An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 14 September 2020 at 6:30pm.


Note: Members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting in person but will be able to view the live stream video on Council’s website.



Brett Newman






















Council                                                               14 September 2020







ITEM                                                SUBJECT        PAGE NO



8        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

8.1           HMAS Parramatta IV.......................... 3

8.2           Beirut Tragedy Charity Appeals.......... 6

Council 14 September 2020                                                            Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER        8.1

SUBJECT                 HMAS Parramatta IV

REFERENCE           F2019/03630 - D07599518

REPORT OF            Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        





The purpose of this Lord Mayoral Minute is to provide Council with an update on the recent activities of the HMAS Parramatta IV.





(a)    That Council acknowledge the recent activities of the ship and crew of the HMAS Parramatta IV, including:

a.  Her recent successful four-month deployment to South-East Asia;

b.  The current activities of the crew as part of Operation COVID-19 Assist, supporting the NSW Police at border crossings;

c.  Her recent win of the coveted Duke of Gloucester’s Cup for 2019, for demonstrating the highest level of proficiency in all activities.

(b)    That the Lord Mayor write to the HMAS Parramatta IV Commanding Officer, Commander Anita Nemarich, to express our proud support of the HMAS Parramatta IV, and our congratulations on their recent activities and successes.

(c)    That Council in recognition of the important and historic relationship between the City of Parramatta and the HMAS Parramatta, update Council’s official liaison to the HMAS Parramatta to be the Lord Mayor of the Day as part of the Civic Program (Civic Events Team) with coordination by the Executive Support Office.

(d)    That Council, in recognition of his dedication and commitment to building the relationship between the City and HMAS Parramatta, thank and congratulate former Lord Mayor Cr Paul Garrard, for his efforts in the role of liaison.

(e)    That Council note in recognition of his efforts, in late 2019 the Naval Association of Australia Parramatta Memorial sub-section conferred Honorary Membership on Cr Paul Garrard.

(f)     Further, that Council note Council staff have been in contact with the Naval Association of Australia Parramatta Memorial sub-section to provide advice on appropriately recognising the anniversary of the sinking of the HMAS Parramatta II in November, in light of current Covid-19 restrictions.




1.     The relationship the City of Parramatta Council (Council) has developed over time with the four HMAS Parramatta ships is truly special, and we can never take for granted the men and women of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) who put their lives on the line every day to serve our nation.


2.     In fact, the relationship between Council and HMAS Parramatta is the longest ongoing relationship nationally between a ship and its namesake, with the HMAS Parramatta I the first ship in the Royal Australian Navy, commissioned in September 1910.


3.     The ships company of the HMAS Parramatta IV continues the proud tradition of contributing to stable, national and global security, carrying on the legacy of the HMAS Parramatta’s I, II and III.


4.     The HMAS Parramatta IV entered the Captain Cook Graving Dock at Garden Island, Sydney, in July 2020, where she will receive her first significant maintenance period since mid-2018 following a strong year of deployments and achievements.


5.     HMAS Parramatta IV recently returned to her home port in Sydney following a busy 12 months of deployments that earned her the coveted Duke of Gloucester’s Cup for 2019 for demonstrating the highest level of proficiency in all activities.


6.     The Duke of Gloucester’s Cup has been part of the RAN tradition since 1946 and recognises the unit, squadron, clearance diving team or establishment that has displayed the highest overall level of skill in areas such as seamanship, training, administration, morale, maintenance and resourcefulness.


7.     Earlier this year, HMAS Parramatta IV undertook a three-month South-East Asia deployment sailing more than 24,000 nautical miles and working with partner navies in the region to strengthen interoperability. The HMAS Parramatta IV visited India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, participating in several major military exercises.


8.     The 118m Anzac-class frigate also deployed from January to May 2019 and again from September to December 2019 as part of a multi-ship task group.


9.     In early July 2020, Navy personnel from multiple ships, including the HMAS Parramatta IV, formed a 125-strong team within Joint Task Force 629, working together to support NSW Police at vehicle check points as part of Operation COVID-19 Assist.


10.   The Navy contingent was assigned to an area extending from the Snowy Mountains town of Jindabyne, to Eden on the NSW East Coast, covering 130km along the border. Teams across the region commenced round-the-clock operations on border crossings days after closures were announced, assisting NSW Police teams in monitoring compliance of those crossing the border.


11.   Members of the task force will be relieved by a second rotation as the Navy and wider Australian Defence Force continue their support of local communities, state emergency services and the Australian Government in their effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.


12.   The people of Parramatta are proud of the ship and its crews’ service to our City and Australia.


13.   Every time the HMAS Parramatta IV takes to the seas, she is representing this City and the country with great distinction.




14.   There are no new financial implications as a result of this Lord Mayoral Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer




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Council 14 September 2020                                                            Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER        8.2

SUBJECT                 Beirut Tragedy Charity Appeals

REFERENCE           F2019/03630 - D07640628

REPORT OF            Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        





The purpose of this Lord Mayor Minute is to seek endorsement for the donation of $10,000 AUD to assist the humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Lebanon following the tragic explosion on Tuesday 4 August 2020.





(a)    That the City of Parramatta donate $10,000 AUD to assist the humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Lebanon, and that the donations be made up of:

a.  $5,000 to the Australian Red Cross – Beirut Explosion Appeal;

b.  $5,000 to the Steps of Hope Appeal.

(b)    Further, that Council note the 10 August 2020 Council Resolution where Council passed on its condolences and observed a minutes silence to pay our respects to all those impacted by this tragedy.




1.     On Tuesday 4 August 2020, a devastating blast occurred in Beirut, Lebanon, which resulted in more than 200 deaths, 6,000 injuries and left hundreds of thousands of residents homeless.


2.     On Monday 10 August 2020, Council resolved to:


a.  That Council acknowledge the tragic loss of life, and those injured, in the Beirut, Lebanon explosion on Tuesday 4 August 2020.

b.  That Council note our own formal condolences are being sent to the Consulate General of Lebanon in Sydney, and a copy of this Minute will be shared with them;

c.  That Council note that Lebanon’s national flag will be flown at half-mast from today, Monday, 10 August 2020, for one week on the Parramatta River foreshore in solidarity with the people of Beirut and our Australian-Lebanese community;

d.  That Council note an online condolence book has been established on Council’s website for the Parramatta community to leave messages of condolence and support for the people of Beirut, and those affected locally;

e.  Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence as a mark of mourning and respect.

3.     This Lord Mayor Minute proposes donations totaling $10,000 AUD be made to Beirut charity appeals and humanitarian efforts being delivered by the Australian Red Cross in partnership with the Lebanese Red Cross, and Steps of Hope.


4.     The Australian Red Cross has launched an appeal to raise and channel funds to the Lebanese Red Cross.


5.     The Beirut Explosion Appeal will help Red Cross teams on the ground to provide immediate and longer-term humanitarian support to those affected by the explosion. That support may include:

a.  Critical emergency relief such as food, water, sanitation, shelter and health initiatives including first aid, ambulance services and blood;

b.  Longer term assistance for Beirut’s recovery, with a focus on health, shelter, water and sanitation; and

c.  Support for their local partner, Lebanese Red Cross to rebuild its damaged buildings and equipment, and to safely operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.


6.     Steps of Hope is an Australian-based not-for-profit organisation committed to addressing poverty in Lebanon by providing relief for those afflicted, including assistance to those suffering from sickness, disability, injury and/or financial hardship.


7.     Steps of Hope has launched an appeal to raise funds to support those impacted by the recent explosion in Beirut, and deliver on the ground assistance. This assistance includes:

a.  Allocating donations received to the victims of the recent devastation through food boxes, furniture supplies and essential goods.

b.  Contributing to home repair, personal property replacement, temporary housing, food, water and clothing.




8.     This Lord Mayor Minute proposes donations totaling $10,000 AUD to assist the humanitarian efforts in Beirut, Lebanon, and that the donations be made up of:

a.  $5,000 to the Australian Red Cross – Beirut Explosion Appeal;

b.  $5,000 to the Steps of Hope Appeal.


9.     These donations will be met from the current adopted Council Support 2020/21 budget, under Council Support – Donations (126000 – 646203).



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer




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