Floods..................................................... 3

8.2             War in Ukraine........................................................................................... 6

8.3             Condolence Motion Peter Herlinger....................................................... 8

8.4             Don't Leave Local Communities Behind - 2022 ALGA Federal Election Campaign................................................................................................. 10




Council 14 March 2022                                                                                                       Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                  February / March 2022 NSW Floods

REFERENCE            F2021/02779 - D08448016

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis       





workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to note the impacts of the heavy rainfall and flooding experienced in the City of Parramatta, across New South Wales and Queensland, and acknowledge the work of Council staff, local emergency services personnel and volunteers in supporting communities.





(a)     That Council note the significant weather event occurring across eastern New South Wales and Queensland, resulting in impacts from flood and storm conditions in the City of Parramatta;

(b)     That Council note that these devastating floods have resulted in the known loss of 22 lives, 13 in Queensland and 9 in New South Wales, including the tragic loss of two lives in Wentworthville.

(c)     That Council note the impacts to residents and businesses in our community, with many facing potential damage to property due to rainfall and localised flooding;

(d)     That Council note that the City of Parramatta is one of 17 local government areas in NSW to have been declared a disaster area 22 February, with individuals and Councils eligible for flood assistance support through Service NSW;

(e)     That Council thanks the NSW State Emergency Services, NSW Police, emergency services personnel and other agencies who have responded to calls for help across the City;

(f)      That Council thanks the Council staff who have worked day and night throughout the severe weather and flooding experienced since 22 February to inspect sites, assist emergency services, provide resources and commence the clean-up, including Council’s Local Emergency Management Officer;

(g)     That Council note Resilience NSW has established a Greater Sydney Region Recovery Committee, to lead the recovery efforts for the storm and flood impacted LGAs and communities, with City of Parramatta Council a member of this Committee;

(h)     That Council note the Office of Local Government has activated the Local Government Emergency Recovery Support Group to co-ordinate support activities between Council’s across the state, with City of Parramatta a part of this;

(i)      Further, that Council note members of the community wishing to donate to relief and recovery efforts are encouraged to do so through GIVIT or the Australian Red Cross as outlined in the Minute background, and that Council donate $10,000 through GIVIT to the NSW Floods Appeal.




1.      Since February 22, 17 Local Government Areas including the City of Parramatta have been declared as disaster areas due to severe weather and flooding.


2.      City of Parramatta Council (Council) teams worked closely with the NSW SES, NSW Police, emergency personnel and other agencies to respond to calls for help across the City, assisting with sandbagging, clearing debris and fallen trees, and road closures.


3.      Multiple crews worked throughout the severe weathers, to ensure they could monitor road closures and respond to requests from residents and emergency personnel swiftly to minimise inconvenience and disruption to the community and ensuring their safety.


4.      Council thanks the NSW SES, NSW Police, emergency services personnel and other agencies who have responded to calls for help across the City.


5.      Council thanks its staff who have worked alongside these agencies, providing support and resources throughout the severe weather, and as they commence clean-up.


6.      As a result of the severe weather and flooding, the NSW Government declared seventeen local government areas including the City of Parramatta, as disaster areas, making individuals and Councils eligible for support through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


7.      Through the following assistance is now available for those impacted by the floods:


·    A Disaster Relief Grant – to assist low income earners faced with disaster hardship who have suffered damage to the structure or contents of their home.

·    Personal and financial counselling.

·    Assistance finding temporary housing for those who have been forced from their homes.

Small business, primary production and not-for profit organisation support

·    Small business and primary producers concessional loans of up to $130,000

·    Concessional interest rate loans for not-for-profits

·    Freight subsidies of up to 50 per cent for primary producers 


·    Assistance with operational costs and the restoration of essential public assets.


8.      Additionally, residents may be eligible for the Commonwealth Government’s Disaster Recovery Payment, a one-off, non-means tests payment of $1,000 for adults and $400 for children who have been seriously injured, lost their homes or whose homes have been directly damaged, or the immediate family members of a person who has lost their life, as a direct result of the storms and floods. Disaster Recovery Allowances are also available through the Federal Government via Services Australia at


9.      Resilience NSW has also established the Greater Sydney Recovery Committee to lead the Recovery efforts for the storm and flood impacted LGAs and communities. Alongside the SES as the lead response agency, a plan will be developed to transition from response operations to recovery.


10.    The Office of Local Government (OLG) has also activated the Local Government Emergency Recovery Support Group to co-ordinate support activities between Council’s across the state. This includes requests from other Council’s for in-kind support, including staff, and the loaning of machinery and equipment to assist with recovery efforts.


11.    City of Parramatta Council is a member of both the Greater Sydney Recovery Committee and the Local Government Emergency Recovery Support Group.


12.    Members of the community wishing to donate to relief and recovery efforts are encouraged to do so through GIVIT or the Australian Red Cross.


13.    GIVIT is managing offers of donated goods, services, volunteering and funds, including corporate offers, in respect to the widespread flooding across Queensland and New South Wales.


14.    In NSW, GIVIT is working with the NSW Government through Resilience NSW to ensure donations are managed to support all impact communities.


15.    More information on the GIVIT Flood Appeal can be found here:


16.    More information on the Australian Red Cross Qld and NSW Floods Appeal can be found here:




17.    Flood and stormwater management activities are included in Council’s existing Operational Plan and Budget 2021/22. Any additional implications for Council that occur as a result of the heavy rainfall and localised flooding will need to be addressed in future budget and program reviews.


18.    The proposed donation of $10,000 to the GIVIT NSW Flood Appeals can be funded from the existing Lord Mayor and Councillor Support Donations Budget 2021/22.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis




There are no attachments for this report.



Council 14 March 2022                                                                                                       Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                  War in Ukraine

REFERENCE            F2021/02779 - D08447889

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis        



CSP THEME:             FAIR


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to express City of Parramatta’s solidarity with the people of Ukraine and their loved ones in Australia during these extremely difficult times.





(a)     That Council condemn the unprovoked war being waged against the people of Ukraine and their democratically elected government, and call on the Commonwealth Government to do whatever is possible to assist the people of Ukraine in this time of need;

(b)     That Council write to the Prime Minister, Federal Leader of the Opposition, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, the Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and local Members of Parliament, calling on the Commonwealth Government to adopt a generous and timely approach to assisting Ukrainian citizens who may need asylum and sanctuary in Australia;

(c)     That Council note the City of Parramatta is a proud multicultural community and a Refugee Welcome Zone, and welcomes those who may seek refuge in Australia;

(d)     Further, that Council observe a minutes silence in the Chamber in respect of the innocent lives lost as a result of the war in Ukraine.




1.      City of Parramatta is home to a proud multicultural community, including a significant Ukrainian community. Our City is also a Refugee Welcome Zone, and we welcome those who may seek refuge in Australia.


2.      This Lord Mayor Minute calls for Council to condemn the unprovoked war being waged against the people of Ukraine, and express our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and their loved ones in Australia during these extremely difficult times.





3.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 14 March 2022                                                                                                       Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER         8.3

SUBJECT                  Condolence Motion Peter Herlinger

REFERENCE            F2021/02779 - D08447867

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis        



CSP THEME:             FAIR


workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to acknowledge the passing of former Holroyd Mayor, Peter Herlinger, and show our respect for his contributions to the local community.





(a)     That Council acknowledge the passing of former Holroyd Mayor, Peter Herlinger; and

(b)     Further, that the Chamber hold a minute’s silence as a gesture of respect on Mr Herlinger’s passing and in recognition of his contributions to the local community.




1.      Mr Peter Herlinger, late of Girraween, passed away on 27 February 2022, aged 93 years.


2.      Peter Herlinger lived in Girraween since 1954, with his wife Pat until her passing, where they raised their children Julie and Robert, and over the years he made an outstanding contribution to the Girraween, Toongabbie and broader Western Sydney communities.


3.      Peter Herlinger was first elected to Holroyd Council in Ward 3 in 1987, serving until his retirement from Council in 2004. Peter was the first Labor Mayor of Holroyd City Council in 127 years (21 September 1999 – 21 September 2000).


4.      Peter Herlinger also served as a member of the Parramatta Park Trust, the Western Sydney Area Health Board and the Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust.


5.      Mr Herlinger’s funeral service was held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Greystanes, on Monday 7 March 2022, with Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Sameer Pandey attending on behalf of City of Parramatta Council.


6.      Council offers its condolences to Peter Herlinger’s family and friends and holds a minutes silence in the Chamber as a gesture of respect.







7.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 14 March 2022                                                                                                       Item 8.4


ITEM NUMBER         8.4

SUBJECT                  Don't Leave Local Communities Behind - 2022 ALGA Federal Election Campaign

REFERENCE            F2021/02779 - D08448218

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis        





workshop/briefing date:  Nil




The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to seek the support of Council for the Australian Local Government Association’s ‘Don’t Leave Local Communities Behind’ 2022 Federal Election Campaign.





(a)     That Council supports the national funding priorities of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA);

(b)     That Council agrees to support and participate in the Australian Local Government Association’s advocacy for their endorsed national funding priorities by writing to the local Federal Member(s) of Parliament, all known election candidates in local Federal electorates and the President of the Australian Local Government Association to:

a.   express support for ALGA’s funding priorities;

b.   identify priority local projects and programs that could be progressed with the additional financial assistance from the Federal Government being sought by ALGA; and

c.   seek funding commitments from the members, candidates and their parties for these identified local projects and programs;

(c)     Further, that Council note participation in this national advocacy campaign does not preclude City of Parramatta from advocating on additional local needs and issues, but will strengthen the national campaign and sector wide support for all 537 Australian local governments.




1.      The next Federal Election is expected to be held in May 2022.


2.      Working in conjunction with its member state and territory associations, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) has developed a framework and resources for a national advocacy campaign that will run in the lead up to this election.


3.      Based around the tagline of “Don’t Leave Local Communities Behind”, the goal is to secure funding and policy commitments that will support every Australian council and community, and ensure all Australians have an equal opportunity to share in the benefits of Australia’s post-pandemic recovery.


4.      All Australian councils have been asked to participate in this campaign to ensure a coordinated approach that will deliver the best possible outcomes.


5.      The Don’t Leave Local Communities Behind campaign will promote 17 priority asks in the portfolios of economic recovery, transport and community infrastructure, building resilience, circular economy and intergovernmental relations.


6.      These priorities are based on motions passed by councils at ALGA’s annual National General Assembly, and have been endorsed by ALGA’s Board which is comprised of representatives from all state and territory Local Government Associations.


7.      They have been assessed by independent economists and would add around $6.46 billion per year to Australia’s Gross Domestic Product while creating 43,444 jobs.


8.      The Don’t Leave Local Communities Behind campaign will run for five weeks, with each week focussing on one of the five portfolio areas.


9.      The full list of national Federal Election priorities that will be promoted through this campaign is outlined below:

Economic recovery

1. An initial injection of Financial Assistance Grants to local government of $1.3 billion to support communities and jobs and also resolve the current practice of bringing forward two quarterly Financial Assistance Grant payments each year. 

2. A commitment to return Financial Assistance Grants to at least one percent of Commonwealth taxation revenue via a phased approach.

Transport and community infrastructure 

3. $500 million per annum for a four-year continuation of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. 

4. A strategic local roads investment program of $300 million per annum over four years to address road transport first and last mile issues and congestion on local roads. 

5. An increase in Roads to Recovery to $800 million per annum (an additional $300 million per annum) and the Black Spot Program to $200 million per annum over four years, while addressing the South Australian road funding anomaly by making the additional $20 million per annum to SA in 2021-22 and 2022-23 permanent. 

6. Continuing the Stronger Regional Digital Connectivity Package at $55 million over four years. 

7. $200 million over four years to assist councils to develop and implement innovative housing partnerships.

Building resilience

8. A targeted disaster mitigation program of $200 million per annum for four years which will reduce the costs of response and recovery and strengthen community resilience. 

9. A commitment to ensuring betterment funding as a core element of disaster recovery funding arrangements. 

10. A commitment to include community infrastructure that is publicly accessible and owned, and local government waste, water and wastewater assets under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. 

11. A Local Government Climate Response Partnership Fund of $200 million over four years to enable planning and preparation to minimise the impacts of climate change in local communities and enable councils to achieve climate neutrality as soon as practicable. 

12. $100 million per annum over four years provided directly to local governments to support the capabilities of Indigenous councils and the implementation of the Closing the Gap local/regional voice.

Circular economy

13. Support to provide guidance and advice to councils on how to unlock the circular economy locally, particularly in rural, regional, and remote areas. 

14. Support to investigate and, if feasible, implement a national bin harmonisation program that will improve kerbside recycling, reduce contamination, and maximise opportunities for reuse. 

15. $100 million per annum over four years to fund local government circular waste innovation projects.

Intergovernmental relations

16. Reinstating local government representation to the primary intergovernmental forum in Australia, the National Cabinet. 

17. Ensuring local government’s ongoing voting membership of other relevant Ministerial forums.

10.    ALGA has developed free campaign resources that can be adapted and used by all councils to ensure a consistent and effective approach. 


11.    Participating in a national advocacy campaign does not preclude this council from advocating on additional local needs and issues, but it will strengthen the national campaign and support all 537 Australian local governments.


12.    This Lord Mayor Minute seeks for Council to confirm support for the ‘Don’t Leave Local Communities Behind’ ALGA 2022 Federal Election Campaign.




13.    There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Donna Davis




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