The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 27 October 2014 at 6.45pm.










Greg Dyer

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

PO Box 32 Parramatta


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“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor

Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward

Greg Dyer

Chief Executive Officer





Sue Coleman -  Director City Services





Sue Weatherley -

Director Outcomes & Development




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Jodi Dickson –  Acting Chief Operating Officer



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies









Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne -

Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr James Shaw – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr Bakous Makari – Arthur Phillip Ward


Clr Shahadat Chowdhury – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Jean Pierre Abood - Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


Clr Andrew Wilson  – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Steven Issa, Deputy Lord Mayor Woodville Ward

Clr Robert Dwyer– Caroline Chisholm Ward

Clr John Hugh - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Text Box:   Press










Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council - 22 September 2014, Council (Development)  - 13 October 2014

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum

6        Petitions     

7        Economy and Development

7.1              Consolidation of Parramatta LEP 2011 & City Centre LEP 2007......................... 7

7.2              57, 63 & 83 Church Street & 44 Early Street Parramatta - Notification of Development Control Plan............................................................................................................... 9

7.3              Western Sydney Wanderers Corporate Hospitality Package 2014-15 Season.... 11

7.4              Stormwater Disposal Policy........................................................................... 14

7.5              Land Owner's consent to lodge a development application for the use of Old Saleyards Reserve by the Parramatta Eels.................................................................................. 17

7.6              2 Morton Street Parramatta - Temporary Rock Anchor..................................... 19

7.7              Proposed Easement over Council Land known as Allan Cunningham Reserve at 3A Buyuma Street Carlingford ......................................................................................... 21

7.8              Proposed Easement over Council land known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve (Lot V in DP 36698).......................................................................................................... 23

7.9              'Activate Parramatta' Retail License for vacant Council site 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta   26

7.10             Renewal of a service level agreement with the State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) for the processing of penalty notices........................................................................ 29

8        Environment and Infrastructure

8.1              Escarpment Boardwalk between Charles Street Weir and Rangihou Reserve Parramatta     37

8.2              Sydney Trains - Request for time extension at Station Street West and expansion of licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta for completion of Harris Street rectification and safety works........................................................................................................... 41

8.3              Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 October 2014.. 43

8.4              Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 October 2014 47

8.5              Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Committee....................................... 50

8.6              Adoption of a Floodplain Risk Management Policy......................................... 51

9        Community and Neighbourhood

9.1              Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meetings 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014............................................................................................ 56

9.2              Suburb Boundary Minor Adjustment for 28 Felton Street and 8A Gibbons Street Telopea/Oatlands.......................................................................................... 59

9.3              Riverside Advisory Board Meeting held 9 October 2014.................................. 61

10      Governance and Corporate

10.1             Presentation of Draft 2013/14 Annual Financial Reports................................... 67

10.2             Change of Business Paper Format................................................................. 72

10.3             Schedule of Council Meetings for 2015.......................................................... 73

11      Notices of Motion

11.1             Policy Change to Notified Fee for Development Application for Single House - Heritage/Heritage Conservation Area......................................................................................... 76  

12      Closed Session

12.1             Proposal for Cafe at Dan Mahoney Reserve Dog Off-Leash Area in North Parramatta

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

12.2             To obtain authority for Council staff to assess the future use of Council land at 37 East Street, Granville following an unsolicited request to purchase the site from both of the adjoining land owners.

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

12.3             54 Eastwood Avenue, Eastwood - proposed open space land acquisition

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

12.4             Tender No.18/2014 Major Events Australia Day Concert and Site Management

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

12.5             Independent Members of the Major Projects Advisory Committee

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

12.6             Report on Negotiations for the disposal of 42 Bridge Street Rydalmere (Mary Parade)

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.




Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014



Economy and Development


27 October 2014


7.1              Consolidation of Parramatta LEP 2011 & City Centre LEP 2007.............. 7


7.2              57, 63 & 83 Church Street & 44 Early Street Parramatta - Notification of Development Control Plan........................................................................................................ 9


7.3              Western Sydney Wanderers Corporate Hospitality Package 2014-15 Season      11


7.4              Stormwater Disposal Policy........................................................................... 14


7.5              Land Owner's consent to lodge a development application for the use of Old Saleyards Reserve by the Parramatta Eels.................................................................... 17


7.6              2 Morton Street Parramatta - Temporary Rock Anchor.............................. 19


7.7              Proposed Easement over Council Land known as Allan Cunningham Reserve at 3A Buyuma Street Carlingford ........................................................................... 21


7.8              Proposed Easement over Council land known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve (Lot V in DP 36698)......................................................................................................... 23


7.9              'Activate Parramatta' Retail License for vacant Council site 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta............................................................................................................................ 26


7.10           Renewal of a service level agreement with the State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) for the processing of penalty notices................................................................. 29

Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.1


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                  Consolidation of Parramatta LEP 2011 & City Centre LEP 2007

REFERENCE            F2011/00879 - D03338597

REPORT OF              Project Officer - Land Use Planning       




The purpose of this report is to seek a resolution from Council requesting a minor amendment to the most recently endorsed planning proposal to ensure currently permissible uses within the B5 (Business Development) zone in the city centre are maintained. 





(a)     That Council confirm its intention to maintain the current range of permissible uses in the B5 (Business Development) zoned land within Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as part of the LEP consolidation process.

(b)     Further, that Council write to the Department of Planning & Environment requesting the endorsed planning proposal be amended to reflect the desired permissible uses.




1.      At its meeting on 22 July 2013, Council endorsed for public exhibition a planning proposal for amendments to the Parramatta LEP 2011 (‘PLEP 2011’) that seeks to consolidate the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 with PLEP 2011, amend some of the planning controls applicable to the city centre, as well as make some consequential changes to some provisions of PLEP 2011.

2.      The public exhibition was held from 28 August 2013 to 27 September 2013. Following exhibition, the matter was reported to Council on 25 November 2013 where Council resolved as follows:

(a)       That Council receive and note the submissions made during the public exhibition of the planning proposal to consolidate Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 and PLEP 2011.

(b)       That Council endorse the recommended further amendments contained at Attachment 1 arising from the public exhibition of the planning proposal.

(c)       That Council otherwise endorse the planning proposal, as exhibited, and forward to the Department of Planning & Infrastructure (DP&I) for making.

(d)       Further, that Council grant delegated authority to the Acting CEO (Strategy) to make any minor amendments and corrections of an administrative and non-policy nature that may arise during the plan making and finalisation process.


3.      The planning proposal and accompanying documentation was submitted to the Department of Planning & Environment in early 2014. An issue has recently arisen where it has been identified that the planning proposal, as exhibited and subsequently endorsed, does not permit ‘retail premises’ within the B5 (Business Development) zone in the city centre where it is currently permitted.







4.      In order to allow the continued permissibility of ‘retail premises’ within the B5 (Business Development) zone of the city centre (known as ‘Auto Alley’), it is necessary for Council to formally request the Department of Planning & Environment to amend the planning proposal.

5.      The continued permissibility of retail uses within this precinct is consistent with Council wishing to remain policy neutral, where possible, in achieving a consolidated LEP for the entire LGA. That is, not reduce the extent of permissible uses currently available within existing zones. This issue has arisen due to a slight differentiation between the existing B5 (Business Development) zones located outside and within the Parramatta city centre. It is also consistent with the objectives and intent of the Draft Auto Alley Planning Framework.

6.      The requested amendment would be able to be achieved by the use of Schedule 1 (Additional Permitted Uses) of the consolidated LEP and the creation of a map identifying the relevant B5 zoned land where retail premises are permitted.



7.      The legal drafting process is nearing finalisation and officers from the Department of Planning & Environment have advised they will be able to accommodate Council’s requested amendment, if forthcoming, without needing to carry out any re-exhibition.  


Neal McCarry

Project Officer – Land Use Planning






There are no attachments for this report.



Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.2


ITEM NUMBER         7.2

SUBJECT                  57, 63 & 83 Church Street & 44 Early Street Parramatta - Notification of Development Control Plan

REFERENCE            RZ/9/2011 - D03341454

REPORT OF              Project Officer - Land Use Planning       




The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s endorsement of a draft Development Control Plan to come into effect as a result of the recent making of an amendment to Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 (Heartland Holden site).





(a)       That Council endorse draft Development Control Plan (DCP) at Attachment 1 as per previous resolution of 9 December 2013.


(b)       Further that, a notice be published in the local newspaper to put into effect the draft amendments to Parramatta DCP 2011.





1.      On 9 December 2013, Council considered a report on the outcomes of a public exhibition of a planning proposal (LEP amendment), DCP & VPA relating to the subject site also known as Heartland Holden. Council resolved to endorse the planning proposal as exhibited and forward it to the Department of Planning & Environment for making.

2.      The planning proposal sought to modify the current planning controls (B5 – Business Development zone, FSR – 2:1 and maximum building height of 12m) as follows:

(a)  Site 1 - (83 Church & 44 Early Street) to part B4 (Mixed Use) and part B5 (Business Development) to a maximum FSR of 7.2:1 and maximum building height of 36m (8 storeys) for the portion of the site zoned B5 fronting Church Street and 118m (35 storeys) for the remainder of the site zoned B4 (Mixed use).

(b)  Site 2 -  (63 Church Street) to part B4 (Mixed Use) and part B5 (Business Development) with a maximum FSR of 6.4:1 and a maximum building height of 36m (8 storeys) for the portion of the site zoned B5 fronting Church Street and 90m (26-27 storeys) for the remainder of the site zoned B4 (Mixed use).

(c)   Site 3 – 57 Church Street to RE1 (Public Recreation) to be provided as a public park. 

3.      Recently on 26 September 2014 Amendment 9 to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 came into effect by way of publication on the NSW Government legislation website.





4.      The associated site-specific DCP provides controls relating to siting of buildings, building separation, height, setbacks, activation and public domain. These controls will form an amendment to Parramatta DCP 2011.


5.      Council at its meeting of 9 December 2013 endorsed the draft site specific DCP controls relating to site noting that the amendments would not come into force until after Amendment 9 to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 came into effect, which has since occurred recently on 26 September 2014.


6.      Should Council endorse the associated DCP a notice will be published in the relevant local newspaper within 28 days of Council’s resolution to put effect the draft DCP amendments as required under clause 21 (2) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000.


7.      Accordingly, it is requested that Council endorse the draft amendments to the Parramatta DCP 2011 as provided at Attachment 1.




8.      Following publishing of a notice in the relevant newspaper the draft DCP will come into effect. 


Neal McCarry

Project Officer – Land Use Planning






Draft site specific DCP amendment

11 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.3


ITEM NUMBER         7.3

SUBJECT                  Western Sydney Wanderers Corporate Hospitality Package 2014-15 Season

REFERENCE            F2014/02487 - D03339594

REPORT OF              Strategic Partnerships Coordinator; Project Manager Economic Development       




The purpose of this report to provide the Lord Mayor and Councillors with details of an offer to purchase a Corporate Hospitality Package from the Western Sydney Wanderers (Wanderers) for the 2014/15 season.





That Council purchases a Western Sydney Wanderers home game hospitality package to be utilised to host existing and potential Parramatta investors and businesses, community groups and visiting Lord Mayors and dignitaries.





1.      On December 7th 2013, an MoU between Council and the Western Sydney Wanderers was signed at Parramatta Stadium. An Annual Partnership Implementation Plan is currently being developed for the 2014/15 season with the Wanderers.

2.      On 14 October 2013, Council passed a resolution to purchase a Hospitality Package to the value of $50,000 with the Western Sydney Wanderers’ home games at Pirtek Stadium. In the Wanderers 2012/13 season, Council purchased a stadium billboard for $15,000.  Both were funded from the Economic Development Levy for “Sports Economy”.

The hospitality package was used to host local community groups, dignitaries of the office of the Lord Mayor, and local businesses.

3.      The Corporate Hospitality Package is a commercial proposition from the Wanderers that is supplementary to the MoU and Annual Partnership Implementation Plan, the scope of which is focussed on an equitable value exchange between Council and the Wanderers.




4.      As in the case of the 2013 Hospitality Package, the 2014 Corporate Hospitality package again has comparative value of $50,000. The package consists of:


2014/15 Package

·    One (1) twenty (20) seat private suite fully catered for all 13 regular season home matches at Pirtek Stadium

·    Two (2) tickets to the End of Season Medal Dinner in May.

·    Three (3) corporate car parking spots

·    One (1) framed team photograph

·    One (1) Eastern Grandstand sign in the TV arc for all 13 regular season home matches at Pirtek Stadium – excluding production costs (approx. $500)

·    Two (2) social media posts throughout the season

·    One (1) EDM (electronic direct marketing) tile throughout the season

·    One (1) player appearance of two non-playing players in the suite throughout the season

·    Use of Corporate Partner logo and club IP (pending approval/sign off from WSW on all artwork)


5.      Purchase of this package presents strong opportunities to:

·    Host and network with existing and potential business, property and investment strategic partners and showcase the investment opportunities that Parramatta presents

·    Host community organisations as a reward for their contribution to the Parramatta social fabric

·    Host visiting Lord Mayor, Councillors and dignitaries to build strategic partnerships across the country




6.      On August 31st the Wanderers informally enquired if Council would be interested in a Hospitality Package.


7.      On 4th September, Council was presented with the Corporate Hospitality Package offering.


8.      On 11th September, a memo was sent to the office of Council’s CEO advising of the Corporate Hospitality Package offer.


9.      On 1st October the Lord Mayor was briefed of the opportunity to purchase the Corporate Hospitality Package.


10.    The first Wanderers home game will be held on 18th November. To secure the Corporate Box Council will need to resolve this matter at the 27th October Council Meeting.


11.    A Councillor workshop to discuss the Economic Development Strategy and Levy has tentatively been proposed for November.




12.    The cost of the Wanderers Corporate Hospitality Package is $50,000 plus GST.


13.    Currently there is no budget allocated for the Wanderers Corporate Hospitality Package. There is $50,000 allocated within the Economic Development Budget for 2014/15 for Sports Economy initiatives, however, allocating this to the Wanderers Corporate Hospitality would exhaust this budget and limit opportunities for the rest of the year. It should also be noted, that there is a proposal for an Eels Ambassador program currently being investigated, that would cost in the vicinity of $75,000.


14.    Should Council recommend that additional funding be drawn into this budget from the Economic Development Levy for this purpose, this should be considered in context of other economic development priorities.  It is important to establish the economic value of these initiatives, and whether the Economic Development budget is the most appropriate funding source.  A Councillor workshop is proposed for November to discuss the Economic Development Strategy. 


15.    Consideration should be given to other funding sources such as the Parking Metre Reserve.



Trish Leak

Acting Manager Marketing and Development
Marketing and City Identity




There are no attachments for this report.



Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.4


ITEM NUMBER         7.4

SUBJECT                  Stormwater Disposal Policy

REFERENCE            F2004/08626 - D03345744

REPORT OF              Acting Manager Development and Traffic Services       


Note: This report was deferred from the Council (Development) Meeting on 13 October 2014.




To seek Council’s endorsement of a stormwater disposal policy, being a new Policy for Council.





a)      That the Council adopt the draft Stormwater Disposal Policy (Attachment 2) to update and facilitate common understanding, consistency and certainty in the provision and design of On-site Detention systems for private development, and that the draft policy be placed on exhibition for not less than 28 days. 

b)      That Council only permit the use of a pump out system for dual occupancy development where it is physically impossible to locate an easement and pipe over a downstream property/ies and any such Development Applications be determined by Council.

c)      That Council engage a suitably qualified and experienced hydraulic/civil engineering consultancy to draft suitable design parameters for a pump out system.

d)      That Council acknowledge that s88K of the Conveyancing Act 1919 can be used by an applicant to create an easement via Court action where a downstream property owner initially refuses to give their consent.

e)      That Council include the provisions of any adopted Stormwater Disposal Policy in future amendments to the citywide Development Control Plan.

f)       Further, that a report be submitted to Council on the outcome of the exhibition of the draft policy.





1.      A workshop was held with Councillors on 16 July 2014. The purpose of the workshop was to seek Councillor feedback in relation to the design of On-site Detention systems and the discharge method of those systems as they relate to development on private land.


2.     The workshop discussions focused on On-site Detention requirements for dual occupancy development, as it is this type of development which generates the majority of concerns from applicants and neighbours.  This is because of the costs associated with providing On-site Detention and particularly an inter-allotment drainage easement/s when a site cannot drain by gravity to Council’s stormwater system within the sites street frontage.


3.     The report at Attachment 1 contains the background of the review, including an assessment of the options for On-site Detention. 


Draft Policy


4.     The Draft Policy is Attachment 2. 


The draft policy seeks to achieve the following outcomes:


•     Avoid or minimise flood impacts on people’s homes

•     Protect the safety of persons and property

•     High levels of residential amenity for occupants to create safe, attractive and functional outdoor recreational areas

•     An appropriate engineering solution to safely and effectively convey stormwater to Council infrastructure

•     Appropriate landscape outcomes

•     High levels of streetscape amenity to safeguard the public interest – attractive, functional streetscapes and neighbourhoods with a sense of place, safety and identity

•     Clear and consistent criteria for design


5.     The draft policy has the following stormwater system design principles:


•     effectively collect, store and release stormwater at rates and volume determined by engineering formula (Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust On-site Detention Handbook)

•     be designed for longevity (based on life of development)

•     able to be maintained

•     utilise drainage easements for sites which slope to the rear to connect to Council systems

•     can be constructed to the necessary standard

•     be consistent with engineering industry best practice and standards

•     do not consider engineering in isolation but as part of overall site planning and landscaping

Draft Policy Summary


6.    On-site Detention required for dual occupancy development and above but no On-site Detention for single dwellings

•     Below ground on site detention tanks to be a requirement for residential/mixed use residential development. Above ground detention basins are not acceptable.


•     Easements should be used where necessary.

Pump out systems may be an alternative option when an easement cannot be obtained due to physical constraints on downstream properties. This is not included in the draft Policy, but remains an option on a case by case basis with delegation with Council.

Councillors are advised that the use of pump out systems in place of On-site Detention or for draining On-site Detention is not encouraged by Council staff for the engineering reasons outlined in the attached report (Attachment 1), but is included as a recommendation above, following direction given at the Councillor workshop.

•     The potential use of a combination of above and below ground On-site Detention tanks

•     Discharge flow rate to be lowered from 55l/s to 35l/s




7.     It is proposed to place the draft policy on exhibition for 28 days.


At the end of the exhibition period a further report will be presented to Council on the outcome of the exhibition.



Mark Leotta

Acting Manager Development and Traffic Services





Stormwater Disposal Policy Report

14 Pages



Draft Stormwater Disposal Policy

8 Pages






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.5


ITEM NUMBER         7.5

SUBJECT                  Land Owner's consent to lodge a development application for the use of Old Saleyards Reserve by the Parramatta Eels

REFERENCE            F2004/07973 - D03345541

REPORT OF              Service Manager-Property Services & Space Management       




To seek Land Owner's consent to lodge a development application for stage 1 of the use of Old Saleyards Reserve by the Parramatta Eels





That the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to grant Land Owner’s consent to lodge a development application for stage 1 of the use of Old Saleyards Reserve by the Parramatta Eels




1.      Council, at its meeting of 25 August, 2014, resolved as follows:

a)   That Council supports Stage 1 of the Parramatta Eels proposal to develop training facilities at Old Saleyards and Dan Mahoney Reserves;

b)   That Council immediately commences consultation with existing users of both Reserves to find suitable alternate locations for their activities;

c)     That Council delegates to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate a financial contribution from the Parramatta Eels to offset any relocation costs associated with developing suitable alternate facilities for the existing users;

d)   That Council gives “in principle” support to the further investigation and development of a High Performance Community Centre as outlined in Stage 2 in the Parramatta Eel’s proposal;

e)   That Council advises the Parramatta Eels that the Clubs’ initial investment in Stage 1 cannot be conditional on subsequent approval for Stage 2 due to the inherent complexity and uncertainties of the proposal that will require further consultation and consideration by Council and other relevant authorities;

f)      Further, that Council works collaboratively with the Parramatta Eels to develop Stage 2 and delegates to the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate the commercial terms of such arrangements for further consideration by Council.

2.      Further to the above resolution, Council, at its meeting of 22 September 2014, considered a Minute of Lord Mayor and resolved as follows:


a)    That Council confirms its commitment to assist the current users of Old Sales Yard Reserve and notes that consultations are continuing with the affected groups.

b)    Further that Council gratefully acknowledges the financial contribution of up to $100,000 by the Parramatta Eels to support the relocation of affected groups to alternative venues.




3.      The Parramatta Eels have further developed their plans for stage 1 and will commence works on the playing fields later this month.   A development application is being prepared for associated works including the temporary building, fencing and sports field lighting.

4.      The Parramatta Eels propose to lodge the development application over the Old Saleyards Reserve only to facilitate stage 1 of their proposal. The Dan Mahoney Reserve portion of the proposal has been withdrawn in favour of locating the temporary building on Old Saleyards Reserve.

5.      The development application is proposed to be lodged over the following land:

·    Lot 1 DP128133;

·    Lot 11 DP631483;

·    Lot 13 DP630815;

·    Lot 15 DP631234;

·    Lot 17 DP632713;

·    Lot 6 DP25459;

·    Lots 852A and 852B DP368761;

·    Lot G DP370944; and

·    Part of Belmore Street East situated between Corry Court and Webb Street, North Parramatta (Council is owner of the subject roads and is the Roads Authority under Clause 7 of the Roads Act, 1993).




6.      Various Units within Council have been assisting the Parramatta Eels and have been consulted in relation to this proposal.   Granting Land Owners Consent will enable a development application to be lodged and assessed, including community consultation, prior to the matter being considered by Council.

7.      The Parramatta Eels are keen to move forward with the proposal and as such they wish to lodge the stage 1 development application as soon as possible.




Bindy Begg

Service Manager - Property Services and Space Management.





Plan for DA lodgement

1 Page





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.6


ITEM NUMBER         7.6

SUBJECT                  2 Morton Street Parramatta - Temporary Rock Anchor

REFERENCE            DA/391/2012 - D03330210

REPORT OF              Property Services Officer         




This report recommends that Council agrees to the installation of temporary rock anchors in Broughton Street for a proposed mixed use development at 2 Morton Street Parramatta.





(a)     That Council resolve to provide owner’s consent to the installation of temporary rock anchors in Broughton Street shown on the plan at Attachment 1 in relation to the proposed mixed use development at 2 Morton Street Parramatta on terms outlined in this report


(b)     Further, that Council resolve that authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign the access licence in connection with this matter.





1.   Development consent (DA/391/2012) has been issued for Stage 1 of a mixed use development at 2 Morton Street Parramatta.  The Developer has submitted an application to install temporary rock anchors in Brought Street which is a Council owned public road.


2.   A plan showing the location of this development site and the subject public road (i.e. Broughton Street) is at Attachment 1.




3.   The Developer has advised that it is necessary during excavation and construction of the basement parking levels to install temporary rock anchors to hold the retaining wall at Broughton Street.


4.   It is recommended that Council issues owners consent by way of an access licence for the Developer to access and use the subject public road.  The access licence is to cover a period six months which will cover the time taken to undertake the relevant excavation and construction works.  For reference a draft access licence is at Attachment 2.




5.   The Developer has conducted utility service checks and advised that no utility services will be affected at anchor levels at the subject public road.


6.   The Council’s Civil Infrastructure Unit has examined the drawings for temporary rock anchors and has raised no objections.




7.   In accordance with Council’s Fees & Charges, a fee of $21,875.60 (GST included) is payable for Council providing consent to the installation of temporary rock anchors.


8.   The access licence will be prepared by the Council’s solicitors. The Developer has agreed to reimburse Council’s legal fees in preparation of the access licence.




Kwok Leung

Property Services Officer






Location plan showing part of Broughton Street required for temporary rock anchors

1 Page



Draft Access Licence for Temporary Rock Anchors

13 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.7


ITEM NUMBER         7.7

SUBJECT                  Proposed Easement over Council Land known as Allan Cunningham Reserve at 3A Buyuma Street Carlingford

REFERENCE            DA/824/2013 - D03320695

REPORT OF              Property Services Officer         




This report recommends Council grant an easement for drainage over Council owned land known as Allan Cunningham Reserve at 3A Buyuma Street Carlingford in favour of the proposed residential duplex development at 12 Charlotte Street Dundas Valley.





(a)     That Council resolve to create an easement for drainage over the Council owned land known as Allan Cunningham Reserve being Lot 1768 DP 244156 in favour of the property at 12 Charlotte Street Dundas Valley being Lot 1775 DP 244156 on terms outlined in this report.


(b)     That Council resolve that authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign all documents (other than any document which must be signed under common seal) in connection with this matter


(c)     Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under seal plans of subdivision, Section 88B instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement (if required) for creation of the easement.





1.   Deferred Commencement Consent (DA/824/2013) for the subject residential development has been granted by Council subject to (among other conditions), the creation of an easement over the subject Council public reserve for drainage purposes.  Condition 1 of DA/824/2013 states:


          “Submission to Council of appropriate documentary evidence that indicates the creation of a 1.5m wide drainage easement, over the downstream property at Lot 1768 in DP244156 (council reserve), to allow drainage of site stormwater including emergency overflow from the benefitted Lot, has been registered with the NSW Department of Lands. A copy of the registered documents shall be submitted to council as documentary evidence.”


2.   The subject property falls away from Charlotte Street, which prevents normal discharge of storm water to the street.  There is a Council storm water pipe running through the subject public reserve at the rear and a connection to Council’s storm water pipe is the only practical drainage solution for the subject property.  For reference, a site plan is at Attachment 1.






3.   The Council reserve is zoned Public Recreation RE1, W1 Natural Waterways and classified community land.  In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Section 46 (1) (a1), Council may consent to the drainage easement over community land subject to the drainage pipe being laid under the surface of the ground for connection to a facility of the council or other public utility provider.


4.   The proposed drainage easement is approximately 60.7 m long.  The total area required for the proposed drainage easement is approximately 91 square metres. 


5.   The Council’s external valuation consultants, BEM Property Consultants, have assessed compensation for granting the easement to be $7,000 (GST exclusive).  For reference, a summary of the valuation report is at Attachment 2. The owner has agreed to the compensation payment as recommended in the valuation report.


6.   In addition, the owner has also agreed to reimburse Council’s costs including survey, legal and valuation fees in granting the easement.


7.   Following approval of the Council to the proposed drainage easement, the applicant will be required to enter into an agreement with the Council to formalize the creation of the proposed drainage easement.  For reference, a draft agreement is in Attachment 3.




8.   The Council’s Catchment Management Unit and Open Space & Natural Resources Unit have been consulted and have raised no objections.


9.   A public notification of the proposed drainage easement has been conducted in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.  No submissions or objections have been received. 




10. Council will receive compensation payment for granting the easement if the matter goes ahead.



Kwok Leung

Property Services Officer





Site plan

1 Page



Summary of valuation

2 Pages



Draft agreement for creation of drainage easement

12 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.8


ITEM NUMBER         7.8

SUBJECT                  Proposed Easement over Council land known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve (Lot V in DP 36698)

REFERENCE            DA/350/2013 - D03322559

REPORT OF              Property Services Officer         




This report recommends Council grant an easement for drainage over Council owned land known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve at 31A Alexander Street Dundas Valley in favour of the proposed residential duplex development at 34 Neptune Street Dundas Valley.





(a)     That Council resolve to create an easement for drainage over the Council owned land known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve being Lot V DP 36698 in favour of the property at 34 Neptune Street Dundas Valley being Lot 1820 DP 592895 on terms outlined in this report.


(b)     That Council resolve that authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign all documents (other than any document which must be signed under common seal) in connection with this matter


(c)     Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under seal plans of subdivision, Section 88B instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement (if required) for creation of the easement.





1.   Deferred Commencement Consent (DA/350/2013) for the residential development at 34 Neptune Street Dundas has been granted by Council and permits construction of private drainage works within Council public reserve known as Sir Thomas Mitchell Reserve Dundas Valley.  Condition 1 of DA/350/2013 states:


       “iv      Written advice must be received from Council’s City Services- Assets and Environment Section that the following requirements have been satisfied.


·    A full utility services search needs to be undertaken and the horizontal and vertical position of all services need to be placed on plan and on the longitudinal drainage section in order to confirm that the proposed stormwater system can be constructed without any obstructions. Council’s existing 1500mm diameter stormwater drainage pipe invert level and obvert level where the proposed 150mm diameter PVC pipe is connected is to be calculated based on the existing pits upstream and downstream of proposed connection. Details are to be submitted to Council’s City Services- Assets and Environment Section for approval to ensure the proposed pipe can be connected without blocking the natural pipe flow.


·    A longitudinal drainage section of the proposed drainage system and its connection to the existing pipe. The longitudinal drainage section should show:

·    Pipe chainages

·    Pipe invert levels

·    Pipe grades, pipe type, pipe flow

·    The minimum cover over the proposed pipe

·    Hydraulic grade line analysis results

·    Existing and finished surface levels

·    Plot of all service utilities including their size, level and clearance from the proposed stormwater drainage pipe.


       v.      The proposed 150mm stormwater pipe through Council’s public land will be privately owned. In future the maintenance of this proposed pipe needs to be maintained by the owner of 34 Neptune Street, Dundas Valley at no cost to Council.”


2.   The subject property falls away from Neptune Street, which prevents normal discharge of storm water to the street.  There is a Council storm water pipe running through the subject public reserve at the rear and a connection to Council’s storm water pipe is the only practical drainage solution for the subject property.  For reference, a site plan is at Attachment 1.





3.   The Council reserve is zoned Public Recreation RE1 and classified community land.  In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Section 46 (1) (a1), Council may consent to the drainage easement over community land subject to the drainage pipe being laid under the surface of the ground for connection to a facility of the Council or other public utility provider.


4.   The proposed drainage easement is approximately 15.50 m long.  The total area required for the proposed drainage easement is approximately 18.65 square metres. 


5.   Council’s external valuation consultants, BEM Property Consultants, have assessed compensation for granting the easement to be $3,600 (GST exclusive).  For reference, a summary of the valuation report is at Attachment 2. The Owner has agreed to the compensation payment as recommended in the valuation report.


6.   In addition, the Owner has also agreed to reimburse Council’s costs including survey, legal and valuation fees in granting the easement.


7.   Following approval of the Council to the proposed drainage easement, the Owner will be required to enter into an agreement with the Council to formalise the creation of the proposed drainage easement.  For reference, a draft agreement is in Attachment 3.




8.   The Council’s Catchment Management Unit and Open Space & Natural Resources Unit have been consulted and have raised no objections.


9.   A public notification of the proposed drainage easement has been conducted in accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993.  No submissions or objections have been received. 




10. Council will receive compensation payment for granting the easement if the matter goes ahead.





Kwok Leung

Property Services Officer







Site plan

1 Page



Summary of valuation

2 Pages



Draft agreement for creation of drainage easement

10 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 7.9


ITEM NUMBER         7.9

SUBJECT                  'Activate Parramatta' Retail License for vacant Council site 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2011/02313 - D03344723

REPORT OF              Manager Place Services       




For Council to consider a retail tenancy for 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta.





(a)     That Council approve the grant of an occupancy licence to:

a)     Mini Clones in respect of 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta on the terms described in confidential attachment ‘A’.

(b)     That the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to conduct negotiations in order to finalise the terms and conditions of legally binding documents for the occupancies of the premises known as 28B Darcy Street Parramatta described in the confidential attachment.


(c)     Further, that the common seal of Council be affixed to a fit out deed or licence agreement or both (as the case requires) for the premises known as 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta respectively on the terms described in the confidential attachment, in the presence of the Lord Mayor and the Chief Executive Officer or otherwise in accordance with clause 400 of the Local Government (General) Regulation.






1.      The ‘Activate Parramatta’ initiative was launched in November 2013 as an opportunity for businesses to present ideas and concepts to activate Council’s public or commercial spaces day and evening.


2.      The project is a delivery vehicle for goals of the Public Domain Activation Committee, which is chaired by the Lord Mayor and consists of nominated Councillor representatives over-seeing a range of public domain initiatives across Centenary Square, the Parramatta River and Parramatta Square. The Committee is advised by Professor Ed Blakely.


3.      The ‘Activate Parramatta’ initiative is an Expressions of Interest process which is coordinated by a cross-functional Council team comprised of officers from Place Services, Economic Development, Procurement and Risk, Asset Strategy & Property Management, City Animation, and Marketing and City Identity. An independent expert from the University of Western Sydney is also involved in the assessment process.


4.      Activate Parramatta supports new, emerging and existing enterprises seeking to locate to Parramatta.


5.      The key objectives of the initiative are to:


•   Engage, grow, develop and support entrepreneurial ideas in the CBD.

•   Activate the public domain and vacant commercial and retail spaces in the CBD.

•   Support and assist businesses that have innovative ideas that promote activation and demonstrate market potential and a sound business model.

•   Encourage new and emerging enterprises to grow and enhance Parramatta’s reputation as a creative city.


Assessment of the ‘Activate Parramatta’ Application


6.      Council accepted ‘Activate Parramatta’ applications from Monday 11 November 2013 and continues to assess applications on the first Monday of each month.


7.      With the endorsement of Public Domain Application Committee, an application regarding a proposed retail tenancy at a Council owned vacant shopfront on Darcy Street has been subject to further negotiations between Council and the applicant, a 3D printing business trading as ‘Mini Clones’.


8.      Negotiations have proceeded to initial draft terms for a licence agreement which are outlined for Council’s consideration in confidential attachment ‘A’.


9.      The business would be the second 3D printing supplier to enter the Darcy Street precinct, following on from ‘3D Printing Studios’ earlier in 2014 (also via the ‘Activate Parramatta’ initiative).


10.    ‘Mini-Clones’ pursues a business model focusing on producing miniature ‘cloned’ images of people for use in various applications. The nearby ‘3D Printing Studios’ pursues a business model of broad-based retail 3D printing services ranging from technical components, to architectural models, to novelty items.


11.    Officers have assessed this application as being in alignment with the goals of ‘Activate Parramatta’. It delivers a high-quality fit-out and demonstrates an emphasis on the type of business Council expects to attract to existing Council shopfronts and commercial sites adjacent to Centenary Square and, ultimately, the new Parramatta Square.



Bruce Mills

Manager Place Services





'Activate Parramatta' Retail License for vacant Council site 28B Darcy Street, Parramatta Draft

1 Page





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                   Item 7.10


ITEM NUMBER         7.10

SUBJECT                  Renewal of a service level agreement with the State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) for the processing of penalty notices.

REFERENCE            F2004/09506 - D03348510

REPORT OF              Director Strategic Outcomes and Development         


Note: This report was deferred from the Council Meeting on 22 September 2014 in conjunction with a memorandum from Director Strategic Outcomes and Development dated 18 September 2014. As the memorandum contained a revised recommendation this report has been amended to reflect the revised recommendation.




The purpose of this report is to:


a)      Outline for Council available options in relation to the renewal of a service level agreement with the State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO) for the processing of penalty notices.


b)      Make recommendations to Council regarding the renewal of the service level agreement.


c)      Outline implications for the operation of Council’s Adjudication Panel resulting from renewal of the service level agreement.




(a)  That Council acknowledge and commend changes by the SRDO in relation to the circumstances taken into consideration for review of parking offences as part of the SDRO Review Guidelines.

(b)  That Council enter into the Premium Service Level Agreement with the SDRO subject to the provision of a monthly report on the outcome of representations in relation to the review of penalty infringement notices.

(c)  That the Chief Executive Officer is authorised to finalise negotiations with the SDRO and sign a Service Level Agreement (on behalf of Council) subject to any minor amendments the Chief Executive Officer considers reasonably necessary.

(d)  That Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel be disbanded and that the community members of the panel be recognised for their contribution and thanked for their involvement.

(e)  That Council continue to provide an internal review procedure for appealing infringement notices comprising a technical review in accordance with SDRO and Attorney General Guidelines.

(f)  That a further report be presented to Council on the operation of the technical review process for consideration and endorsement.

(g)  That a formal review be undertaken of the services provided by the SDR under the agreement after nine months , and that this review be reported to the Council.

(h)  That Council write to the relevant minister and request that the reason for decision be included on the notification letter received from a request for review of a penalty notice.

(i)   Further, that Council’s Parking Enforcement Policy be amended to reflect the changes to the process for PIN reviews as outlined in the report, and that a communication strategy be developed to advise the community of these changes including publicising of the SDRO Review Guidelines and grounds for review.





Current Service Level Agreement

1          Council entered into a service level agreement with the SDRO on 11 November 2009 (the agreement) for the processing of penalty notices at the “Premium Level.”


2          The agreement is due for renewal by November 2014.  The SDRO has started a dialogue with Council staff regarding renewal of the agreement.  The SDRO has provided Council with proposed service level agreements for both “Premium Level” and “Basic Level” services.  The SDRO is willing to provide either the “Premium Level” or the “Basic Level” service under a suitable service level agreement. (ATTACHMENT 1)


3          The primary responsibilities of the SDRO under the SDRO agreement are:


·    The laying of information before the Local Court if a person has decided to challenge a penalty notice by way of legal proceedings.  Legal proceedings of this kind result involve the Local Court adjudicating upon the legitimacy of a penalty notice.  Where the penalty notice is parking related the SDRO will also engage Police Prosecutors to appear on behalf of Council for the first and subsequent listings at the Local Court (but not appeals on questions of law).


·    The provision of an adjudication service for internal review requests.  This service is made available by the SDRO to all Councils and NSW Government agencies.  The adjudication service is an administrative review process and the SDRO publishes guidelines that set out this processes undertaken in in order to ensure consistency across the State.

Fines Act 1996


4          The Fines Act 1996 confers on the SDRO capability to enforce penalty notices using methods such as civil sanction such as business restrictions with the RMS, Enforcement Orders and Community Service Orders.  Some of these methods may not be available to Council.


5          The current SDRO Agreement (clause 4.1 & 4.2) does not prevent Council undertaking internal reviews under the Fines Act 1996.  Council has taken the opportunity to establish the Adjudication Panel (comprised of Council staff and independent community members) and applications for leniency are referred to (and determined by) this panel.  This is in addition to the adjudication service provided by the SDRO.


Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel


6          When Council introduced the Adjudication Panel for Reviews the SDRO did not have a transparent process for review. However, following an examination by the Ombudsman’s Office, which included a review of Parramatta City Council’s Panel, the Ombudsman’s Office made a number of recommendations for how the SDRO should undertake these reviews. This lead to the development of the SDRO Review Guidelines (ATTACHMENT 4). This outlines the grounds that will be considered in the review of fines including faulty parking meters, leaving the vehicle to obtain change and medical emergencies. With the introduction of these Guidelines the SDRO have increased the number of cautions issued.

7          For the financial years 2011/12, 2012/13, and 2013/14 an average of 50,000 penalty notices were issued by Parramatta City Council.


8          In 2012/2013, 66% of all the reviews conducted by SDRO were issued with a caution compared to 49% for reviews conducted by Parramatta City Council.




Service Level Agreement Renewal


9          The SDRO has provided Council with proposed service level agreements for both “Premium Level” and “Basic Level” services and is willing to provide either the “Premium Level” or the “Basic Level” service under a suitable service level agreement.  There are material differences in the service level and fees applicable to these alternatives.  Those differences have operational and financial implications for Council.


10        Under the proposed “Premium Level” service arrangement the SDRO will:


·    Adjudicate on all requests for an internal review under the Fines Act 1996.


·    Act on behalf of Council to lay information at Court in all situations where a person decides to challenge a penalty notice by way of legal proceedings including arrangements for Police Prosecutors to seek leave to appear on behalf of Council.


·    Impose a lower fee than for the “Basic Level” service.


·    Clause 2.44 of the Premium Service Level Agreement restricts the ability of Council to use the Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel. To remain a Premium Service Level customer of the SDRO the Adjudication Panel would need to be disbanded. 


11        Under the proposed “Basic Level” service arrangement the SDRO will:


·    Refer all requests for internal review to Council so that Council can undertake the internal review under the Fines Act 1996.


·    Not act on behalf of Council in all situations where a person decides to challenge a penalty notice by way of legal proceedings resulting in Council having to administer these legal proceedings including the associate cost of conducting them.


·    Impose a higher fee than for the “Premium Level” service.


12        Selecting the “Basic Level” service arrangement, results in a significant increase in the volume of internal reviews for those situations when a person who receives a penalty notice asks for it to be reviewed.  In 2012/2013, SDRO reviewed 3,399 penalty notices in addition to the 2,759 reviews conducted by Council’s adjudication panel. There is corresponding financial implication for Council because increased workload will involve increased costs and relevant financial data appears later in this report.


Option 1 – Premium Level Service Arrangement


13        This option involves accepting the proposed “Premium Level” service agreement and to disband the Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel.


14        This option is not recommended. While the SDRO is the lead agency in NSW to undertake consistent internal reviews and have the systems to provide for appropriate controls on timing under the Fines Act 1996.  Council would have no role in reviewing fines, even in the case of an obvious error. They have specialist staff appropriately trained in the Internal Review Guidelines and have a history of working with agencies to ensure expectations are managed.


Option 2 – Basic Level Service Arrangement


15        This option involves accepting the proposed “Basic Level” service arrangement.  Option 2 will have financial implications beyond the fee payable to SDRO and relevant financial data appears later in this report.


16        This option is not recommended. There is a requirement to increase funding and initiate a review of Regulatory Services to ensure there is the capability to undertake the increased responsibilities. Council does not currently have the same expertise as the SDRO. 


Option 3 – Premium Level Service Arrangement with technical reviews


17        This option involves accepting the proposed “Premium Level” service agreement and to disband the Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel. However, Council would conduct technical reviews and referrals from the SDRO and reviews of any Court matters.


18        This option still allows some review by Council in exceptional circumstances and to prevent indefensible matters going to Court.




Parramatta City Council Adjudication Panel Costs


19        The current Adjudication Panel costs are based on undertaking approximately 2,500 reviews per year:


            Panel member fees (100 meetings @$100)      $10,000

Penalty Review Officer                                        $90,000

Manager’s time at panel meetings                     $17,500

            Total                                                                       $117,500


20        IPART’s review of Local Government Compliance and Enforcement estimated the cost of the Adjudication panel to be approximately $250,000 per year (direct and indirect costs).  With each matter heard by the adjudication panel estimated to cost $480.


Premium Level Service Arrangement


21        Under the “Premium Level” service arrangement Council is charged a processing fee by the SDRO for each penalty notice loaded onto the SDRO’s processing system in the amount of $17.50 for each penalty notice issued.  The formal agreement will deal with administrative matters such as frequency of payment and it is expected that a monthly payment arrangement will apply.


22        Based on current data, it is expected that this translates into approximately $875,000 p.a. assuming 50,000 penalty notices are issued.  This is the lower cost option if the Adjudication Panel is disbanded.


Basic Service Level Agreement


23        Under the “Basic Level” service arrangement Council is charged a processing fee by the SDRO for each penalty notice loaded onto the SDRO’s processing system in the amount of $19.50 for each penalty notice issued.  The formal agreement will deal with administrative matters such as frequency of payment and it is expected that a monthly payment arrangement will apply.


24        The cost of fees for processing 50,000 penalty notices would be $975,000 p.a.. This is the higher cost option with lower levels of service provided by the SDRO.  Additional costs to be incurred under this option include:


Court Costs

Laying of information at Local Court $85 per notice (3 year average would be @119 per year)


Advocacy Costs Hourly Rate x 119 + Preparation costs average $400 per case





Staff and Associated Panel Costs


·    Increase in staff liaison with the SDRO to provide constant update on matters as required.


·    Increase in costs associated with the Adjudication Panel such as staffing, external payments to community members (estimated as quantification depends on alleged offender exercising options)


Penalty Review Officer 



Penalty Review Assistant



Panel Member Fees (200 meetings @ $100)



Administrative Officer



Managerial time at Panels est.      



Increased Court cost cannot be determined with certainty and may be higher than estimated


Increase of costs within the Council Call Centre (approximately 296 Hours p.a. SDRO received 11,870 phone calls over 2 years, hours calculated at 3 minute average handle time)



Upgrading of systems to cater for a full adjudication service to comply with the Fines Act time frames and volume of reviews



Increased processing fee from premium service $17.50 to basic service $19.50 for 50,000 tickets per year








Premium Level Service Arrangement with Council conducting technical reviews (Option 3)


25        Under the “Premium Level” service arrangement Council is charged a processing fee by the SDRO for each penalty notice loaded onto the SDRO’s processing system in the amount of $17.50 for each penalty notice issued.  The formal agreement will deal with administrative matters such as frequency of payment and it is expected that a monthly payment arrangement will apply.


26        Based on current data, it is expected that this translates into approximately $875,000 p.a. assuming 50,000 penalty notices are issued.


27        Council currently provides resources and funding to operate and adjudication panel to conduct reviews.  Council existing resources can be utilised to operate technical reviews.


28        There will be no additional impacts to Council’s current operating costs using this option.


29        Option 3 allows Council to continue with the premium service being provided by the SDRO and to continue technical review, however all other reviews would be referred to SDRO for consideration in accordance with the agreement.




30        No community consultation is required in connection with the renewal of the SDRO service arrangements.



Sue Weatherley

Director Strategic Outcomes and Development






Letter from State Debt Recovery Office

2 Pages



Proposed Premium Service Level Agreement

22 Pages



Proposed Basic Service Level Agreement

19 Pages



SDRO Review Guidelines

24 Pages






Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014



Environment and Infrastructure


27 October 2014


8.1              Escarpment Boardwalk between Charles Street Weir and Rangihou Reserve Parramatta............................................................................................................................ 37


8.2              Sydney Trains - Request for time extension at Station Street West and expansion of licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta for completion of Harris Street rectification and safety works........................................................................ 41


8.3              Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 October 2014     43


8.4              Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 October 2014   47


8.5              Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Committee............................... 50


8.6              Adoption of a Floodplain Risk Management Policy.................................. 51

Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                  Escarpment Boardwalk between Charles Street Weir and Rangihou Reserve Parramatta

REFERENCE            F2014/00256 - D03320241

REPORT OF              Property Services Officer         




The report seeks to obtain authority for Council officers to enter into negotiations with both the Department of School Education being the owner of Macarthur Girls High School at 9 Thomas Street Parramatta and the Owners Corporation of 3 Stewart Street Parramatta for the purpose of seeking suitable tenure over part of their land for development of a shared path along the Parramatta River foreshore. 


The report also recommends Council to accept the terms and enter into licence agreements with Roads and Maritime Services to occupy river foreshore land under their jurisdiction for construction of boardwalk structure and future public access.






(a)     That Council authorise Council officers to enter into negotiations with both the Department of School Education being the owner of Macarthur Girls High School at 9 Thomas Street Parramatta and the Owners Corporation of 3 Stewart Street Parramatta to seek suitable tenure over part of their land as indicated generally on the plans at Attachments 2 and 3 for development of a shared path along the Parramatta River foreshore. 


(b)     Further, that Council resolve that authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign licence agreements with the Roads and Maritime Services to occupy river foreshore land under their jurisdiction for construction of boardwalk structure and future public access.





1.   Council, at its meeting of 10 February 2014, resolved in part that:

       (a) That all deeds, contracts and other instruments:

i.        relating to the compulsory acquisition, purchase, sale, exchange or surrender of land; and

ii.       relating to the development of land that is within the jurisdiction of the Major Projects Advisory Committee (MPAC); must be signed by Council under Common Seal…..

       (b) ………..

       (c) Further, that the Chief Executive Officer prepare a draft policy and internal procedures for the consideration of the Council that will ensure high quality governance standards for negotiations, preparation and finalisation of contracts and agreement for all contracts and agreements regarding property sale and purchase matters and all contracts relating to matters within the jurisdiction of MPAC, and that this policy and procedures document should include but not be limited to:


1)  Authorisation to commence negotiations and approval by Council to the general terms of the negotiations;


2.   Pending completion of the Procedure referred to in item (c) above, the authority of Council is sought for Council officers to enter into negotiations with the Department of School Education for the Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta and 3 Stewart Street Parramatta to seek suitable tenure over land for development of a shared path along the Parramatta River foreshore.


3.   As background, the Parramatta Valley Cycleway has been in the planning and construction phase for the past 24 years since it was promoted by the then Roads & Traffic Authority as a “Sydney premier cycleway along the historic Parramatta River.”


4.   The majority of the cycleway route has been completed, with a few missing links remaining including the subject section shown on the plan at Attachment 1.  The current project known as the Parramatta Escarpment Boardwalk project is to complete this missing links along the northern Parramatta River foreshore.  This project on completion will provide a continuous east-west shared path between the University of Western Sydney Rydalmere campus and Parramatta City Centre.


5.   Development application DA/301/2014 for the Parramatta Escarpment Boardwalk project has been submitted.  The application will be determined by the Sydney West Joint Regional Planning Panel (October 2014). 




6.   The proposed shared path will connect the existing path at CBD Foreshore Reserve North at 19 Charles Street Parramatta going eastward over proposed suspended concrete boardwalk along the river escarpment on the north side of Parramatta River to the existing path at Rangihou Reserve at 2B Rangihou Crescent Parramatta.


7.   As shown on the plan at Attachment 2, part the proposed shared path goes over the river foreshore land of the Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta.  A new stair on the land of the school connecting the shared path and Macarthur Street is also proposed.  Accordingly authority of the Council is requested for Council officers to enter into negotiations with the Department of School Education to acquire the affected land or obtain an easement for the proposed shared path development.   


8.   The proposed shared path requires substantial excavation of the Parramatta River escarpment directly below 3 Stewart Street Parramatta.  This property, which sits above the River, has a ten metres height difference between the south western corner of the property (shown coloured red on the plan at Attachment 3) and the proposed shared path to be built below.  This south western corner of the property is outside the boundary fence of the property, in its natural state and not used. 


9.   Engineering investigations have revealed that this south western corner of the property has the potential to become destabilised by the necessary excavation works for construction of the shared path below.   Accordingly authority of the Council is requested for Council officers to enter into negotiations with the Owners Corporation of 3 Stewart Street Parramatta to acquire the affected land or obtain an easement for Council to carry out engineering works there to ensure stability of the land overlooking the proposed shared path.     



10. For that part of shared path along the river foreshore requiring construction south of the mean high water mark shown on the licence plan at Attachment 4, the Roads and Maritime Services have offered licences on terms at Attachment 4 for construction and future public access to the river foreshore land under their jurisdiction.  Acceptance of these terms is recommended.  In due course, the Roads and Maritime Services will issue licences including Construction Licence, Agreement to Licence and Licence To Use for signing by the affected parties.




11. Council’s Open Space & Natural Resources Unit is supportive of the proposed shared path development.


12. Further reports will be submitted to Council for approval when negotiations with Department of School Education and the Owners Corporation of 3 Stewart Street Parramatta on terms of the land tenure are finalised. 




13. The Department of Education has indicated that it would not seek compensation for whatever form of tenure was required and negotiated for the project.


14. There will be a cost to acquire the affected land or obtain an easement at 3 Stewart Street Parramatta.


15. The construction of the facility is expected to be fully funded by the Roads and Maritime Services.  Once constructed, Council funds will need to be allocated from an operational budget to maintain the facility.  A detailed estimate of the cost of maintaining the structure will be developed once the shared path and boardwalk have been fully designed.  It is expected that these costs would be of the same scale as similar assets that the Council maintains. 




Kwok Leung

Property Services Officer


Robert Mueck

Project Manager Capital Works







Site plan and air photo for the proposed shared path

2 Pages



Plan showing works affecting land of Macarthur Girls High School

1 Page



Plan showing works affecting land of 3 Stewart Street Parramatta

1 Page



Terms of licence offered by Roads and Maritime Services

5 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                  Sydney Trains - Request for time extension at Station Street West and expansion of licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta for completion of Harris Street rectification and safety works

REFERENCE            F2013/01821 - D03323382

REPORT OF              Property Services Officer         




The report recommends Council approves the request by Sydney Trains for an extension of time for site access at Station Street West Parramatta and the expansion of the licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta in order to facilitate the completion of the Harris Park Station rectification and safety works.





(a)     That Council agrees to Sydney Trains request to extend their site access occupation at Station Street West Parramatta and expand the licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta on the terms outlined in this report.


(b)     Further, that Council resolve that authority is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to sign licence agreements to allow access to these sites including a time extension of site access.






1.   Council at its meeting of 26 May 2014 resolved to allow Sydney Trains site access at Station Street West Parramatta to carry out safety works to reconstruct the retaining walls at Harris Park Railway Station for a period from 30 May 2014 to 30 September 2015.  At the same meeting, Council approved Sydney Trains to occupy Council land at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta as a work site for a period from 30 May 2014 to 30 August 2014.


2.   For reference, a copy of the Council report and resolution of 26 May 2014 is at Attachment 1.




3.   Sydney Trains have commenced their safety works at Station Street West Parramatta and have advised that these works will take longer to complete than originally anticipated.


4.   Sydney Trains had made a request to Council (see Attachment 2) to permit an extension of time until 31 December 2015 for access to Station Street West Parramatta.  Additionally, Sydney Trains have requested that Council allow for an expansion of the licensed area at 38-40 Marion Street Parramatta in order to complete the required rectification and safety works.



5.   A licence agreement for site access at Station Street West Parramatta for a period up to 30 September 2015 has been signed by both parties.  Sydney Trains have requested that should their request for a time extension be approved, that it be dealt with via a deed of variation.


6.   For the work site at Marion Street, Sydney Trains wish to have full use of the vacant Council land at 38-40 Marion Street shown yellow on the Sydney Trains plan at Attachment 3.  The vacant Council land is not being used by the public for car parking and has no improvements. 


7.   Regarding the proposed expansion of the licensed area at Marion Street, Sydney Trains have agreed to a notice of not less than 60 days for early termination if Council requires possession of the site for sale any time before expiry of the licence.  Sydney Trains have also agreed to a 4% annual increase of site fee from 1 June 2015.


8.   Should Council agree to the expansion of the licensed area, the fee payable by Sydney Trains will be adjusted to include the extra area.




9.   The Council’s Civil Infrastructure Unit, Traffic & Transport Unit and the Property Development Group have been consulted and have no objections to the proposed time extension to 31 December 2015.




10. Sydney Trains is paying Council a site fee at $30/m2 pa (GST exclusive) for using the Council land at Marion Street for a work site.  The fee will be subject to annual increase of 4% pa if the request of Sydney Trains for time extension of site use to 31 December 2015 is approved.




Kwok Leung

Property Services Officer






Copy of Council report and resolution of 26 May 2014

7 Pages



Request from Sydney Trains

2 Pages



Proposed licence plan of Sydney Trains for work site at Marion Strret

1 Page





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.3


ITEM NUMBER         8.3

SUBJECT                  Minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 October 2014

REFERENCE            F2014/00136 - D03338477

REPORT OF              Traffic & Transport Support Officer.Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 October 2014. The recommendations from the meeting are provided below:


1410 A1 – Clyde Street, Granville – Proposed Concrete Median Island.


That the matter be deferred and a report be referred back to the Parramatta Traffic Committee after modifications to the signal plan have been made and approval from RMS has been obtained by the developer.


Unanimous Support.



1410 A2 – South Street, Rydalmere – Proposed installation of a Pedestrian Refuge Island.


That a Pedestrian Refuge Island be installed in South Street, immediately east of Primrose Avenue, Rydalmere as shown in the plan attached to this report subject to the following changes:

-       Kerb ramps to be realigned to face perpendicular to the line of traffic

-       R5 400 (instead of R5-35) signs are to be installed in accordance with RMS technical directions TDT 2011/01a

-       The ‘No Stopping L’ signpost on the north side of South Street west of Primrose Avenue is to be located immediately west of the driveway for 97 South Street.  A supplementary ‘No Stopping L/R’ signpost is also to be installed 10m west of Primrose Avenue.

-       The length of ‘No Stopping’ restriction on the south side of South Street west of Primrose Avenue is to be 20m measured from the gap of the refuge island as referred in Figure 3 of TDT 2011/01a


Unanimous Support.



1410 A3 – Prospect Street, Rosehill – Proposed Speed Cushions.


That Speed Cushions be installed in Prospect Street, Rosehill, near Arthur Street as shown in the plan attached to this report.


Unanimous Support.





1410 A4 – Model Farms Road, Winston Hills – Speed Cushions.


That speed and noise measurements for the existing speed cushion be undertaken and the results be reported back to the next available Traffic Engineering Advisory Group and Council.


Unanimous Support.


1410 A5 – Caroline Chisholm Drive, Winston Hills – Proposed installation of a Pedestrian Refuge Island.


That a Pedestrian Refuge Island be installed in Caroline Chisholm Drive west of Bellotti Avenue, Winston Hills (outside House Nos. 3-5 Caroline Chisholm Drive) as shown in the plan attached to this report.


Unanimous Support.


1410 A6 – Clyde Street, Granville and South Granville – Changes to line marking and removal of concrete Median Island.


1.          That the current line marking in Clyde Street, between First Street and Sixth Street be replaced with standard double unbroken centre line and edge line marking (providing a 3.0m travel lane and 3.4m kerb side lane). 


2.          That the concrete median island in Clyde Street immediately north of Sixth Street be removed


3.          That the current line marking in Clyde Street, between Boronia Street and Byrnes Street be replaced with standard double unbroken centre line and edge line marking (providing a 3.0m travel lane and 3.4m kerb side lane). 


4.          That the concrete median island in Clyde Street immediately south of Nobbs Street be removed


Unanimous Support.



1410 A7 – Grand Avenue, Rosehill/Camellia – Alteration of existing Traffic Facility.


That the proposed concrete islands and pavement markings, and realignment of concrete median islands at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Colquhoun Street, Rosehill/Camellia as shown in the plan attached to the report be approved.


Unanimous Support.



1410 A8 – Dellwood Street, South Granville – Extension of Median Island outside William Lamb Park.


That the existing median islands in Dellwood Street, South Granville (outside William lamb Park) be connected.  


Unanimous Support


1410 A9 – Church Street, Parramatta – Proposed Foundation Festival from 2 November 2014.


1.          That the proposed Foundation Festival scheduled to be held on Sunday 2 November 2014 be classified as a Class 2 Event in accordance to the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management, Part 9 – Traffic Operations (Table 6.4 – Special Event Planning Matrix) and Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events.


2.          That the use of local roads within the Parramatta CBD for the Foundation Festival is supported in principle subject to compliance with the attached traffic related conditions as required by Council including the submission of a completed Special Event Transport Management Plan template with supporting documents to Council and RMS.


Unanimous Support.


Business Item:


1410 A10 – Smith Street, Parramatta – Proposed removal of Traffic Island.


That the removal of the existing concrete blister island located on the west side of Smith Street south of Civic Lane, Parramatta (outside Sydney Water Building) be approved.


Unanimous Support.





That the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 9 October 2014 be adopted.




Richard Searle

Service Manager – Traffic and Transport






Parramatta Traffic Committee Minutes of meeting held on 9 October 2014

8 Pages



Parramatta Traffic Committee Item reports for meeting held on 9 October 2014

81 Pages






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.4


ITEM NUMBER         8.4

SUBJECT                  Minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 October 2014

REFERENCE            F2014/00135 - D03338640

REPORT OF              Traffic & Transport Support Officer.Traffic and Transport       




That Council give consideration to the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 October 2014. The recommendations from the meeting are provided below:


1410 B1 – Macquarie Street and Church Street, Parramatta – Proposed Road Closure for Sydney Festival Parramatta Opening Party.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B2 – O’Connell Street, Parramatta – Proposed Road Closure for Sydney Festival Jailhouse Rock Concert at Parramatta Correctional Centre.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B3 – Macquarie Street, Parramatta – Proposed Road Closure for Parramatta Mission Pancake Race.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B4 – Intersection of George Street and O’Connell Street, Parramatta – Recently completed footpath widening, new footpath and new pedestrian phase.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B5 – Proposed Pedestrian Projects – Harris Street and Macarthur Street, Harris Park, Parramatta and North Parramatta.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support


1410 B6 – Traffic Projects for 2014/2015


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support



1410 B7 – Intersection of High Street and Junction Street, Granville – Proposed ‘No Right Turn’ restriction during peak periods.


1.         That Council raise no objection to the proposed ‘No Right Turn 7am-10am and 3pm-7pm, Mon-Fri’ restriction in High Street at Junction Street, Granville. (within Holroyd LGA).

2.          That Council raise no objection to the proposed installation of ‘No Right Turn’    at Junction Street advance warning signs on all approaches to the intersection of High Street with Raymond Street, Granville (within Holroyd LGA).


1410 B8 – 40 Eleanor Street, Rosehill – BAPS Temple


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B9 – Outstanding Work Instructions


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B10 – Outstanding correspondence and reports from previous PTC Items and TEAG Items.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



1410 B11 – Projects Lists


That the Project Lists be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.



Business Items:


1410 B12 – O’Connell Street (Southbound), Parramatta – Request for a Bus Stop for free shuttle service during Wanderers Game at Parramatta Stadium.



That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.


1410 B13 – Alfred Street at River Road West, Parramatta – Request for Traffic Signals.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.


1410 B14 – Pitt Street at Pitt Lane, Parramatta – Request for a ‘No Right Turn’

Restriction for southbound traffic.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.


1410 B15 – Various Streets in Parramatta – Wanderers March on 25 October 2014.


That the information be received and noted.


Unanimous Support.







That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 9 October 2014 be adopted.




Richard Searle

Service Manager – Traffic and Transport





Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Minutes of meeting held on 9 October 2014

9 Pages



Traffic Engineering Advisory Group Item reports for meeting held on 9 October 2014

36 Pages






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.5


ITEM NUMBER         8.5

SUBJECT                  Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Committee

REFERENCE            F2013/02228 - D03328886

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer - Environmental Outcomes       




To inform Council of the Minutes of the second Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Committee meeting, held on the 1st July 2014




That Council receives and notes the minutes of the 1st July 2014 Parramatta Floodplain Risk Management Committee meeting





1.   Parramatta City Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee meets three to four times per year.


2.   Formation of this Committee, its membership and terms of reference were approved at the 9th December 2013 Council meeting.


3.   The Committee provides strategic advice to Council on any issues related to flooding and its management across the LGA.





4.   The Committee meeting discussed

a.   Flooding risks along the CBD Foreshore

b.   Draft Flood Policy for the LGA

c.   Current plans for flood modelling in the Parramatta River Catchment

d.   Progress on flood risk management in the Duck River Catchment

e.   Role of the Greater Sydney Local Land Service in flood management



Paul Hackney

Senior Project Officer, Environmental Outcomes






Minutes of the 1st July meeting of the Committee    

5 Pages





Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 8.6


ITEM NUMBER         8.6

SUBJECT                  Adoption of a Floodplain Risk Management Policy

REFERENCE            F2012/01804 - D03344749

REPORT OF              Senior Project Officer - Environmental Outcomes       




To seek Council’s adoption of a revised Floodplain Risk Management Policy





a)      That Council adopts the revised Floodplain Risk Management Policy


b)      That this revised Policy be used as the basis for development of new Development Control Plan (DCP) provisions in relation to reducing the risks of flooding


c)      Further that until the new DCP provisions have been publically exhibited and adopted by Council the flood development controls in the current Floodplain Risk Management Policy should remain in force





1.      Flooding is a major consideration / constraint for development in the Parramatta LGA, with 24 named Creeks or Rivers criss-crossing the LGA.


2.      Many of the key areas for future development in the LGA are flood affected, including

a.   Parramatta CBD

b.   Westmead Biomedical Precinct

c.   Camellia

d.   Rydalmere

e.   Parramatta North


3.      Flooding will also occur at many other locations within the LGA, away from Creeks and Rivers, as local stormwater management systems are overloaded during very heavy rainfall (“overland flow flooding”). 


4.      Council has an existing Flood Policy “Local Floodplain Risk Management Policy, which guides Council when managing the risks of flooding (see Appendix 1).  This Policy was adopted in 2006.


5.      This existing Policy includes two main components

a.   A strategy component describing flooding issues, flood risk management strategy, and defining flood terms

b.   A development controls component detailing development controls to manage the risks of flooding. 








6.         A review of the existing Policy has identified multiple opportunities for improvements to the Policy that will help improve floodplain risk management in the LGA and simplify the flood assessment process for applicants.


7.         A key recommendation of the review was that the flooding strategy component, and the development control components of the existing Policy should be separated.  This would create a standalone Floodplain Risk Management (Strategy) Policy, and put the flood related development controls into Council’s Development Control Plan (DCP), in the same location as all other development controls.


8.         Therefore, a new draft Flood Policy (Appendix 2) has been written, focussing on strategic flooding issues, with this draft Policy being the subject of this report.


9.         If this new Flood Policy were adopted by Council then suitable DCP provisions will be developed which reflect the intent and contents of the new Policy.


10.      During the development of these new flood related DCP provisions, the existing Policy's flood development management provisions should continue to be used.


11.      The primary objective of the new Flood Policy is to:


“Reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on individual owners and occupiers of flood prone property, and reduce private and public losses resulting from floods


12.      Some of the outcomes of the new Policy would be:


a.         Preparation of new development controls that balance managing flood risk with the need to facilitate property development.

b.         Establishing new processes to speed up DA applications.

c.         Establishing a rolling program of reviews of floodplain risk management studies and plans.

d.         Considering overland flow flooding when developing flood management plans.

e.         Permitting most new developments in High Hazard Zones (areas where flood waters travel fast enough to damage buildings), as long as the new development reduces community flood risks by incorporating significant risk mitigation measures.













Policy Component

Existing Policy

New Policy


Are there development controls?



Development controls will be moved from the Policy into the DCP. This will simplify the process of managing DA’s.

Development allowed in High Hazard Flood Zone*



Development permitted if it can be shown that the new development is safer than what is already there.  Significant risk mitigation measures will be necessary to allow development in these zones.  These could include flood warning systems, flood resistant buildings and evacuation plans**.

Consider overland flow flooding as well as mainstream flooding



SES and State Government recommend we consider both overland and mainstream flooding, currently 35 Sydney Councils consider both.  It will also assist with remedial works for flooding. However, it will increase the number of properties subject to planning controls, including many which are well away from Creeks or Rivers.


* = These Zones are areas where flood waters are moving so fast and/or are so deep, that people, homes, cars are in significant danger

** = Development still not permitted for any high risk facilities such as hospitals, child care, seniors facilities




13.    The draft Flood Policy was placed on public exhibition from 16th October 2013 to 22nd November 2013.


14.    No comments were received from members of the public, although comments were received from:-

a.   Office of Environment and Heritage

b.   Molino Stewart – Flood Risk Consultancy

c.   Department of Planning

d.   Bewsher – Flood Risk Consultancy

e.   Sydney Water


15.    Minor amendments were made to the draft Flood Policy based on these comments.


16.    A community meeting was also held during the public exhibition period, on 6th November 2013.  One member of the public attended, but that person had no comments on the draft Flood Policy.  Councillors were also invited to attend this meeting.


17.    Further action on adoption of the draft Flood Policy was put on hold until a Parramatta Council Floodplain Risk Management Committee could be formed.  The first meeting of this Committee, (which includes Councillors, community, business, and State Government representatives) was on 1st April 2014 and the second meeting was held on 1st July 2014.  The Committee considered the draft Flood Policy on both occasions.


18.    There was a consensus in the Committee that

a.   Overland flow flood modelling should be carried out in the LGA

b.   Redevelopment in high hazard flood zones should be permitted, subject to a merit based assessment of risk





19.      Modelling overland flow flooding in addition to mainstream flood modelling will increase the cost of flood modelling at Council by $80 to $100K per year.  However, it is anticipated that this increased cost will partially mitigated by State Government Grants.


Paul Hackney

Senior Project Officer – Environmental Outcomes




Existing Flood Risk Policy

23 Pages



Draft new Flood Risk Policy

4 Pages






Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014



Community and Neighbourhood


27 October 2014


9.1              Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meetings 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014......................................................................................... 56


9.2              Suburb Boundary Minor Adjustment for 28 Felton Street and 8A Gibbons Street Telopea/Oatlands............................................................................................. 59


9.3              Riverside Advisory Board Meeting held 9 October 2014.......................... 61

Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meetings 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014

REFERENCE            F2014/01121 - D03333082

REPORT OF              Community Capacity Building Officer       




The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014. This report provides a précis of the decisions made at these meetings. An Expression of Interest for membership to the Committee was also received and this report includes information and a recommendation relating to this application.





(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014 be received and noted.


(c)       Further, that Council approves the Expression of Interest for membership of the Committee from Christine Nobilia.





1.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meet monthly and comprises 17 members.

2.      Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee met on 26 August 2014 and 23 September 2014. This report provides a summary of the decisions made at these meetings.



At its meeting of 26 August 2014, the Committee were provided with an update on the Parramatta North Development by staff from UrbanGrowth NSW, Elton Consulting, Comber Consultants and TKD Architects. The information provided included funding plans for the project, urban design principles, approaches to Heritage Conservation, the Framework Master Plan, the timeline and the investigation of Aboriginal and European social values and interpretive works. Committee members were also invited to a site visit on 3 September 2014 by Jillian Comber to view items of significance in the Park.   



At its meeting of 23 September 2014, the Committee discussed the Cultural Heritage Study Review as requested by Mary Dallas Consultants who have been engaged by Council to review and update the Study. Committee members provided feedback including confirmation of advice previously provided by members of the Darug Reference Panel.



Council’s Aboriginal  and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee provides advice, input and feedback to Council on issues that fall within the parameters of its authority and relate to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities within the Parramatta Local Government Area. The Committee has an advisory role only and does not have any decision making delegations from Council.  It may make a recommendation for action which is referred to Council for decision.


6.      Council determined the Terms of Reference of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committees at its meeting of 22 June 2009 and these include the following principles:


a)      Expressions of Interest for membership of Council’s Advisory Committees can be submitted to the Council Officers convening each Committee at any time during Council’s Term.


b)      The Core Terms of Reference do not set limits on the number of members that an Advisory Committee can have.


c)      Criteria for membership is that people must meet at least one of the following criteria: live, work or study in the Parramatta LGA; be a member of the Darug people; be an individual or representative of a local community organisation with a demonstrated commitment to, sensitivity to and understanding of issues relating to the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 


7.           Membership of all Council’s Advisory Committees was vacated before the Local Government Election in September 2012 and Expressions of Interest for membership for the new Advisory Committees were called for following the election. Eleven Expressions of Interest were received for membership of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Advisory Committee. Council approved these at its meeting of 22 October 2012.


8.           Expressions of Interest for any of Council’s Advisory Committees may also be submitted to Council at any other time. Once received, these are assessed by a staff panel to ensure the applicant meets the membership criteria, as required by the procedure set down in the Terms of Reference. Since approving eleven Expressions of Interest at its meeting of 22 October 2012, Council has received and approved a further eleven Expressions of Interest.  It is also noted that five Committee members have resigned their membership in this time period or requested extended leave due to personal reasons.      


9.           An Expression of Interest for membership of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee was received on 9 September 2014 from Christine Nobilia. Ms. Nobilia is a Darug woman whose ancestors belonged to the Burramattagal Clan of the Darug Nation. Ms. Nobilia has also previously been a member of Council’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.


  It is recommended that Council accept Christine Nobilia as a member of its    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee.





10.       There are no financial implications to Council.


Maggie Kyle

Community Capacity Building Officer





Minutes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee 26 August 2014

4 Pages



Minutes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee 23 September 2014

5 Pages






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 9.2


ITEM NUMBER         9.2

SUBJECT                  Suburb Boundary Minor Adjustment for 28 Felton Street and 8A Gibbons Street Telopea/Oatlands

REFERENCE            P2010/03186 - D03341386

REPORT OF              Service Manager Civil Infrastructure       




To obtain Council approval for a submission to the Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB) requesting minor suburb boundary alignment for the above properties.





(a)       That Council formally requests that the GNB amend the suburb boundary to include 28 Felton Street and 8A Gibbons Street in the suburb of Oatlands, in accordance with Attachment 1.


(c)       Further, that Council formally change the property address of 28 Felton Street to 8B Gibbons Street and 33 Felton Street to 8C Gibbons Street in accordance with previous written correspondence given by Council’s Property Officer in 2010.




1.      On the 19 June 2014, Council received a service request (SR122349) from Councillor James Shaw on behalf of Mr Roy Agostino of mailing address 8B Gibbons Street Oatlands. Mr Agostino’s corner property currently exists in Council’s rates database and s149 certificate as 28 Felton Street Telopea, as this was the property’s original address prior to the 2010 subdivision of the property into two lots with two new dwellings.



2.      In 2010, the owners of the subdivided property requested that the address of their properties be changed to 8A and 8B Gibbons Street Oatlands. In correspondence from Council’s Property Officer dated 2 August and 20 December 2010 respectively, the owners were advised that the request for amended house numbers and suburbs had been approved and that the new house numbers should be displayed clearly. The owner at 33 Felton Street, was also advised of their change of address to 8C Gibbons Street Oatlands in order to avoid further confusion. As a result, the respective owners notified all utilities, relatives and friends of the change of property address/suburb. However, the official suburb boundary defined by the Geographical Names Board (GNB) had not been changed to reflect this advice.

3.      Councillor Shaw and staff representatives met with Mr Agostino at his home on Thursday 14 August 2014 to witness the past correspondence and to listen to his concerns and confusion over this address anomaly.

4.      It is proposed to address this anomaly to reduce the confusion that has been created since the subdivision of the property to two lots in 2010. The locations are now in a different suburb compared to the remainder of the street. Attachment 1 to this report shows the proposed minor suburb boundary re-alignment to be submitted to the GNB for consideration. The current gazetted suburb boundary is shown in Attachment 2.


5.      As there are no implications for rating there will be no gain or loss of rate income to Council. There may be minor costs incurred, such as gazettal notification, in formalising the changes to the boundary.



Andy Ling

Service Manager Civil Infrastructure





Proposed Changes to Suburb Boundaries

1 Page



Gazetted Suburb Boundaries

1 Page






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                     Item 9.3


ITEM NUMBER         9.3

SUBJECT                  Riverside Advisory Board Meeting held 9 October 2014

REFERENCE            F2007/00388 - D03345889

REPORT OF              Director City Services         




This report provides information on the most recent meeting of the Riverside Theatres Advisory Board which was held on 9 October 2014.





a)    That Council receives and notes the draft minutes of the Riverside Theatres Advisory Board meetings held on 9 October 2014.


b)   That Council seeks a commitment from Arts NSW to partner in the development of a resident performance company at Riverside Theatres.


c)    Further, that Council contributes up to $450,000 per annum to complement funding from Arts NSW to establish and operate the resident performance company.






1.    On the 12 December 2013, Council resolved to appoint the Sixth Riverside Theatres Advisory Board.  Ten community members were appointed to join the Board along with the CEO’s representative and four Councillors nominated in September 2012; Clr Bob Dwyer, Clr Glenn Elmore, Clr Scott Lloyd and Clr Andrew Wilson.


2.    The most recent meeting of the Sixth Advisory Board was held on the 9 October 2014 and this report provides a précis of the matters discussed at this meeting. (Draft Minutes included as Attachment 1).




3.    The Advisory Board received operational, business and marketing reports on the Riverside Theatres from staff in addition to consideration of the key strategic projects outlined below. (see Director’s Reports at Attachments 2 & 3).


       Riverside Theatres Redevelopment


4.    Mr Theo Psychogios, Director, Deloitte Access Economics and other consultants from Deloitte presented on the preliminary findings of the marketing analysis Council commissioned on behalf of Riverside Theatres.  This work was identified as critical to inform Council and the Advisory Board in further consideration of the options for future development of the Riverside Theatres.


5.    Mr Psychogios outlined the research methodology and the findings of their marketing analysis which includes:-


a)    Demand for performance arts venues in Western Sydney will grow significantly over the coming decades, driven by strong growth in regional population, levels of disposable income and diverse appetite of consumers.

b)    Spending by Western Sydney residents at performance arts venues like Riverside Theatres is forecast to exceed spending by Eastern Sydney residents on comparable venues by 2030.

c)    Western Sydney is significantly underserviced by performance arts venues compared to Eastern Sydney.

d)    There are no other new major performance arts venue being contemplated in Western Sydney.

e)    Consumer demand for performance arts has changed over the last three decades with genres such as contemporary music and musical theatre representing the strongest commercial opportunities.

f)     The economics of a venue generally improve as the size and seating capacities increase (the report considered seating options up to a maximum of 1,600.)


6.    While further business analysis is required for different venue and performance genres, the Deloitte research concludes that there is a case for development of a larger facility, based on demand and market opportunity.   In addition to the commercial benefits of a larger theatre, Mr Psychogios articulated the complementary case for smaller, less resourced venues to provide a cheaper options for the diverse range of community arts performances.


7.    The Advisory Board agreed to circulate the draft report on Marketing Analysis for Riverside Theatres once completed by Deloitte and provide feedback prior to it being finalised.


8.    The Advisory Board also agreed to hold an informal workshop of interested members prior to the next ordinary meeting in order to more fully explore the consultants’ advice and implications for the redevelopment of Riverside Theatres.


Resident Company Partnership


9.    Sue Coleman and Robert Love reported that together with the Chair of the Advisory Board, Jane Winter, they presented Council’s proposal to establish a resident performance company to the Crown Resort Foundation on 28 August.   While the presentation went well and Riverside Theatres drew praise from Foundation members, informal advice has been received suggesting that they are not keen to commit to supporting the development of a resident performance company at this time and were seeking ideas for alternate support.


10.  Following the Advisory Board meeting, Mr Love received advice that the funding application has been successful (in part), and Crown Resort Foundation will be funding Riverside Theatres for $150,000 for each of the next two years.  While the purpose of the grant will be confirmed once the formal written advice is received, it is expected it will relate to the following activities which were outlined in Mr Love’s report to the Advisory Board:




·      Forgone revenue resulting from concessional rental and charges

·      Ticket support for students from priority (disadvantaged) schools

·      A Riverside produced production/festival (such as the recent Parramatta Girls and the annual Spot ON Children’s Festival).


11.  Previously Council submitted a similar proposal to Arts NSW seeking support for the new resident company and officers met with Mary Darwell (Director) and Robert Ridley (Acting Director Arts Development and Investment) to discuss the proposal.  Arts NSW expressed interested in supporting the project but there has been limited further advice in recent months.


12.  The Advisory Board expressed keen support for pursuing the development of a resident performance company and the potential for Council to partner with Arts NSW in establishing the project with a view to attracting broader support from stakeholders including Crown Resort Foundation as it develops.  The Advisory Board resolved:


That Council contribute up to $450,000 per annum to complement funding from Arts NSW to establish and operate a resident performance company for an initial period of three years.


13.  The funding proposal to Crown Resort Foundation for a resident theatre company anticipated three core annual funding sources:


Parramatta Council


NSW Government – Arts NSW


Crown Resort Foundation





Council’s financial contribution would be achieved through the reallocation of funds currently used to support local Riverside productions and would be supplemented with in-kind support including venue rental, office and theatre rental as well as administration, marketing and technical support services.  


14.  Consideration has been given with Arts NSW to commencing the company with a reduced resourcing level with a view to building capacity over time.   This could reduce the total annual budget to $700,000 and would require financial support as outlined:


Parramatta Council


NSW Government – Arts NSW





15.  Council’s financial contribution would continue to be partially achieved through the reallocation of funds currently used to support local productions.   The Crown Resort Foundation funding of $150,000 will also partially offset existing expenditure at Riverside Theatres of appropriately $100,000.   For the project to proceed, therefore, Council would need to commit an additional $250,000p/a to support the initial establishment and operation of the resident performance company.



16.  Western Sydney currently has only two small NGO performance organisations based in Bankstown and Fairfield.  There is a substantiated demand that people living in Parramatta and western Sydney should have access to the production output of a larger performance company based in western Sydney’s major performing arts centre, Riverside Theatres.  A resident company would:

a)   make a substantive contribution to Riverside’s annual season and program while playing a significant role in developing work of excellence that is relevant and has resonance in Parramatta and western Sydney.

b)   stimulate and deliver excellence, creativity and innovation via original, local interpretative & contemporary theatre work.

c)          produce original and authentic productions that engage a broad range of audiences and participants - families, young children, youth and diverse communities to education providers and professional artists and producers.

d)   facilitate professional employment opportunity for performance artists  in western Sydney.

e)   provide opportunities for exceptional and enriching approaches to the delivery of practical arts education and training in the performing arts in western Sydney.

f)           build employment pathways for creative artists across the region.

g)   create opportunities for productions and work to tour western Sydney, regional NSW and beyond.

h)  be a catalyst for the further creation of additional professional performance activity in the region.


Research into Arts Funding in Western Sydney


17.  Council previously resolved that the New South Wales Government provide equity in arts funding across Sydney.  Council has also resolved to partner with Liverpool City Council, Penrith City Council and Sydney Business Chamber in a research project that aims to evaluate the economic case for increased investment in cultural institutions and events in Western Sydney. 


18.  This project has commenced and a project reference group has been formed which includes Elizabeth Ann MacGregor OBE, Arts Advisor to the Premier and Director, Museum of Contemporary Art; Richard Evans, Arts & Cultural Advisor, Barangaroo Delivery Authority and Stephen Brady, Deputy Secretary, Sector Performance & Coordination Group, Dept of Premier & Cabinet.


19.  Originally aiming to conclude in December, the project’s work program has been accelerated to complement the State Government’s timeframe for related activities including the anticipated release of the NSW Arts Strategy.   The report is now expected to be finalised in November 2014.




20.  Additional resources are required if Council supports the Advisory Board’s recommendation to fund the development of a resident performance company with Arts NSW.  While Council’s annual financial contribution to the project would be approximately $450,000, this would be partially offset through reallocation of $100,000 currently used to support local productions and a further saving of $100,000 through the recently announced Crown Resort Foundation grant.  The net impact on Council’s current annual operating budget for Riverside Theatres would be approximately $250,000.


21.  The additional Council resources to support a resident performance company will only be required if Arts NSW also commit to supporting the project.  If so, the financial impact in 2014/15 would be relatively small and the impact for 2015/16 and beyond would need to be considered through the Corporate Planning process.   While Council may consider potential funding sources such as the Parking Meter Reserve, this will not prevent the project having a negative impact of approximately $250,000 on Council’s operating result.






Sue Coleman

Director City Services






Draft Minutes of Advisory Board Meeting held 9 October 2014

4 Pages



Directors Report 14 August 2014

4 Pages



Directors Report 9 October 2014

5 Pages






Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014



Governance and Corporate


27 October 2014


10.1           Presentation of Draft 2013/14 Annual Financial Reports........................ 67


10.2           Change of Business Paper Format.............................................................. 72


10.3           Schedule of Council Meetings for 2015...................................................... 73

Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                   Item 10.1


ITEM NUMBER         10.1

SUBJECT                  Presentation of Draft 2013/14 Annual Financial Reports

REFERENCE            F2008/01460 - D03333096

REPORT OF              Manager Finance       




To present Council’s 2013/14 Annual Financial Report for adoption and to receive the Auditor’s Report from Council’s Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers.



That Council adopt the Draft Financial Reports for the year ended 30 June 2014.


(a)     That Council authorise the Lord Mayor, Deputy Lord Mayor, Chief Executive Officer and Responsible Accounting Officer to sign the following:


General Purpose Financial Report

Special Purpose Financial Report


(b)     That Council receive the Auditor’s Report on the 2013/14 Financial Reports.


(c)    Further, that Council present the 2013/14 audited Financial Reports and

        Auditor’s Report to the public at the Council Meeting dated 24 November 2014.




1.   Council’s Draft Financial Reports for the year ended 30 June 2014 have been completed and are submitted to Council for adoption and formal referral to Council’s Auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers.


2.   Council’s Financial Reports includes the following:


2.1    The General Purpose Financial Report

2.2    The Special Purpose Financial Report

2.3    The Special Schedules.


3.   The audited Financial Reports were presented to the Audit Committee on

         02 October.  The Audit committee recommended as follows:


(a)     That the Financial Statements be approved subject to the amendment of the details as contained in the minutes and subject to any further numerical changes to these documents receiving comment by the Committee.

(b)     Further, that a copy of the updated information be placed on LEAP and the Committee’s dashboard.


The majority of the changes requested by the Audit Committee related to

narratives in the reports, with no major changes suggested to financial figures in

the reports.


4.   The Draft Financial Reports are attached but does not include the Auditor’s Report.


5.   Mr Dennis Banicevic from PwC, will be in attendance at the Council Meeting on 27 October 2014 to present the Auditor’s Report and answer any questions.


6.   To meet statutory requirements, it is proposed that Council present the 2013/14 Financial Reports and Auditor’s Report to the public at its meeting dated 24 November 2014.  This is after the public exhibition period of 2 weeks which enables the public to make submissions.


7.   Council must ensure that copies of all submissions received are referred to the Auditor, and may take such action as it considers appropriate with respect to any such submission, including the giving of notice to the Acting Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government of any matter that appears to require amendment of the Council’s Financial Reports.




Draft Annual Financial Reports 2013/14


8.   Attachment 1 contains the Draft General Purpose Annual Financial Reports 2013/14 which includes the statutory financial statements along with the associated notes.  Also included are Draft Special Purpose Financial Statements (Attachment 2) and Draft Special Schedules (Attachment 3).  These reports are prepared per the requirements under the ‘Office of Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Reporting’.


9.   The Draft 2013/14 Financial Report includes Council’s financial performance along similar lines to financial reports in the commercial world, where the focus is on the bottom line operating result of the company.


10. Included below are the key highlights from the reports.


11. Financial Performance


·        Council’s net operating result has decreased from a surplus of $22.8m in the previous year to a $20.7m surplus in 2013/14. The net operating result before capital and one off items is a surplus of $459k compared to a surplus of $7.1m in the previous year.  The primary reason for this is the lower than budgeted income for the Financial Assistance Grant (FAG) by $4.6m.  


·        Council’s capital expenditure in 2013/14 was $66.6 million (2012/13 $50 million). This was funded from a mix of revenue, loans, special rates, sale of assets and capital grants and contributions.  This included the outlay for the purchase of land for the new Operations Centre. For further information see Note 9 in the Financial Reports.


·        Council’s cash position has decreased to $108.6 million from $117.8 million in 2012/13. 


·        Council’s loan liability increased from $92.7 million to $93.2 million during the year. Of this amount, $44.9 million is in respect of Parramatta Square.


·        The key financial indicators are summarised in Note 13 and Special Schedule 7.   Council’s performance indicators are all better than the industry benchmark with the exception of the Asset Maintenance Ratio.


·        The annual summary of variances against original budget (>10%) are commented upon in Note 16. 


12. Note 9 provides a summary of Council’s infrastructure assets and movements during the year.  Special Schedule 7 provides information related to the condition of Council’s infrastructure assets.  Although this schedule is not audited for the 2013/14 financial year, it will be included in the Audit for future years.


·    Included in Attachment 4 is a listing of major variances against original budget by income and expense category.




13. Community land valuation (Note 9)


14. Council has decided to continue to value its community land at ‘Deprival Value’ (as  in the 2012/13 Annual Financial Reports), rather than the ‘Valuer General’s (VG’s) valuation, on the basis that the ‘Deprival Value’ was a better representation of Fair Value under the Accounting Standards as opposed to the VG’s valuation. 


15. Under the guidelines of the Office of Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Reporting (the Code), Council is required to undertake a revaluation of its assets at least once in five years. Under these guidelines Council was required to undertake a revaluation exercise for its community land portfolio in 2013/14. A full revaluation exercise based on Deprival Values was not undertaken in 2013/14 due to Council giving some consideration to change its valuation methodology from deprival value to VG’s valuation. The Office of Local Government (OLG) has advised that Council should write to them, explaining the circumstances and seeking exemption from undertaking the full revaluation exercise for 2013/14.


16. Please note The Code does allow the use of VG’s values as being representative of Fair Value, if Councils choose to do so.


17. Reserves (note 6c)


18. Council’s externally and internally restricted reserves are included in Note 6 (c).


19. The Surplus Sites Reserve was in deficit by $1.996m (prior to transfer of money from working funds) due to the delay in asset sales. This reserve will be in surplus once forecast asset sales materialise.


20. The Operations Centre reserve is also in deficit by $3.305m (prior to transfer of money from working funds) due to a delay in sale of the Rydalmere depot.  This is also a timing issue with the deficit to be reversed once the depot is sold.


NB: The deficits in the above reserves have been addressed in the short term through the use of working funds, and this is reflected in Note 6(c).


21. Residual values on buildings and other structures


22. Council has implemented “allowing for residual values on Buildings and other structures” from the 2013/14 financial year.  This has resulted in the depreciation expense on this category of assets being lower than budgeted by approximately $2.6m.  This lower expense benefit is expected to carry forward to future years, as the residual component of the assets is not depreciated.


23. Parramatta Square – 3 Council occupied buildings


24. In June 2013, the three Council occupied buildings were valued at Depreciated Replacement Costs based on condition assessment of the buildings and their various components.  Following discussions with our External Auditors and a review of the Accounting Standards, it was determined that Council should first conduct an impairment test of the 3 Council occupied buildings (based on determining annual economic benefits using the comparative market rentals for the occupied space in the buildings) and then apply the relevant depreciation based on the revised impaired value and revised remaining useful life.   As a result of the impairment test, the 3 building assets have been re-valued to $15.6m, approximately the same amount as their value prior to the impairment test, and the annual depreciation is about $3.1m, approximately $2.6m over budget.  This is independently confirmed by the valuation report from APV (Council’s valuers).


25. Assets Held for Sale (Note 22)


26. In note 22 we are required to include assets held for sale (and expected to be significantly settled in the next 12 months.


27. Following discussions with Council’s External Auditors, Council’s Valuer and a review of the Accounting Standards, it was decided that non-current assets held for sale should be carried at fair value (approximately $191.4m). This issue was raised and discussed for Bartlett Park as there was a very significant difference (approximately $110 million) between the fair value and carrying value.


28. To implement this requirement, the value of non-current assets held for sale had to be revalued upwards by transacting to the revaluation reserve. In a couple of cases the assets had to be impaired by transacting to the revaluations reserve (Bridge Street Rydalmere by $1.06m and PS1 $1.31m).  The information relating to these assets are included in Note 22.  Attachment 5 includes the list of assets held for sale. 


29. Events Occurring After the Reporting Period (Post Balance Date Events –

   Note 23


30. These are included in Note 23, and include recent transactions related to Bartlett Park / Melrose Park and PS1 and PS3. 


31. New Note 27 – Disclosure of Fair Value Hierarchy


32. Under this note, per AASB 13 ‘Fair Value Measurement’ disclosure is required in relation to the valuation methodology to determine fair value. 


33. Special Schedule 7 – Condition of Public Works:


34. The purpose of this schedule is to allow an assessment of the condition of Council’s public Works’ assets and how Council is performing in managing these assets.  Following discussions at the Audit Clearance meeting, (incorporating how some other councils were reporting this schedule), it was decided to calculate the infrastructure backlog based on moving road assets currently in condition rating 4 (poor) and 5 (very poor) to condition rating 3 (average).


35. Based on this measure, the backlog figure is $56.6 million.


35. Special Purpose Financial Report


36. Council identified its Multi-level Car Park operations and Commercial Property Portfolio as a Category 1 business in accordance with the requirements of National Competition Policy (NCP) guidelines. 




37. The financial reports have been reviewed by Council’s external auditors PwC and presented to the Audit and Risk Committee meeting on Thursday 2 October 2014. Community land valuation has been discussed with both our External Auditors and the Finance Department at the Office of Local Government (OLG).  Special Schedule 7, Assets held for resale, Fair values and events occurring after reporting period have been reviewed and discussed with internal stakeholder business units.



Alistair Cochrane               

Manager Finance





Draft Gerneral Purpose Financial Statements 2013/14

91 Pages



Draft Special Purpose Financial Statements 2013/14

8 Pages



Draft Special Schedules 2013/14

11 Pages



Major Variances

3 Pages



Assets Held for Sale

1 Page






Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                   Item 10.2


ITEM NUMBER         10.2

SUBJECT                  Change of Business Paper Format

REFERENCE            F2011/02500 - D03306396

REPORT OF              Service Manager Governance, Quality and Performance       




To change the format of the Business Papers from the 4 Pillars to the 6 Strategic Objectives to align with current reporting.





That Council change the format of the Business Papers to align with current reporting mechanisms. 





1.      Council’s Community Strategic Plan and Council’s Corporate Plan identify and report on 6 Strategic Objectives for the next four years.  It is proposed that the Business Papers structure align with the current reporting mechanism.


2.      Business Papers would be structured under the following headings:-





People and Neighbourhoods

Culture and Sport

Leadership and Governance


3.      The new Code of Meeting Practice was adopted by Council at the Meeting of 25 August 2014. The new Code removed reference to the structure of the Business Papers, meaning any alteration to the structure of the Business Papers does not require a change to the current Code of Meeting Practice.


4.      Technical changes will be implemented over the Christmas recess with the new agenda to take effect from the first meeting of 2015.



Jennifer O’Donnell

Service Manager Governance, Quality and Corporate Performance




There are no attachments for this report.




Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                   Item 10.3


ITEM NUMBER         10.3

SUBJECT                  Schedule of Council Meetings for 2015

REFERENCE            F2004/08629 - D03309394

REPORT OF              Service Manager Governance, Quality and Performance       




This report is placed before Council to seek adoption of the Council Meeting dates for 2015.





(a)       That the following Council Meeting dates for 2015 be adopted:-


Monday, 9 February 2015

Monday, 23 February 2015

Monday, 9 March 2015

Monday, 23 March 2015

Monday, 13 April 2015    

Monday, 27 April 2015

Monday, 11 May 2015

Monday, 25 May 2015

Tuesday, 9 June 2015    (Queen’s Birthday is Monday, 8 June 2015)

Monday, 22 June 2015

Monday, 13 July 2015

Monday, 27 July 2015

Monday, 10 August 2015

Monday, 24 August 2015

Monday, 14 September 2015

Monday, 28 September 2015

Monday, 12 October 2015

Monday, 26 October 2015

Monday, 9 November 2015

Monday, 23 November 2015

Monday, 7 December 2015

Monday, 14 December 2015


(b)     Further, that Council determine a date in September to hold a Special Council Meeting to elect the Lord Mayor and Deputy Lord Mayor.





1.         In accordance with Council’s adopted meeting cycle, the Council meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. The first meeting of the month is dedicated primarily to Development Applications whilst the 2nd meeting of the month may deal with any issue.


2.         Council has historically moved into recess over Christmas/New Year for a period between the last meeting in December and the first meeting in February the following year. A report will be placed before Council in the near future suggesting that delegated authority be given to the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to deal with matters of an urgent nature during this period.




3.         It is requested that Council provide a date on which it wishes to hold a Special Council Meeting for the election of the Lord Mayor.


4.         It should be noted that the Local Government NSW Annual Conference (generally well attended by Councillors) is being held at Rosehill Gardens on 11 October to 13 October 2015. Council may wish to alter the proposed meeting date of 12 October 2015.


5.         Due to the proximity of Christmas, meetings have also been proposed for 7 and 14 December 2015 rather than on the 2nd and 4th Monday of December.




6.         That Council adopt the proposed dates for Council Meetings to be held in 2015.





Jennifer O’Donnell

Service Manager - Governance Quality and Performance




There are no attachments for this report.




Council                                                                                                          27 October 2014



Notices of Motion


27 October 2014


11.1           Policy Change to Notified Fee for Development Application for Single House - Heritage/Heritage Conservation Area.......................................................... 76

Council 27 October 2014                                                                                                   Item 11.1


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                  Policy Change to Notified Fee for Development Application for Single House - Heritage/Heritage Conservation Area

REFERENCE            F2013/02613 - D03342320

REPORT OF              Councillor G J Elmore       


To be Moved by Councillor G J Elmore:-




That Council as a matter of policy charge the “notified development” fee, rather than the “advertised development” fee for development associated with a single house (including associated development, such as a garage or a  granny flat) which is  a heritage item or is within a heritage conservation area.




There are no attachments for this report.