An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 9 November 2020 at 6.30pm.


Note: Members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting in person but will be able to view the live stream video on Council’s website.




Brett Newman






















Council                                                                   9 November 2020







ITEM                                                SUBJECT        PAGE NO



18      Notices of Motion

18.1          NOTICE OF MOTION: Safety of Pedestrians and Food Delivery Bike Riders................................................ 3

19      Questions with Notice

19.1          QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE: Questions Taken On Notice from Council Meeting - 26 October 2020.... 6



After the conclusion of the Council Meeting, and if time permits, Councillors will be provided an opportunity to ask questions of staff

Council 9 November 2020                                                             Item 18.1


ITEM NUMBER        18.1

SUBJECT                 NOTICE OF MOTION: Safety of Pedestrians and Food Delivery Bike Riders

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07721514

FROM                      Councillor Pandey        



(a)    That Council note:

(i)     Community concerns related to the safety of delivery riders and pedestrians within the City of Parramatta.

(ii)    Council note the risks from traffic, accidents and fatalities related to food delivery bike riders in Sydney in recent times.

(iii)    Increase in food delivery bike riders due to COVID-19.

(iv)   Concerns raised by residents for delivery riders use of footpaths. The riding of bicycles on the footpath poses a safety hazard to pedestrians, particularly those with limited mobility, the visually impaired and parents with prams.

(b)    Further, that a report be provided on:

(i)     Safety and Community awareness measures that council may implement to improve the safety of pedestrians and delivery riders.

(ii)    Current relevant programs to improve awareness and safety.

(iii)    Role of council in enforcing NSW Road Rule 250 in collaboration with LAC.

(iv)   Educational and signage programs on safe riding to be conducted with providers of food delivery rider platforms such as Menulog, UberEats, Deliveroo, Dominos and other major providers.

(v)    Means of direct engagement with riders, given the fact that food delivery platforms have not been proactive and have not shown interest in rider and community safety.



1.     Food delivery is a booming business and have grown exponentially over the past few years, bringing more riders on our footpaths.


2.     There have been reports of delivery riders not riding safely within the LGA.


3.     Note that Council officers have tried ways to address the issue but with little success due to reliance on external parties.


4.     New research from Roy Morgan shows nearly 4 million Australians aged 14+ (19.1%) now use meal delivery services, up from 1.98 million (9.8%). These numbers are expected to grow in future and hence need for a more proactive approach.


5.     During the COVID-19 pandemic, delivery services have been an important tool for keeping many businesses open


6.     Success of these platforms and food delivery has increased the numbers of people participating in these programs without proper training on safety and monitoring from the providers putting safety of riders as well as residents of our LGA at risk.


7.     NSW Road Rule 250 states that the rider of a bicycle who is 16 years old or older must not ride on a footpath unless certain exceptions are met.


Sameer Pandey






8.     There are safety risks associated with delivery riders and pedestrians, and note that other councils are experiencing similar problems with food delivery bike riders. In the preparation of the report that addresses the matters in part (b) of the Notice of Motion, Council staff would meet with other interested councils to discuss methods to improve safety associated with food delivery riders, and consult with Transport for New South Wales and Police to find effective solutions, including exploring the feasibility of changes to rules that would allow Police to impound bicycles.




9.     Some of this work is currently being undertaken by staff. The additional work that would be undertaken if Council approves the Notice of Motion would be the preparation of the report and additional external consultation. The preparation of the report will involve various staff from Traffic and Transport, Regulatory Services, Transport Planning, and City Operations (in regards to possible assistance for Police in regards to impounding bicycles). The preparation of the report and additional external consultation would reduce time available to undertake other work, such as Service Requests. This additional work may involve 3 additional effective full time days of work in addition to the 1 day that would have been undertaken on this subject without a Notice of Motion being approved.  The additional cost would be approximately $2000, including on costs.  This is in addition to the $700 that would be incurred on this subject regardless of the Notice of Motion, including on-costs. The preparation of the report can be undertaken within existing budget allocations.


10.   It is proposed to consult externally with TfNSW, Police, Parramatta Bicycle Committee members, CBD bike shops, food delivery platforms, and other interested Councils.  Consideration would be given to methods to engage with riders, and this would be part of the final report.  Comments from riders would also be welcome in preparation of the report.  However, consultation and engagement with riders in preparing the report may not be effective due to the lack of a register of riders that Council can access.  Councillors would be provided with the results of the consultation through the report.


11.   It is anticipated that the report would be provided to Council in March 2021.


Jennifer Concato

Executive Director, City Planning & Design


Brett Newman

Chief Executive Officer




There are no attachments for this report.


Council 9 November 2020                                                             Item 19.1


ITEM NUMBER        19.1

SUBJECT                 QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE: Questions Taken On Notice from Council Meeting - 26 October 2020

REFERENCE           F2019/04433 - D07718987

FROM                      Governance Manager        








Single Use Plastics


1.    What has this program cost Council since September 2018, excluding grants?

2.    What is the breakdown of resources that apply to the recommendations outlined in the report?


Post Exhibition: Development Control Plan for land at 2 O’Connell Street, Parramatta


1.    What minor administrative changes were being made to finalising the planning agreement in readiness of execution (reference paragraph 14 of the report)?


NOM: Tree Canopy in Parramatta CBD


1.    Under the current tree day program, where residents can attend the nursery and be provided with 2 x trees, what is the cost to Council for this current program?





1.     Paragraph 9.23 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice states:


“Where a councillor or council employee to whom a question is put is unable to respond to the question at the meeting at which it is put, they may take it on notice and report the response to the next meeting of the Council.”




2.     Staff responses to the questions taken on notice at the Council Meeting of 26 October 2020 are provided below:







Executive Director


Single Use Plastics


1.   What has this program cost Council since September 2018, excluding grants?

2.   What is the breakdown of resources that apply to the recommendations outlined in the report?

This matter was deferred for a report detailing further information.  A response to these questions will be incorporated into that report, anticipated to be reported to Council at the 30 November Council Meeting.

John Warburton


Post Exhibition: Development Control Plan for land at 2 O’Connell Street, Parramatta


1.   What minor administrative changes were being made to finalising the planning agreement in readiness of execution (reference paragraph 14 of the report)?

The administrative changes referred to in the report relate to the description of the Local Environmental Plan amendment being sought under the Planning Proposal.  The changes involve correcting the wording in the Planning Agreement to match the Planning Proposal as endorsed by Council.  The changes are administrative in nature and within the parameters set by Council’s resolution on 11 May 2020 that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan amendment process relating to the Planning Proposal, DCP and Planning Agreement.

Jennifer Concato


NOM: Tree Canopy in Parramatta CBD


1.   Under the current tree day program, where residents can attend the nursery and be provided with 2 x trees, what is the cost to Council for this current program?

Council currently runs two free tree giveaways a year, these events are held at Council’s Cowells Lane Nursery located in Ermington.  The events runs from 8:00am to 12:00pm and are held on the first Saturday of March and the first Saturday of September. Under the program residents are entitled to receive two trees at each event. The total cost to run each event is approximately $6,000. The total cost each financial year is approximately $12,000.

John Warburton



John Warburton

Executive Director, City Assets & Operations


Jennifer Concato

Executive Director, City Planning & Design


Brett Newman

Chief Executive Officer




There are no attachments for this report.