The Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer and Councillors Benjamin Barrak, Phil Bradley, Donna Davis (6:33pm), Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Steven Issa, Andrew Jefferies, Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Bill Tyrrell, Lorraine Wearne and Martin Zaiter.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer, opened the meeting at 6:31pm.




The Lord Mayor, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Darug Nation as the traditional custodians of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and their elders past and present.




The Lord Mayor, advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.




No other announcements were made.





SUBJECT:        Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 24 August 2020



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.





SUBJECT: Apologies/Requests for leave of absence



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Garrard)


That the apologies received from Councillor Andrew Wilson due to personal reasons be accepted and leave of absence granted.




There were no Declarations of Interest made at this meeting.


8.     Minutes of the Lord Mayor



SUBJECT         HMAS Parramatta IV


REFERENCE   F2019/03630 - D07599518


REPORT OF    Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



RESOLVED      (Dwyer/Tyrrell)


(a)    That Council acknowledge the recent activities of the ship and crew of the HMAS Parramatta IV, including:

a.     Her recent successful four-month deployment to South-East Asia;

b.     The current activities of the crew as part of Operation COVID-19 Assist, supporting the NSW Police at border crossings;

c.     Her recent win of the coveted Duke of Gloucester’s Cup for 2019, for demonstrating the highest level of proficiency in all activities.


(b)    That the Lord Mayor write to the HMAS Parramatta IV Commanding Officer, Commander Anita Nemarich, to express our proud support of the HMAS Parramatta IV, and our congratulations on their recent activities and successes.


(c)    That Council in recognition of the important and historic relationship between the City of Parramatta and the HMAS Parramatta, update Council’s official liaison to the HMAS Parramatta to be the Lord Mayor of the Day as part of the Civic Program (Civic Events Team) with coordination by the Executive Support Office.


(d)    That Council, in recognition of his dedication and commitment to building the relationship between the City and HMAS Parramatta, thank and congratulate former Lord Mayor Cr Paul Garrard, for his efforts in the role of liaison.


(e)    That Council note in recognition of his efforts, in late 2019 the Naval Association of Australia Parramatta Memorial sub-section conferred Honorary Membership on Cr Paul Garrard.


(f)     Further, that Council note Council staff have been in contact with the Naval Association of Australia Parramatta Memorial sub-section to provide advice on appropriately recognising the anniversary of the sinking of the HMAS Parramatta II in November, in light of current Covid-19 restrictions.



SUBJECT         Beirut Tragedy Charity Appeals


REFERENCE   F2019/03630 - D07640628


REPORT OF    Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



MOTION          (Dwyer/Zaiter)


(a)    That the City of Parramatta donate $10,000 AUD to assist the humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Lebanon, and that the donations be made up of:

a.     $5,000 to the Australian Red Cross – Beirut Explosion Appeal;

b.     $5,000 to the Steps of Hope Appeal.


(b)    Further, that Council note the 10 August 2020 Council Resolution where Council passed on its condolences and observed a minutes silence to pay our respects to all those impacted by this tragedy.



AMENDMENT  (Esber/Prociv)


(a)    That the City of Parramatta make a donation of medical aid, medicines, hygiene, clothing, education and vaccines to Beirut, Lebanon up to the value of $10,000 AUD.


(b)    Further, that Council note the 10 August 2020 Council Resolution where Council passed on its condolences and observed a minutes silence to pay our respects to all those impacted by this tragedy.


The amendment moved by Councillor Esber and seconded by Councillor Prociv on being put was declared LOST.


The motion moved by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Dwyer and seconded by Councillor Zaiter on being put was declared CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Dwyer/Zaiter)


(a)    That the City of Parramatta donate $10,000 AUD to assist the humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Lebanon, and that the donations be made up of:

a.     $5,000 to the Australian Red Cross – Beirut Explosion Appeal;

b.     $5,000 to the Steps of Hope Appeal.


(b)    Further, that Council note the 10 August 2020 Council Resolution where Council passed on its condolences and observed a minutes silence to pay our respects to all those impacted by this tragedy.


9.     Public Forum




10.   Petitions


There were no petitions tabled at this meeting.


11.   Rescission Motions





Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


That Items 12.1, 12.5, 13.1, 13.2, 16.1 and 17.3 be resolved en bloc and the recommendations be adopted.


12.   Fair



SUBJECT         FOR NOTATION: Minutes of Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 30 July 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/02054 - D07598043


REPORT OF    Coordinator Internal Audit



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


That Council note the minutes of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 30 July 2020 as provided at Attachment 1.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Committee Meeting held on 23 June 2020


REFERENCE   F2017/00358 - D07563132


REPORT OF    Community Capacity Building Officer



RESOLVED      (Prociv/Bradley)


(a)    That Council note the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting held on 23 June 2020.


(b)    That Council note the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee proposed renaming of the ‘Sorry Day Garden’ in Lake Parramatta to the ‘Marcia Donovan Memorial Garden’.


(c)    Further, that a separate report be bought to Council to consider the proposed renaming of the ‘Sorry Day Garden’.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: 2020 Local Government NSW Annual Conference


REFERENCE   F2019/03627 - D07545583


REPORT OF    Executive Officer



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


(a)    That Council nominate the following Councillors to be Council’s Voting Delegates for Motions at the 2020 Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Annual Conference:

        -       Lord Mayor, Councillor Dwyer;

        -       Councillor Barrak;

        -       Councillor Bradley;

        -       Councillor Davis;

        -       Councillor Pandey;

        -       Councillor Prociv.

        -       Councillor Tyrrell; and

        -       Councillor Zaiter.


(b)    That Council submits the following Motions for LGNSW to consider for inclusion in the Annual Conference Business Paper, further detailed in Attachment 1:

i.      Inclusive Community Engagement for Development Applications

ii.      Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Resources

iii.     State-Wide Planning Portal

iv.     Payment of Councillor Legal Expenses

v.     Proposed Housing Diversity SEPP.


(c)    Further, that Council note the LGNSW Annual Conference will now be delivered in a one-day online format on Monday, 23 November 2020, in light of current Covid-19 restrictions and public heath advice.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Council Meeting Schedule - October through to December 2020


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07593224


REPORT OF    Governance Manager



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


(a)    That Council approve the Council meeting dates from October through to December 2020, detailed below:





12 October 2020

26 October 2020


9 November 2020

30 November 2020


7 December 2020


(b)    That the location of the above meetings be held in the Cloister Function Room at St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta.


(c)    Further, that notice be provided to the public of all Council meetings in accordance with Part B, Section 3.5 of Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Rates Harmonisation


REFERENCE   F2014/02600 - D07571100


REPORT OF    Rates & Receivables Manager



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


(a)    That the preferred option (outlined in paragraph 3) is approved for community consultation.


(b)    That Council commences community consultation regarding the preferred option, noting this option would require IPART approval to increase the minimum rates for the former Hills Shire, Auburn, Holroyd and Hornsby Councils.


(c)    Further, that Council note that the final rates structure will be returned to Council as part of the 2021/2022 Delivery Program and Operating Plan.


13.   Accessible


SUBJECT         FOR NOTATION: Variations to Standards under Clause 4.6 of Parramatta LEP 2011, Auburn LEP 2010, Holroyd LEP 2013, The Hills LEP 2012, Hornsby LEP 2013 and SEPP 1


REFERENCE   F2009/00431 - D07594491


REPORT OF    Group Manager - Development and Traffic Services



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


That the report be received and noted.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee Meeting held on 13 August 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/00082 - D07250364


REPORT OF    Traffic and Transport Manager



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


(a)    That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 13 August 2020, as provided at Attachment 1.


(b)    Further, that Council approve the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 13 August 2020 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.




        The design of the Alfred Street Cycleway has been 100% funded by NSW Government’s Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP).


The estimated cost of Stage 1 construction (as detailed in report) is $1,600,000. The section between Gray Street and Parramatta Road is 100% funded by PRUAIP.  Council has also applied for 100% construction funding to TfNSW under NSW Government’s Active Transport Program in 2020/21 for the section between Eleanor Street and Gray Street. At the time of writing this report, the outcome of the application was not available.  However, should it not be successful, construction of the cycleway for this section will be deferred until grant funding is secured.


Accordingly, the construction of the proposal has no direct financial impact upon Council’s budget.  If the project is approved, maintenance of the cycleway would be funded from the existing operational budget, ‘Cycle Route Maintenance and Encouraging Cycling’.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Meeting held on 13 August 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/00077 - D07250380


REPORT OF    Traffic and Transport Manager



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


(a)    That Council note the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 13 August 2020, provided at Attachment 1.


(b)    Further, that Council approve the recommendations of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 13 August 2020 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.






The approximate cost of installation of two (2) chicanes in George Street, Epping is $90,000. It is intended that Council would fund the installation of the chicanes as Council is unlikely to receive grant funding. However, at this stage, approval is only being sought for the inclusion of George Street in the List of Traffic Projects Supported by Community Petition for consideration of future funding.


This report is not recommending that the chicanes be constructed.  It is only recommending they be listed for consideration in regards to future funding opportunities.  There is also no recommendation to do any design or consultation for this project.  With no design we cannot consider what the operational costs would be.  If funding becomes available in the future then a design would be undertaken, consultation, detailed estimates, and consideration of operational costs, and this would require approval from the Parramatta Traffic Committee and Council.


Flexible Traffic Separators


The approximate cost of installation of Flexible Traffic Separators in George Street is $6,000. It is proposed to fund these Separators from the Traffic Facilities fund. However, at this stage, community consultation will be undertaken for the installation of Flexible Traffic Separators in George Street. If the proposal is generally supported then the matter will be referred to the Parramatta Traffic Committee under Delegated Authority for determination.




        To not adopt the report, and to proceed with two short–stay parking spaces in an appropriate location.




This report proposes to undertake community consultation for the installation of an ‘All Traffic Left Only 2:30pm-4:00pm School Days’ restriction in Felton Road West (eastbound) at Baker Street.  Accordingly, this has no financial impact upon Council's budget except for staff time and cost of advertising, which would be undertaken within the existing advertising budget.


iv.               ITEM 2008 B4 – PROJECT LISTS INCLUDING AN UPDATE ON PROJECTS FOR 2019/20 & 2020/21


There is no financial implication to Council as a result of this recommendation.




RMS Block Grant funds for 2019/20 have been used for these works.




The investigation would involve traffic volume and speed counts and staff time.  The cost of these investigations is contained within various existing budgets.  The total cost for traffic counts is in the order of approximately $300.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Classification of Council Land - Lennox Development Site


REFERENCE   F2012/00701 - D07599318


REPORT OF    Solicitor Property Development Group



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


(a)    That in accordance with section 31(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council classify as ‘Operational” Lot 102 in DP 1259228. 


(b)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the CEO to finalise and execute all documents and agreements in relation to this matter, including the document referred to in paragraph 5 of this Council Report.


14.   Green




15.   Welcoming




16.   Thriving



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Hill Road Sydney Olympic Park Precinct Road Naming Proposal


REFERENCE   F2020/01368 - D07543678


REPORT OF    Place Manager



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


(a)      That Council approve the proposed names for two new roads in the Hill Road, Sydney Olympic Park Precinct Residential Development and as shown on the Precinct Plan at Attachment 1 of this report, as follows:



Wattlebird Road

Lapwing Street


(b)      Further, that these names be referred to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) of NSW for formal assignment and Gazettal under the Geographical Names Act 1996.


17.   Innovative



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Submission to the Sydney Central City Planning Panel on a Planning Proposal at 1 Crescent Street, Holroyd


REFERENCE   F2020/02314 - D07594069


REPORT OF    Project Officer Land Use



RESOLVED      (Issa/Zaiter)


(a)    That Council approve the submission provided at Attachment 1 which objects to the Planning Proposal at 1 Crescent Street, Holroyd for the following reasons:

i.      Inconsistency with the recommended controls under Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy

ii.      Excessive density in a constrained location

iii.     Lack of logical distribution or rationalisation of building heights and density resulting in no clear typology

iv.     Concerns relating to the traffic assumptions adopted prior to the completion of the precinct-wide traffic study

v.     Proposed infrastructure improvements without a clear funding and delivery mechanism

vi.     Lack of full consideration of flood impacts on the Parramatta LGA.


(b)    Further, that Council forward the submission to the Sydney Central City Planning Panel.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Submission on the Explanation of Intended Effect for a new Housing Diversity SEPP


REFERENCE   F2017/00724 - D07605212


REPORT OF    Senior Projects Officer



MOTION          (Tyrrell/Esber)


That Council approve the submission at Attachment 1 on the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a proposed new Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing Diversity SEPP), noting that the main recommendations of the submission are:

(i)     Support for the development of build-to-rent as a new land use, with the exception of mandatory permissibility in the B3 Commercial Core zone, proposed car parking rates and to allow strata subdivision.

(ii)    Support for the development of purpose-built student housing as a new land use, with the exception of the proposed car parking rate, minimum room size and minimum indoor and outdoor communal space.

(iii)    Support for the development of co-living as a new land use, with a request for amendments to parking provisions and ensuring certain facilities are included within each dwelling.

(iv)   Support for the proposed amendments relating to boarding houses, and the intention to mandate affordability though it is recommended to apply in perpetuity, rather than for only 10 years. Council note concerns at some of the implications of applying a flat rate 20% FSR bonus.

(v)    Not support an exempt and complying pathway for conversion of dwellings to group homes.

(vi)   Not support the proposed changes that increase the ability of Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) to self-assess its own development applications, and to expand its access to density bonus across projects that include a mix of subsidised and private market housing.

(vii)   Not support changes for LAHC-led seniors and social housing developments that also include a mix of private market housing, including lower parking rates and reduced requirement to include lifts.

(viii)  Not support the proposal to make it easier for large scale LAHC-led projects to be designated as SSD applications, and the reduced role that councils will have as a result of this change.



AMENDMENT  (Prociv/Davis)


That Council approve the submission at Attachment 1 on the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a proposed new Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing Diversity SEPP), noting that the main recommendations of the submission are:

(i)     Support for the development of build-to-rent as a new land use, with the exception of mandatory permissibility in the B3 Commercial Core zone, proposed car parking rates and to allow strata subdivision.

(ii)    Support for the development of purpose-built student housing as a new land use, with the exception of the proposed car parking rate, proposed bicycle parking rate, proposed motorcycle parking rate, minimum room size, and minimum indoor and outdoor communal space.

(iii)    Support for the development of co-living as a new land use, with a request for amendments to parking provisions and ensuring certain facilities are included within each dwelling.

(iv)   Support for the proposed amendments relating to boarding houses, and the intention to mandate affordability though it is recommended to apply in perpetuity, rather than for only 10 years. Council note concerns at some of the implications of applying a flat rate 20% FSR bonus.

(v)    Not support an exempt and complying pathway for conversion of dwellings to group homes.

(vi)   Not support the proposed changes that increase the ability of Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) to self-assess its own development applications, and to expand its access to density bonus across projects that include a mix of subsidised and private market housing.

(vii)   Not support changes for LAHC-led seniors and social housing developments that also include a mix of private market housing, including lower parking rates and reduced requirement to include lifts.

(viii)  Not support the proposal to make it easier for large scale LAHC-led projects to be designated as SSD applications, and the reduced role that Councils will have as a result of this change.


The amendment moved by Councillor Prociv and seconded by Councillor Davis on being put was declared LOST.


The motion moved by Councillor Tyrrell and seconded by Councillor Esber on being put was declared CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


That Council approve the submission at Attachment 1 on the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a proposed new Housing Diversity State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing Diversity SEPP), noting that the main recommendations of the submission are:

(i)     Support for the development of build-to-rent as a new land use, with the exception of mandatory permissibility in the B3 Commercial Core zone, proposed car parking rates and to allow strata subdivision.

(ii)    Support for the development of purpose-built student housing as a new land use, with the exception of the proposed car parking rate, minimum room size and minimum indoor and outdoor communal space.

(iii)    Support for the development of co-living as a new land use, with a request for amendments to parking provisions and ensuring certain facilities are included within each dwelling.

(iv)   Support for the proposed amendments relating to boarding houses, and the intention to mandate affordability though it is recommended to apply in perpetuity, rather than for only 10 years. Council note concerns at some of the implications of applying a flat rate 20% FSR bonus.

(v)    Not support an exempt and complying pathway for conversion of dwellings to group homes.

(vi)   Not support the proposed changes that increase the ability of Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC) to self-assess its own development applications, and to expand its access to density bonus across projects that include a mix of subsidised and private market housing.

(vii)   Not support changes for LAHC-led seniors and social housing developments that also include a mix of private market housing, including lower parking rates and reduced requirement to include lifts.

(viii)  Not support the proposal to make it easier for large scale LAHC-led projects to be designated as SSD applications, and the reduced role that councils will have as a result of this change.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: City of Parramatta Events and Festival Strategy (Deferred Item)


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07602080


REPORT OF    Group Manager City Experience



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Esber)


(a)    That Council endorse the City of Parramatta Events and Festivals Strategy (Strategy) as detailed in this report.


(b)    That a report be brought back to Council each financial year detailing progress against the Events and Festivals Strategy 2020-2025 as well as any significant changes to planned events and festivals.


(c)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to oversee the implementation of the strategy.





REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07622259


REPORT OF    Senior Project Officer Transport Planning



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Zaiter)


(a)    That Transport for New South Wales be informed of Council’s support for popup cycleways on Wigram Street, Harris Park and Thomas Street, Parramatta to provide safe cycling access to the existing CBD network.


(b)    Further, that it be noted that Transport for New South Wales are to cover all costs relating to the detail design, installation, monitoring, evaluation and removal if necessary of the popup cycleways.


18.   Notices of Motion



SUBJECT         NOTICE OF MOTION: CBD Parking Strategy


REFERENCE   F2017/01420 - D07614881


FROM              Councillor Zaiter



MOTION           (Zaiter/Pandey)


(a)    That Council urgently review and revise its CBD Parking Strategy to ensure that the following circumstances are considered:

1.     Parramatta Light Rail;

2.     Metro West;

3.     COVID-19;

4.     Impending closure of Riverbank Carpark;

5.     Impending closure of Horwood Carpark;

6.     Uncertainty around Fennel Street Carpark;

7.     Existing council owned parking stations;

8.     Existing and future private parking availability;

9.     Wayfinding and activation from parking stations to encourage walking to the CBD;

10.   Potential for current long day parking for workers in outer CBD areas, including Rosehill Racecourse;

11.   Potential for shuttle buses from outer CBD parking areas to the CBD to encourage more workers to use such outer facilities; and

12.   The age of Council’s parking technology, the upgrading and replacement of said technology.


(b)    That Council consult with local businesses and the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to gather appropriate input and feedback.


(c)    That the Council report include any proposed budgets, timeframes and schedule of works to address matters raised.


(d)    That Council consult with and seek input from Transport for NSW, Parramatta Light Rail, the local state Members of Parliament and any stakeholder as required.


(e)    That Council staff prepare a draft report to be brought back to a Councillor workshop for discussion, before the final report is presented to Council.


(f)     Further, that the draft report be brought back to Councillors at the workshop no later than 6 weeks from adoption of this motion and the final report back to Council no later than 30 November 2020 from adoption of this motion.



AMENDMENT  (Bradley/Barrak)


(a)    That Council urgently review and revise its CBD Parking Strategy to ensure that the following circumstances are considered:

1.     Parramatta Light Rail;

2.     Metro West;

3.     COVID-19;

4.     Impending closure of Riverbank Carpark;

5.     Impending closure of Horwood Carpark;

6.     Uncertainty around Fennel Street Carpark;

7.     Existing council owned parking stations;

8.     Existing and future private parking availability;

9.     Wayfinding and activation from parking stations to encourage walking to the CBD;

10.   Potential for current long day parking for workers in outer CBD areas, including Rosehill Racecourse;

11.   Potential for shuttle buses from outer CBD parking areas to the CBD to encourage more workers to use such outer facilities; and

12.   The age of Council’s parking technology, the upgrading and replacement of said technology.


(b)    That Council consult with local businesses, residents, Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to gather appropriate input and feedback.


(c)    That the Council report include any proposed budgets, timeframes and schedule of works to address matters raised.


(d)    That Council consult with and seek input from Transport for NSW, Parramatta Light Rail, the local state Members of Parliament and any stakeholder as required.


(e)    That Council staff prepare a draft report to be brought back to a Councillor workshop for discussion, before the final report is presented to Council.


(f)     Further, that the draft report be brought back to Councillors at the workshop no later than 6 weeks from adoption of this motion and the final report back to Council no later than 30 November 2020 from adoption of this motion.


The amendment moved by Councillor Bradley and seconded by Councillor Barrak on being put was declared LOST.


The motion moved by Councillor Zaiter and seconded by Councillor Pandey on being put was declared CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Zaiter/Pandey)


(a)    That Council urgently review and revise its CBD Parking Strategy to ensure that the following circumstances are considered:

1.     Parramatta Light Rail;

2.     Metro West;

3.     COVID-19;

4.     Impending closure of Riverbank Carpark;

5.     Impending closure of Horwood Carpark;

6.     Uncertainty around Fennel Street Carpark;

7.     Existing council owned parking stations;

8.     Existing and future private parking availability;

9.     Wayfinding and activation from parking stations to encourage walking to the CBD;

10.   Potential for current long day parking for workers in outer CBD areas, including Rosehill Racecourse;

11.   Potential for shuttle buses from outer CBD parking areas to the CBD to encourage more workers to use such outer facilities; and

12.   The age of Council’s parking technology, the upgrading and replacement of said technology.


(b)    That Council consult with local businesses and the Parramatta Chamber of Commerce and other stakeholders to gather appropriate input and feedback.


(c)    That the Council report include any proposed budgets, timeframes and schedule of works to address matters raised.


(d)    That Council consult with and seek input from Transport for NSW, Parramatta Light Rail, the local state Members of Parliament and any stakeholder as required.


(e)    That Council staff prepare a draft report to be brought back to a Councillor workshop for discussion, before the final report is presented to Council.


(f)     Further, that the draft report be brought back to Councillors at the workshop no later than 6 weeks from adoption of this motion and the final report back to Council no later than 30 November 2020 from adoption of this motion.



Note: Councillor Davis left the Chamber at 7:22pm and returned at 7:23pm during consideration of Item 18.1.



SUBJECT         NOTICE OF MOTION: Phillip Street Smart Street


REFERENCE   F2016/07579 - D07614949


FROM              Councillor Zaiter



RESOLVED      (Zaiter/Issa)


That Council provide a briefing note regarding the Phillip Street Smart Street project outlining the following:

(a)    Progress of stage 1 of the project, including project completion schedules and costings. That the briefing note be provided to Councillors within 4 weeks from adoption of this motion.

(b)    That Council draft a report setting out stage 2 of the project. This report should include draft concept plans, project schedules and associated funding models and the benefits to the city for undertaking stage 2.

(c)    That the draft report be discussed with ward Councillors and any other interested Councillors to seek input before the final report is submitted to Council for consideration.

(d)    That the Smart City Committee be consulted on Stage 2 of Phillip Street Smart Street Project.

(e)    That the report be brought before Council no later than 30 November 2020 from the adoption of this motion.



Note: Councillor Garrard left the Chamber at 7:27pm and returned at 7:28pm during consideration of Item 18.2.



SUBJECT         NOTICE OF MOTION: Activate, Regulate and Create Safe Underpasses


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07616491


FROM              Councillor Pandey



RESOLVED      (Pandey/Issa)


(a)    That Council work with TfNSW to develop an MoU, with a multiyear outcome, that sets out the basis to keep the space under the railway bridges clean, well lit, safe and allows Council to regulate and activate the underpasses.


(b)    That, subject to approval/formalisation of an MoU from TfNSW, Council include these spaces in its activation programs, including through the Council’s Street Activity Policy or other means available. 


(c)    That Council look at the financial implication and benefits of leasing the two shop-fronts under the Church Street rail bridge with a view to activating that space.


(d)    That Council explore open space and other grant options towards activating these underpasses, subject to MoU/approval from TfNSW.


(e)    That, acknowledging that the MoU could take some time, Council write to TfNSW that TfNSW Officers be requested to include frequent scheduled monitoring of the areas where TfNSW has ownership, control and maintenance responsibilities including the railway underpasses and regulate them in line with councils’ regulatory approach. In the event if TfNSW is not supportive of regulating the underpasses, this responsibility be delegated to Council following discussion with TfNSW and Local State Member to ensure appropriate funding is provided to Council.


(f)     Further, that a report be brought back to Council by December 2020.



Note: Councillor Garrard left the Chamber at 7:31pm and returned at 7:32pm during consideration of Item 18.1.


19.   Questions on Notice





REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07616334


FROM              Councillor Davis





What was the date the restriction that no building or structure of any kind whatsoever shall be erected, or permitted to remain on over or under; the reason for lodging or placing on the title of the Willow Grove property this restriction as to use; the date any restriction on use on the said property was lifted or removed and the reason why this occurred?




The restriction on the title of the property known as Willow Grove was removed from title as a pre-condition of the Contract for Sale of land to the NSW State Government which settled on or around April 2019.



Note: During discussion of this item Councillor Wearne and Councillor Bradley were disconnected from their online attendance for the rest of the meeting


Note: Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session.  No member of the gallery wished to make representations.





RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Zaiter)


That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-

1      FOR APPROVAL: Tender 8/2020 Leadership Development Program. (D07593236) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

2      FOR APPROVAL: Tender 13/2020 Telemetry Management (Deferred Item). (D07602111) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; AND the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Issa)


That Items 21.1 and 21.2 be resolved en bloc and the recommendations be adopted.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Tender 8/2020 Leadership Development Program


REFERENCE   F2020/00528 - D07593236


REPORT OF    Learning & Development Manager



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Issa)


(a)    That Council accepts the tender of the preferred tenderer (outlined in paragraph 14) for the design and delivery of a Leadership Development Program for the sum as outlined in paragraph 20 of the report.


(b)    That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.



SUBJECT         FOR APPROVAL: Tender 13/2020 Telemetry Management (Deferred Item)


REFERENCE   F2019/04434 - D07602111


REPORT OF    Catchment Systems Coordinator



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Issa)


(a)    That Council accepts:

(1)    the tender of the preferred tenderer for the Tender 13/2020 – Telemetry Management; and

(2)    for up to the maximum contract amount over 5 years,


as outlined in paragraph 14 of this report.


(b)    That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)    Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


That the meeting resume into Open Session.




The Chief Executive Officer read out the resolutions for Items  20.1 and 20.2.




The meeting terminated at 7:50pm.






