Item 11.3 - Attachment 2 |
Contents and
explanation of intended outcomes of planning proposal |
Attachment 2 –
Content of planning proposal – 57, 63 &
Explanation of Provisions
In order to achieve the desired objectives the following amendments to the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 would need to be made;
A change in the zoning of the subject land as follows;
· site 1 - No 83 Church Street (Lot 10 DP 733044) & 44 Early Street (Lot B DP 304570) from B5 (Business Development) to part B4 (Mixed Use), part B5 (Business Development).
· site 2 - No 63 Church Street (Lot 20 DP 732622) from B5 (Business Development) to part B4 (Mixed Use), part B5 (Business Development).
· site 3 – No 57 Church Street (Lot 15 DP 651039, Lot 16 DP 12623 & Lot 114 DP129484) from B5 (Business Development to RE1 (Public Recreation).
· The proposed amendment to the City Centre LEP is to the Land Zoning Map – (Sheet LZN_001).
A change to the maximum height limit on the subject land as follows;
· site 1 from 12m to part 36m, part 118m,
· site 2 from 12m to part 36m, part 90m,
· site 3 from 12m to 0m.
· The proposed amendment to the City Centre LEP is to the Height of Buildings Map – (Sheet HOB_001).
A change to the maximum floor space ratio on the subject land as follows;
· site 1 from 2:1 to 7.2:1,
· site 2 from 2:1 to 6.4:1,
· site 3 from 2:1 to 0:1.
· The proposed amendment to the City Centre LEP is to the Floor Space Ratio Map – (Sheet FSR_001).
The proposed zoning change would permit residential land uses to be carried out on those sites of the site proposed to be zoned B4 (Mixed Use) which are not currently permitted.
The proposed increases to the height and floor space ratio on the site would allow for a significant increase in overall development intensity in both floor space and built form terms.
Further clauses, specific to the subject land, are proposed to be included within the City Centre LEP. The purpose of these clauses is to;
1. Mandate a minimum percentage of 40% non-residential floor space within the subject land to better align with the desired employment outcomes for the precinct,
2. Limit the floor plate size to (700m2) on the taller residential building elements (above 8 storeys) to reduce bulk and resultant overshadowing,
3. Require approximately 6000sqm of the overall commercial floor area on site 1 to be provided only if done so at basement level (proposed supermarket). This would further reduce the resultant bulk of buildings and prevent this floor space being relocated to the tower (residential) elements of the proposal. If the supermarket were not to proceed the 40% non-residential clause component would still apply to the remainder of the floor space of the site.
These clauses would need to be legally drafted and included within the City Centre LEP and apply to the site the subject of this planning proposal.