The Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer and Councillors Benjamin Barrak, Phil Bradley, Donna Davis, Pierre Esber, Michelle Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Steven Issa, Andrew Jefferies (6.32pm), Sameer Pandey, Dr Patricia Prociv, Bill Tyrrell, Andrew Wilson, Lorraine Wearne and Martin Zaiter.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer, opened the meeting at 6.30pm.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Dwyer, acknowledged the Burramattagal people of The Darug Nation as the traditional custodians of this land, and paid respect to their ancient culture and their elders past and present.




The Lord Mayor, Councillor Dwyer, advised that this public meeting is being recorded and streamed live on the internet. The recording will also be archived and made available on Council’s website.


The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.




As per Council’s Code of Meeting Practice, the recording of the Council Meeting by the public using any device, audio or video, is only permitted with Council permission. Recording a Council Meeting without permission may result in the individual being expelled from the Meeting.





SUBJECT:         Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 9 June 2020



RESOLVED      (Esber/Prociv)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.



SUBJECT:         Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 2 July 2020



RESOLVED      (Esber/Prociv)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.




There were no apologies or requests for leave of absence made at this meeting.




Councillor Barrak declared a non-pecuniary and less than significant interest in Item 16.1 being Little India Harris Park Reference Group as the company of which he is a director, Barrak Corporation Pty Ltd, owns property in Harris Park.  He left the Chamber prior to debate and voting thereon.


8.      MATTERS OF URGENCY (if any)


There were no matters of urgency raised at this meeting.


9.      Minutes of the Lord Mayor



SUBJECT          Condolence Motion - John Adams


REFERENCE   F2019/03630 - D07533513


REPORT OF     Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



RESOLVED      (Dwyer/Barrak)


(a)     That Council acknowledge the passing of John Adams, offering our condolences to his family and friends.


(b)     Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence as a gesture of respect on his passing and in recognition of his dedication to the Parramatta community.



Note:  The Chamber observed a minutes silence.



SUBJECT          Westmead Traffic Congestion


REFERENCE   F2019/03630 - D07533529


REPORT OF     Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



RESOLVED      (Dwyer/Issa)


(a)     That Council note the update included in this Minute on the actions taken following the 9 June 2020 Council Resolution on Westmead Traffic Congestion, which includes:

a.      Correspondence to the relevant NSW Government Ministers and local Member of Parliament on the need for greater co-operation and action to resolve congestion and accessibility in the entire Westmead Precinct;

b.      Correspondence to the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Parramatta, regarding the pedestrian safety concerns on Darcy Road; and

c.       Initial observations of Traffic and Transport Services site inspections in the Westmead Precinct.


(b)     That Council write to Cumberland City Council requesting it investigate the following items:

a.      Part time or full time ‘No Right Turn’ restriction in the southbound direction from Hawkesbury Road into Alexandra Avenue, to allow an increase in time allocated to northbound traffic;

b.      Allowing two straight ahead eastbound lanes in Alexandra Avenue, with changes to the bus only lane on the departure side of the intersection, to allow more time to be allocated to northbound traffic; and

c.       Including the concerns about delays in Hawkesbury Road in its dealings with Transport for NSW in regards to construction of the Sydney West Metro and the final design of the street network for Westmead.


(c)     That Council write to Transport for NSW requesting they review the traffic signal timing and coordination in Darcy Road at Farm House Road, and in Hawkesbury Road between Alexandra Avenue and Darcy Road.


(d)     Further, that Council note investigations by Council’s Traffic and Transport Services into this Precinct continue.


10.    Public Forum



SUBJECT          PUBLIC FORUM: Item 12.1 - Rescission Motion - Gateway Request Planning Proposal at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta


REFERENCE   RZ/6/2019 - D07532025


FROM                 Jim Castagnet



Thank you for the opportunity to address Council. My name is Jim Castagnet. My company lodged a Planning Proposal in August 2019, consistent with the outcomes to be implemented for the broader CBD Planning Proposal.


We were disappointed with Council’s decision on 9th June to defer consideration of the Planning Proposal to investigate expanding the B3 Commercial Core Zone into this area. We note that:


·                The B4 Zone has been flagged for many years and after much time and money spent on studies, it was recommended by Council to the Gateway, who issued their approval in December 2018.

·                The site and associated street block are well removed from the current B3 zone and hence would require the entire CBD planning proposal to be revisited.

·                The area is substantively developed for strata apartments, hence not readily developable for commercial use.

·                The B4 zoning provides both commercial and residential development in support of the B3 Zone and needed to activate the city after hours and on weekends.

·                The B4 mixed use zone is essential to support a thriving core, including providing homes for workers close to work

·                An expanded B3 zone is not needed to meet Council’s jobs and commercial floor space targets


Council identified the site as an “opportunity site” in its CBD Planning Proposal. This would have required specific consideration of its future development to fit contextually in its environment.


The built form is lower in height than the adjoining Gateway Building on the corner of Great Western Highway and Church Street. The Council Heritage Officer has concluded that the heritage sites to the North are unaffected and noted that there will be ample opportunities to further scrutinise the development during Public Exhibition, Design Competition and DA process.


Parramatta has been heavily promoted as Sydney’s second CBD and businesses have been encouraged to invest in this once in a lifetime opportunity to grow Parramatta both culturally and economically, thereby creating jobs for the growing population away from the old city.


In turn, the Council seeks to fund a range of infrastructure improvements to make Parramatta a great place to live.


Significant contributions are provided by these Opportunity Sites as per Council’s Value Sharing strategy. Value Sharing is based on residential gross floor area not B3 commercial gross floor area.


Our Planning Proposal has been prepared in good faith and we have worked tirelessly with Council to ensure our proposal fits the site’s B4 context based on the precinct wide planning proposal endorsed by Gateway in December 2018. Significant resources have been invested based on this.


B3 for the subject site represents a significant shifting of the goal posts which will impact on investment stability, Council’s reputation as a place to do business and its primary aim of attracting employment floor space in the CBD.


The Planning Proposal for GWH has been recommended by Council Staff and the Local Planning Panel and it will deliver significant community benefits. We respectfully ask that Councillors adopt their recommendation and progress the Planning Proposal to Gateway.




No staff response was provided to this public forum.


11.    Petitions



SUBJECT          Short Term Day Parking - Intersection of Grose and Macarthur Streets, North Parramatta


REFERENCE   F2019/04433


FROM                 Councillor Esber



A petition signed by the public was tabled at the Council Meeting and reads:


Short Term Day Parking – Intersection of Grose and Macarthur St North Parramatta.”



RESOLVED      (Esber/Davis)


That the petition be received and a copy of the petition be circulated to all Councillors.



SUBJECT          Development of 1-7 Simpson Street Dundas Valley NSW 211 DA/365/2020


REFERENCE   DA/365/2020


FROM                 Councillor Esber



A petition signed by the public was table at the Council Meeting and reads:


Help us preserve the character and charm of our street by signing this petition. The Development of 1-7 Simpson Street, Dundas Valley NSW 211 DA/365/2020



RESOLVED      (Esber/Davis)


That the petition be received and a copy of the petition be circulated to all Councillors.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


That Items 13.1, 13.2, 15.1, 15.2 and 18.1 be moved en bloc.


12.    Rescission Motions



SUBJECT          RESCISSION MOTION: Item 18.2 Council Meeting 9 June 2020 - Gateway Request Planning Proposal at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta


REFERENCE   RZ/6/2019 - D07477480


REPORT OF     Councillor Tyrrell



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Garrard)


That the resolution of the Council held on 9 June 2020 in relation to Item 18.2 – Gateway Request Planning Proposal at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta, namely:


That Council defers consideration of the current motion until Council reviews its policies with a view to examining the efficacy of expanding its CBD core in order to preserve its function as a major NSW CBD.


be and is hereby rescinded.



RESOLVED    (Tyrrell/Garrard)


(a)   That Council endorse the Planning Proposal at Attachment 2 for the purpose of requesting a Gateway Determination for land at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta, which seeks to amend Parramatta Local Environment Plan 2011 (PLEP 2011) by way of:

i.        Increasing the height of building control from 28 metres to 211 metres;

ii.       Amending the controls so that the FSR which is to apply to the site is composed of mapped components and bonuses as follows:

a.      Mapped FSR increased from 3.5:1 to 10:1 of which a minimum of 1:1 FSR must be commercial uses;

b.      Design Excellence bonus (15% - 1.5:1);

c.      High Performing Buildings bonus (5% - 0.5:1);

d.      Opportunity Sites bonus (3:1);

e.      Unlimited commercial FSR above the 1:1 requirement; and

iii.      Insert a site-specific provision applying maximum car parking rates per the Parramatta CBD Strategic Transport Study.


(b)   That the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to request a Gateway Determination be issued.


(c)   That should a Gateway Determination be issued that structures the floor space ratio (FSR) and site specific clauses in an alternative way, that the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to make the necessary amendments to the Planning Proposal for the purposes of public exhibition, only where the total proposed FSR is unchanged.


(d)   That should a Gateway Determination be issued, a site-specific Development Control Plan be prepared in accordance with the design principles contained within this report.


(e)   That should a Gateway Determination be issued, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate a Planning Agreement in accordance with Council’s Planning Agreements Policy.


(f)    That the draft site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement be reported to Council for endorsement prior to being publicly exhibited concurrently with the Planning Proposal.


(g)   That Council request the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to issue Council’s Chief Executive Officer plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal.


(h)  That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process.


(i)    Further, that Council note that the Parramatta Local Planning Panel’s advice to Council (Attachment 1) is consistent with the recommendations of this report.


DIVISION         A division was called, the result being:-


AYES:              Councillors Davis, Dwyer, Esber, Garrard, Issa, Jefferies, Pandey, Prociv, Tyrrell, Wearne and Zaiter


NOES:              Councillors Barrak, Bradley, and Wilson



SUBJECT          RESCISSION MOTION: Item 19.1 Council Meeting 9 June 2020 - Notice of Motion - Agreed NSW Parliament Legislative Council Motion of 13 May 2020 - Powerhouse Museum Production of Documents Order


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07477486


REPORT OF     Councillor Wilson



RESOLVED      (Wilson/Tyrrell)


That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 9 June 2020 in relation to Item 19.1 – Notice of Motion – Agreed NSW Parliament Legislative Council Motion of 13 May 2020 – Powerhouse Museum Production of Documents Order, namely:


(a)     That Council express support for the Agreed NSW Parliament Legislative Council Motion of 13 May 2020, ‘Powerhouse Museum Production of Documents: Order’.


(b)     That Council officers analyse all publically available documents, related to sections (a) as they are released.


(c)     That this analysis include any references to:

(i)      The existing Parramatta City Council 2016 Riverbank site Strategy;

(ii)     The social, cultural and monetary consequences for the City of Parramatta through the potential loss of the Riverbank precinct as proposed by Parramatta City Council in 2016;

(iii)    The existing Parramatta Aboriginal and European heritage based tourism industry;

(iv)    The retention of heritage items;

(v)     That Council staff include the result of this analysis in any submission made on the EIS on behalf of the Council.


(d)     Further, that a report of this examination and review be brought back to the Chamber at the Council Meeting on Monday, 13 August 2020.


be and is hereby rescinded.


The motion moved by Councillor Wilson and seconded by Councillor Tyrrell was declared CARRIED on the Lord Mayor’s casting vote.



MOTION             (Wilson/Barrak)


(a)     That Council express support for the Agreed NSW Parliament Legislative Council Motion of 13 May 2020, ‘Powerhouse Museum Production of Documents: Order’.


(b)     That Council officers examine and report to Councillors on keeping the site at Ultimo.


(c)     Further, that a report be provided to Council on this matter in the next 60 days.



AMENDMENT  (Issa/Wearne)


That no further action be taken.


Councillor Barrak then withdrew his second to the motion.



The amendment moved by Councillor Issa and seconded by Councillor Wearne on being put was declared CARRIED on the Lord Mayor’s casting vote.


The amendment then became the motion.


The motion moved by Councillor Issa and seconded by Councillor Wearne on being put was declared CARRIED.



RESOLVED      (Issa/Wearne)


That no further action be taken.



SUBJECT          RESCISSION MOTION: Item 8.1 Extraordinary Council Meeting 2 July 2020 - Submission for State Significant Development Application for the Powerhouse Museum


REFERENCE   NCA/2/2020 - D07518390


REPORT OF     Councillor Esber



MOTION             (Esber/ Garrard)


That the resolution of the Council held on 2 July 2020 in relation to Item 8.1 – Submission for State Significant Development Application for the Powerhouse Museum, namely:




(a)     That Council affirm its support for the relocation of the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta given the significant benefits it will bring to Sydney’s Central River City, including:

a.      2,300 jobs during construction and 3,000 ongoing jobs; and

b.      It being a major investment in cultural infrastructure in Central and Western Sydney; and

c.      As a catalyst to begin rebalancing the social and cultural infrastructure within the Greater Sydney Area in support of the significant and rapid growth of Central and Western Sydney.




(b)     That Council approve the Submission on the EIS (at Attachment 1) and forward it to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), noting the following key items:

i.       support for the relocation of the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta;

ii.      a request for greater collaboration in the design of the scheme and to work with the NSW Government on the matters in the Submission;

iii.     the lack of consideration of heritage as a key element of the design;

iv.     the lack of integration of the scheme with the public domain;

v.      the lack of adequate consideration of and design for flooding impacts and the need for a superior flood responsive design;

vi.     the design’s contextual response to Civic Link and failure to meet the objectives of this key pedestrian spine;

vii.    the inappropriateness of the design of the undercroft; and

viii.   other matters, including the name of the museum, environmental management, biodiversity, sustainability and reflectivity, and traffic, parking and loading.


(c)     That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to make any amendments of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the finalisation of the Submission.




(d)     That Council:

a.      note its prior resolutions to support the retention of Willow Grove and St George’s Terraces as part of the Powerhouse Museum design; and

b.      consider and, if approved, reaffirm its support for the retention of Willow Grove and St George’s Terraces and advise the DPIE in writing accordingly at the time of lodgment of the Submission on terms consistent with the resolution of 9 December 2019; and

c.      receive and note the draft minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee extraordinary meeting on 18 June 2020 (at Attachment 2) and advise the DPIE accordingly at the time of lodgment of the Submission.


be and is hereby rescinded.



The motion moved by Councillor Esber and seconded by Councillor Garrard on being put was declared LOST on the Lord Mayor’s casting vote.




1.         Councillor Issa and Councillor Wilson left the Chamber at 7.47pm and returned at 7.48pm during consideration of this matter.

2.         Councillor Jefferies left the Chamber at 7.49pm and returned at 7.53pm during consideration of this matter.






RESOLVED      (Esber/Garrard)


That the meeting adjourn at 7.55pm for a short recess.






RESOLVED      (Esber/Garrard)


That the meeting resume.


The meeting resumed in the Council Chambers at 8:04pm with the following Councillors in attendance:  The Lord Mayor, Councillor Dwyer and Councillors Barrak, Bradley, Davis, Esber, Garrard (Deputy Lord Mayor), Issa, Jefferies, Pandey, Prociv, Tyrrell, Wilson, Wearne and Zaiter.


13.    Fair



SUBJECT          FOR NOTATION: National Redress Scheme


REFERENCE   F2020/00136 - D07396202


REPORT OF     Children & Families Manager



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


That Council note the information contained within this report.



SUBJECT          FOR NOTATION: Investment Report for May 2020


REFERENCE   F2009/00971 - D07468347


REPORT OF     Tax and Treasury Accountant



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


That Council note the Investment Report for May 2020.


14.    Accessible



SUBJECT          FOR NOTATION: Variations to Standards under Clause 4.6 of Parramatta LEP 2011, Auburn LEP 2010, Holroyd LEP 2013, The Hills LEP 2012, Hornsby LEP 2013 and SEPP 1


REFERENCE   F2009/00431 - D07250472


REPORT OF     Group Manager - Development and Traffic Services



RESOLVED      (Esber/Bradley)


That the report be received and noted.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Submission to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in response to exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement for Sydney Metro West


REFERENCE   F2018/00684 - D07452381


REPORT OF     Transport Planning Manager



RESOLVED      (Davis/Prociv)


(a)     That Council approve and forward the submission at Attachment 1 to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) on the Environmental Impact Statement for Sydney Metro West, noting Council’s support for the project and advocating for consideration of the following key items as part of the approval process:

i)       Inclusion (or as a minimum, provision for future addition) of a Metro Station at Camellia;

ii)      Investigation of alternate locations for the storage and maintenance facility at Clyde, or as a minimum, replacement for the loss of recreational space;

iii)     Identification and planning to ensure seamless connections to future rail links, Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 and new feeder bus services;

iv)     Integrating land use, pedestrian cyclist and public transport connections at Westmead and Sydney Olympic Park;

v)      Integrating land uses, the Civic Link, the over-station development, pedestrian, cyclist and road and public transport connectivity at Parramatta; and

vi)     Mitigating recreation, environmental and flooding issues at Clyde/Rosehill and delivering the planned regional scale walking and cycling link along the former Carlingford Line (T6).


(b)     Further, that Council approve the incorporated response at Section 16 of Attachment 1 to the draft amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) to suggest that DPIE reconsider the thresholds for notification for concurrence, to ensure low-impact Development Applications—which are unlikely to affect Metro West—are not unnecessarily delayed.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee Meeting held on 11 June 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/00082 - D07250009


REPORT OF     Traffic and Transport Manager



RESOLVED      (Issa/Zaiter)


(a)     That Council note the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 11 June 2020, as provided at Attachment 1.


(b)     Further, that Council approve the recommendations of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 11 June 2020 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.




          The pedestrian refuge island and all associated works are to be installed by the developer of 11A and 13 Carter Street, Lidcombe at no cost to Council. Therefore, this proposal has no direct financial impact upon Council’s budget.




          The estimated cost for the installation of ‘No Left Turn – Vehicles under 9m Excepted’ restriction is $1,000.  This work will be funded from the approved budget of $291,871 for the installation of pedestrian refuge island project in Bridge Street west of Rawson Street, Epping. Note that the pedestrian refuge island project has received 50% funding from the NSW Government under its Active Transport Program.  The remaining 50% of the cost of the project will be funded by Council from its 2019/20 Active Transport Program Fund.




The estimated cost of the installation of 7 speed humps in Parramatta and Westmead is $100,000. Council received funding of $250,000 from the NSW Government under the Safe Speeds in High Pedestrian Activity and Local Areas Program to undertake the works related to the installation of ‘40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA)’ restrictions and associated traffic calming in Parramatta, North Parramatta, Westmead and Harris Park. To-date, Council has spent $89,000 for the installation of signs and pavement markings associated with the HPAA restrictions. The rest of the available balance will be used for this proposal.




The approximate cost for the installation of the proposed ‘4 Hour Parking 8am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 05’ restrictions, ‘No Parking’ and ‘No Stopping’ signs in Mason Street, North Parramatta is $1,500.  The proposed works would be funded by the Transport for NSW Block Grant funds for installation and maintenance of traffic signs and line markings in 2020/21.




The cost estimate for the proposed speed cushions in Caroline Chisholm Drive on both approaches to the existing pedestrian refuge island (east of Olympus Street), Winston Hills is $7,000. This project is 100% funded by Council from the Traffic Facilities Fund.




The design of this project has been funded from external grant funding.


The construction cost of all the works listed is approximately $1,039,222. A grant application has been made to the TfNSW Active Transport Program for funding the entire amount in FY2020/21.  Should this application not be successful, construction would not proceed in FY2020/21, and Council will apply to the same program for grant funding in FY2021/22.




The approximate cost of all the works listed is approximately $1,950,260. The proposed works are 100% funded by State Government grants for installation and construction in FY2019/20 and FY 2020/21.




The approximate cost for the proposed implementation of cashless payment for parking in Parramatta, North Parramatta and Harris Park is $15,000. The proposed works would be funded by Paid Parking’s budget in 2019/2020.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Meeting held on 11 June 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/00077 - D07250051


REPORT OF     Traffic and Transport Manager



RESOLVED      (Issa/Zaiter)


(a)      That Council note the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 June 2020, provided at Attachment 1.


(b)      That table 2 on page 442 of the Councillor Agenda be amended to read Briens Road not James Ruse Drive.


(c)       That Council approve the following recommendations of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 11 June 2020 provided at Attachment 1 and in this report, noting the following financial implications for each item.


i.       ITEM 2006 B1 – WHITEHAVEN ROAD AND MOIR AVENUE, NORTHMEAD – Implications of Left Turn Ban At Windsor Road


         This report does not recommend any changes in Whitehaven Road and Moir Avenue, Northmead. Therefore, this matter has no financial impact upon Council's budget.




         This report does not recommend the installation of Resident and Visitor Parking Scheme in Newington. Therefore, there is no financial impact on Council's budget.




This report does not recommend any changes in Bogalara Road, Old Toongabbie. Therefore, this matter has no financial impact upon Council's budget. 




The total estimated cost of 10 projects proposed to be constructed in 2020/2021 is $5,988,700. It is to be noted that the list may not be final as more funding from other sources may become available.


City of Parramatta Council’s Operational Plan has allocated $1.5 million per year over the three financial years (2018/19 – 2020/21) for the delivery of traffic projects using various 7.11 reserves.  There are also grant funds from State and/or Federal Governments, General Revenue, Council’s Civic Improvement Funds, Development Contributions and Planning Agreement funds that can be used for traffic projects.  In addition to these funds, there is $1,550,000 of funds available for traffic projects that were transferred from The Hills Shire Council.


It is proposed to use part of these funds to undertake 10 projects in 2020/21 (refer to Table 1). 




There is no financial implication to Council as a result of this recommendation.




RMS Block Grant funds for 2019/20 have been used for these works


vii.    ITEM 2006 B8 – FOOD DELIVERY CYCLISTS RIDING on footpathS


The cost of these investigations and programs are contained within various existing budgets including the use of staff time.  The total cost is in the order of approximately $3,000.


viii.   ITEM 2006 B9 – CARLINGFORD ROAD AT Pennant STreet, Epping – proposed traffic signals


No works or expenditure of funds are currently proposed.


(d)     Further, that Item 2006 B4 – Alfred Street South of Alice Street, Harris Park – proposed pedestrian refuge island and speed cushions be deferred until a meeting with the Minister for Transport or his delegate is held in relation to this matter.


15.    Green



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Management of Abandoned Trolleys


REFERENCE   F2004/06447 - D07186832


REPORT OF     Group Manager Regulatory Services



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


(a)     That Council note the information contained within this report. 


(b)     Further, that Council approve a six (6) month trial of issuing penalties for the non-collection of reported trolleys, and costs of the trial to be funded from existing operational budgets.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: George Kendall Riverside Park Department of Planning Park Improvement Works


REFERENCE   F2010/02287 - D07422752


REPORT OF     Manager Open Space and Natural Resources



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


(a)     That Council approve the funding and delivery of the park improvement works at George Kendall Riverside Park by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment NSW (Department) and thank the Department for its significant investment.


(b)     That Council approve the Project Delivery Agreement (substantially in the form of Attachment 2) and delegate authority to the CEO to negotiate any amendments to that Project Delivery Agreement that Council’s CEO considers necessary and execute the Project Delivery Agreement, on behalf of Council.


(c)     That on completion of the embellishment works by the Department at George Kendall Riverside Park, Council agrees to receive the transfer of ownership of the nominated parcels of land at George Kendall Riverside Park (as expressly listed within Attachment 4).


(d)     That Council approve the Land Transfer Agreement (substantially in the form of Annexure A to the Project Delivery Agreement at Attachment 2) and delegate authority to Council’s CEO to negotiate any amendments to that Land Transfer Agreement that Council’s CEO considers necessary and execute the Land Transfer Agreement and any other documents required by NSW Land Registry Services on behalf of Council to give effect to the transfer to Council’s ownership of the nominated parcels of land at George Kendall Riverside Park listed within Attachment 4.


(e)     Further, that Council delegate authority to Council’s CEO to negotiate and execute any further necessary or ancillary documents in connection with the improvement works at George Kendall Riverside Park or the transfer of the land parcels listed in Attachment 4 to Council’s ownership.


16.    Welcoming


Note: Councillor Barrak declared a non-pecuniary and less than significant interest in Item 16.1 and left the Chamber at 8:36pm prior to consideration of the matter.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Little India Harris Park Reference Group


REFERENCE   F2014/02487 - D07268708


REPORT OF     Group Manager City Experience



RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)


(a)     That Council support the establishment of the Little India Harris Park Reference Group (Reference Group) to position Harris Park as a destination of choice with a unique food and cultural offering to deliver economic, cultural and marketing benefits to local businesses and the City of Parramatta.


(b)     That the Reference Group be established as an informal committee, independent of Council, with leadership and secretariat support provided by Council through Council’s City Engagement and Experience Directorate.


(c)     That the composition of the Reference Group includes one representative (being the President) from each formally established and active Harris Park business association (up to 4 representatives), the Lord Mayor, Councillor Pandey or Councillor Tyrrell as the Councillor representative, up to three (3) Rosehill Ward Councillor representatives, and up to two (2) Council Officer representatives. 


(d)     That Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Reference Group outlined in Attachment 1 of this report.


(e)     That following the establishment of the Reference Group, all future Little India Harris Park destination programs and projects to be delivered in Harris Park, such as destination marketing campaigns and programs, community events and festivals, precinct activation initiatives, and business to business programs, are considered and endorsed by the Reference Group, to ensure a coordinated approach to the positioning of Harris Park as a unique destination to be known as “Little India”, in the City of Parramatta.


(f)      Further, that the minutes of the Reference Group be reported to Council within six (6) months.




1.      Councillor Davis left the Chamber at 8.45pm and returned at 8.46pm during consideration of this matter.

2.      Councillor Barrak returned to the Chamber at 8.57pm after the consideration of Item 16.1.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day - 15th August 2020


REFERENCE   F2020/00108 - D07491662


REPORT OF     Producer, Civic Program & Protocol



RESOLVED      (Tyrrell/Davis)


(a)     That Council commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Pacific (VP) Day on 15 August 2020 by:


1       Developing an online commemorative program of heritage articles, publications and photos featuring local Parramatta stories of service men and women who served during World War II.


2       Developing a media and communications plan to commemorate VP Day, with the key objectives being to ‘Commemorate’, ‘Educate’ and ‘Support’ through:


2.1    Website, editorials, media releases, newspaper advertisements, social media campaign, Lord Mayor’s Column, internal and external publications.


3       Laying commemorative wreaths at Parramatta and Epping Cenotaphs on behalf of the Lord Mayor and Councillors, and the Citizens of Parramatta


4       Sending acknowledgement letters from the Lord Mayor of Parramatta to Parramatta and Epping RSL sub-Branches noting this significant anniversary.


(c)     Further, that Council continue to liaise with Parramatta and Epping RSL sub-Branches and the 1st/15th Royal NSW Lancer Barracks and Museum and support associated activities to commemorate this significant milestone including commemorative services.


17.    Thriving




18.    Innovative



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: LED Street Lighting Project


REFERENCE   F2015/01298 - D07369496


REPORT OF     Project Officer Environmental Outcomes



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


(a)     That, Council notes the success of the Phase 1 and 2 of the Light Years Ahead LED street lighting project. At a capital cost of $2.06 million, Phase 1 and 2 combined, upgraded 6,727 LED street lights within the Endeavour Energy network and are on track to deliver operational savings of over $7 million over the life of the asset (Attachment 1).


(b)     That, Council accepts the Ausgrid residential roads LED street lighting upgrade quote of $200,120.18 ex GST and endorses Ausgrid’s Option 3 - Council to fully fund the project. This project will upgrade an estimated 470 street lights to deliver a $54,054 annual energy savings and a ten year Net Present Value (NVP) of $185,451. Simple payback period is 3.7 years (Attachment 2).


(c)     Further, that Council endorses the development of a full business case for the Phase 3b Major Roads LED Street Lighting upgrade project on the basis of the positive financial benefits detailed in the preliminary business case (Attachment 3), and that full business case be presented to Council upon completion for final decision.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: City of Parramatta Council COVID-19 Recovery Plan


REFERENCE   F2020/01447 - D07470915


REPORT OF     Manager - Social Outcomes



RESOLVED      (Issa/Davis)


(a)     That Council note the Progress Report (Attachment A) on the 23 Action Items in Council’s COVID-19 Community Resilience and Economic Relief Package (“Relief Package”), including that 8 actions have been completed,15 are ‘progressing- on track’ and none are behind schedule.


(b)     That Council note the Community Grants Action Item has been completed (item F8) and 83 successful business grants’ recipients have been notified (item J6).


(c)     That Council approve changes to 5 Actions Items in the existing Relief Package, to respond to the changing impacts of COVID-19 on the community and businesses (Attachment B), including:

          (i)      Waiver of License and Hire Fees (F5(a)) – No immediate action be taken on a staged reintroduction of licence and hire fees for outdoor dining, food stalls, temporary premises and advertising over the next 12 months - until this issue is reconsidered by Council in September 2020;

          (ii)     Waiver of License and Hire Fees (F5(b)) – No immediate action be taken on a staged resumption of hire fees for parks over the next 3 months with the exception of a return to ordinary fees for casual hire of venues until this issue is reconsidered by Council in September 2020;

          (iii)    On Street Parking (F6) – Staged return to normal parking monitoring and enforcement once occupancy reaches 80% of last year’s vehicle volumes;

          (iv)    Waiver of Rents (F7(a)(b)) – Staged reintroduction of fees for Outdoor Dining Approval holders outside of the PLR Corridor, community groups, essential services and not for profit organisations, and staged reduction of rent relief on affordable housing dwellings;

          (v)     Supporting Development (R2) - Consolidation and update of several approved planning related initiatives and actions into one action.


(d)     That Council endorse ongoing advocacy for the Shovel Ready and Acceleration Projects (R1) (Attachment C) except for Epping Town Centre and Carlingford Town Centre, noting they have the potential to generate over 20,000 short term jobs, 6,000 ongoing jobs and c.$24B of economic value.


(e)     That Council endorse acceptance of an invitation from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to join the Accelerated Assessment Program and approve the Council putting in place a complementary program, as outlined in paragraph 9 of the Paper.


(f)      That Council authorise the Lord Mayor and CEO to respond to requests for the utilisation of Council assets to support local emergency responses and essential COVID-19 related service delivery (R6).


(g)     That Council prepare a plan to ensure there are available transport and parking options as people return to the CBD (R7).


(h)     Further that, Council endorse the Lord Mayor to respond to a request from the University of Western Sydney for a letter of support for International Education in Parramatta (R15).




1.         Councillor Esber and Councillor Bradley left the Chamber at 9.06pm and returned at 9.08pm during consideration of this matter.

2.         Councillor Wilson left the Chamber at 9.21pm and returned at 9.25pm during consideration of this matter.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Local Housing Strategy, Employment Lands Strategy Review and Update and Community Infrastructure Strategy


REFERENCE   F2018/01832 - D07272665


REPORT OF     Snr Project Officer Land Use; Senior Projects Officer; Team Leader –Land Use Planning



RESOLVED      (Issa/Zaiter)


(a)     That Council approve the final Local Housing Strategy (LHS) at Attachment A, noting that it:

i.        Provides strategic direction on where and when future housing growth will occur within the City of Parramatta.

ii.       Housing growth will only be supported if it is aligned with the delivery of supporting local and regional infrastructure.

iii.      Housing delivery is founded on a reduced growth rate that better responds to the delivery of required infrastructure.


(b)     That Council approve the final Employment Lands Strategy (ELS) Review at Attachment B, noting that it:

i.        Updates the status of employment land precincts across the City outlined in the Parramatta Employment Lands Strategy (2016), confirms the Strategic Direction for each precinct and does not propose any new policy changes; and

ii.      Subject to the following amendment being made to the Strategy:


a.    That the Strategic Actions in Table 2, in relation to rows 3a and 3b, relating to Rydalmere, be amended to add the following underlined words:


                          Prepare Structure Plan to ensure precinct responds to light rail and/or metro or any other transport improvements, but ensure employment capacity is not reduced and new development facilitates urban renewal along the river.


(c)     That Council forward the following strategies to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) (consistent with the requirements of relevant section 9.1 Ministerial directions) for their review and approval:

i.        The Council endorsed LHS (2020); and

ii.       The Council endorsed ELS (2016) and the Council endorsed ELS Review and Update (2020).


(d)     That Council delegate authority to the CEO to make minor amendments of a non-policy nature to the LHS and ELS Review and Update to enable their finalisation.


(e)     Further, that Council approve the updated Community Infrastructure Strategy 2020 (CIS), at Attachment E, noting that it commits Council to pursuing, on its own and/or in partnership with others, the following over the next 20 years:

i.        Provide an additional 14,500m2 of library space across new and existing sites, as specified on pages 114 to 115 of the CIS, to ensure that library space provision meets the needs of the projected population growth to 2041.

ii.       Provide an additional 25,300m2 of multipurpose community space across new and existing Council-owned sites, as specified on pages 148 to 151 of the CIS, to ensure that community space provision meets the needs of the projected population growth to 2041.

iii.      Work with Girl Guides and Scouts to improve the quality and community access to their existing halls in the short term, and in the longer term, provide suitable program space for Guide and Scout Groups in newly delivered multipurpose community hubs.

iv.      Provide an additional 7,000m2 of subsidised office and retail space for non-government organisations to deliver essential support services to our community, as specified on pages 228 to 229 of the CIS.

v.       Advocate for high quality long day care (LDC) and out of school hours care (OSHC) services to be delivered to meet increasing demand, as specified on pages 260 to 263 of the CIS.

vi.      Increase the provision of affordable rental housing by continuing to implement the Affordable Rental Housing Policy 2019, as endorsed by Council on 26 November 2018.

vii.     Continue to support existing community gardens operating on Council-owned and Council-managed land, and support proposals to develop new community gardens where there is community support for their successful operation.

viii.    Work towards delivery of a new aquatic facility in Parramatta Park, and progress master planning for the upgrade and renewal of Epping Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

ix.      Provide an additional 30 indoor sports courts across the LGA to ensure that indoor sport and recreation space meets the needs of the projected population growth to 2041, and to assist in meeting the deficit of open space for formal sport, as specified on pages 372 to 373 of the CIS.

x.       Increase the number of local play spaces from 121 to 136, and increase the number of district play spaces from 9 to 24, to ensure that play space provision meets the needs of the projected population growth to 2041, as specified on pages 424 to 427 of the CIS.

xi.      Through redesign, increase the number of Council-owned sports fields from 63 to 80, and work with Department of Education to increase community access to sports fields located on school grounds outside of school hours, to ensure that sports field provision better meets the needs of the projected population growth to 2041, as specified on pages 474 to 479 of the CIS.

xii.     Apply the recommendations of the CIS in negotiations of future voluntary planning agreements that include community infrastructure.

xiii.    Incorporate projects identified in the CIS into the development contributions plan harmonisation project, and subsequent updates.


(f)      Further, that the list of Scout and Guide Halls be reviewed to include all Council owned Scout and Guide Halls in the Local Government Area.


Note:  Councillor Wilson requested that his name be recorded as having voted against the decision taken on this matter.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Gateway Request - Planning Proposal for 355 and 375 Church St, Parramatta


REFERENCE   RZ/10/2018 - D07454213


REPORT OF     Project Officer



RESOLVED      (Esber/Garrard)


(a)     That Council endorse for the purpose of forwarding to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) with a request for a Gateway Determination the Planning Proposal included at Attachment 1 to amend Parramatta LEP 2011 for land at 355 and 375 Church St, Parramatta as follows:

1)      Apply the Prince Alfred Square Solar Access Plane as the height controls for this site and a requirement for a high performing buildings clause

2)      Increase FSR from part 3:1/part 4:1 to 6:1 (exclusive of Design Excellence)

3)         Apply maximum car parking rates as follows:

i.       For floorspace used for the purposes of Take Away Food and Drink Premises: 1 space / 30 square metres of Gross Floor Area or 30 spaces (whichever is less). Noting that the Planning Proposal also includes a 5-year sunset clause for this parking rate, after which time this rate would revert to the rate contained in the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.

ii.      For residential and other commercial floorspace not part of the use described in 3)(i): the rates which are currently contained in the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.


(b)     That Council advises DPIE that the Chief Executive Officer will not be exercising the plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal as authorised by Council on 26 November 2012.


(c)     That a draft site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) for the subject site be prepared that addresses matters including but not limited to:

1)      Further defining the preferred two-tower scheme, including podium heights and tower setbacks, with a view to minimising any non-compliances with relevant ADG requirements;

2)      Relationship to and mitigating impacts on Heritage Items;

3)      Traffic issues such as sightlines, vehicle queuing, pedestrian safety and bicycle parking;

4)      Demonstrating adaptive re-use potential of drive-through facility and at least some of the parking spaces proposed;

5)      Active frontage requirements; and

6)      Relationship to 383 Church Street isolated site.


(d)     That the CEO be authorised to negotiate a draft Planning Agreement with the landowner in accordance with the Parramatta CBD Community Infrastructure framework and the following principles:

1)      Dedication of footpath widening at the corner of Victoria Rd and Church St and of the small irregularly-shaped “notch” of land located in the centre of the city block (which would contribute to a future laneway running from Ross St to Victoria Rd), noting that Council’s policy on such dedications is to assign a nominal ($1) value to such dedications, as the Applicant is receiving the benefit of the FSR from the dedicated land;

2)      A monetary contribution in line with the Parramatta CBD Community Infrastructure framework, noting that a potential use of some or all of this contribution for improvement of Prince Alfred Square should be explored as part of the negotiations (given the proximity of the site to the Square and that Council has recently completed a masterplan for it);

3)      Addressing the potential circumstance in which the rate in the Parramatta CBD Community Infrastructure Framework changes;

4)      Addressing the potential circumstance where this site proceeds in whole or in part as a non-residential use (in which case the framework would not apply to non-residential floorspace); and

5)      Addressing the potential circumstance in which Council decides not to proceed with the Community Infrastructure framework, and instead pursues amendments to its other contributions plans.


(e)     That the draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement are reported back to Council prior to their concurrent exhibition with the Planning Proposal.


(f)      That Council authorise the CEO to amend the Planning Proposal to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process.


(g)     Further, that Council note that the Parramatta Local Planning Panel’s advice to Council (included in Attachment 1) is consistent with the recommendations of this report.


DIVISION           A division was called, the results being:-


AYES:                Councillors Barrak, Bradley, Dwyer, Esber, Garrard, Issa, Jefferies, Pandey, Prociv, Tyrrell, Wearne and Zaiter


NOES:                Councillors Davis and Wilson




1.         Councillor Garrard left the Chamber at 9.40pm and returned at 9.42pm during consideration of this matter.

2.         Councillor Davis left the Chamber at 9.41pm and returned at 9.42pm during consideration of this matter.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Gateway Request - Planning Proposal for 114 – 118 Harris St, Harris Park


REFERENCE   RZ/9/2018 - D07470540


REPORT OF     Project Officer Land Use



RESOLVED      (Issa/Tyrrell)


(a)     That Council endorse for the purposes of seeking a Gateway Determination from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) the Planning Proposal at 114–118, Harris Street, Harris Park (included as Attachment 1) which seeks the following amendments to Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 in relation to the subject site:

1.      Increase the maximum building height on the Height of Buildings Map from 54 metres (15 storeys) to 126 metres (32 storeys);

2.      Increase the maximum FSR on the Floor Space Ratio Map from 4:1 to 10:1;

3.      Inclusion of controls to deal with management of flooding including, but not limited to, provisions for safe refuge and ensure the building is capable of withstanding and does not obstruct flood flows; and

4.      Amend the Special Areas Provisions Map to identify the site and add site-specific controls that provide for the following:

a.      Provision outlining that the mapped FSR of 10:1 is subject to the sliding scale requirements of Clause 7.2 of the draft LEP provisions of the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.

b.      Requirement for minimum 1:1 commercial floor space.

c.      Maximum parking rates, in line with the resolution of the City of Parramatta Council on 26 November 2019 with regard to parking rates in the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.

d.      Requirement to demonstrate Experiment Farm is not overshadowed by development of the site.


(b)     That the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to request the issuing of a Gateway Determination.


(c)     That a draft site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) be prepared and reported to Council prior to its public exhibition. This draft DCP should address, at a minimum:

1.      Built form and massing;

2.      Building setbacks;

3.      Flooding; and

4.      Road widening.


(d)     That with regards to a Planning Agreement for the subject site:

1.    The applicant be invited to negotiate a Planning Agreement in line with Council’s policy position on Planning Agreements in the Parramatta CBD;

2.    Delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate a draft Planning Agreement with the landowner in relation to the Planning Proposal on behalf of Council; and

3.    The outcome of the negotiations shall be reported back to Council prior to the draft Planning Agreement being placed on public exhibition.


(e)     That the Planning Proposal, DCP and Planning Agreement are concurrently exhibited.


(f)      That Council advises DPIE that the Chief Executive Officer will not be exercising the plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal as authorised by Council on 26 November 2012.


(g)     That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the Planning Proposal, DCP and / or Planning Agreement processes.


(h)     Further, that Council note that the Parramatta Local Planning Panel’s advice to Council (Attachment 2) is generally consistent with the recommendations of this report. However, the Panel added the following recommendation: ‘(g) That the high performance building bonus may apply to this particular site subject to no increase in height’. This recommendation is not supported by Council officers and is not included above for reasons outlined in this report.


DIVISION           A division was called, the result being:-


AYES:                Councillors Davis, Dwyer, Esber, Garrard, Issa, Jefferies, Pandey, Prociv, Tyrrell, Wearne, Wilson and Zaiter


NOES:                Councillors Barrak and Bradley



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Draft Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement, 18 – 40 Anderson Street, Parramatta


REFERENCE   RZ/4/2018 - D07175486


REPORT OF     Project Officer Land Use



RESOLVED      (Issa/Esber)


(a)     That Council approve the draft Development Control Plan (DCP) at Attachment 1 for the purposes of public exhibition, subject to the following amendments:

1.    Figure 3 to be finalised in accordance with the detailed design for landscaping to be agreed as part of the finalisation process for the draft Planning Agreement; this should include adding dimensions to the figure.

2.    Figure 4 to be amended so that the residential podium height is notated as RL 30.4 and the building overhang near the on-site trees is deleted.


(b)     That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise a draft Planning Agreement that takes into consideration the letter of offer at Attachment 2 for the purposes of public exhibition. This requires resolution of  the following outstanding matters:

·                A process to ensure appropriate design, delivery and valuation of the footpath and park embellishment works;

·                Determining whether the applicant be party to the agreement rather than the landowner;

·                    Confirmation on the timing of the following actions

o    payment of contributions,

o    delivery of the works in kind,

o    registration and removal of the agreement from the title of the land; and

o    defect rectification periods;

·                Inclusion of a cap on the legal/administration costs payable by the applicant;

·                Potential access to Council owned land for construction cranes; and

·                Other legal, policy and security measures as they arise during the agreement drafting process.


(c)     That the draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement (once draft versions are finalised) are publicly exhibited concurrently with the Planning Proposal for 18–40 Anderson Street previously endorsed by Council on 12 August 2019.


(d)     That the public exhibition outcomes are reported back to Council.


(e)     Further, that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor inconsistencies or anomalies of an administrative nature relating to the Planning Proposal, draft DCP and draft Planning Agreement documentation that may arise during the drafting and exhibition processes.


DIVISION           A division was called, the result being:-


AYES:                Councillors Barrak, Davis, Dwyer, Esber, Garrard, Issa, Jefferies, Pandey, Prociv, Tyrrell, Wearne, Wilson and Zaiter


NOES:                Councillor Bradley


19.    Notices of Motion



SUBJECT          NOTICE OF MOTION: Bus Services in the City of Parramatta Area


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07496799


FROM                 Councillor Davis



RESOLVED      (Davis/Esber)


That Council write to the NSW Minister for Transport or the Secretary of the Department of Transport to seek a meeting with the Lord Mayor and interested Councillors and senior staff regarding a written guarantee that, as a result of any privatisation of State Transit Authority that:

1.      on time running will remain at or better than the current rate of 95 per centage,

2.      there will be no reduction in the number of bus stops or movement of bus stops without a formal public consultation process,

3.      there will be no changes to existing bus routes without a formal public consultation process.





REFERENCE   F2018/02414 - D07512136


FROM                 Councillor Prociv



Councillor Prociv requested that consideration of this Notice of Motion be deferred until the 24 August 2020 Council Meeting.



SUBJECT          NOTICE OF MOTION: Parramatta Female Factory Friends - Bicentenary Re-enactment 2021


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07515201


FROM                 Councillor Davis



RESOLVED      (Davis/Issa)


(a)     That Council acknowledges that 21 February 2021 marks the Bicentenary of the occupation of the Female Convict Parramatta Female Factory and Barracks.


(b)     Further, that the Lord Mayor, interested Councillors and relevant staff meet with the Parramatta Female Factory Friends (PFFF) Executive Committee to discuss Council’s support and an action plan for the Bicentenary commemorations.



SUBJECT          NOTICE OF MOTION: World Heritage Listing of the Parramatta Female Factory


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07515223


FROM                 Councillor Davis



RESOLVED      (Davis/Bradley)


(a)     That the Lord Mayor urgently write to the Parramatta Female Factory Friends (PFFF) thanking them for their advocacy and congratulating them on securing in excess of 10,000 signatures for their petition asking the House of Representatives to do all in its power to enable the Female Factory site:

a)      to be declared a site of World Heritage significance by nominating it as a World Heritage Site to the World Heritage Committee Secretariat of UNESCO.

b)      to become a living museum and national resource centre.

c)      to be managed by a joint Federal and State government trust with the expertise to conserve and interpret the site in accordance with the guidelines of the Burra Charter.


(b)     That the Lord Mayor urgently write to the Premier and Tim Reardon, Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet, seeking support from the NSW Government to initiate the process of world heritage listing by requesting that the Australian Government nominate the Parramatta Female Factory site for entry on the Australian World Heritage Tentative List.


(c)     Further, that the Lord Mayor urgently write to the Hon Sussan Ley MP, Minister for Environment, requesting that the Australian Government nominate the Parramatta Female Factory site for entry on the Australian World Heritage Tentative List.



SUBJECT          NOTICE OF MOTION: Parramatta Light Rail - Support for Local Residents and Community in the vicinity of Parramatta Light Rail Route


REFERENCE   F2019/04433 - D07515271


FROM                 Councillor Pandey



RESOLVED      (Pandey/Wilson)


(a)      That Council note:

1.      Businesses have suffered massive financial losses due to the construction activities related to Parramatta Light Rail and COVID-19 particularly around Church Street.

2.      Work performed by Parramatta Light Rail contractors has negatively impacted the local community.

3.      Residents and businesses are looking to council to advocate on their behalf to minimize the disruptions as a result of Parramatta Light Rail construction.

4.      Major construction has just started, we must plan now to mitigate any risks associated with Parramatta Light Rail constructions.

5.      That Parramatta Light Rail continue to activate local business and any work that has been done has had no real positive impact.


(b)      That Council request the Chief Executive Officer to:

1.      Investigate options to improve parking for Church street businesses, including provision for 1 hour parking at Horwood place or George Street or explore other options to support and encourage return of patronage.

2.      Investigate all plausible activation programs to encourage return patronage along Church Street post COVID-19.

3.      Liaise with Parramatta Light Rail to cover the fences along Church Street to stop dusts and noise impacting the local businesses.

4.      Liaise with Parramatta Light Rail to ensure contractors understand their responsibility to keep all construction sites safe during the construction period for pedestrians and people with disability, in particular ensuring post-work restore provides a safe, hazard free footpath.

5.      Liaise with Parramatta Light Rail to open areas for pedestrians to move between the footpaths on Church Street.

6.      Ensure there is adequate communication with the businesses regarding any unscheduled work.

7.      Review options for Councillors to be involved in the Council-Parramatta Light Rail working groups/committees, should Councillors wish to participate.

8.      Arrange to provide a monthly update of issues identified at the working groups, progress on issues raised in this NoM and any other discussions that will allow Councillors to understand the challenges that the residents and businesses are facing.

9.      Put mechanism in place to measure support calls to Council switch board related to Parramatta Light Rail complaints/request for help.

10.    Explore the use of Council’s platform to advertise businesses and create programs in consultation with business owners to support them such as voucher scheme etc.

11.    Provide clarity on outdoor dining provision during the construction grace period on Church Street during the summer trading period from 1 November until 31 January.

12.    Write to Parramatta Light Rail that it collaborates in a transparent way with Council to develop an activation plan.

13.    Explore options for both Council and Parramatta Light Rail commit resources both human and financial to this activation plan and that it be implemented as soon as possible, Specifically that Council commit resources to a specific officer role in the economic development team to oversee this activation plan.

14.    That a Councillor Workshop be held regarding this matter.


(c)       Further, that Council request the Lord Mayor to write to the NSW Government:

1.      In support of the local businesses and residents who are negatively impacted by the Parramatta Light Rail.

2.      Seeking a timeframe and schedule of work after the construction grace period and that this be communicated to businesses on Church Street.

3.      Seeking to provide rental assistance and other support

         programs to small businesses negatively impacted by

         Parramatta Light Rail construction.




1.         Councillor Issa left the Chamber at 10.21pm and returned at 10.25pm during consideration of this matter.

2.         Councillor Bradley retired from the meeting at 10.25pm during consideration of this matter and did not return.

3.         Councillor Esber left the Chamber at 10.36pm and returned at 10.38pm during consideration of this matter.

4.         Councillor Wilson left the Chamber at 10.36pm and returned at 10.39pm during consideration of this matter.






Note: Prior to moving into Closed Session, the Lord Mayor invited members of the public gallery to make representations as to why any item had been included in Closed Session. No member of the gallery wished to make representations.





RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)


That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(s) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-


1       FOR NOTATION: Legal Status Report as at 26 June 2020. (D07483921) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.


2       FOR NOTATION: Appointment of legal consultant for the Horwood Place Car Park Compulsory Acquisition by Metro. (D07490379) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


3       FOR APPROVAL: Tender 12/2020 Rydalmere Eastern River Foreshore Transformation - Stage 2 - Eric Primrose Reserve, Rydalmere. (D07379862) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.


4       FOR APPROVAL: Organisation Structure. (D07467400) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals.


5       FOR APPROVAL: Amendment to Council Report City of Parramatta Festival Proposal. (D07497740) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.



Note: Councillors Davis, Garrard and Prociv were not present in the Chamber during consideration of Closed Session matters.



Procedural Motion



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


That Items 21.2, 21.3 and 21.5 be moved en bloc.



SUBJECT          FOR NOTATION: Legal Status Report as at 26 June 2020


REFERENCE   F2019/04434 - D07483921


REPORT OF     Group Manager Legal Services



RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)


That Council note the Legal Status Report as at 26 June 2020.



SUBJECT          FOR NOTATION: Appointment of legal consultant for the Horwood Place Car Park Compulsory Acquisition by Metro


REFERENCE   F2019/04434 - D07490379


REPORT OF     Solicitor Property Development Group



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


That Council note the appointment of Maddocks as legal adviser on the compulsory acquisition of the Horwood Place Car Park and the expenditure set out in paragraph 10 of this report.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Tender 12/2020 Rydalmere Eastern River Foreshore Transformation - Stage 2 - Eric Primrose Reserve, Rydalmere


REFERENCE   F2019/04434 - D07379862


REPORT OF     Major Projects Manager



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


(a)     That Council approve the appointment of the preferred tenderer for the Rydalmere Eastern River Foreshore Transformation Project (Stage 2) at Eric Primrose Reserve, Rydalmere for the contract sum as outlined in paragraph 15 of the report.


(b)     That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.


(c)     Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to finalise and execute all necessary documents.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Organisation Structure


REFERENCE   F2019/03872 - D07467400


REPORT OF     Chief Executive Officer



RESOLVED      (Esber/Barrak)


That Council endorse the organisation structure change as outlined in this report.



SUBJECT          FOR APPROVAL: Amendment to Council Report City of Parramatta Festival Proposal


REFERENCE   F2014/02487 - D07497740


REPORT OF     Senior Event Officer



RESOLVED      (Esber/Tyrrell)


(a)     That Council approve the change of entity for the music conference and festival sponsorship agreement as detailed in paragraph 4 of this report.


(b)     Further, that Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to undertake further negotiations and execute the sponsorship agreement on behalf of Council.


Note: Councillors Davis, Garrard and Prociv returned to the Chamber at 10.53pm at the conclusion of consideration of Closed Session matters.




The Chief Executive Officer read out the resolutions for Items 21.1 to 21.5.


The meeting terminated at 10.55pm.






