MINUTES OF THE Local Planning Panel  HELD VIA AUDIO-VISUAL LINK ON Tuesday,  19 May 2020 AT 3.34pm




David Lloyd in the Chair, David Ryan, Alf Lester and Maree Turner.




The Chairperson, acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.



The Chairperson advised that this public meeting is being recorded. The recording will be archived and made available on Council’s website.




There were no apologies made to this Local Planning Panel.




David Ryan made a declaration of interest in relation to Item 6.3 Post-exhibition: Planning Proposal, draft site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement at 55 Aird Street, Parramatta, as his workplace has advised a client on this site previously. He will not be partaking in discussion or voting on this matter.


1.      Reports - Development Applications



SUBJECT          458 Church Street, Parramatta

DESCRIPTION Fit out and use of an existing shop for the purposes of a chemist.

REFERENCE   DA/27/2020 - 

APPLICANT/S  Mr A Caladine

OWNERS          Ms K S L Loo & Mr T H Ng



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.1, attachments to Item 5.1 and the matters observed at the site inspection.





-           Lyly Tran spoke against the application.


Note: Public Forums were received in writing and considered as

Public Forums due to the special circumstances and

health concerns at the time of the meeting.





(a)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel (PLPP), exercising the functions of Council, pursuant to Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, grant development consent to DA/27/2020 for a period of five (5) years within which physical commencement is to occur from the date on the Notice of Determination, subject to conditions of consent at Attachment 1.


(b)     Further, that the submitters be advised of the Panel’s decision.


The decision of the Panel was unanimous





1.         The Panel supports the findings in the report and endorsed the reasons contained in that report.


2.         The development is permissible in the B4 Mixed Use zone and satisfies the requirements of all the applicable planning controls.


3.         The development will not detract the heritage significance of the building.


4.         The development will be compatible with the emerging and planned future character of the area.


5.         For the reasons given above, approval of the application is in the public interest.


6.         The Panel notes that the Council’s public car park in Fennel Street will revert to use as a public car park after completion of the Parramatta Light Rail project.




SUBJECT          38 Junction Road, Winston Hills (Lot 198 DP 235090)

DESCRIPTION Section 8.2 Review of Determination of the refusal of DA/465/2019 for the demolition of existing structures and construction of a two-storey dwelling with a double garage.

REFERENCE   DA/465/2019 - 

APPLICANT/S  Sina Camilleri

OWNERS          Barbara Arnold



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.2, attachments to Item 5.2 and the matters observed at the site inspection





-           Lance Paneras speaking on behalf of the applicant.





(a)      That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel support the Clause 4.6 variation to vary the floor space ratio under Clause 4.4 of Parramatta LEP 2011 as it is satisfied that the proposed development would be in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of that particular standard and the objectives for development within the zone.


(b)      That the Parramatta Local Planning exercising the functions of the Council as a consent authority pursuant to secions 4.6 and 8.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 grant development consent for a period of five (5) years within which physical commencement is to occur from the date of the Notice of Determination, subject to conditions of consent.


(c)       Further that, part (a) and (b) are subject to a satisfactory Clause 4.6 written request complying with the requirements of clause 4.6(3) to the satisfaction of the members of the Panel request to vary the floor space standard be submitted to Council by 22 May 2020.


The decision of the Panel was unanimous.





1.         The Panel supports the finding in the Supplementary Assessment Report and endorses the reasons for the approval contained in that report.


2.         The proposed development is consistent with the objectives of the R2 Low Density Residential zone and with the emerging and projected character of the area.


3.         The proposed development is in the public interest.





SUBJECT          Shop 1/1 Baywater Drive, Wentworth Point (Lot 0 SP 85179)

DESCRIPTION Use of tenancy for the purposes of a real estate office and associated business identification signage.

REFERENCE   DA/647/2019 - 


OWNERS          Caissa Hq Pty Ltd



The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 5.3, attachments to Item 5.3 and the matters observed at the site inspection.





There were no Public Forums considered for this matter.





Pursuant to Section 4.16(1)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979:

(a)     That the Parramatta Local Planning Panel (PLPP), excising the functions of Council, pursuant to Section 4.16(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, approve development consent to DA/647/2019 for use of tenancy for the purposes of a real estate office and amended business identification signage on land at Lot 0 SP85179, Shop 1/1 Baywater Drive, WENTWORTH POINT  NSW  2127; and

(b)     That the objector’s be advised of the Panel’s decision.


(c)     Further, that an addition conditional of consent is added being ‘That the flagpoles be removed at the front of the premises.’

The deicision of the Panel was unanimous.




1.         The Panel supports the findings in the report and endorsed the reasons contained in that report.


2.         The development will be compatible with planned and future character of the area.

3.         Approval of the application will be in the public interest.



2.      Innovative



SUBJECT          Planning Proposal for 85-91 Thomas Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE   RZ/11/2016 - D07090076

REPORT OF     Project Officer Land Use


The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 6.1, attachments to Item 6.1 and the matters observed at the site inspection





-           Adam Byrnes spoke on behalf of the applicant.





The Local Planning Panel recommends to Council:


(a)     That Council endorse the Planning Proposal at Attachment 1 for the purpose of seeking a Gateway Determination for land at 85 – 91 Thomas Street, Parramatta which seeks to amend Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2011 (PLEP 2011) by:

i.   Maintaining the R4 – High Density Residential zone for the developable part of the site (3,825sqm) and extending the RE1 – Public Recreation zone for the undevelopable land affected by the Natural Resources - Biodiversity control,

ii.  Increasing the maximum Building Height (HOB) control from 11 metres to 22 metres across the R4 zoned part of the site, and removing the HOB control from the undevelopable land,

iii. Increasing the Floor Space Ratio (FSR) control from 0.8:1 to 1.3:1 across the R4 zoned part of the site, and removing the FSR control from the undevelopable land,

iv. Removing No.85 Thomas Street from the Land Reserved for Acquisition Map, subject to agreement being reached regarding the Planning Agreement referred to in (d) below.


(b)     That Council forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) with a request for a Gateway Determination.




(c)     That a site-specific Development Control Plan (DCP) be prepared and reported to Council prior to exhibition.


(d)     That a draft Planning Agreement, based on the submitted Letter of Offer from the landowner and analysis in this report, be prepared and reported to Council prior to exhibition.


(e)     That the Planning Proposal, draft site-specific DCP and draft Planning Agreement be exhibited concurrently in accordance with the conditions of the Gateway Determination.


(f)      That Council makes a request to DPIE that the CEO will be exercising the plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal as authorised by Council.


(g)     Further, that Council authorise the CEO to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process.


The deicision of the Panel was unanimous.





The Panel supports the findings in the report and endorsed the reasons for the recommendation contained in that report.





SUBJECT          Planning Proposal - 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta

REFERENCE   RZ/6/2019 - D07250248

REPORT OF     Student Project Officer


The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 6.2, attachments to Item 6.2 and the matters observed at the site inspection





There were no Public Forums considered for this matter.





The Local Planning Panel recommends to Council:


(a)     That Council endorse the Planning Proposal at Attachment 1 for the purpose of requesting a Gateway Determination for land at 8-14 Great Western Highway, Parramatta, which seeks to amend Parramatta Local Environment Plan 2011 (PLEP 2011) by way of:

i.        Increasing the height of building control from 28 metres to 211 metres;

ii.       Amending the controls so that the FSR which is to apply to the site is composed of mapped components and bonuses as follows:

a.   Mapped FSR increased from 3.5:1 to 10:1 of which a minimum of 1:1 FSR must be commercial uses;

b.   Design Excellence bonus (15% - 1.5:1);

c.   High Performing Buildings bonus (5% - 0.5:1);

d.   Opportunity Sites bonus (3:1);

e.   Unlimited commercial FSR above the 1:1 requirement; and

f.    Insert a site-specific provision applying maximum car parking rates per the Parramatta CBD Strategic Transport Study.


(b)     That the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment with a request for a Gateway Determination to be issued. 


(c)     That should a Gateway Determination be issued that structures the floor space ratio (FSR) and site specific clauses in an alternative way, that the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to make the necessary amendments to the Planning Proposal for the purposes of public exhibition, only where the total proposed FSR is unchanged.


(d)     That should a Gateway Determination be issued, a site-specific Development Control Plan be prepared in accordance with the design principles contained within this report.


(e)     That should a Gateway Determination be issued, the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to negotiate a Planning Agreement in accordance with Council’s Planning Agreements Policy.


(f)      That the draft site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement be reported to Council for endorsement prior to being publicly exhibited concurrently with the Planning Proposal.


(g)     That Council request the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment to issue Council’s Chief Executive Officer plan-making delegations for this Planning Proposal.


(h)     Further, that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to correct any minor anomalies of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan-making process.


The deicision of the Panel was unanimous.





1.         The Panel supports the findings in the report and endorsed the reasons contained in that report.

2.         That the Panel notes that the Planning Proposal is consistent with the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.




SUBJECT          Post-exhibition: Planning Proposal, draft site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement at 55 Aird Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE   RZ/18/2015 - D07373232

REPORT OF     Project Officer, Land Use Planning


The Panel considered the matter listed at Item 6.3, attachments to Item 6.3 and the matters observed at the site inspection





There were no Public Forums considered for this matter.





The Local Planning Panel recommends to Council:


(a)     That Council notes that one (1) submission was made during the public exhibition of the Planning Proposal, draft site-specific Development Control Plan and draft Planning Agreement at 55 Aird Street, Parramatta.


(b)     That Council endorse the Planning Proposal for land at 55 Aird Street (provided at Attachment 1) subject to the Planning Proposal being amended to clarify the purpose of the minimum commercial floor-space provision is to encourage employment-generating uses in the case of a mixed-use development.


(c)     That Council forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for finalisation and request that the final notification in the Government Gazette only be undertaken once Council confirms that the Planning Agreement has been executed.


(d)     That Council endorse for finalisation the site-specific Development Control Plan contained at Attachment 2 for insertion in Section 4.3.3 – Parramatta City Centre of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2011.


(e)     That Council enter into the Planning Agreement as exhibited at Attachment 3 and authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Planning Agreement.


(f)      Further, that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to make any minor amendments and corrections of a non-policy and administrative nature that may arise during the plan amendment process, relating to the Planning Proposal, Development Control Plan and Planning Agreement.


The decision of the Panel was:
FOR: David Lloyd, Alf Lester, Maree Turner
ABSENT: David Ryan





1.         The Panel supports the findings in the report and endorsed the reasons contained in that report.


2.         That the Panel notes that the Planning Proposal is consistent with the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal.



Note: David Ryan declared an interest in this matter and left the meeting prior to consideration and voting.


The meeting terminated at 4.26pm.

