Item 11.2 - Attachment 1

Development Application Variations under Sepp 1 - July 2012


Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 including Clause 4.6 – Exceptions to development standards

Approved in July 2012 (as at 30 July)



DA No:


Category of development:

Environmental Planning Instrument

Development standard to be varied

Justification of variation

Extent of Variation

Date DA determined


11 - 15 Dixon Street, Parramatta  NSW  2150

Lot 20, DP 1620

Residential Flat Building

Zone - R4 High Density Residential


PLEP 2011


cl. 4.4 -

maximum FSR 0.8:1 (maximum 1158.48m²)

The proposed variation is minor (5% or 58.5m²) and the proposal is consistent with the objectives of PLEP 2011.  The development is otherwise complaint with the numerical standards contained in PDCP 2011 in that the variation does not result in a development of greater bulk and scale than might otherwise be achieved, and that the variation to the development standard will not adversely affect any adjoining property by detracting from existing privacy or adding to the degree of overshadowing.



0.8:1 (max)

0.84:1 proposed


(approx 5% variation)




9 July 2012 Council Meeting