Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)



ITEM NUMBER         10.8

SUBJECT                   147 Parramatta Road, Granville
(Lot 1 DP 619597 & Lot 1 DP 507293)(Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition of existing building and construction of a 5 storey mixed use development comprising 2 commercial tenancies and 3 residential units on the ground floor and 28 residential units over 4 levels above, with basement carparking for 49 vehicles

REFERENCE            DA/627/2010 - Submitted 4 August 2010

APPLICANT/S           Dewcape Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Mr S Musallam & Mr A Ishak

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services        



DATE OF REPORT 24 may 2011




The application has been referred to Council as “residential accommodation” is a prohibited land use under the proposed Residential R2 zoning of the Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010.




The application seeks approval for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a 5 storey mixed use development comprising 2 commercial tenancies and 3 residential units on the ground floor and 28 residential units over 4 levels above, with basement carparking for 49 vehicles.


The application was lodged after the Draft LEP2010 was first placed on public exhibition.


The proposed development is permissible with consent under the current LEP 2001. However, the subject site is proposed to be zoned Enterprise Corridor B6 under Draft Parramatta LEP 2010. The residential component of the proposed development is defined as ‘residential accommodation’ under Draft Parramatta LEP 2010 and is prohibited in the draft zone. The proposed development is not consistent with the aims and objectives of the B6 Enterprise Corridor zoning applying to the site as the objectives do not relate to the provision of residential development (which is the predominant usage proposed for this application).


Five submissions have been received in respect of this application. The issues raised within those submissions relate to privacy, parking, height, character, open space, drainage, air quality, Agenda 21, impacts on traffic, loss of trees and impacts on infrastructure. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


The proposed development is inconsistent with the objectives contained within the current  Mixed Use zoning under Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 as the proposed development will have an adverse impact upon the adjacent land uses. The proposed development will significantly overlook the adjoining low scale residential properties in Victoria Street and will be visually intrusive to these properties given the proposed bulk and scale of the building.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for refusal for the reasons contained within the recommendation section of this report. 






(a)     That Council as the consent authority refuse development consent to Development Application No. 627/2010 for demolition and construction of a five storey mixed use development at 147-149 Parramatta Road, Granville the following reasons:


1.   The proposed development is inconsistent with the objectives of the proposed Business Enterprise zoning of the site under Draft LEP 2010.


2.   The residential component of the proposed mixed use development is prohibited under the proposed Business Enterprise zoning of the site under Draft LEP 2010.


3.   The proposed development is inconsistent with the development context in which it is proposed to be located.


4.   The proposed development would result in adverse environmental impacts on neighbouring properties including overlooking and visual bulk and scale.


5.   The proposed development is not consistent with Section (a) of the aims and objectives of the Mixed Use zone under Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001.


6.   The proposed development is not in the public interest.


(b)       Further that the persons who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.





Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer

Development Assessment Services






Section 79C Assessment Report

42 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

10 Pages



Confidential Plans & Elevations

6 Pages




Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)



Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)


Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)


Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)


Item 7.2 - Attachment 1

Previous Council Report (Circulated only to Councillors and Senior Staff. If you require a copy contact Council Support on 98065314)