-MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chamber, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Monday,  25 July 2011 AT 6.45pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber (arrived 6.48 pm and retired at 8.38 pm), A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber (retired 8.39 pm), J D Finn (arrived 6.46 pm), P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP (arrived 6.48 pm), M A Lack (retired 8.38 pm), S D Lloyd, M D McDermott (Deputy Lord Mayor), L E Wearne and A A Wilson (retired 8.48 pm).





The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid acknowledged the Burramattagal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.





The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid, welcomed the press and public to the meeting.





The Lord Mayor also acknowledged the colonial heritage of Parramatta and recognised the contribution of the early settlers in laying the foundations of this great and historic city.







SUBJECT          Minutes of the Council (Development)  Meeting held on 11 July 2011


RESOLVED      (Lack/Elmore)



That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.


NOTE:       Councillor J D Finn arrived at 6.46pm during consideration of this matter.







12494        RESOLVED      (Esber/Elmore)


That an apology be received and accepted for the absence of Councillors C X Lim and P K Maitra.










1            Councillor A Issa OAM MP  declared an interest in relation to Item 8.6 of Economy and Development regarding the development application submitted in respect of 17 Prince Street, Granville as the subject site may be owned by a relative of Councillor Issa.


2            Councillor J D Finn declared a pecuniary interest in relation to Items 8.10 of Economy and Development regarding the Wentworthville Urban Renewal Project and 10.2 of Community and Neighbourhood regarding Housing NSW Strategic Partnership Minutes as Councillor Finn is an employee of Housing NSW.







SUBJECT          Development Application - 492 Woodville Road, Guildford (Item 8.1 refers)

REFERENCE   DA/547/2010

FROM                 Mr Y B Lin (As submitted)


“1.     Submission noted as 4, report states 5. Confidential submission?

2.      Air quality report submitted on 1 October 2010.

3.      Acoustic report not requested as per pre lodgement meeting           comments.

4.      Pre Lodgement recommended the proposal provides car parking in      excess of the requirements of the SEPP and cannot be approved           on this basis.

5.      Privacy issues have been resolved by hi sill window3s and privacy           louvers.

6.      Building height of the proposal is 10.5m and that was acceptable in      the pre lodgement meeting.

7.      Pre lodgement did not request a Social Impact Statement and I do           not know what a social impact statement is and it was requested           on 24 June and not in May as report states.

8.      Landscaping is proposed in accordance with the pre lodgement           meeting recommendation for the soft soil/landscape zones.

9.      Cross ventilation has been addressed as per plans.

10.    The tree has been approved for removal in a previous DA for a           mixed use development and it can be conditioned on a DA.”




By Mr Mark Leotta - Service Manager Development Assessment:-




“I respond to the author’s points as follows.


Number of submissions


Five individual letters of objection were received in response to the advertising and notification of the proposal. One of these was a confidential submission that is unable to be viewed via Council’s website.


Air Quality Report


The development application file does not contain an air quality report. The applicant was asked in writing to provide the report on 13 July 2010 and again on 12 January 2011. Following the 12 January 2011 email the applicant responded on 14 January 2011 indicating that amended architectural plans would be submitted by 21 January 2011 but did not mention that an air quality report had already been submitted. It is noted that the revised architectural plans still have not been submitted.


Acoustic Report


Given the site’s location on a busy arterial road ,it is important to consider the impact of vehicular noise on the proposal as well as the noise impact from the boarding house on adjoining low density residential properties. This is consistent with the requirements of the Infrastructure SEPP that requires a consent authority to ascertain the level of amenity that will be provided to future occupants of a building.




Page 11 of the section 79C assessment report acknowledges that when this application was lodged the ARHSEPP indicates that an application could not be refused if it provided 1 space per 10 boarders. The report then outlines that the amended SEPP that came into force on 20 May 2011 allows Council to require 5 spaces to be provided. Given the sites location on Woodville Road, with no on street parking being available it is considered appropriate that the current and higher rate of carparking be provided.




The report acknowledges that opportunities for overlooking are limited due the proposed extensive use of privacy screens and high sill windows. The report notes that this will be to the detriment of the amenity of future occupants, however the opportunities for overlooking would still be greater than if the site was developed in accordance with the proposed R2 low density residential zoning.




The height of the building does not form part of the suggested grounds of refusal.


Social Impact Assessment


The executive summary acknowledges that the requirement for Social Impact Assessments came from a Council resolution on 9 May 2011. The applicant was formally requested to provide a Social Impact Assessment on 24 June 2011. (This is outlined on page 3 of the Section 79C assessment report).




Council’s Development Control Plan 2005 requires sites along Woodville Road to be provided with a soft soil zone of equivalent to 40% of the site. A soft soil zone equivalent to only 30% of the site is provided.


Cross Flow Ventilation


It appears the author is referring to suggested refusal ground No. 6 that mentions both cross flow ventilation and overshadowing, due to the DCP addressing both in section 4.3.4. Cross flow ventilation does not form part of the grounds for refusal. However, concern is raised with overshadowing.


Tree Removal


It is acknowledged that the tree was previously approved for removal as part of a development application for the construction of a mixed use development at 492 -496 Woodville Road. However this consent lapsed on 10 February 2009. Given that the tree is located within the adjoining site at 494 Woodville, Council has no ability to grant approval for the removal of this tree as part of this development application. A separate tree permit application signed by the adjoining owners would be required to be submitted and assessed. The applicant was advised of this. This has not occurred and it is noted the proposed removal of the tree forms part of the grounds of objection from the owner of No.494 Woodville Road.”





NOTE:       Councillors P Barber and A Issa OAM MP arrived at the meeting at 6.48 pm during consideration of this matter.



Rescission Motions



SUBJECT          Urban Renewal Study for Granville

REFERENCE   F2010/02537 - D02027477



RESOLVED      (Garrard/Lloyd)



That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 11 July 2011, regarding Urban Renewal Study for Granville namely:-


That Council acknowledges the significance of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Urban Renewal) 2010 and a workshop be held with the Department of Planning to discuss areas of Parramatta identified in the SEPP.


be and is hereby rescinded.





RESOLVED      (Garrard/Issa OAM)



In keeping with the objectives of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Urban Renewal) 2010:-


(a)      That Council acknowledges the significance of this Renewal SEPP which identifies the Granville Centre within the Metropolitan Strategy and its importance within the context of future State and Local Government planning.

(b)      That this Council recognises the significance of the Granville Town Centre as a residential origin rather than an employment destination.

(c)       Further, that in order for Council’s Planning scheme to reflect the objectives of the Urban Renewal SEPP, Council wishes to have the area bounded by the Railway line to the South and the M4 Freeway to the north and the Carlingford railway line to the East deferred from the provisions of the Draft Parramatta LEP and seeks the Minister’s support to take this action, so as to allow Council to carry out a further comprehensive investigation of the identified area.





Economy and Development




SUBJECT          492 Woodville Road, Guildford (Lot B DP 321246) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION Demolition, tree removal and construction of a boarding house under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP

REFERENCE   DA/547/2010 - 12 July 2010

APPLICANT/S  GEC Consulting Group

OWNERS          Mr Y B Lin

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application is referred to Council as it proposes the construction of a building to be used as a Boarding House.


RESOLVED      (Barber/Garrard)



(a)      That Council as the consent authority refuse Development Application No. 547/2010 for the construction of a boarding house on land at 492 Woodville Road, Guildford subject to the following reasons:

1       The applicant has not demonstrated that appropriate measures have been incorporated into the development to ensure that dba levels in the building will not exceed the maximum levels specified in clause 102(3) of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.

2       The applicant has not demonstrated that the development is appropriately designed and/ or incorporates appropriate measures to ameliorate impacts from vehicle emissions to satisfy clause 101 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.

3       The development is inconsistent with objective (a) of the 10 Mixed Use zone. The development will have an unacceptable impact on adjoining residential development in terms of visual impact, loss of privacy, loss of solar access, and inadequate landscaping.

4       The development is inconsistent with objective (d) of the 10 Mixed Use zone because inadequate deep soil areas have been provided to achieve consistency with the desired future character of the area as dictated by part 5.2 ‘Mixed Use Zone 10‘ of Parramatta DCP 2005.

5       The development is inconsistent with the requirements of part 5.2 ‘Woodville Road Mixed Use Zone 10’ of Parramatta DCP 2005. The development does not comply with the design standards for allotment frontage, side setback, rear setback, front setback and deep soil zones.

6       The development is inconsistent with the requirements of part 4.3.4 ‘Solar Access & Cross Ventilation’ of Parramatta DCP 2005.  The shadow cast by the development is significantly larger than the shadow cast by a development that complies with the building envelope controls that apply to development in the 10 Mixed use zone.  The development would unduly compromise the amenity and future development potential of the adjoining allotment to the south.

7       The development provides insufficient bicycle and motorbike parking as four bicycle and motorbike parking spaces can be required to be provided in accordance with clause 30 of the ARHSEPP 2009 and only three bicycle and motorbike parking spaces are provided.

8       Insufficient carparking is provided for future occupants of the site. The      amended ARHSEPP indicates that a consent authority may refuse this      application if five spaces are not provided. Only three carparking spaces are provided.

9       Appropriate vehicle manoeuvring is not provided within the development as manoeuvring areas, driveways and parking spaces are  inconsistent with the requirements of  the relevant Australian Standard being AS 2890.

10     The application will result in the loss of a Jacaranda mimosifolia (Jacaranda) tree located in the rear of 494 Woodville Road, Guildford that will be adversely affected by the proposed development.

11     The proposed development is contrary to the public interest as it is inconsistent with the current planning controls and the likely future character of the area.

12     The applicant has not demonstrated that that the development will not have an unacceptable social impact on the surrounding area.

(b)          Further, that the persons who lodged an individual submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.




DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES            None.






SUBJECT          13A Quarry Road, Dundas Valley
(Lot 131 DP 1155836) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION Construction of a two storey dwelling and tree removal

REFERENCE   DA/265/2011 - Submitted 29 April 2011

APPLICANT/S  Eden Brae Projects

OWNERS          V S Parikh

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application has been referred to Council as the proposal seeks a SEPP 1 variation of greater than 10% to Clause 38 – Minimum Allotment Sizes of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001.


RESOLVED      (Esber/Wearne)



(a)       That Council support the variation to Clause 38 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b)       Further, that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/265/2011 for the construction of a two storey dwelling and tree removal at 13A Quarry Road, DUNDAS VALLEY  NSW  2117 for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 1 of this report.



DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES            Councillor A A Wilson.






SUBJECT          321 Church Street  PARRAMATTA
(Lot 10 DP 541902)
(Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION Occupation and fitout of a heritage listed shop as a restaurant including signage.

REFERENCE   DA/282/2011 - 6 May 2011

APPLICANT/S  Bowdens Group Australia

OWNERS          Mr. G Makdissi, Mr I Makdissi, Mr A  Makdissi

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application is being referred to Council as the proposal involves works to a heritage item.


RESOLVED      (Bide/Finn)



That Council grant development consent to Development Application No 282/2011 for the occupation and fit out of premises as a restaurant including signage on land at 321 Church Street, Parramatta subject to conditions contained within Attachment 1.




DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES            None.






SUBJECT          333 Woodville Road, Guildford
(Lot 1 DP 128801) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION Change of use from a dwelling to a mixed use development for the purposes of a dwelling and motor showroom, including construction of a garage, carport and vehicular display area.

REFERENCE   DA/185/2011 - Submitted 4 April 2011


OWNERS          R & L Naboulsi

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The proposal is referred to Council as ‘vehicles sales or hire premises’ and ‘mixed use developments’ are prohibited land uses under the proposed R2 Low Density Residential Zoning of Draft LEP 2010.


RESOLVED      (Bide/Wearne)



That Council as the consent authority refuse Development Application No. 185/2011 for a change of use from a dwelling to mixed use development for the purposes of a motor showroom and dwelling, including construction of a garage, carport and display area on land at 333 Woodville Road, Guildford for the following reasons:


1.        The development fails to satisfy the following objective of the R2 Low Density Residential Zone as stated in Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010, namely ‘to ensure that non-residential land uses are located in a context and setting that minimises impacts on the amenity of a low density residential environment’. Furthermore, the proposed use as a combined ‘vehicle sales or hire premises’ and ‘dwelling house’ is out of context with the existing surrounding development, given the majority of surrounding land uses are residential in nature.

2.        The proposed stormwater onsite detention system is not supported by Council’s Development Engineer as it fails to satisfy the requirements of the Upper Parramatta River Catchment On-site Stormwater Detention Handbook.

3.        The proposal fails to provide satisfactory vehicular access to and from the site and adequate vehicular manoeuvring within the site in accordance with AS2890.1.

4.        The proposal fails to comply with the objectives and design principles of Section 5.2 - Woodville Road Mixed Use 10 zone outlined in Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 relating to rear setbacks, side setbacks, minimum site frontage, minimum deep soil zone, minimum floor to ceiling height for non residential uses, and residential and non-residential car parking separation.

5.        That granting consent to the proposal would not be in the public interest as the site is not suitable for the development.




DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES            Councillor A Issa, OAM MP.






SUBJECT          20-22 Belmore Street, North Parramatta
Lot 11 DP 7587788 and Lot 4 DP 35237

DESCRIPTION Demolition and construction of 2 townhouses and 2 villas with Strata Subdivision.

REFERENCE   DA/203/2011 - 7 April 2011

APPLICANT/S  JS Architects Pty Ltd

OWNERS          Mr L Hijazin and M Hijazin

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            This application is referred to Council for determination due to the future down zoning of the site to R2 Residential Zone under the Draft LEP 2010.


MOTION              (Lack/Finn)



(a)     That Council as the consent authority refuse Development Application No. 203/2011  for  demolition and construction of a multi-unit housing development comprising of 2 townhouses and 2 villas with strata subdivision on land at 20-22 Belmore Street, North Parramatta for the following reasons:

1.         The proposed development is contrary to the aims and        objectives of the PLEP 2001 and Draft LEP 2010 as        insufficient information has been submitted to assess the        potential hydraulics and flood mitigation impacts of the        proposal. 

2.         The proposed development is inconsistent with the        requirements of Parramatta DCP 2005. The development        does not comply with the design standards for stormwater        management and flood mitigation.    

3.         The proposal is not in the public interest.

(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.



AMENDMENT   (Issa, OAM MP/Wilson)


That the application be deferred for 2 weeks.


The amendment was put and lost.



The motion was put and carried.



DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, M A Lack, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES            Councillors A Issa, OAM MP, S D Lloyd and A A Wilson.







SUBJECT          17 Prince Street, Granville
(Lot B DP 356434) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION Stage 1.Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into 2 lots. Demolition of existing shed, retention of a heritage listed dwelling and construction of a new carport on proposed lot 1, tree removal, driveway/stormwater works and construction of fencing adjacent to driveway areas.

Stage 2: Construction of a single storey attached dual occupancy development on the rear lot (proposed lot 2), landscaping, driveway/stormwater works, fencing, and Torrens title subdivision of the dual occupancy into 2 lots.

REFERENCE   DA/253/2011 - 27 April 2011


OWNERS          Mr P Issa and Mr J Issa and Ms D Issa

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application has been independently assessed and is brought to Council as the site is owned by a relative of a Councillor.


RESOLVED      (Esber/Elmore)



That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/253/2011 for (Stage 1) Torrens title subdivision of the existing lot into 2 and demolition of an existing shed, retention of a heritage listed dwelling, construction of a new carport and driveway, fencing, infrastructure works and tree removal on proposed Lot 1 and (Stage 2) the construction of a single storey attached dual occupancy on the rear lot (proposed Lot 2), landscaping and Torrens title subdivision of the dual occupancy into 2 lots on land at 17 Prince Street, Granville, subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.





DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES            None.



NOTE:       Councillor A Issa OAM, MP left the meeting during  consideration and voting on this matter as he wished to investigate whether he was related to the applicant, as stated in the report.








SUBJECT          20 Abeckett Street, Granville
(Lots 1 & 2 DP 128368) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION Alterations and additions to an existing single storey heritage listed dwelling.

REFERENCE   DA/232/2011 - Submitted - 18 April 2011


OWNERS          Mr D H Alameen

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application is being referred to Council for determination as the proposal involves work to a listed heritage item.


RESOLVED      (Lack/Esber)



That Council grant development consent to Development Application No. 232/2011 for alterations and additions to an existing single storey heritage listed dwelling on land at 20 Abeckett Street, Granville subject to conditions contained within Attachment 1.




DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES            None.






SUBJECT          37 Midson Road (former Eastwood Brickworks) Eastwood.

DESCRIPTION Construction of 11 dwellings fronting Avondale Way on lots 2-12.

REFERENCE   DA/362/2011 - Lodged 30 May 2011

APPLICANT/S  AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

OWNERS          AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

REPORT OF     Manager Development Services


                            The application has been referred to Council as the application seeks variations of greater than 10% to the allotment size/frontage control of clause 38(1)(b), the height control of clause 39(1)(a) and the floor space ratio control of clause 40(1) contained within Parramatta local Environmental Plan 2001 and the application is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1.


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Elmore)



(a)       That Council support the variation to Clause 38, Clause 39 and Clause 40 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b)       Further, that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/362/2011 for the construction of 11 dwellings fronting Avondale Way on lots 2-12 at 37 Midson Road (former Eastwood Brickworks) EASTWOOD for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject the conditions in attachment 1.   




DIVISION      The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid and Councillors  Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, A Issa, OAM, MP, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES            Councillors P B Barber and A A Wilson.







SUBJECT          Joint Epping Town Centre Study

REFERENCE   F2008/00404 - D02024172

REPORT OF     Project Officer, Land Use Planning


MOTION             (Esber/Elmore )


(a)       That Council endorse exhibition of the Joint Epping Town Centre Study, in partnership with Hornsby Shire Council, for a period of 8 weeks and that the outcomes of the exhibition be reported back to Council.

(b)       That Council review the recommendations of the study particularly in relation to traffic, car parking, travel demand patterns, urban design, economic feasibility, and the redevelopment of the Rawson Street Car Park site, and that the outcomes of this review be used to inform Council’s planning controls.

(c)        Further, that Council (with Hornsby Shire Council and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure) arrange high level discussions with relevant infrastructure authorities (such as RTA) regarding the delivery of required infrastructure to enable growth in the Epping Town Centre.



AMENDMENT  (Wearne/Wilson)



(a)         That the report be received and noted.

(b)         Further, that Council write to the State Government expressing concerns in relation to the need for the traffic problems around Epping to be solved prior to looking at any up zoning.



The amendment was put and carried and on being put as the motion was again carried.






SUBJECT          Wentworthville Urban Renewal Project

REFERENCE   F2011/00880 - D02024678

REPORT OF     Project Officer - Land Use Planning


RESOLVED      (Bide/Esber)



 (a)    That Council express its willingness to HNSW to be actively involved in the formulation and development of the renewal options for the site given that is a key stakeholder/landowner.

(b)     That Council endorse the heads of consideration and principles included in attachment 2 and these be conveyed formally to HNSW.

(c)      Further, that Council include any additional specific matters for   consideration it would like to raise with HNSW in regard to the   Wentworthville Urban Renewal Project.




NOTE:       Councillor J D Finn declared a pecuniary interest in this matter as an employee of Housing NSW and temporarily left the meeting during consideration and voting on this matter.






SUBJECT          Heritage Advisory Committee for June 2011

REFERENCE   F2005/01945 - D02024757

REPORT OF     Project Officer- Land Use Planning


RESOLVED      (Esber/Garrard)



(a)     That the minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting of 15 June 2011 be received and noted.

(b)     That regarding options to interpret the Governor Phillip campsite, Council:

(i)         Facilitate further discussion with land owners (Department of Health) and the grant recipients (Parramatta Park Trust and Sydney Catchment Management Authority) regarding options for interpretation as a second stage to the walking trail project.

(ii)        Following discussion and approval, (in association with land owners and partners) explore options for interpretation considering the various qualities of the site and in accordance with the Guidelines for Interpreting Heritage Places and Items (NSW Department of Planning Heritage Branch, 2005).

(iii)       Advise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of the project and, in accordance with the Guidelines, seek their feedback and guidance in relation to consultation and options for interpretation.

(iv)       Report on the outcome of the above matters at a future meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee.

(c)        Further, that there be an interim increase in heritage grants for the next three years to individual properties; with grants being generally limited to $1,300 for applications up to $5,000 in value; $2,650 for applications between $5,000 and $20,000 in value; and $3,300 for applications over $20,000 in value. 






SUBJECT          Naming Lanes in the City Centre

REFERENCE   F2006/00231 - D02027061

REPORT OF     Senior Project Officer- Urban Design


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Elmore)



 (a)      That the draft policy for the naming unnamed lanes within the City Centre, as outlined in the attached report, be adopted.

(b)       Further, that unnamed lane 23 be named Oyster Lane, unnamed lane 19 be named Fire Horse Lane and that unnamed lane No. 26 be named Red Cow Lane.




Environment and Infrastructure




SUBJECT          Electric Vehicles

REFERENCE   F2010/02630 - D02025957

REPORT OF     Senior Project Officer - Transport Planning


RESOLVED      (Bide/Lloyd)



(a)     That Council lobby NSW State and Federal governments to establish an EV incentive programs to encourage their uptake.

(b)     Further, that Council apply to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage under the 2011/12 Waste and Sustainability Improvement Payments (WaSIP) to fund a Council EV incentive program and EV recharge units.




Community and Neighbourhood




SUBJECT          Minutes of the Sydney West Area Health Service and Parramatta City Council Steering Group Meeting - 30 March 2011

REFERENCE   F2004/10350 - D01989980

REPORT OF     Manager - Social Outcomes


RESOLVED      (Lloyd/Bide)



 (a)    That the minutes of the SWAHS and Parramatta City Council Strategic Partnership meeting on 30 March 2011 (Attachment 1) be received and noted.

(b)     Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.






SUBJECT          Housing NSW Strategic Partnership Minutes

REFERENCE   F2004/05977 - D01999668

REPORT OF     Manager - Social Outcomes


RESOLVED      (Esber/Lack)



(a)       That the minutes of the Housing NSW and Parramatta City Council Strategic Alliance meeting on 6 April 2011 (Attachment 1) be received and noted.

(b)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.




NOTE:       Councillor J D Finn declared a pecuniary interest in this matter as an employee of Housing NSW and temporarily left the meeting during consideration and voting on this matter.






SUBJECT          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 28 June 2011

REFERENCE   F2005/01941 - D02016982

REPORT OF     Community Capacity Building Officer


RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)



(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 28 June 2011 be received and noted.

(b)       Further, that Council note that there is no request for additional expenditure.






SUBJECT          Access Advisory Committee Minutes 21 June 2011

REFERENCE   F2005/01944 - D02020945

REPORT OF     Community Capacity Building Officer Community Capacity



RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)



That the minutes of the Access Advisory Committee meeting on 21 June 2011 (Attachment 1) be received and noted.




Governance and Corporate




SUBJECT          GST Certificate

REFERENCE   F2005/01810 - D02002794

REPORT OF     Manager Finance


RESOLVED      (Esber/Bide)



That Council grant approval for the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive Officer and Manager Finance to sign off the Goods and Services Tax Certificate for the payment of GST for the period 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011.






SUBJECT          Investments Report for May 2011

REFERENCE   F2009/00971 - D02004701

REPORT OF     Manager Finance


RESOLVED      (Esber/Bide)



That Council receive and note the investments report for May 2011.






SUBJECT          Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2011 - 23 October - 26 October 2011 - Shoalhaven

REFERENCE   F2010/03190 - D02022228

REPORT OF     Executive Support Manager


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Wearne)



That the Lord Mayor, Councillor J Chedid (or nominee) and Councillors A Bide, P J Garrard, C X Lim, L E Wearne and A Wilson attend the Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2011 being held in Shoalhaven from 23 – 26 October 2011.






SUBJECT          Schedule of Council Meetings for 2011 - Change to Proposed Meeting Date of 24 October 2011

REFERENCE   F2004/08629 - D02003061

REPORT OF     Team Leader Council Support


RESOLVED      (Lack/Wearne)



That the Council Meeting previously scheduled for 24 October 2011 now be held on Monday 31 October 2011 and be advertised appropriately.







SUBJECT          Government Sustainability Conference - 31 August - 1 September 2011 - Melbourne

REFERENCE   F2011/01728 - D02001481

REPORT OF     Executive Support Manager


RESOLVED      (Esber/Garrard)



That any Councillors interested in attending the Government Sustainability Conference 2011 to be held in Melbourne from 31 August – 1 September 2011 advise the Office of the Lord Mayor within seven (7) days.




Notices of Motion





SUBJECT          Section 94 Plans

REFERENCE   F2005/01595 - D02025590

REPORT OF     Councillor A A Wilson


RESOLVED      (Wilson/Chedid)



That Parramatta City Council amend its section 94 plans so they allow for the purchase of open space and the construction of footpaths in every case.






SUBJECT          Illegal Dumping

REFERENCE   F2011/00820 - D02029335

REPORT OF     Councillor M D McDermott


RESOLVED      (McDermott/Bide)



That Council staff take action to address the expanding issue of the dumping of wood chips on council reserves, traffic islands and open spaces.



NOTE:       Councillors P Esber and A Issa, OAM, MP left the meeting at 8.13pm and returned at 8.15pm during consideration of this matter.








RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)


Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-



1       Leasehold Acquisitions. (D02021842) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

2       Tender No. 5/2011 - Disposal of Waste and Recyclable Material - Schedule of Rates Contract. (D02023603) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

3       Extension of Existing Contract (Tender 12/2008) Operation of Free Bus Service in the Parramatta City Centre. (D02024744) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.







That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-





SUBJECT          Leasehold Acquisitions

REFERENCE   F2004/06427 - D02021842

REPORT OF     Property Development Director


RESOLVED      (Bide/Esber)



(a)       That Council notes the leasehold interest in 160 Church Street, Parramatta has been compulsorily acquired for the purpose of implementing the Civic Place Masterplan.

(b)       That Council approves of the amount of compensation to be paid to the owners of the leasehold interest in the property known as 160 Church Street Parramatta for the amount stated in the report

(c)        Further, that Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate, complete and execute the terms of all documentation necessary to finalise and bring into force a binding agreement with the owners of the leasehold interested in the property known as 160 Church Street Parramatta in respect of the amount of compensation to be paid to them by reason of the compulsory acquisition of their respective interests.






SUBJECT          Tender No. 5/2011 - Disposal of Waste and Recyclable Material - Schedule of Rates Contract

REFERENCE   F2011/00824 - D02023603

REPORT OF     Service Manager Cleansing


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Issa OAM)



(a)         That the tendered schedule of rates for the Disposal of Waste and Recyclable Material be accepted for the contractors listed below for the services identified  for an initial period of three (3) years with an option to extend for a further one (1) year period subject to satisfactory performance:

i.           General Solid Waste - Veolia Environmental Services (Aust) Pty Ltd

ii.          Mattresses – Recyclable - Mission Australia

iii.         Special Waste (Asbestos) - South Coast Industry Services Pty Ltd

iv.         Hazardous Waste – South Coast Industry Services Pty Ltd

v.          Green Waste - J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd (Envirocom Australia)

vi.         Street Sweeping including Stormwater Pit Sediment and Soils - Envirocivil NSW Pty Ltd

vii.        Cardboard and Paper - J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd (Envirocom Australia)

viii.       Building & Demolition Waste - Veolia Environmental Services (Aust) Pty Ltd and Benedict Recycling Pty Ltd

ix.         Concrete - Benedict Recycling Pty Ltd

x.          Asphalt - Benedict Recycling Pty Ltd

xi.         Soils - Benedict Recycling Pty Ltd and Envirocivil NSW Pty Ltd

xii.        E-Waste - J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd (Envirocom Australia)

(b)      That Council reject all tenders for the provision of waste disposal services for Clinical and Related Waste, Liquid Waste and Steel (black iron).

(c)       That all tenderers be advised of Council’s decisions in this matter.

(d)      Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be given delegated authority to execute and affix the Common Seal of Council to the necessary documents.






SUBJECT          Extension of Existing Contract (Tender 12/2008) Operation of Free Bus Service in the Parramatta City Centre.

REFERENCE   F2004/08730 - D02024744

REPORT OF     Manager City Assets and Environment


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Issa OAM)



(a)       That the Veolia Free Bus Operation Contract with Veolia Transport NSW Pty Ltd (Veolia Transport) be extended for a one year period from 29 August 2011 to 28 August 2012.

(b)       Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be given delegated authority to execute and affix the Common Seal of Council to the necessary documents.









SUBJECT          Purchase of Former Council Chamber Chair

REFERENCE   F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Pierre Esber


Councillor Esber sought advice on the location of his former Council Chamber chair which he had recently purchased.




NOTE:       Councillors P B Barber and M A Lack retired from the meeting at 8.38 pm during consideration of this matter.







SUBJECT          Commuter Parking in Granville

REFERENCE   F2007/02318

FROM                 Councillor Glenn Elmore


Councillor Elmore commented on the lack of parking available in Granville Shopping Centre and noted that the previous Member for Granville had secured $6,000,000 for the construction of a commuter car park to be located in close proximity to the Granville Railway Station.


Councillor Elmore asked whether Council was still in active negotiations with the NSW State Government in relation to receiving the monies which would relieve the serious parking issues that exist in Granville Shopping Centre.


Councillor Issa noted that he had, this day, asked the relevant Minister to pursue this issue.








SUBJECT          Dangerous Condition of RTA Roads

REFERENCE   F2004/08052

FROM                 Councillor Michael McDermott


Councillor McDermott asked what correspondence, if any, had transpired between Council and the RTA to highlight the dangerous state of RTA roads within the Parramatta LGA.  Further, he asked what action was available to Council to bring this issue to the attention of the relevant Minister.


In particular, Councillor McDermott referred to such roads as Kissing Point Road, James Ruse Drive, Parramatta Road and Victoria Road.




NOTE:       Councillor P Esber retired from the meeting at 8.39 pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          International Society & Arboriculture Conference

REFERENCE   F2010/02592

FROM                 Councillor Michael McDermott


Councillor McDermott requested that Council recognise the tremendous efforts of staff in relation to the ISA Conference and the World Tree Climbing Championships.


The Lord Mayor agreed that the event had been well run and received.









SUBJECT          Recent Overseas Visit by Lord Mayor

REFERENCE   F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Tony Issa OAM, MP


Councillor Issa congratulated the Lord Mayor on his recent overseas visit and noted that his efforts had been well received and respected.


The Lord Mayor thanked Councillor Issa for his kind words and noted that the success of the visit was due largely to the efforts of previous Lord Mayors, being Councillors Issa and Garrard. 


The Lord Mayor added that the hospitality he had experienced was magnificent.










SUBJECT          Removal of Green Waste - 37 Mount Street, Constitution Hill

REFERENCE   F2004/00376

FROM                 Councillor Andrew Bide


Councillor Bide advised that he had raised a service request in January 2011 seeking the removal of green waste from outside 37 Mount Street, Constitution Hill.


Councillor Bide noted that the waste had not been removed as yet and sought advice on the status of this request and further requested that this particular eye sore be removed as a matter of urgency.









SUBJECT          Condition of Roads in Vicinity of Winston Hills Shopping Centre

REFERENCE   F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Andrew Bide


Councillor Bide requested that staff approach The Hills Shire Council with a view to maintenance works being carried out on that Council’s roads in the vicinity of Winston Hills Shopping Centre, as the roads had experienced much damage as a result of the recent heavy rains.








SUBJECT          Various Issues as Raised by Ms Elizabeth Boesel

REFERENCE   F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Andrew Wilson


Councillor Wilson advised that he had recently been contacted by Ms Elizabeth Boesel in relation to a number of issues.


Councillor Wilson requested that the relevant Place Manager meet with Ms Boesel and himself at a mutually convenient time with a view to addressing the issues raised.




NOTE:        Councillor M McDermott left the meeting at 8.45pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          Meeting Between Councillors and New Place Managers

REFERENCE   F2010/01127

FROM                 Councillor Scott Lloyd


Councillor Lloyd sought advice when a formal meeting would be arranged between Councillors and new Place Managers.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development advised that the new Manager Place Services had recently been appointed and would commence duties on 3 August 2011. The officer would be introduced to Councillors at the next available meeting following her commencement.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development added that information had recently been provided to Councillors in relation to all Place Managers and Operational Liaison Officers together with a relevant map and added that a meeting or group meetings would be arranged in the near future.




NOTE:       Councillor M McDermott returned to the meeting at  8.46 pm during consideration of this matter.








SUBJECT          Recent Closure of Granville Pool

REFERENCE   F2004/06478

FROM                 Councillor Paul Garrard


Councillor Garrard questioned whether Granville Pool had been closed recently.


The Group Manager City Services advised that problems had been experienced with the Pool’s heating and filtration on Friday 15 July 2011 resulting in the temperature of the pool dropping and the water not being turned over as appropriate.


The Group Manager City Services advised that the 25 metre pool was now operational; however, the 50 metre pool would not be appropriately heated until tomorrow.


Regular users of the pool were notified accordingly and relocated where possible and swim schools offered additional make up lessons.


Councillors were notified of the closure via memorandum included in the Councillors Information Folder dated 21 July 2011.





SUBJECT          Place Managers

REFERENCE   F2010/01172

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne advised that attempts had been made to contact the new Place Manager; however, advice was provided that the person, who had only recently been appointed, was off on maternity leave.


Councillor Wearne asked that the relevant Place Manager for the Lachlan Macquarie Ward make contact as soon as possible.







SUBJECT          Old Kings School

REFERENCE   F2006/01037

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne sought advice on the present position with Old Kings School and particularly in relation to the $25,000,000 issue.


In particular, Councillor Wearne requested that urgent official discussions be held with the Bishop.



NOTE:        Councillor A A Wilson retired from the meeting at 8.48 pm during consideration of this matter.







SUBJECT          Transit Lane on Victoria Road

REFERENCE   F2004/08032

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor John Chedid


The Lord Mayor, Councillor Chedid noted that the new Transit Lane on Victoria Road was causing traffic chaos for persons entering Parramatta.


The Lord Mayor noted that Victoria Road was RTA property and requested that representations be made by staff with a view to alleviating the problems being experienced, perhaps with the Transit Lane operating in the  morning period only.


The Lord Mayor further noted that staff could make representations through the Parramatta Traffic Committee; however, the RTA could override such decisions and accordingly requested that an alternative method of representation be undertaken.








The meeting terminated at 8.52 pm.








Lord Mayor