Item 11.2 - Attachment 3 |
Minutes of Riverside
Advisory Committee 14 June 2012 |
Owen Eckford (Chair),
Apologies were received from Julianne May, Clr
1 Welcome
Owen Eckford welcomed everyone to the
2 Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting of the Riverside Advisory Board held on 12 April 2012 were taken as read and confirmed as a true record of the meeting.
3. Resident
Production Company
There are advantages in establishing a resident production
company including facilitating the longevity and consistency of artistic goals
as well as having substantive engagement with the community. A new resident
production company, while a likely additional cost, is unlikely to receive
additional Council funding.
Undertaking an interim study (perhaps funded from the existing 2012-13 Riverside budget) on the establishment of a new resident production company will put everything together including the framework and give Councillors confidence in the project. It will be reported to the next Council, probably in November and will give Councillors an opportunity to see what future arrangements are possible.
The Board discussed the need for
better facilities and also a less
The Board noted that it would not
be possible for any future resident company to focus entirely on
The Board noted the need to look
at the priorities of the State Government and Government agencies (including
Arts NSW) and how these can be used to best solicit funding for
It was noted that people are more
likely to fund new and emerging companies than a building and that Parramatta
is a good area to begin as potential sponsors and donors may get more
(including recognition) for their money than in the City. There are only a few very
small performance companies outside of Sydney CBD, and Western Sydney has only
one permanent professional performance production organisation based in
There may be an opportunity to
build something working with other smaller NSW regional centres to have
something that is relevant outside of Greater Sydney and that can tour to a
number of centres. The Board noted that there might be a possibility of working
in collaboration with
MOTION (Judge/ Mackey)
That the Board endorse the Resident Production Company Report
4. Development
of Riverside Theatre
The people who attended the workshop
explored what they would like to do if they had $1M, $5M and $50M as another
way of looking at short to long term goals for
It was noted that the theatres were not perfectly designed for what they are currently used for - the remodelling Rafferty and Lennox Theatres into one theatre (with greater flexibility of staging and seating) could be worth more investigation.. The need for multifunction areas, foyer and entertainment facilities, breakout spaces and exhibition space was noted. The lack of back of house facilities, especially for large community groups, was noted and, if ongoing community programming were to be encouraged, then there needs to be better backstage facilities.
It was noted that the main theatre
is unique in
The possibility of using the existing space in different ways was noted, including the possibility of opening the building up into Market Street, and changing the current front entrance that consists of office and toilets to make it more accessible and using ‘dead space’ for unattractive office and toilet facilities.
Any redesign would have to
consider the possibility of shifting requisite production/rehearsal facilities
that are currently off-site (Connect Studios)
back to on-site. There is also the development of future Arts precinct sites
including the
The Board noted that things might
be done differently to the current methods of operation if there were a
resident company established. This may
required a change to the current building and its facilities. The resident
company and the development of the
It was noted that
The Board noted the need to have
a Masterplan and to have a clear set of owner needs and requirements. The
Masterplan would also assist in the staging of any envisaged future
redevelopment of
There is also the possibility of extending the larger Riverside Theatre’s current footprint (with gallery and/or café space) by extending the second and third tiers of the Riverside Theatre out towards the river.
The need to increase the amenity of the current theatre experience was emphasised. People will return if they enjoy the experience, even if they do not enjoy the programming. People remember the parking, seats and toilets.
The Board discussed methods of funding the Masterplan, and architectural concept including, pro bono work, workshopping, and design competitions.
It was also noted that the
Strategic Asset Management Unit and Property Development Group may be able to
assist, as
5. 25th Anniversary
There has limited progress since the last report to the Board. There will be a focus on a community event to celebrate the anniversary, but the focus will also be on looking forward to the next 25 years. It cannot be just a party, but an opportunity to influence people and showcase the strategic future of Riverside. It would also be an excellent opportunity to announce the winner of a design competition if this is undertaken.
The Board discussed the option
for having a high profile artist/personality as a focal point to galvanise community interest and
involvement in
People and entertainment needs to be booked, a steering committee needs to be formed to assist in the planning, and Council needs to be well briefed on this significant event as $25,000 will not go far and will need to be well spent to ensure impact. Additional funding may have to be found through private sponsorship.There could be a campaign to solicit small donations and sponsorships so supporters can feel involved in the 25th Anniversary and the future of Riverside . It was noted that Council needs to approach organisations and people in accord with the Local Government Act provisions especially if approaching people with Council contracts.
A first draft of a program of events and a development timeline will be presented at the next Board meeting.
6. Operational report
An update on previous events and performances was provided.
Government has an arts
It may be beneficial to secure private sector funding and then ask government to match it. Need to have the strategic relationships in place and the networking capabilities and opportunities to achieve this .
Need to be able to break the fundraising strategy down into smaller areas including naming rights opportunities. It was noted that philanthropy and sponsorship for buildings is quite low, even in the City. People prefer to sponsor activity and groups, not buildings. It was also noted that NGOs are more likely than Council owned activities to gain funding and private sponsorship.
It was noted that cross promotion
through business is important. The
Coleman and Grieg Women in Business program sponsored a fashion parade and function
Jane Witter and Virginia Judge to propose ideas at the next Board
Meeting on a future fundraising model that might assist in raising funds for
7. General Business
Council has obtained $600,000 of federal climate change funding that Council will match to assist in the installation of new lighting and air-conditioning.
The possibility of working more
closely with UWS was noted.
Next Meeting
Next Meeting will be the last meeting before the local government election in September. New Councillor Representatives on the Riverside Board will be appointed at the first new Council Meeting.
Meeting closed at 8.23pm
Next meeting Thursday 9 August