MINUTES OF THE Local Planning Panel held via audio-visual means on Tuesday, 15 February 2022 AT 3:30pm




Julie Walsh (Chairperson), Sue Francis, Alf Lester and Peter Haliburn.




The Chairperson, acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.




The Chairperson advised that this public meeting is being recorded. The recording will be archived and made available on Council’s website.




There were no apologies made to this Local Planning Panel.




There were no declarations of interest made to this Local Planning Panel.


Reports - Development Applications



85-91 Thomas Street, PARRAMATTA
(Lot 12, 15, and Lot 16 in DP 1239 and Lot 142 DP 537053)


DESCRIPTION Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of two x 7 storey boarding house buildings consisting of 237 boarding rooms over 2 levels of basement parking and land dedication as part of a VPA for the site. The application is made pursuant to SEPP ARH 2009 and is Nominated Integrated development pursuant to the Water Management Act 2000 and the Fisheries Management Act 1994.


REFERENCE   DA/312/2021 - D08388300


APPLICANT/S  Century 888 Pty Ltd


OWNERS          Century 888 Pty Ltd


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.1 and attachments to Item 5.1.




1.         Adam Byrnes, on behalf of Think Planners, requested the Panel defer consideration of the development application.





(a)     That the development application not be deferred as requested by the applicant given the circumstances.


(b)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel, exercising the function as the consent authority, refuse consent to Development Application No. DA/312/2021 for Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of two x 8 storey boarding house buildings consisting of 237 boarding rooms over 2 levels of basement parking and land dedication as part of a VPA for the site at 85-91 Thomas Street, PARRAMATTA NSW 2153.


(c)     Further, that submitters be notified of the decision.




1.      Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016

a)      Part 6 – Insufficient information provided whether the Biodiversity Offset Scheme is triggered

b)      Insufficient information provided with respect to impacts of illumination on nocturnal fauna and likelihood of bird collisions


2.      Fisheries Management Act 1994

a)      Part 7 and 7A – The Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) is not satisfied that the development complies with the Aquatic Habitat Protection and Threatened Specific Conservation provisions of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 and refused to issue General Terms of Approval.


3.      State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009

a)      Clause 29(1)(c) - The proposal exceeds the maximum Floor Space Ratio on site

b)      Clause 29(2)(a) - The proposal exceeds the maximum Building Height on site

c)      Clause 30(1)(b) - A number of boarding rooms exceed 25m2 in area excluding en-suites and kitchens

d)      Clause 30A – The development is not in keeping with the desired future character of the area


4.      Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Foreshore) 2006

a)      Division 2 and Part 6 – Insufficient information has been submitted for Council to be satisfied that the development will not have an unreasonable impact on the adjoining wetlands and mangroves.


5.      Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011

a)      Clause 2.3 – The development in its current form is not in keeping with the objectives of the R4 High Density Residential zone

b)      Clause 2.5 – The proposed scale of the ground floor café is not permissible within the R4 High Density Residential Zone.

c)      Clause 4.3 – The proposed development exceeds the 11m building height development standard

d)      Clause 4.4 – The proposed development exceeds the 1.3:1 floor space ratio development standard

e)      Clause 4.6 – No Clause 4.6 justification was submitted to justify the variation to both Clause 4.3 and Clause 4.4 development standards

f)       Clause 5.10 – Insufficient information has been provided for Council to be satisfied with any impact to the heritage listed Wetlands adjoining the site

g)      Clause 6.2 – Insufficient information has been provided with respect to the extent of earthworks and retaining walls on site.

h)      Clause 6.4 - Insufficient information has been submitted for Council to be satisfied that the development is designed, sited, and will be managed to avoid, minimise, or mitigate any impacts to the adjoining wetlands.

i)       Clause 2.3 - The proposed stormwater works are not permissible within the RE1 Public Recreation zone.


6.      Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011

a)      Insufficient information was submitted to assess impacts on biodiversity

b)      Insufficient information was submitted to assess impacts on stormwater drainage and whether appropriate water sensitive urban design measures will be implemented.

c)      Access for people with disabilities is not adequately addressed.

d)      The scale of the proposal exceeds the expected form of development under current planning controls

e)      The proposal does not provide all of the required facilities for boarding houses, omitting additional kitchen facilities and additional communal living area facilities.

f)       The internal communal living area does not comply with the minimum area required.

g)      The proposal does not provide the required number of wheelchair accessible rooms.


7.      Public Interest

a)      The development is not in the public interest.


The Panel decision was unanimous.



16 Victoria Street, EPPING
(Lot 8 DP 6399)


DESCRIPTION Tree removal and alterations & additions to the existing dwelling.


REFERENCE   DA/474/2021 - D08388195


APPLICANT/S  BYL Building Design


OWNERS          Ms Ying Zhang


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.2 and attachments to Item 5.2.




1.         Janet McGarry, on behalf of the Epping Civic Trust, spoke against the report recommendation to approve the development application.

2.         Jan von Nida spoke against the report recommendation to approve the development application.

3.         David Owen spoke against the report recommendation to approve the development application.

4.         Patrick O’Carrigan, on behalf of POC+P Architects, spoke in support of the report recommendation to approve the development application.





(a)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel (PLPP), excising the functions of Council, pursuant to Section 4.16(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, approve development consent to DA/474/2021 for the tree removal and alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house on land at Lot 8 DP 6399, 16 Victoria Street, Epping, with the following amendments to the conditions of consent:

          -        Amendment to Condition 1 to change the date of the plans to 9 January 2022;

          -        Additional Condition to require existing slate roof to be retained and new roof material to match existing slate.


(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of the Panel’s decision.




1.      The proposed development is permissible in the R2 Low Density Residential zone and satisfies the requirements of all of the applicable planning controls.


2.      The development will not create adverse impacts onto the locality and will be compatible with the existing area.


3.      The proposed development ensures the conservation of the existing dwelling while maintaining its contribution to the Epping/Eastwood Heritage Conservation Area.


4.      For the reasons given above, approval of the application is in the public interest.


The Panel decision was unanimous.



18-19 Ulandi Place, WINSTON HILLS
(Lot 18 and Lot 19 DP 241037)


DESCRIPTION Demolition, tree removal and construction of a 112 place child care centre with basement carparking for 28 vehicles.


REFERENCE   DA/1031/2021 - D08399245


APPLICANT/S  Ulandi Kids Pty Ltd


OWNERS          Mr M A Draybi


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.3 and attachments to Item 5.3.




1.         Josh Milston, in behalf of JMT Consulting, spoke in support of the report recommendation to refuse the development application, but clarified traffic and transport matters raised during assessment.

2.         Michael Cahalane spoke in support of the report recommendation.





(a)     That Parramatta Local Planning Panel refuse DA/1031/2021 18-19 Ulandi Place, Winston Hills.


(b)     Further, that submitters are advised of the Panel’s decision.




1.      The proposal is an overdevelopment of the site by virtue of the number of children, the bulk and scale of the proposed building, the lack of compliance with the streetscape setback and the intensification of traffic in the cul-de-sac.


2.      The proposal fails to satisfy concerns for road safety due to:

          i.        the lack of a road safety audit;

          ii.       there is no footpath in Ulandi Place leading to safety concerns for pedestrians, particularly parents with strollers;

          iii.      lack of information regarding access for service and garbage vehicles;

          iv.      the lack of consideration of the impact of onstreet parking on the narrow street to the movement of vehicles in and out of the basement.


3.      Rural Fires Act 1997

          a.      The proposed development has not obtained a Bush Fire Safety Authority as required under Section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997.


4.      State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments & Child Care Facilities) 2017

a.      The proposed development is inconsistent with the following Design Quality Principles prescribed under the Child Care Planning Guideline 2017:

·               Principle 1 – Context;

·               Principle 5 – Landscape;

·               Principle 6 - Amenity

·               Principle 7 – Safety;

·               Part 3.1 – Site selection and location;

·               Part 3.2 – Local Character, streetscape and the public domain interface;

·               Part 3.3 - Building orientation, envelope, building design and accessibility


b.      The proposed development is inconsistent with the following clauses under the Education and Care Services National Regulations:

·                Regulation 97 & 168 – Emergency Evacuation;

·                Regulation 107 – Unencumbered Indoor Play Space; and

·                Regulation 108 – Unencumbered Outdoor Play Space.


5.      Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011

a.      The proposed development is inconsistent with the following provisions of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011:

·                Part 3.1.3 – Preliminary Building Envelopes – Front Setback

·                Part – Water Sensitive Urban Design


The Panel decision was unanimous.



12 James Street, CARLINGFORD
(Lot 1 DP 120826)


DESCRIPTION Section 4.55(1A) modification of DA/80/2019 for the demolition of existing structures, tree removal and the construction of an eighteen (18) storey mixed use development containing 64 apartments and ground floor retail space over 5 levels of basement parking. The modifications include the reconfiguration of the ground floor, increase to FSR and height, inclusion of a garbage chute and garbage room in the basement, and the relocation of the substation to the James Street frontage.


REFERENCE   DA/80/2019/A - D08386535


APPLICANT/S  Moma Architects


OWNERS          Paramount Investments Pty Limited and Carlingford Investments Pty Limited


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.4 and attachments to Item 5.4.




1.         Adam Byrnes, on behalf of Think Planners, was available was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the development application.





(a)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel exercising the functions of Council as the consent authority pursuant to Section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, modify development consent DA/80/2019 to include modifications to the approved demolition of existing structures, tree removal and the construction of an eighteen (18) storey mixed use development containing 64 apartments and ground floor retail space over 5 levels of basement parking at 12 James Street, Carlingford, as shown on the plans submitted with the modification application, for a period of five (5) years from the date on the original Notice of Determination, subject to the following amendments:

1.      Amend Condition No. 1 to reflect the updated plans and documents.

2.      All other conditions of DA/80/2019 remain unchanged.


(b)     That Parramatta Local Planning Panel approve the proposal notwithstanding the non-compliance with the building height control.


(c)     That Parramatta Local Planning Panel approve the proposal notwithstanding the non-compliance with the floor space ratio control.


(d)     Further, that submitters are advised of the decision.




1.      The proposed development is substantially the same as the development which has been approved.


2.      The proposed development is permissible within the R1 General Residential zone and results in a development which is suitable within the context of the future desired character of this locality.


3.      The proposed development results in reasonable impacts to adjoining properties and the locality and is suitable for the site and is in the public interest.


The Panel decision was unanimous.



Civic Place PARRAMATTA (known as 5 Parramatta Square)
(Lot 14 DP 1255419)


DESCRIPTION Installation of building identification and wayfinding signage at basement and ground level of approved community facility extension.


REFERENCE   DA/1074/2021 - D08393271




OWNERS          City of Parramatta


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.5 and attachments to Item 5.5.




There were no public forum submissions for Item 5.5





That pursuant to section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979, Council grant development consent to DA/1074/2021 for a period of five (5) years within which physical commencement is to occur from the date on the Notice of Determination, subject to conditions of consent.




1.      To facilitate the orderly implementation of the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the aims and objectives of the relevant Council Planning instrument.


2.      To ensure that the local amenity is maintained and is not adversely affected and that adequate safeguards are incorporated into the development.


3.      To ensure the development does not hinder the proper and orderly development of the subject land and its surrounds.


4.      To ensure the relevant matters for consideration under section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 are maintained.


The Panel decision was unanimous.



334 Pennant Hills Road, CARLINGFORD
(Lot 10 DP 1216207)


DESCRIPTION Section 4.15 Application seeking consent for the Construction of a marquee over an existing bowling green at the Carlingford Sports and Recreation club to be used as badminton courts, and construction of new lift access and parking.


REFERENCE   DA/701/2021 - D08399868


APPLICANT/S  Think Planners


OWNERS          City of Parramatta Council


REPORT OF     Group Manager Development and Traffic Services



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.6 and attachments to Item 5.6.




1.         Shaun Johns, on behalf of Carlingford Sports & Recreation Club, was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the development application.





That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel exercising the functions of Council pursuant to Section 4.17 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 refuse DA/701/2021 for the following reasons.




1.      Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011

(a)     The proposed development is inconsistent with the following provisions of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011:

·                Part 3.2.1 Building Form and Massing

·                Part 3.2.3 Roof Design

·                Part 2.4.1 Views and Vistas

·                Part 3.2.2 Building Facades and Articulation

·                Part 3.3.1 Landscaping

·                Part 3.4.2 Access for People with Disabilities


2.      Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

(a)     As highlighted above, the proposal has non-compliances with Parramatta LEP 2011 and Parramatta DCP 2011. Accordingly, the proposal fails to satisfy the matters of consideration prescribed under s4.15(1)(a)(iii) of the EP&A Act 1979.

(b)     As the proposed development does not show consistency with critical provisions of the above instruments, the proposal is not considered to be in the public interest and also fails to satisfy s4.15(1)(b) and (e) of the EP&A Act 1979.


The Panel decision was unanimous.







SUBJECT          Post Exhibition: 1 Windsor Road, North Rocks - Planning Proposal and draft Planning Agreement


REFERENCE   RZ/9/2019 -  D08346970


APPLICANT/S  Fabcot Pty Ltd


OWNERS          J L Dunrose Pty Ltd


REPORT OF     Project Officer



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 6.1 and attachments to Item 6.1.




1.         Gregory Malempre, on behalf of Location IQ, was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the Planning Proposal and draft Planning Agreement.

2.         Jeff Mead, on behalf of Planning Ingenuity, was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the Planning Agreement.

3.         Nathan Dundovic, on behalf of Woolworths, was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the Planning Agreement.

4.         Tim Rogers, on behalf of Colston Budd Rogers and Kafes, was available to answer questions from the Panel in relation to the Planning Agreement.





The Local Planning Panel support the following Council Officer recommendations in the Panel’s advice to Council:


(a)     That Council receives and notes submissions made during the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal and draft Planning Agreement for 1 Windsor Road, North Rocks.


(b)     That Council approve the Planning Proposal (at Attachment 1) for land at 1 Windsor Road, North Parramatta for finalisation that seeks to amend Schedule 1 in  Parramatta (former The Hills) Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 by adding ‘retail premises’ as an additional permitted use (limited to a maximum of 3,800 m2) to facilitate a supermarket and liquor store.


(c)     That Council approve the draft Planning Agreement for finalisation (at Attachment 2), that proposes to:


1.      Dedicate a portion of the and to Council free of cost (the Dedication of Land) for the purpose of a possible future road widening of James Ruse Drive; and

2.      Register a public access easement at no cost to Council, over that part of the Land on which the Bridge Works and the Council Works will be located, in favour of Council (the Easement).


3.      That upon receipt of development consent for the site, the developer construct a lightweight steel bridge structure (3m wide) that is to provide further pedestrian access to the Land from North Rocks Road (the Works).


4.      That upon receipt of development consent for the site, the developer pay a monetary contribution of $500,000 to Council (the Contribution) to facilitate the construction of a future footbridge connection.


(d)     That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to exercise the plan making delegations as granted by the Gateway Determination for this Planning Proposal.


(e)     Further, that Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan amendment process relating to the Planning Proposal.


The Panel decision was unanimous.



SUBJECT          Post-Exhibition: 85-91 Thomas Street,
Parramatta - Planning Proposal, Draft Site-Specific
Development Control Plan and Draft Planning Agreement


REFERENCE   RZ/11/2016 – D08360875


APPLICANT/S  Think Planners


OWNERS          Century 888 Pty Ltd


REPORT OF     Project Officer Land Use Planning



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 6.2 and attachments to Item 6.2.




1.         Kaye Fraser submitted written correspondence for the Panel’s consideration, seeking the Panel to defer consideration of the matter.

2.         Adam Byrnes, on behalf of Think Planners, spoke in support of the report recommendation to approve the Planning Proposal and Site Specific Development Control Plan.





The Local Planning Panel does NOT support the Council Officer recommendations to proceed with the Planning Proposal and Site Specific Development Control Plan for the following reasons:


1.      The proposed Planning Proposal lacks strategic and local planning merit as it relates to one site in an otherwise consistent urban environment with development generally in accordance with the existing and future 11 metre height limit and the existing and future density controls (noting that Council is not planning to change these controls), which would result in an incongruous and undesirable future built form.


2.      The visual impact of a future 22-metre building from both Thomas Street and the public domain and public walkway to the south would be unacceptable.


3.      Should Council consider upzoning Thomas Street from James Ruse Drive to at least Pemberton Street then rezoning of the subject site could be considered in that context.


4.      The submissions received to the Planning Proposal during public exhibition raised relevant concerns relating to increased density, visual impact, overshadowing the existing development and the Public Reserve.  Public submissions noted that the proposed dedication of the land at NIL cost to Council does not outweigh the adverse impacts of the isolated rezoning of this site.


The Panel decision was unanimous.


The meeting terminated at 5:54 pm.





