MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chamber, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Tuesday, 10 April 2012 AT 6.46 pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber (retired 8.48 pm), J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP (retired 9.10 pm), M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson (Deputy Lord Mayor).





The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.





The Lord Mayor also acknowledged the colonial heritage of Parramatta and recognised the contribution of the early settlers in laying the foundations of this great and historic city.





The Lord Mayor also acknowledged the many migrants that have come to Parramatta and now call it home. All these elements holistically make Parramatta what it is today.






SUBJECT          Minutes of the Council (Development) Meeting held on 26 March 2012


RESOLVED      (Issa/Esber)



That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.









It was noted that Councillor A Bide was on previously granted leave of absence.






There were no declarations of interest at this Council (Development)  Meeting.







SUBJECT          Objection to Mobile Telecommunications Base Station - Rear of 13 - 15 Emma Crescent, Constitution Hill

REFERENCE    F2004/09814

FROM                 M Johnson


RESOLVED      (Barber/Garrard)



That the petition be received and noted.









SUBJECT          Effects of Carbon Tax on Parramatta City Council

REFERENCE    F2008/03198

FROM                 Mr Charles Camenzuli




By Mr Charles Camenzuli:


“1.       What is the anticipated direct cost to Parramatta Council of the Carbon Tax on street lighting?


2.        What provisions has Council made for the anticipated total cost of the carbon tax?


3.        Is Council entitled to any rebates from the Federal Government for the extra cost of the Carbon Tax?”





By Mr Greg Smith – Group Manager Corporate Services:-


“1.       $185k


2.        In total Council has allowed $1.690m in the 2012/13 budget for  the anticipated cost of carbon tax.

Most of this relates to tipping fees ($1.2m) which are being recovered by increasing the fees in the next 3 years, the balance relates to electricity.

3.        No advice received at this stage, however at State Government level, the 2012/13 rate peg of 3.6%, as determined by IPART includes a carbon price advance (CPA) OF 0.4%.”






SUBJECT          Live Arts & Cultural Centre in Parramatta to be located at Rangihou on the foreshore of the Parramatta River.

REFERENCE    F2012/00658

FROM                 Ms Rose Lewis



“Lord Mayor, Councillors, Ladies & Gentlemen.  My name is Rose Lewis and I am here on behalf of NMN Indigenous Corporation.  The purpose of my attendance this evening is for the submission of a petition that was recently actioned within our community.


We the people, citizens, family and supporters, through this petition are in support of a Live Arts & Cultural Centre in Parramatta, to be located at Rangihou, on the foreshore of the Parramatta River.


We believe this will:

•          Increase visitor numbers to Parramatta by approximately 250,000 per year along with a potential of $28 billion in untapped tourist dollars;


•          Increase employment opportunities; due to the increase of visitors

to restaurants and businesses in the Parramatta CBD.


We envisage this will include:


•          Parramatta Double Decker Bus Tours that circle the Parramatta historical landmarks and buildings, back to the Live Arts & Cultural Centre for a Spectacular Cultural Show, inclusive of a FREE hop on and hop off service;


•        Weekly High End Arts Markets;


•          The opportunity for Parramatta to be known as having the ‘BEST’ Live Arts & Cultural Centre in Australia, thus putting Parramatta on the map as ‘the place to go’ for national and international visitors alike.


Lord Mayor, in support of the Petition I would now like to approach Council with the following questions:


Q:       Is Parramatta City Council looking for real attractions and viable methods to bring people to this city?


Q:       What is the status and details of the sale of the Council Depot Land? (i.e. the DA and interested parties).


Q:       Do you not believe that the concept of the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre has the potential to bring 250,000 people to Parramatta every year, benefiting business, restaurants, retail, etc?


Q:       Do you not believe that Parramatta City will be the main beneficiary of the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre, allowing Parramatta to tap into the potential $28 billion a year tourist dollar that we are         currently missing out on?


Q:       Will the council consider investing the Council Depot Land back to the community as their contribution towards this community project OR at least consider leasing/selling the land to the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre TRUST at market value?


Q:       Will the council consider giving Parramatta Live Arts & Culture Centre full access (at no cost) to Rangihou Reserve and Baludarri Wetlands for this community project?


We therefore ask Parramatta Council for their consideration to:


·                    Withhold on the Sale of the Parramatta Council Depot;


·                    Allow a feasibility study to be commissioned;


·                    Allow us to commission an investor to either purchase or lease the land at market rates if required.


·                    Assist in the funding required for the cost of the feasibility study for the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre, with the remainder of funds being raised by public donation, private investor and/or business interests.


Thank you Lord Mayor, Councillors, ladies & gentlemen for your time this evening.”





Ms Lewis tabled a document, as per her statement, during the above address.




By Ms Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services:-


“1        Council endorsed its Visitor Strategy for Parramatta on 27 April 2011.   This document articulates Council’s priority actions for the next 5 years.


2.        The site is not currently subject to any Development Approval and Council is not currently seeking developer interest in the site. Council plans to prepare the site for sale over the next few months. 


           Net proceeds from the sale of the site will be fully allocated to fund new Council facilities, namely the new Operations Centre that will replace the existing depot.


           Council’s plans to design and construct the new Operations Centre have been included in Council’s Delivery Program 2010-14, the Operational Plan 2011-12 and the funding has been included in Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.


3.        Without a specific feasibility study, it is not possible to comment on what visitation the proposed concept would attract to Parramatta.


           Council directly manages 4 cultural facilities that specifically contribute to Arts and Culture and the visitor economy as well as providing a number of associated services – Parramatta Riverside Theatres, Parramatta Artists Studios, the Parramatta Heritage and Visitor Information Centre and Connect Studios as well as numerous sites associated with Pop Up Parramatta.


           These facilities currently attract visitation of over 220,000 people annually.


4.        Without a specific feasibility study, it is not possible to comment on what visitation or potential tourism-related revenue the proposed concept would attract to Parramatta, nor the related costs capital and operating costs of such a facility.


5.        The proceeds from the sale of the Council Depot site will be reinvested directly into Council assets.


           The site will be sold through a public process such as an auction and the Parramatta Live Arts and Cultural Centre Trust would be most welcome to submit a purchase offer at that time.


6.        Council is not able to consider giving Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre full access to Rangihou Reserve & Baludarri Wetlands.  These community lands are managed in accordance with the relevant Plans of Management, which restricts exclusive use.


           Like other community groups, Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre may hire the Reserve on a casual basis in accordance with the Plans of Management, and Council policy, process and fees and charges for the use of parks and open space.


7.        Council plans to prepare the site for sale over the next few months and the net proceeds from the sale of the site will be fully allocated to fund the new Operations Centre.


8.        Council permission is not required for the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre Trust to undertake a feasibility study.


9.        Council permission is not required to allow the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre Trust to commission an investor to purchase the land.  The Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre Trust is welcome to purchase the site through the public sale process.


           Council will not grant a lease on the site to the Parramatta Live Arts & Cultural Centre Trust.


10.      Council has not included any funding for such a feasibility study in its Delivery Program 2010-14.”







SUBJECT          Development Application - 4 and 5 St Andrews Street, Dundas

REFERENCE    DA/746/2011

FROM                 Mr Bruce Berry





By Mr Bruce Berry:-


“Lord Mayor, my questions are about the DA for 4-5 St Andrews PI Rydalmere /Dundas which is to be considered on tonight's agenda.


1         Council notification letters for the site meeting on 31 March said that the assessment report would be available on the following Tuesday. This was incorrect because I obtained a copy on Friday, the day before the site meeting and found that the DA had already been recommended for approval. Why were we misinformed and why was the recommendation made before we had the chance to express our further concerns at the meeting? We deplore this breach of our rights. Will our opportunity to have early access to the reports now be removed, following this neglect?


2         I had been assured, personally, by Management that all those who had put in submissions would receive notice of the site meeting, including all who signed petitions. This was untrue, shown by those who have since objected. Their names and addresses had been clearly shown. How did this further neglect occur?


3         At the site meeting I was prevented from asking all my questions, so I now have to ask them at this public forum. I am aware of the time limits, but request full answers before determination of the DA. Too little time has been allowed between site meeting, release of assessment report and Council meeting, especially when it is the Easter holiday period. I apologise for all the details, but it all has to be said.


4         The report lists only two issues, impact of the DA on the school and the heritage item. Why is this when there are other important matters that have been avoided?


5         Parking spaces. There should be 38 of these, not 33, because the frequency of trains at peak hour on the Carlingford line is 38 minutes, not the maximum prescribed 10 minutes. The report has ignored our complaint on this. Why is this when this issue also affects most other similarly situated developments on the Carlingford line? Is it going to be another case of large scale disregard for development controls? There would be no problem in adding another 5 spaces.


6          Traffic and parking This problem has raised more protest than any other. We raised the point that Council's traffic department invariably says that DAs will create no further traffic/parking problems, but later finds that they have, as in St Andrews Pl. We pointed out that outdated RTA figures of 2002 were being used. If it is true that the two existing dwellings create 1.7 vehicle trips during peak hours, how is it that the 24 units that will replace them will produce only 11.2 additional trips. It should be 20.4. The report's response to this is that no further restrictions are necessary in St Andrews Place. We were not asking for this; we were asking for comment on the unrealistic nature of the traffic department's decision making. What are Council's comments on this?


I point out that at the site meeting a truck was illegally parked in the street in full view. It was brought up at the meeting. The Councillors had a good opportunity to show their commitment to the community, which they were talking about, by doing something about it. They seem to have done nothing. The truck was still there the next day.


7         Overlooking of school playground. (i) Council's expert has produced a long range photo from the playground to the other two flat developments adjoining the school which proves nothing because it does not show that there are no balconies or large unscreened windows on the wall facing the playground in one of the developments and the other one is set back about 20 m from the school fence. Also both are 3 storey; 4 - 5 St Andrews will be 4 storeys. As well :- no comment or photo produced on our other evidence, that the other development adjoining the school, 95 Kissing Pt Rd, has 2 completely blank walls facing the playground and the buildings are only 2 storeys. No response has been received on this. Can we have it now?


(ii)     How can the expert claim that the likelihood of paedophiles having access to the units would be negligible and at the same time "impossible to quantify"? It is this uncertainty and difficulty of detection which creates the problem.


(iii)    Can Council name any other school in its area where it has approved such adverse impacts on schoolchildren or where it is likely to occur in the future?


NOTE:       At this time, the 5 minutes allocated to this particular Public Forum expired.


                    The Lord Mayor advised that a written response would be provided to each of the questions originally submitted in writing by Mr Berry.





Reports - Major Applications




SUBJECT          29 Sophie Street, Telopea
(Cor Lot 345 DP 36743) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Section 82A Review of application for demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit development containing 3 townhouses

REFERENCE    DA/469/2010 - Submitted 20 December 2011

APPLICANT/S   ACA Design Consultants

OWNERS           Mr T T H Do

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


                            The application is referred to Council as it is an application under Section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.


RESOLVED      (Esber/Lack)



(a)       That Council change its determination and approve Development Application No. DA/469/2010 for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit development containing 3 townhouses on land at 29 Sophie Street, Telopea subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 of this report.

(b)       Further, that the person who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Councillors P B Barber, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM, MP, M A Lack, C X Lim, P K Maitra and M D McDermott.


NOES             Councillors S D Lloyd and A A Wilson.









SUBJECT          4 and 5 St. Andrews Street , DUNDAS
Lot 5  and Lot 6 DP 219954
(Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Consolidation, demolition, tree removal and construction of a four storey residential flat building containing 24 apartments.

REFERENCE    DA/746/2011 - 27 October 2011

APPLICANT/S   Revelop Projects

OWNERS           Ms. M E Sherwood

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services. Also Memoranda dated 10 April 2012 from Senior Development Assessment Officer.


                            The proposal is referred to Council for consideration as 14 submissions and 4 petitions objecting to the application have been received.


MOTION             (McDermott/Lack)



(a)          That Council as the consent authority grant deferred commencement development consent to Development Application No. DA/746/2011 for consolidation, demolition, tree removal and construction of a four storey residential flat building containing 24 apartments at 4 and 5 St. Andrews Street, DUNDAS NSW 2117  for a period of five (5) years for physical commencement to occur from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 together with additional conditions as follows:-

1       Revised 1st – 3rd floor plan indicating amended bedroom windows to highlights @ 1.6m sill heights.

2       Louvres to the east facing balconies.

3       Revised louvre detail showing that overlooking is not possible.

4       Revised east elevation to reflect window change.

5       Increased fence height to 2.1m to the eastern boundary.

6       Selection of plant species for screening to the eastern boundary in consultation with the school.

7       Bulk bins to be used for general waste shall not be placed outside for collection. The private contractor appointed shall collect the same from the waste bin storage area.

8       That the by-laws of the future strata scheme has a further by law requiring that all louvres remain fixed and in place.

9       That the hours of construction be limited to restrict large trucks during school zone hours and days. In the event of concrete pours, the school must be notified at least 48 hours prior and traffic control be implemented as part of the CMP be imposed.

(b)      Further, that persons who made a submission be advised of Council’s decision.



AMENDMENT   (Esber/Barber)



That the application be deferred for a further month and another on site meeting be held in relation to this issue during the deferral period.



The amendment was put and lost.



The motion was put and carried.





MOTION              (Chedid)



That the application be refused for the following reasons:-

1          The proposal will have unacceptable impacts on adjoining neighbours of St Andrews Place and Dundas Primary School;

2          The proposal is inconsistent with the existing streetscape;

3          The proposal is not in the public interest;

4          The proposal provides insufficient parking;

5          The traffic impacts of the proposal;

6          The social impacts of the proposal.




NOTE:       The foreshadowed motion was a direct negative of the motion and could not be considered as an amendment.


                    As the motion was ultimately successful, the foreshadowed motion was not required to be put to the Chamber.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne and Councillors G J Elmore, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and A A Wilson.


NOES             Councillors  P B Barber, J Chedid, P Esber, P J Garrard and C X Lim.




NOTE:       Councillor S D Lloyd left the meeting at 7.26 pm and returned at 7.29 pm during consideration of this matter.





Notices of Motion





SUBJECT          Support for Installation of Pedestrian Lift at Wentworthville Railway Station

REFERENCE    F2012/00846 - D02303704

REPORT OF      Councillor A A Wilson


RESOLVED      (Wilson/Lloyd)



(a)      That Parramatta City Council support the petition for lifts at Wentworthville Station as proposed by the Wentworthville Business Committee, Holroyd Council and the State Member, Geoff Lee.

(b)      Further, that Council write to local State Members and the Minister for Transport requesting a lift at Harris Park Station.



NOTE:       Councillor M A Lack left the meeting at 7.59 pm during consideration of this matter.





SUBJECT          Extension of T Way and Commuter Car Park at Granville Railway Station

REFERENCE    F2007/02318 - D02303758

REPORT OF      Councillor A A Wilson


RESOLVED       (Wilson/Issa OAM MP)



(a)   That Parramatta City Council prepare a report with a view to making representations to the State Government on the extension of the T Way to Granville and the creation of a commuter car park at Granville.

(b)   Further, that the State Member for Granville be approached and requested to organise a meeting with the Department of Transport to discuss the issue of a commuter car park at Granville.

                                                                                                                                 State member for Granville be approached to organise a meeting with the Department of Transport to discuss the issue of a commuter car park at Granville.


NOTE:       1       Councillor M A Lack returned to the meeting at 8.00 pm during consideration of this matter.


2       Councillor M D McDermott left the meeting at 8.14 pm during consideration of this matter.










13042          RESOLVED              (Wilson/Chedid)


That Standing Orders be suspended to enable consideration to be given to an urgent motion regarding the Remondis Alternative Waste Treatment Facility at Camellia.


The Lord Mayor ruled that the matter was of an urgent nature.




SUBJECT          Remondis Alternative Waste Treatment Facility at Camellia


FROM                 Andrew Wilson


RESOLVED      (Wilson/Finn)



(a)      That Council Officers be authorised to prepare an objection to the Remondis Alternative Waste Treatment Facility at Camellia, such objection to contain suggestions that may be put to the applicant for other usages of the site and to also seek assurances that any better usage of the site will not break the capping and will not expose anyone, including workers on site, to asbestos fibres.

(b)      Further, that Council seek confirmation that capping exists on the subject site.




NOTE:      1        Councillor M D McDermott returned to the meeting at 8.22 pm during consideration of this matter.


                   2        Councillor P Esber left the meeting at 8.25 pm and returned at 8.29 pm during consideration of this matter.


                   3        Councillor A Issa, OAM, MP left the meeting at 8.29 pm and returned at 8.32 pm during consideration of this matter.


                   4        During the Suspension of Standing Orders, Council considered an additional 4 items as listed hereafter.







SUBJECT          Parramatta LGA hosting an A- League Team

REFERENCE    F2012/00992

FROM                 Scott Lloyd


RESOLVED      (Lloyd/Wilson)



(a)    That Parramatta City Council (PCC) initiate immediate dialog talks with the following organisations to ascertain the feasibility of forming a consortium to lobby the FFA (Football Federation Australia) to have the new A-League team based in the Parramatta LGA eg Melita Stadium and play their home games at Parramatta Stadium:-

·                    Western Sydney Local Venues Council formerly (Parramatta Stadium trust),

·                    Parramatta State MP Dr Geoff Lee

·                    Parramatta Federal MP Julie Owens

·                    Granville MP Tony Issa OAM

·                    Toongabbie MP Nathan Rees

·                    NSW Sport and Recreation Minister Graham Annesley MPN

·                    NSW Premier and Minister for Western Sydney Barry O’Farrell MP

·                    Granville & Districts Soccer Football Association Incorporated (GDSFA)

·                    Any potential business or government partners PCC sees appropriate.

(b)    Further, that a report be tabled to Council within 3 months, minuting the outcome of the meeting/s and highlighting any further action required by PCC in the view to ensuring the city does not miss out on this wonderful opportunity to host the world game.








SUBJECT          St John's Cemetery

REFERENCE    F2005/01028

FROM                 Councillor Paul Garrard


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Chedid)



(a)          That Parramatta City Council shares with the community the heritage significance of St John’s Cemetery and recognises its status within its classification, that is, of State Significance within the NSW Heritage Act.

(b)          Further, that based upon public concern that St John’s Cemetery, the oldest existing European burial ground in Australia, is under threat of disrepair and in danger of its integrity being destroyed that Parramatta City Council:-

1.            Seek advice for immediate action by the NSW Heritage Council under NSW Heritage Regulations 2005 pursuant to Part (3) Section 10 and part (3) clause 17, and Section 119.

2.            Undertake to seek a most urgent deputation to the NSW Heritage Council with a view to developing an appropriate and purposeful response for the immediate maintenance of St John’s Cemetery and to discuss the future well being of the Cemetery.

3.            Seek a  report from the CEO in how other cemeteries within the City came under the control of Council and that based on such a report Council consider as an option to establish a dialogue with the Trustees of the Cemetery with a view to negotiating a new position around the ownership/and or its future wellbeing of the cemetery.

4.            That the State and Federal Members of Parramatta be informed of Council’s actions and invited to actively participate in any future process.



NOTE:      1        Councillor P Esber left the meeting at 8.40 pm during consideration of this matter.


2       Councillor P B Barber retired from the meeting at 8.48 pm during consideration of this matter.


3       Councillor C X Lim left the meeting at 8.48 pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          Signing of Agreement Between Parramatta City Council and the Karm El Mohr Community Region of North Lebanon

REFERENCE    F2011/02153

FROM                 Councillor Paul Garrard


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Issa OAM, MP)



(a)      That  Council receive and note the documents signed by the Lebanese Authorities regarding the Agreement between the Karm El Mohr Community Region of North Lebanon and Parramatta.

(b)      That  Council undertake to contact the local community of Karm El Mohr with the purpose of organising a mutually acceptable time and place for the signing of the Agreement by the Parramatta Lord Mayor.

(c)       That if appropriate, the Mayor of Karm El Moher be invited to participate in the ceremony at no cost to Council.

(d)      Further, that the Karm El Mohr Community be advised of Council’s decision.



Councillor C X Lim returned to the meeting at 8.53pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          Department of Local Government Addendum to Guidelines for Special Variation

REFERENCE    F2011/01565

REPORT OF      Manager Finance


RESOLVED      (Chedid/Lack)



(a)      That Council approves the amendment of the Draft Amended Delivery Program 2010/11 to 2013/14 & Draft Operational Plan 2012/13, and Council’s Long Term Financial Plan to reflect IPART’s recent decision in relation to the Carbon Price Advance (to reflect equitable treatment to all councils) to allow modifications to the Council’s previously approved special variation percentages by an additional 0.4% in 2012/13 and a reduction of 0.1% in 2013/14.

(b)      Further, that Council approve the application to IPART in the form of a letter from the CEO requesting the variations noted in (a) above.







13048        RESOLVED       (Lack/Issa, OAM, MP)


                   That Standing Orders be resumed.



Councillor P Esber returned to the meeting at 9.00pm during consideration of this matter.




Economy and Development



SUBJECT          Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

REFERENCE    F2009/00431 - D02310162

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED      (Chedid/Issa OAM) MP



That the report be received and noted.










RESOLVED      (Esber/Elmore)



Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the item listed comes within the following provisions:-



1       Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council. (D02311068) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.








That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-







SUBJECT          Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council

REFERENCE    F2011/03560 - D02311068

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED      (Maitra/Elmore)



That the report be received and noted.










SUBJECT          Commuter Car Park at Granville

REFERENCE    F2007/02318

FROM                 Councillor A Issa OAM MP




Councillor Issa requested that staff notify the Department of Transport in terms of Council’s decision carried earlier in the meeting in relation to the commuter car park at Granville.








SUBJECT          Illegally Parked Vehicle - One Site Meeting - 4 & 5 St Andrews Place, Dundas

REFERENCE    F2004/07462

FROM                 Councillor P J Garrard




Councillor Garrard sought advice as why no action was taken in response to the illegally parked vehicle which was present at the on site meeting held for 4 and 5 St Andrews Place, Dundas.


The Lord Mayor responded that presumably, nobody had reported the offending vehicle following the on site meeting.







SUBJECT          Keeping of Animals

REFERENCE    F2006/00874

FROM                 Councillor S D Lloyd




Councillor Lloyd requested that he be provided with a copy of Council’s relevant policy in relation to the keeping of animals in the local government area.


Councillor Lloyd indicated that he had received a complaint from a local resident which indicated that it was harder to keep chickens than other more exotic animals.


The Lord Mayor advised that a copy of the relevant policy would be provided to Councillor Lloyd.









SUBJECT          Shade Covering at Doyle Ground

REFERENCE    F2011/00622

FROM                 Councillor A A Wilson




Councillor Wilson congratulated Council officers on obtaining a recent grant in the amount of $25,000 towards the construction of a shade covering in Doyle Ground.


Councillor Wilson further added his thanks to the Parramatta State Member, Mr Geoff Lee MP, for his assistance in receiving the grant.









SUBJECT          Pothole - Excelsior Street, Granville

REFERENCE    C2010/07385

FROM                 Councillor A Issa OAM, MP




Councillor Issa noted the presence of a large pot hole in Excelsior Street, Granville and requested that Council staff take the necessary action to rectify the problem.








SUBJECT          After Hours Contact Number

REFERENCE    F2008/03381

FROM                 Councillor M D McDermott




Councillor McDermott requested that Councillors be provided with the after hours contact number for rangers.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development advised that if Councillors ring the main switch number after hours, the call will automatically divert to the after hours number. 


This information will be confirmed via memorandum to all Councillors.



NOTE:        Councillor A Issa OAM MP retired from the meeting at 9.10 pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          Parking Issues Alongside Granville Town Hall

REFERENCE    F2012/00045

FROM                 Councillor P K Maitra




Councillor Maitra noted that the parking available on Saturdays alongside the Granville Town Hall is restricted to 2 hours which inhibits hall users.


The Lord Mayor advised that a memorandum will be provided to all Councillors clarifying the restrictions that exist in the subject car park.


Councillors wishing to further raise the issue may do so via notice of motion if they desire.







SUBJECT          Parking Restrictions in Hawkesbury Road, Westmead

REFERENCE    F2012/00045

FROM                 Councillor P K Maitra




Councillor Maitra commented that there appeared to be no parking restrictions on Hawkesbury Road, Westmead in the vicinity of Queens Road, however parking restrictions were evident in nearby side streets.


The current parking situation had resulted in commercial vehicles parking in proximity to the Westmead Hospital preventing usage by hospital users.


Councillor Maitra requested that the parking situation in this location be investigated.









SUBJECT          Parramatta LEP - Restricted Premises

REFERENCE    F2010/02537

FROM                 Councillor G J Elmore




Councillor Elmore noted that in consideration of the Parramatta LEP, Council had requested certain restrictions relating to the location of restricted premises within the local government area.


Councillor Elmore sought advice on whether the restrictions were accepted by the Department of Planning.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development advised that the Department of Planning had given Council 2 adoptions; it could accept the model code where all restrictions were removed or it could adopt restrictions relating to schools and sensitive land uses.


The 2nd option as provided by the Department had subsequently been accepted.








SUBJECT          Save our Suburbs Signage

REFERENCE    F2004/06472

FROM                 Councillor M A Lack




Councillor Lack noted a recently circulated memorandum relating to the removal of further “Save our Suburbs” Signage and commented that it was his understanding that all signage had previously been removed.


The CEO advised that Council had previously passed a resolution requiring that a decision for the removal of such signage would be made by ward councillors once each particular development had been completed.





The meeting terminated at 9.15 pm.