An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 28 September 2020 at 6:30pm.


Note: Members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting in person

but will be able to view the live stream video on Council’s website.



Brett Newman






















Council                                                               28 September 2020







ITEM                                                SUBJECT        PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1           200th Anniversary of the Lancer Barracks............................................ 3

8.2           Condolence Motion - Kevin Hession... 5

Council 28 September 2020                                                            Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER        8.1

SUBJECT                 200th Anniversary of the Lancer Barracks

REFERENCE           F2019/03630 - D07664404

REPORT OF            Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        





The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to acknowledge the 200th Anniversary of the Lancer Barracks at Parramatta and seek the support of the Chamber for a commemorative program to be delivered to mark the occasion.





(a)    That Council commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Lancer Barracks at Parramatta in November 2020 by:

i.    Developing a commemorative program of heritage articles, publications and photos focusing on the history and service of the Lancer Barracks, delivered as part of the Civic Program;

ii.    Developing a media and communications plan to commemorate the anniversary, with the key objectives being to ‘Commemorate’, ‘Educate’ and ‘Support’ through:

a.     Website, editorials, media releases, newspaper advertisements, social media campaign, Lord Mayor’s column, internal and external publications

iii.   Sending acknowledgement letters from the Lord Mayor to the NSW Lancers’ Memorial Museum, the Royal New South Wales Lancer Association and the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers noting this significant anniversary.

(b)    Further, that Council continue to liaise with the NSW Lancers’ Memorial Museum, Royal New South Wales Lancer Association and 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers in the development of this program, and support associated activities to commemorate this significant milestone including commemorative services.




1.     November 2020 marks the 200th Anniversary of the Lancer Barracks in Parramatta, the longest continuously operational military facility in Australia since colonial settlement.


2.     Construction of the Lancer Barracks commenced in 1818 and was completed in 1820. The then Governor Lachlan Macquarie recognised he was building the infrastructure for a future nation and had them built to last, eventually they were occupied by the New South Wales Lancers, becoming an integral part of Australia’s Military history, and the history of the Parramatta community.


3.     Located in Smith Street, Parramatta, it has been home to the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers since 1885.

4.     Currently an Australian Army Reserve Light Cavalry (Reconnaissance) Regiment, the regiment dates back to the formation of the Sydney Light Horse Volunteers in January 1885.


5.     The Regiment took its current name in 1956 when the 1st Royal New South Wales Lancers and the 15th Northern River Lancers amalgamated, initially being equipped with Matilda tanks.


6.     The 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers carries the former regiments’ battle honours, and consequently has 31 collective battle honours, including those from the Boer War, First World War and Second World War.


7.     The Barracks is home to the New South Wales Lancers’ Memorial Museum, in historic Linden House, with a dedicated group of volunteers helping to maintain and preserve the wealth of historic documents, artefacts and armoured vehicles. The Museum Building was commemorated in 1981 as a memorial to all those who served with the Lancers.


8.     The historical importance of the Lancer Barracks and the outstanding contribution of the Royal New South Wales Lancers to Australia and Parramatta cannot be overstated.


9.     The City of Parramatta commemorates the legacy of all those who have served in the Lancers, and supports the continuing relationship between the Lancer Reservists, the Museum and the Lancer Barracks.


10.   This Lord Mayor Minute proposes a Civic Program be developed to mark this significant milestone, and pay tribute to this legacy and the invaluable role the Lancer Barracks play in the past, present and future of our City.




11.   This program has an estimated maximum cost of $5,000 and will be delivered within the City Events and Festivals (Civic Program) 2020/21 operational budget.


Councillor Bob Dwyer

Lord Mayor




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Council 28 September 2020                                                            Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER        8.2

SUBJECT                 Condolence Motion - Kevin Hession

REFERENCE           F2019/03630 - D07664431

REPORT OF            Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        





The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to recognise the passing of Kevin Hession, and show our respect for his commitment to the local community.





(a)    That Council acknowledge the passing of Kevin Hession, offering our condolences to his family and friends; and

(b)    Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence as a gesture of respect on his passing and in recognition of his dedication to the Parramatta community.




1.     Mr Kevin Hession, founding member and dedicated volunteer of the Parramatta Memorial Swim Club, passed away on Thursday 24 September 2020.


2.     Mr Hession volunteered enthusiastically with the Parramatta Memorial Swim Club for over 50 years, and was honoured by them with Life Membership in recognition of his dedication. He was also involved in the establishment of the Water Polo and Life Saving sub branches of the Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club.


3.     He taught countless people from across Parramatta and beyond to swim through the Learn to Swim and Squad Training programs. At the time of his passing, two of his great-grandchildren were part of his training squad, and the Swim Club boasted four generations of Hessions’.


4.     Mr Hession also acted as an event marshal at inter-club carnivals, and helped children from Burnside Homes to join in, swim and compete at Parramatta Pool.


5.     Kevin Hession was well known in the local area, and in the local pools and by City of Parramatta Council Recreation staff as a loud and affable larrikin that always stopped for a chat at the end of each lap.


6.     Mr Hession was also the recipient of the 2019 Lord Mayor Community Service Award at Council’s Australia Day Awards, recognising his unwavering community spirit and commitment.


7.     The local community will miss Mr Hession’s passion, dedication and his willingness to share and teach people of all generations.


8.     Council offers its condolences to Kevin Hession’s family and friends, and holds a minutes silence in the Chamber as a gesture of respect.




9.     There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.


Councillor Bob Dwyer

Lord Mayor




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