An Ordinary Meeting of City of Parramatta Council will be held in the Cloister Function Rooms, St Patrick's Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta on Monday, 10 February 2020 at 6.30pm.








Brett Newman






















Council                                                                                                       10 February 2020







ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                               PAGE NO



1        Minutes of the Lord Mayor

9.1             Condolence Motion - Oatlands Tragedy............................................... 4

9.2             Condolence Motion - Daniel Cama........................................................ 7

9.3             Condolence Motion - Raymond Wehbe................................................ 9

9.4             Local Flooding in Parramatta................................................................ 11

9.5             City of Parramatta Lord Mayor's Bushfire Appeal............................. 14

9.6             2020 Australia Day Honours................................................................. 16

1        Public Forum

10.1           PUBLIC FORUM 1: Address to the City of Parramatta Council Meeting, Monday 10 February 2020 re Agenda Item 18.5 - Gateway Request: Planning Proposal - Properties on the western side of Essex Street, Epping (between Maida and Epping Roads)................................................... 18

10.2           PUBLIC FORUM 2: Gateway Request: Planning Proposal - Properties on the western side of Essex Street, Epping (between Maida and Epping Roads)...................................................................................................... 22                

Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                  Condolence Motion - Oatlands Tragedy

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07267497

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this Minute is to extend Council’s deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the children who were killed and injured in a vehicle accident on Bettington Road, Oatlands, on the evening of Saturday 1 February 2020.





(a)     That Council extend its deepest sympathies to the families and friends of Antony, Angelina and Sienna Abdallah and Veronique Sakr who tragically lost their lives in a vehicle accident in Oatlands on Saturday 1 February 2020.

(b)     That Council thank the first responders for their efforts in extremely tragic circumstances.

(c)     That the Council note:

i.    the Lord Mayor has, on behalf of the Council, laid flowers at the temporary memorial at the site of the accident;

ii.   the Lord Mayor and a number of Councillors have offered condolences to the families on behalf of the Council; and

iii.  the Council has offered counselling services to support family and first responders affected by the accident.

(d)     That Council, in consultation with and with the approval of the families of the four children who lost their lives, establish an appropriate memorial to commemorate the lives of those children.

(e)     That Council install a pedestrian guardrail along the section of Bettington Road where the accident occurred, in response to community concerns about pedestrian safety.

(f)      That Council install a roundabout at the intersection of York and Bettington Roads, in response to community concerns about pedestrian safety, subject to:

i.    consultation with the families and community;

ii.   endorsement of the Parramatta Traffic Committee.

(g)     That the Council defer any further response to the accident until the Coroner’s Report has been published.

(h)     That Council delegate to the CEO authority to:

i.    reprioritise the Council capital works program to fund the construction of the roundabout and guard rail; 

ii.   implement any relevant recommendations arising from the Coroner’s Report.

(i)      Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence as a mark of mourning and respect for the young lives lost in this tragic accident.





1.      At approximately 7:50pm on Saturday 1 February 2020, a motor vehicle travelling south on Bettington Road, Oatlands, lost control on the bend 120m south of York Street, adjacent to the Oatlands Golf Course. The vehicle mounted the footpath on the eastern side of the road and struck a group of children using the footpath, resulting in four fatalities and three other children admitted to hospital with injuries.

2.      The NSW Police media release indicated that the driver of the vehicle allegedly had a blood alcohol level of 0.15.

3.      Understandably, the community and Council are deeply shocked and saddened by this heartbreaking event. The tragic loss of four innocent lives has touched the hearts of the Parramatta community and people across Australia.

4.      The Lord Mayor, together with a number of Councillors and staff, has offered his deepest condolences to the families affected by this tragic accident and it is appropriate that Council also extend its deepest sympathies to the families and friends of Antony, Angelina and Sienna Abdallah and Veronique Sakr who tragically lost their lives in this vehicle accident.

5.      The Lord Mayor, on behalf of Council, has also visited and laid flowers at the temporary memorial at the site of the accident.

6.      Given the scale of the accident there were a considerable number of emergency services and local community members who were first responders to the accident and Council thanks the first responders for their efforts in extremely tragic circumstances. Council has offered counselling services to support family and first responders affected by the accident.

7.      This tragic accident will affect the lives of many members of our communities for many years to come. Given this impact on the families and community, it is appropriate that Council, in consultation with and with the approval of the families of the four children who lost their lives, establish an appropriate memorial to commemorate the lives of those children.

8.      The local community has also expressed its concern following the accident in regards to the speed of traffic in Bettington Road and pedestrian safety.

9.      An inspection of the site was undertaken by Council Officers following the accident, which confirmed that line markings are readily visible to drivers, 50 km/h speed limit signage is in place in appropriate locations and street lighting is in place.

10.    A petition has been submitted to Council by the public, calling for speed humps and convex mirrors to control vehicle speed on Bettington Roads, Wyoming Avenue, Gollan Avenue and Ellis Street. 

11.    In response to the community’s request, a guardrail will be installed on this bend. It may assist to deflect vehicles from mounting the footpath and could be installed within a relatively short timeframe. This would not require the approval of Parramatta Traffic Committee or community consultation.

12.    Further, a roundabout installed at York Street, approximately 50m north of the bend, may assist to slow traffic approaching the bend and make it easier to exit York Street. The installation of a roundabout requires community consultation, endorsement of the Parramatta Traffic Committee and a tender process should the value of the works exceed $250,000.





13.    The installation of both the guardrail and the roundabout will be funded by a reprioritisation of the current Council capital works program.


Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                  Condolence Motion - Daniel Cama

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07267971

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this minute is to offer condolences to the family of Taniela ‘Daniel’ Jnr Cama, who passed away on Monday, 30 December 2019.





(a)     That Council acknowledges the passing of Daniel Jnr Cama, offering our condolences to his family and friends; and

(b)     Further, that the Chamber observe a minutes silence as a gesture of respect on his passing.





1.      At approximately 2.00pm on Monday, 30 December 2019, Mr Taniela ‘Daniel’ Jnr Cama passed away in a tragic drowning incident at Lake Parramatta.

2.      At 15 years of age, Daniel Cama was a rising rugby league star, having played for Wentworth United Rugby League Club, Parramatta Junior Eels, and selected for the 2020 Sydney Roosters Harold Matthews Summer Squad.

3.      Following his passing, Daniel Cama was remembered by his family in a statement on their GoFundMe:

“On Monday 30th of December 2019 our beloved son/brother Taniela Daniel Jnr. Cama passed away in the hometown that he loved Parramatta. Daniel was a dashing young man that was kind & warm to everyone he met. He loved playing football & aspired to play professionally wanting to play for his favourite team The Parramatta Eels. Even more so, he loved his family, girlfriend, mates & his Christian faith. We are utterly devastated & heartbroken with the unexpected loss of our dear son/brother but we incredibly touched by the overwhelming support from family & friends that have expressed interest in helping with covering funeral costs so we have created a fundraiser page to raise enough money to give Daniel the farewell he deserves. 

All funds will go directly to his family to assist in covering his funeral costs. Any donation is appreciated. Thank you & God Bless”

4.      Daniel Cama’s funeral was held on Monday 13 January at Leigh Memorial Uniting Church, Parramatta, and was attended by his family, friends and the broader community, including Council officers.

5.      On behalf of Council, and the Parramatta community, the Lord Mayor offered a message of support to the family, speaking directly with Daniel Cama’s parents in the days following the tragic incident.

6.      Our deepest sympathies go out to the Cama family.




7.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.3


ITEM NUMBER         9.3

SUBJECT                  Condolence Motion - Raymond Wehbe

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07267546

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this Minute is to recognise the passing of Raymond (Ray) Wehbe, and show our respects for his commitment to the local community.





(a)     That Council acknowledge the passing of Raymond (Ray) Wehbe, offering our condolences to his family and friends; and

(b)     Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence as a gesture of respect on his passing and in recognition of his dedication to the Parramatta community.





1.      Raymond (Ray) Wehbe, husband to Shirley and father to William (husband to Laura), Linda (wife of Simon Sassine), David (husband to Tanya), and Matthew (husband to Souzie), passed recently.

2.      Condolences were held at The Blouza Hall, Granville, on Sunday 9 February 2020, and again this evening, Monday 10 February 2020, with Mr Wehbe’s funeral to be held on Tuesday 11 February 2020 at Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral.

3.      Mr Wehbe was an active member of the community and keen supporter of charitable endeavours, including as long-time member of the Australian Blouza Association Inc., serving previously on its Executive Committee and as Vice President. Through their efforts, the Association has raised and donated in excess of $350,000 to worthwhile organisations in Australia, including:

i.    NSW Breast Cancer Institute

ii.   The Australian Cancer Research Foundation

iii.  The Heart Foundation,

iv.  The Millennium Foundation;

v.   SIDS and Kids NSW

4.      Mr Wehbe, alongside his wife Shirley, also headed the Making a Difference for Christmas charity, which seeks to serve and the support the Parramatta community through hosting an annual Christmas lunch for community members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

5.      Mr Wehbe was well known in the local area as an avid Parramatta Eels supporter, and regarded as hard-working, humble, respected and community-focused.

6.      Council offers its condolences to Ray Wehbe’s family and friends, and holds a minutes silence in the Chamber as a gesture of respect.




7.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.4


ITEM NUMBER         9.4

SUBJECT                  Local Flooding in Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07268651

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this Minute is to note the heavy rainfall and localised flooding experienced in the City of Parramatta over the weekend of 8 and 9 February 2020.





(a)     That Council note a number of areas in the City of Parramatta have been impacted by heavy rainfall and localised flooding over the weekend of 8 and 9 February 2020;

(b)     That Council note the impacts to residents and businesses in our community, with many facing power outages, and potential damage to property, due to the rainfall and localised flooding;

(c)     That Council note all Childcare Centres, Libraries, Riverside Theatres, Recreation and Aquatics facilities are open as planned, with the exception of Epping Library, and remote services including Meals on Wheels and Active Parramatta are also operational;

(d)     That Council thanks the NSW SES, NSW Police, emergency services personnel and other agencies who have responded to calls for help across the City;

(e)     That Council thanks the Council staff who have worked throughout the weekend, day and night, to inspect sites, assist emergency services, provide resources and commence the clean-up;

(f)      Further, that Council note that Council officers are continuing to work with the NSW SES, NSW Police and other agencies to continue to address the flooding, power, transport and other impacted infrastructure, assisting with sandbagging, clearing debris and fallen trees, and road closures.





1.      Over the weekend of Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2020, a number of areas in the City of Parramatta experienced heavy rainfall and localised flooding.

2.      City of Parramatta Council teams are continuing to work closely with the NSW SES, NSW Policy, emergency personnel and other agencies to respond to calls for help across the City, assisting with sandbagging, clearing debris and fallen trees, and road closures.

3.      Infrastructure and community assets that have been impacted include:

a.   Oakes Rd, Winston Hills – City Cleansing staff cleared storm debris and reopened the road at approximately 10pm, Sunday 9 February 2020.

b.   North Rocks Road – Remains closed to enable engineer inspection prior to reopening.

a.   Harris Street, Parramatta – Flooding over half the road, with City Cleansing staff working to remove surface water with street sweeping trucks since early hours of Monday morning (1am)

b.   Wentworth Point – Inspected overnight with small pockets of water still on road. City Cleansing street sweepers have swept all streets in this area overnight, clearing all surface water and removing organic matter over surface drains

c.   Evans Road Carlingford/Dundas Valley – Road closed due to fallen trees with power lines down. Tree clearing commenced on morning of Monday 10 February, with road to be reopened once Optus has cleared the low hanging cables

d.   James Ruse Drive, Rosehill – Council teams worked with Granville Police to install barricades on side streets to prevent access to James Ruse Drive.

e.   CBD Foreshore Parks – Cleansing has commenced as water levels recede, with furniture to be inspected by officers. As of 11am Monday, this site remained closed to cyclists and pedestrians while clean up work is in progress

f.    Parks – Numerous reports of trees down across a number of Council parks and reserves. Sites are gradually being inspected, with issues reported and attended to on a prioritised basis.

g.   Sports Fields – As of 11am Monday, to remain closed for at least another 24 hours

4.      Updates regarding Council Assets, Facilities and Services, include:

a.   All Childcare Centres, Libraries, Riverside Theatres, Recreation and Aquatics are open as planned, with the exception of Epping Library, which has experienced leaks that worsened overnight. These are being investigated and the site will be reopened when they are addressed;

b.   Remote services including Meals on Wheels and Active Parramatta are also operational;

c.   There have been leaks at a number of Council premises, however they have been managed locally and all sites have been opened to the public today, with the exception of Epping Library.

d.   Council is also advising the public to avoid swimming at Lake Parramatta until further notice. Due to the heavy rain, water levels at the lake are higher than normal and water quality is diminished; however, Lake Parramatta Reserve has remained open.

e.   Riverbank multi-level car park is expected to be closed this week.

f.    Parking meters near the river have also been affected, and are being inspected to address any repairs and ensure they are operational.

5.      Council thanks the NSW SES, NSW Police, emergency services personnel and other agencies who have responded to calls for help across the City.

6.      Council also thanks its staff who have worked alongside these agencies to provide support, resources and commence the clean-up.




7.      Flood and stormwater management activities are included in Council’s existing Operational Plan and Budget 2019-20. Any additional financial implications for Council that occur as a result of the heavy rainfall and localised flooding will need to be addressed in future budget and program reviews.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.5


ITEM NUMBER         9.5

SUBJECT                  City of Parramatta Lord Mayor's Bushfire Appeal

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07268602

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this Minute is to provide information on the City of Parramatta Lord Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal and community fundraising initiatives through Council’s facilities.





(a)     That Council note this update on the City of Parramatta’s donations to the NSW Rural Fire Service and the actions taken to facilitate donation through Council’s facilities as part of the City of Parramatta Lord Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal; and

(b)     Further, that operational support to be provided by Council to the bushfire recovery and rebuild phases as facilitated through the Local Government Bushfire Support Group was the subject of a Delegated Authority Meeting held on 21 January 2020, the minutes of which are included on this Council Meeting Agenda at item 13.3.





1.      The 2019/20 Australian bushfire season has seen devastation across our nation, including the loss of more than 30 lives, the destruction of over 3,000 homes, the incredible loss of wildlife and the devastating impact on regional communities and their economic across Australia.

2.      At the Council Meeting of 11 November 2019, in recognition of the state of emergency and worsening fire conditions, Council resolved:

(a) That Council note the tragic loss of life and properties caused by multiple bushfires in New South Wales and Queensland in recent weeks, with fire conditions set to worsen;

(b) That Council note the heroic efforts of Emergency Services personnel, paid and volunteer, who have shown incredible bravery and determination to save properties and lives;

(c)  That Council officers prepare advice for the Lord Mayor regarding support for those affected;

(d) That this advice identify what budget is available to carry out proposed activities; and

(e) Further, that the Chamber hold a minutes silence in remembrance to those who tragically lost their lives over the weekend to these bushfires.

3.      To support the Council resolution Council has established the Lord Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal with funds raised to benefit the NSW Rural Fire Service, in recognition of their tremendous firefighting efforts.

4.      Council committed $50,000 to kick start the Appeal following the cancellation of Council’s New Year’s Eve event due to extreme weather concerns, and the cancellation of the Australia Day fireworks display out of respect for communities impacted by the bushfire crisis.

5.      Council has received an official authorisation to fundraise from the NSW Rural Fire Service on their behalf up to 30 June 2020.

6.      Collection buckets, branded Lord Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal to benefit the NSW Rural Fire Service, have been distributed to the below Council facilities:

a.   Council libraries

b.   Epping Aquatic Centre

c.   Macarthur Girls High School Pool

d.   Customer Contact Centre (Ground Floor, 126 Church Street)

e.   Corporate Reception (Level 12, 126 Church Street)

f.    Riverside Theatres

g.   Parramatta Heritage and Visitor Information Centre

7.      In addition, Council is providing community members hosting fundraising events for bushfire relief, where they have been able to prove authority to fundraise, access to an increased subsidy for hall hire.

8.      The Appeal was officially launched by the Lord Mayor during his speech at the 2020 Australia Day evening concert.

9.      Digital screens in Council facilities will include Appeal messaging, encouraging the community to give generously to the appeal. The City of Parramatta website and social media platforms will also be utilised to promote the appeal.





10.    The $50,000 Council donation to kick start the Lord Mayor’s Bushfire Appeal has been funded from existing 2019/20 operational budgets. Lord Mayor and Councillor Support funded the initial $10,000 donation announced prior to New Year’s Eve, and the additional $40,000 has been funded from savings from the cancellation of the 2019 New Year’s Eve event.

11.    100% of funds raised through the Appeal will be distributed to the NSW Rural Fire Service.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                   Item 9.6


ITEM NUMBER         9.6

SUBJECT                  2020 Australia Day Honours

REFERENCE            F2019/03630 - D07268239

REPORT OF              Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer        




The purpose of this Minute is to congratulate members of the Parramatta community recognised in the Australia Day 2020 Honours List.





That Council congratulate members of the Parramatta community included in the Order of Australia’s Australia Day 2020 Honours List, being:

i.    Member (AM) in the General Division: Dr David Ronald Leece PSM RFS ED

ii.   Medal (OAM) in the General Division recipients:

- Mr Patrick Joseph Bartolo

- Mrs Annette Douglass

- Mrs Diana Mahony

- Mr Phillip Wai-Shing Ng

- Mr Robert Peter Selinger





1.      On 26 January 2020, as part of the Order of Australia’s Australia Day 2020 Honours List, the Governor-General was pleased to recognise the following members of the City of Parramatta community:


Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in the General Division:


Dr David Ronald Leece PSM RFD ED, Beecroft NSW 2119

For significant service to the environment, and to defence and security studies


Receiving a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division:


Mr Patrick Joseph Bartolo, Toongabbie NSW 2146

For service to the Maltese community of New South Wales


Mrs Annette Douglass, North Parramatta NSW 2151

For service to youth through Scouts


Mrs Diana Mahony, Oatlands NSW 2117

For service to the community through charitable initiatives


Mr Phillip Wai-Shing Ng, Epping NSW 2121

For service to Chinese language education, and to the community


Mr Robert Peter Selinger, Eastwood NSW 2122

For service to the community, and to education.





2.      There are no new financial implications for Council as a result of this Lord Mayor Minute.



Lord Mayor, Councillor Bob Dwyer



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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                 Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                  PUBLIC FORUM 1: Address to the City of Parramatta Council Meeting, Monday 10 February 2020 re Agenda Item 18.5 - Gateway Request: Planning Proposal - Properties on the western side of Essex Street, Epping (between Maida and Epping Roads)

REFERENCE            F2019/02038 -          


FROM                          KEVIN MACDONALD


Hi, my name is Kevin Macdonald and I thank you for the opportunity to address this meeting this evening in relation to Agenda Item 18.5 concerning the western side of Essex Street, Epping (between Maida and Epping Roads).


I am speaking both as a resident property owner in Essex Street, and on behalf of the 20 Property Owners on the Eastern Side of the Essex Street Heritage Conservation Area (HCA), specifically those between Epping Road to the north and Knox Avenue to the south.


As you may be aware, our Group has made representation to Council throughout the consideration of the matter that brings about the proposed Gateway request being considered tonight, specifically Council’s attempts to address the interface issues with Essex Street following the development of the adjoining Forest Grove area.


Due to the limited time I have available to speak, I note that a copy of these speaking notes have been provided to all Councillors, including a copy of the submission we made to Council’s Local Planning Panel (LPP) in their assessment of this matter at their 17 December 2019 Meeting.  I will take it that Councillors have reviewed our submissions in preparing for this meeting, and therefore I voice the salient points in this public forum:


As you are aware, the LPP made the unanimous recommendation that Council does not endorse the draft Planning Proposal prepared by Council, noting in their decision that they undertook a site visit to the area:

·    the importance of the existing significant trees and tree canopies in place within the western side of Essex Street properties under consideration that already provide visual screening and an important scale transition between the adjacent R4 high density residential zone and the heritage conservation area generally

·    that there will be inevitable loss of trees at the rear of the Essex Street Properties if new dual occupancy dwellings are constructed, and this loss of tree canopy will not only affect the west side of Essex St but also the eastern side [of Essex Street] and the street itself,

·    that, if approved, this would negatively impact on the character of the [heritage] conservation area, and;

·    that, if approved, there are only a small number of new sites that could take advantage of the changes to dual occupancy provision, but the impact on the area will be substantial.

Noting these reason, and having reviewed the Council Staff’s Business paper for tonight’s Agenda Item 18.5, we make the following comments relating to the recommendations relating to the potential zone change to the western side of Essex Street:


·    As stated on Council’s webpage (at, we note that the LPP is an independent Panel mandated within Council to ensure the process of assessment and determination of such planning proposals as being considered tonight are both 1. transparent and accountable and; 2. to assist to address any potential corruption risk and sensitivity or are of strategic importance.  However, we note the Council Officers’ recommendation tonight is still as was presented to the LPP, that is to accept the Planning Proposal.  Our assessment of the Business Paper for Agenda Item 18.5 reflects a disregard of the Panel’s statement of reasons to not accept the draft planning proposal by Council Staff, as the Paper does not address the concerns identified in the Panel’s statement of reasons for their decision.  We ask, therefore, how can Council endorse the recommendations of the Council Officers’, against the advice provided by the Local Planning Panel, particularly after a site visit?

·    If it is Council’s intention to not endorse the Council Officers’ recommendations tonight and not proceed with the draft Planning Proposal as it has been prepared, we ask that Council’s decision does continue to address the ongoing, unreasonable and detrimental impact upon our properties on the eastern side of Essex Street, as well as those on the western side of the Street, which has now been ongoing since 2014.

·    If it is Council’s intention to endorse the draft Planning Proposal, as it has been prepared by Council Staff, we ask how Council will address the concerns that have been identified by Council’s own independent panel, the Local Planning Panel, and those issues raised in our submission to the Panel in December 2019? 

Specifically, the Panel has identified concerns relating to the potential removal of significant trees and tree canopies; the potential effect on the existing visual screening and scale transition these trees afford not just for the western side of Essex Street but for Essex Street itself; the detrimental impact of any change upon the heritage character of the Street, and; that the proposed change as recommended by Council Officers may affect a small number of Essex Street properties.  Issues raised in our previous submission include how the integrity of the Heritage Conservation character is to be maintained noting Council Officer’s recognition that the proposed zoning changes for the western side of Essex Street may have the unintended effect of enabling dual occupancy within properties not assessed by Council.

·    We ask Council to ensure that the Panel’s identified concerns are addressed before taking any decision to endorse and progress to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment a drafted Planning Proposal for this area of the Essex Street Heritage Conservation Area. 

·    Lastly, we note that Council Staff have for the first time specifically identified in the Business Paper those Essex Street properties they consider could be considered for dual occupancy (see Figure 3 on Page 432).  However, we suggest the Paper is not consistent in listing the number of possible properties, reflecting at times 6, 7, 8 or 9 properties. We ask Council Staff to confirm the properties they consider could potentially accommodate a detached dual occupancy prior to the matter being determined.


Finally, noting our comments and concerns above, we ask that in progressing any Planning Proposal for the Essex Street HCA Area between Epping and Maida Roads, Council ensures that a consistency of building form in Essex Street is maintained for both sides of the Street to address the ongoing, unreasonable and detrimental impact upon our properties on the eastern side of Essex Street: Rather than reach a decision that just now moves the detrimental interface issue that has been brought about by the 2014 Epping Urban Activation Precinct (UAP) Project.  We would invite Council to include the eastern side of Essex Street in any analysis work for this area, noting all studies and analysis to this point have only included the participation of the western side of Essex Street properties.


ONLY IF TIME PERMITS: We also bring to Council’s attention a concern we have raised with Council Staff about the communication process Council has undertaken to inform the community of the development of this proposal.  Property owners on the eastern side of Essex Street have not been included in the notification mailout undertaken by Council to inform affected properties in relation to this matter, even though property owners on the western side of Essex Street have been advised by correspondence.  Noting that the properties on the eastern side of Essex Street are both clearly affected parties from this proposal, and that our property owner Group has participated in all community consultations by Council in this matter, we are concerned that in this matter Council have omitted us as affected properties.  We await a response from Council to our concern of transparency and due process in this matter.


I thank you for the opportunity to speak this evening.



No staff response provided.





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Council 10 February 2020                                                                                                 Item 10.2


ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                  PUBLIC FORUM 2: Gateway Request: Planning Proposal - Properties on the western side of Essex Street, Epping (between Maida and Epping Roads)

REFERENCE            F2019/02038 -          


FROM                          JANET MCGARRY


My Question to Council is:
Lord Mayor, Councillors, I am speaking on matter #18.5 on tonight’s agenda – Gateway approval for changes to the western side of Essex St, Epping. My name is Janet McGarry and I am the president of the Epping Civic Trust, the peak local community body for the residents of Epping.
Can I start by saying that irrespective of your decision tonight, there are no winners here. The people of Epping are the overall losers. When our town centre was rezoned for high density, we were failed by the planning system and we are living with the consequences of the errors made. The issue in front of you tonight is one of those, and it will not be fixed by your approval of this motion. In fact, if you do approve it, I would predict that I will be back to speak to you within the next two years on the inevitable repercussion of tonight’s decision.
But I say again, this decision has further consequences. That is why the Local Planning Panel took the decision they did before Xmas to reject the proposal. It is why they came to Epping and actually looked at the site and became aware of all the issues involved. Their decision was carefully made and it is a pity to see it rejected in tonight’s paper.
Everyone accepts that there are very poor interfaces between the high density development that was permitted under the rezoning, and the older residential properties. This is but one example. But allowing this proposal, and the sub division opportunities it contains, will have three ripple effects.
Firstly, as the Planning Panel decision articulated, it will include the destruction of a valuable tree corridor along the boundary between these houses and the new developments. Not only do these trees form a visual buffer, but we can ill afford to lose any more mature trees in Epping.
Secondly, future sub division on these blocks will inevitably detrimentally affect the streetscape of Essex Street. All these blocks will get redeveloped (sorry, but heritage protections mean very little to a suburb who has seen many older homes bull dozed). Many of these blocks are already owned by developers, ready to act.
Thirdly, and why I will inevitably be here again in the future, there will be increasing pressure on Council to tinker with or remove the Heritage Conservation Areas around Epping. These are our buffer, our chance to retain our heritage whilst adapting to the new. They were enacted for a reason. Pass this proposal and it would be naïve to think that council won’t come under increasing pressure to allow development jump Essex street to the east side. They will.
Finally, I would like to note that this proposal is listed for discussion and review by Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee on 19th February – your own expert committee. To pass this proposal tonight would be to pre-empt that.
The City of Parramatta has unfortunately had to inherit many of the issues of Epping, and I acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our ward Councilors who genuinely want to try and address the issues as best they can. But please look beyond the immediate, and for the long-term future, I ask you to not pass this proposal.



No staff response provided.





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