Item 7.4 - Attachment 1

Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes for 20 April 2011







Carol Liston in the Chair, Elaine Evans, Anne Mathews and Bill McGuirk.






Elizabeth Boesel (retired 6.13pm), Grant Davies (Minute Clerk), Michelle Desailly (arrived 6.28pm) and Paul Kennedy (Project Officer).






An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Ruth Evans, Janice Huntington and David Shakespeare.






There were no declarations of interest at this meeting.






16/11         Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes – 23 February 2011

A copy of the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 23 February 2011 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RESOLVED              (E Evans/B McGuirk)


That the minutes of the meeting of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 23 February 2011 be taken as read and be confirmed as a true record of the meeting.




17/11        Dundas Diatreme

The Committee welcomed Ms Boesel to the meeting to give a presentation on the Dundas Diatreme and to provide supporting documentation on the proposed listing of the diatreme on the State Heritage Register.


RESOLVED (McGuirk/E Evans)



(a)       The copies of the interpretative material as supplied by Ms Boesel be provided to Michelle Desailly, Paul Kennedy, the Central Library and the Heritage Centre;

(b)       It be noted that Ms Boesel possesses further information that may assist in the interpretation of the Dundas Diatreme;

(c)       Further, that the Committee expresses its continued support for the listing of the Dundas Diatreme on the State Heritage Register.



Ms Boesel retired from the meeting at 6.13pm following consideration of this matter.





18/11         Site Inspections – Governor Phillips Camp Site and Cumberland Hospital Site

                   Site inspections as requested at the previous meeting had now been held.


RESOLVED  (E Evans/B McGuirk)



(a)       The Committee supports the listing of the Governor Phillip Camp Site on the Heritage Register and requests that interpretative signage be provided to aid people in understanding the significance of the site from an Aboriginal and European viewpoint.


(b)       The Committee reinforces the importance of the 3 original buildings of the Female Factory, being the matron quarters, the hospital and the 3rd class penitentiary, to Parramatta’s history.


(c)       Further, the Committee requests that Council take the appropriate action to ensure the removal of the destructive vine located on the Norma Parker Correctional Centre.



Ms Michelle Desailly arrived at the meeting at 6.28pm during consideration of this matter.



19/11        Feedback from Council

Mr Kennedy advised that Council had noted the Heritage Advisory Committee’s minutes of 16 February 2011 and had provided its initial support for the listing of the Parramatta Sand Body, such support being conditional on exemptions that will allow Council to carry out maintenance work on Robin Thomas Reserve.



20/11        Sesqui-Centenary of the Parramatta Municipal Council

An update on this issue was requested at the next meeting of the Committee.


Discussions would be held with Karen O’Donnell and an update provided to members.





21/11        Parramatta Stories

Ms Desailly provided details on a project which had recently emerged from the Draft Interpretation Strategy and Parramatta Laneways Strategy and Policy.


The project involved the naming of a series of unnamed laneways across the Parramatta City Centre, with the Parramatta Stories Project Team working with the Heritage Centre, local studies library, Urban Design Team and specialists to research, inform and propose a series of appropriate names.


The aim is to raise awareness and to reinforce distinctive attributes of Parramatta, its people and places and will hopefully spark people’s curiosity and interest in thinking about the meaning of the name.


In proposing names issues to be considered would include:-

·    Specific sites and their surrounds;

·    Recognising and reflecting aspects of the culture, heritage and identity of Parramatta, both past and present;

·    Consideration of significant events, people, structures and uses.


Council would also be looking at the rejuvenation of the laneways.


Ms Desailly then distributed information pertaining to 3 proposed names for consideration at tonight’s meeting being Red Cow Lane, Oyster Lane and Fire Horse Lane.


Proposed Name - Red Cow Lane

Currently used as walkway between commercial buildings from George Street to entry of Erby Street Car Park.


The site is the former “Red Cow Inn.”


Proposed Name - Oyster Lane

Located off Church Street, backing onto Lennox Street Car Park.


The significance of small business in the area is a strong theme. Various small shops have been evident in the area including a tobacconist and grocer run by Henry Hunt who also sold oysters from the site.


It is hoped the proposed name will encourage persons to seek further information on the significance of the area.


Proposed Name - Fire Horse Lane

Located off Fitzwilliam Street backing onto the Wentworth Street Car Park.


The former fire station is located to the north west of the laneway. The laneway may have been a service lane for the station and may have been where brigade transportation horses were kept.


RESOLVED  (E Evans/A Mathews)


No objection be raised to the proposed names for the subject laneways.





22/11        Update on St Patrick’s Cemetery – Road Widening

Mr Kennedy provided information on the RTA proposal to construct a southbound bus lane on Church Street, between Barney Street and Harold Street, North Parramatta.


The proposed work affects St Patrick Cemetery boundaries in that:-

1.         Two trees will be removed along the western boundary of the cemetery;

2.         Fencing and restoration work along a section of Church Street southbound will be carried out to protect the heritage value of the cemetery.


The cemetery works are scheduled for completion in 2011 with the bus priority works to be completed in 2012.


A landscape plan of the proposed works was distributed to members.


23/11        Comprehensive Heritage Review

Mr Kennedy advised that the review is now approximately 85% complete.


It is proposed that the study would be completed by the end of the financial year with relevant recommendations to be presented to this Committee in June.


A workshop with Councillors is then scheduled for mid July and it is anticipated the issue will then be considered by full Council in August.



24/11        Development Application – Update by Heritage Advisor

In the absence of Mr Popovic, further information on DA/194/2011 relating to 71 Adams Street, Guildford and in relation to DA/714/2009A relating to 4 Hammers Road, Northmead was sought.



25/11        Local Heritage Fund

Paul Kennedy advised that 2 applications had been received for consideration at this meeting as follows:-


1.         25 Reid Street, Merrylands – Termite treatment and remedial works to prevent further deterioration of floors, subfloor areas and pioneer brickwork.


            The work is supported by the Heritage Advisor.


RESOLVED  (McGuirk/E Evans)


That funds in the amount of $1,000 be granted.


2.         9 Kent Street, Epping – Replacement of stormwater pipe which was causing damage to the front veranda.


            The works carried out were supported by the Heritage Advisor.


RESOLVED  (McGuirk/E Evans)


That funds in the amount of $1,000 be granted.



26/11        Information Share


1.         Parramatta Park – Ms Elaine Evans tabled brochures as follows:-

·    The Artist in the Landscape – Parramatta Park Domain Art Trail;

·    Parramatta Park Autumn/Winter 2011 Program.


2.         Toongabbie Public School – Fitzwilliam Road, Toongabbie – Mr McGuirk advised that the school will be holding its 130th year anniversary this year and will be opening a time capsule as part of the celebrations.



27/11        Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on 15 June 2011.


Any further suggestions for listing on the Heritage Register should be emailed to Mr Kennedy prior to the date of the meeting as final recommendations will be made at the June meeting.



The meeting terminated at 7.35pm.