NOTICE OF Council (Development)  MEETING




The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 11 April 2011 at 6.45pm.










Dr. Robert Lang

Chief Executive Officer



 Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney


30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150

PO Box 32 Parramatta


Phone 02 9806 5050 Fax 02 9806 5917 DX 8279 Parramatta

ABN 49 907 174 773


“Think Before You Print”




The Lord Mayor Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council





Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services




Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham



Greg Smith –  Group Manager Corporate



Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies


Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development










Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward



Clr Lorraine Wearne -

Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward



Clr Paul Garrard -  Woodville Ward


Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward



Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward



Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward


Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward



Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward


Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward

Clr Michael McDermott,

Deputy Lord Mayor - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward

Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward

Clr Chiang Lim– Arthur Phillip Ward

Text Box:   Press









Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011




ITEM                                                         SUBJECT                                              PAGE NO


1       CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council  - 28 March 2011

2        APOLOGIES


4        Minutes of Lord Mayor

5        Public Forum  

6        PETITIONS

7        Rescission Motions

7.1     Electric Vehicles  

8        Economy and Development

8.1     Appointment of Observer to Civic Place Management Committee

8.2     Variations to Standards under SEPP 1    

9        Governance and Corporate

9.1     Draft Amended Delivery Program 2010 -14. Draft Operational Plan 2011-12. Draft Fees and Charges 2011/12. Updated Long Term Financial Plan  


11      Reports - Domestic Applications

11.1   7 Kay Street, Carlingford
(LOT 5 DP 217146) (Lachlan Macquarie)

12      Reports - Major Applications

12.1   12 William Street, North Parramatta
(Lot 3 DP 372347) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

12.2   3-5 McArdle Street, Ermington
(Lot 3 & Lot 4 DP 36752)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

12.3   25 Campbell Street, Parramatta (Lot 2) (DP345390)

12.4   19/423 Church Street, Parramatta (Lot 19 SP 17206)

12.5   320 Railway Terrace, Guildford
Lot 1 DP 177259 (Woodville Ward)

12.6   8 Willoughby Street, Epping
Lot 1 DP 13928

12.7   65-75 Macquarie Street Parramatta (Lot E-I &Pt M DP 15108) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

12.8   3 Edison Parade, WINSTON HILLS  NSW  2153 (Caroline Chisholm Ward)

12.9   297 -299 Woodville Road (Cnr constance Street) Guildford
(Lot 7 and 8 in DP 128795) (Woodville Ward)

12.10  Further Report - 32 Mobbs Lane, CARLINGFORD
(Lot 1 DP 39354)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

12.11  221 Guildford Road & 66 Marian Street, GUILDFORD
Lot D & E DP 356632 (Woodville Ward)

13      Closed Session

13.1   Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council

This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.







Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011



Rescission Motions


11 April 2011


7.1    Electric Vehicles

Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                    Item 7.1


ITEM NUMBER         7.1

SUBJECT                   Electric Vehicles

REFERENCE            F2010/02630 - D01904814

REPORT OF              Councillor L E Wearne       


To be Moved by Councillor L E Wearne and seconded by Councillors P J Garrard and S D Lloyd




That the resolution of the Council Meeting held on 28 March 2011, regarding, Electric Vehicles namely:-

(a)    That a report be prepared on incentives to encourage Parramatta based organisations and individuals to acquire electric vehicles.


(b)     Further, that Council undertakes an Expression of Interest process to procure electric vehicle recharge units and possibly electric vehicles for a trial period, once the above is established.


be and is hereby rescinded.





Previous Council Report

22 Pages




Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011



Economy and Development


11 April 2011


8.1    Appointment of Observer to Civic Place Management Committee





8.2    Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                    Item 8.1


ITEM NUMBER         8.1

SUBJECT                   Appointment of Observer to Civic Place Management Committee

REFERENCE            F2004/06405 - D01896273

REPORT OF              General Counsel         




To seek the nomination of an alternative Councillor to act as an observer on the Civic Place Management Committee following the resignation of Councillor A Wilson.





That Council nominate a replacement observer to the Civic Place Management Committee.






1.      In 2006, Council resolved to continue with the Civic Place Management Committee as part of the future governance structure for the delivery of Civic Place and to offer future council property redevelopment opportunities. The Committee currently consists of Councillors, staff and suitable industry experts including legal, commercial, property and design advisers.


2.      On 7 October 2008, Council resolved that Councillor A Issa, OAM (Lord Mayor of the Day) and Councillors J D Finn, C X Lim and A A Wilson be appointed to the Civic Place Management Committee as observers.


3.      Councillor John Chedid, being the current Lord Mayor, has taken the place of Councillor A Issa OAM as an observer on the Committee.


4.      Councillor Wilson has now tendered his resignation from the Committee and accordingly it would be appropriate for the Council to nominate a replacement observer for the Committee.



Maurice Doria

General Counsel




There are no attachments for this report.




Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                    Item 8.2


ITEM NUMBER         8.2

SUBJECT                   Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

REFERENCE            F2009/00431 - D01897420

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




To provide Council with information each month on development applications determined where there has been a variation in standards under State Environmental Planning Policy No.1 or similar provisions under the standard instrument.





That the report be received and noted.





In accordance with the reporting requirements prescribed in Planning Circular

PS 08-014 issued by the NSW Department of Planning, four (4) development applications were determined where there has been a variation in standards under SEPP 1 or similar provisions under the Standard Instrument, during the period of March 2011






Louise Kerr

Manager Development Services





Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - Approved in March 2011

1 Page






Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011



Governance and Corporate


11 April 2011


9.1    Draft Amended Delivery Program 2010 -14. Draft Operational Plan 2011-12. Draft Fees and Charges 2011/12. Updated Long Term Financial Plan

Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                    Item 9.1


ITEM NUMBER         9.1

SUBJECT                   Draft Amended Delivery Program 2010 -14. Draft Operational Plan 2011-12. Draft Fees and Charges 2011/12. Updated Long Term Financial Plan

REFERENCE            F2010/01685 - D01904885

REPORT OF              Manager Finance       




To seek Council’s adoption of the Draft Operational Plan 2011/12, the updated Long Term Financial Plan and amendments to the previously adopted 2010/14 Delivery Program. Once adopted, the amended Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan 2011/12 will be placed on public exhibition.




(a)       That Council adopts the –

1     Draft amended Delivery Program 2010-2014

2     Draft Operational Plan 2011/12

3     Draft Fees and Charges 2011/12

4     Updated Long Term Financial Plan


(b)       That Council approves the placing of the draft amended Delivery Program 2010/11 to 2013/14 and draft Operational Plan 2011/12 on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from 21st of April to 22nd May.


(c)        That Council note the change in rate for shell as a result of their change in rating category application.




Last year, in accordance with Integrated Planning & Reporting legislative requirements, Council publicly exhibited and adopted its first 4-year Delivery Program 2010 - 2014. The 4-year Delivery Program sets out how Council plans to achieve the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan Parramatta Twenty25. Council is required to review the adopted Delivery Program each year before finalising its next annual Operating Plan.

Minor amendments to the Delivery Program may be considered and adopted by Council without the need to publicly re-exhibit the Program. Where significant amendments are proposed the Program must be re-exhibited. This report sets out the proposed amendments which are significant enough to warrant re-exhibition.

The annual 1-year Operational Plan is a sub-plan of the 4 – year Delivery Program and includes the budget, proposed rates, annual charges, fees and charges, pricing policy, proposed borrowings and specific projects, plans and activities for that year. The draft Operational Plan must be placed on public exhibition for 28 days and any submissions received are to be considered by Council before it is adopted.

A key component of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan’s strategy is to achieve financial sustainability by 2014/15 by closing the gap between operating revenues and expenditure. Council will achieve this by developing additional revenue opportunities, reductions in costs, the outcomes of its comprehensive services review and some modest increases in rates revenue above rate pegging limits. Details of the rating strategy included within the Delivery Program and Operational Plan are included in this report.

An important element of the Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework is the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP). The LTFP is regularly reviewed to reflect Council decisions and strategies and changes to financial and economic parameters. The LTFP has been updated as noted within this report, and is attached.

Over the past weeks, the development process of the draft Operational Plan has included a series of workshops for Councillors to consider Council’s current and forecast financial position, proposed rates, fees and charges and to determine priorities for future services and projects expenditure.

The amended 2010-14 Delivery Program and draft Operational Plan 2011/12 are now presented to Council for consideration. Once adopted, they will be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. The exhibition period will be advertised and comments invited from the community. Copies of the plans will be available at Council’s libraries and the Customer Contact Centre. Copies will also be placed on Council’s website.

Following the exhibition period it is proposed to bring the Program and Plan back to Council on May 23 to consider any submissions from the community and then to adopt the amended Delivery Program and final Operational Plan. Council must then advise IPART of its decision, to enable IPART to determine Council’s application by 10 June.




Proposed amendments to the adopted Delivery Program 2010 – 2014


The Delivery Program has been amended to include the funding of the proposed new Operations Centre and changes to the timing and composition of Civic Place expenditure and funding.


Rating strategy within the Delivery Program/ Operational Plan and special variation application to IPART


As part of the adopted Delivery Program’s strategies to achieve financial sustainability by 2014/15, last year Council applied to the Minister for Local Government for a special variation to rates income for each of the years 2010/11 to 2013/14. This involved a total of 5% special variation to general revenue above rate pegging spread over a period of 4 years - 2% in 2010/11, and 1% for the following three years.  The application also included a special variation that would enable the continuation indefinitely of the special business rates for CBD Infrastructure and Economic Development. As previously reported to Council, this application was only partially approved by the Minister. The increase sought for 2010/11 was approved. However a limit of 3 years on raising the resulting income was imposed by the Minister. The Minister did not approve the increases sought for 2011/12 to 2013/14.

At its meeting on 23 August 2010, Council was advised of the Minister’s decision and the ramifications for its strategy to achieve financial sustainability. Council resolved to adopt an amendment to the Delivery Program, which noted the Minister’s decision but confirmed Council’s intention to maintain its financial strategy and to submit an application for a special variation commencing 2011/12 to achieve the Delivery Program’s financial objectives. The application would be consistent with the application previously submitted.

Following recent legislative changes, rate pegging increases and applications for special rate variations above rate pegging are now being determined by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

Discussions took place with IPART as to the need to conduct additional community consultation, given that the latest application is in line with the previous application and extensive consultation was conducted last year. IPART advised that Council should conduct another survey of residential ratepayers to ensure that they understood the latest proposal and to gauge the community’s attitude to it. The results of this survey will be provided to Council when available and forwarded to IPART.   The survey design and scheduling is currently being finalised but it is expected results will be available in mid April.

In accordance with Council’s adopted Delivery Program, an application was submitted to IPART for a special rate variation for the years 2011/12 to 2013/14. The application had to be submitted by 25 March and IPART will determine it by 10 June. The application seeks rate increases of:

2011/12 - 4.3% comprising known rate peg 2.8% and special variation 1.5% (The total amount of 4.3% is unchanged from last year’s application, however last year our assumption for rate pegging was 3.3% with the special variation being 1%.   IPART has already determined that the rate pegging for 2011/12 will be 2.8%)

2012/13 - 4.3% comprising rate peg assumed 3.3% and special variation 1%

2013/14 – 8.96% comprising:  4.3% (rate peg assumed 3.3% and special variation 1%) plus 4.66% to continue the special variation approved in 2010 and due to cease at the end of 2012/13.

The 4.66% relating to the 2010 special variation comprises 1.81% applicable to all ratepayers as part of council’s financial sustainability strategy and 2.85% to continue the funding for the CBD infrastructure and economic development special rates. The special rates are levied on those business ratepayers benefiting from the expenditure of the funds raised.


The impact on the average residential ratepayer of the increases forecast for 2011/12 to 2013/14 would be:







Total increase 2011/12 to 2013/14

Annual Average over   3 years

Rate peg



3.3% forecast

3.3% forecast


Special variation





Average rate





Rate peg increase







Special variation






Total increase









2011/12 draft Operational Plan


Presentation format


The Draft Operational Plan has been prepared in a format based on Council’s four Pillars:

Environment & Infrastructure

Community & Neighbourhoods

Economy & Development

Corporate & Governance


Each Pillar section includes details of the Pillar’s objectives, service areas, projects, and proposed income and expenditure on services and projects.

The second section of the draft Operational Plan sets out consolidated details of the proposed 2011/12 Budget, forward financial estimates, proposed rates and annual charges for 2011/12 and the proposed income and expenditure from these proposed rates and charges. Other required statutory information is also contained in this second section. The schedule of proposed Fees and Charges and Pricing Policy for 2011/12 is contained under separate cover.


2011/12 Budget


2011/12 Operating Result


The budget delivers an operating result before capital income of $4.787M deficit.  This is an improvement of approximately $1M compared to the planned result for the 2011/12 year in last year’s Delivery Program.  This result assumes Council is successful in its special rate application of an increase of 1.5% in addition to rate pegging of 2.8%.  This result is in line with the LTFP and is part of the overall strategy to deliver a surplus result before capital income by the 2014/15 financial year. If Council’s application for the additional 1.5% is unsuccessful, rates revenue would be reduced by $1.3M and the deficit would increase to $6.1M.

Included in the operating budget are operating projects totalling $3.031M. Details of operating projects are shown for each Pillar.

The Civic Place operating budget is constructed per the current PDA (Project Development Agreement) with Grocon.  The budget also includes the income and expense estimates for the Civic Place property portfolio and interest expense estimates in relation to Civic Place loan borrowings.  Also included in the services budget is the loan principal repayment in relation to repaying the current loan borrowings for the Civic Place project.  These budgeted items are contingent on the conditions precedent in the project agreement.  If these are delayed, budget adjustments will be made at Quarterly Reviews.





Rates and Annual Charges

As noted above, the Draft Delivery Program includes the proposal to apply for a special variation to rates income for the period 2011/12 to 2013/14.

The rate pegging maximum increase for 2011/12, set by IPART, is 2.8% - marginally higher than last year’s 2.6% which was the lowest increase since 2000/01. With Council’s financial strategy including an overall increase in rates of 4.3% in 2011/12, a special variation of 1.5% has been sought.


The Draft 2011/12 Operational Plan has retained the same rating structure as used in recent years.


Shell Refining (Australia) Pty Ltd occupies a property at 9 Devon St, Rosehill. In 2005/06 new valuations as at July 2004 base date were used for rate calculations. As the valuation for 9 Devon Street had not changed since 1997 compared with the rest of the LGA, Shell’s rates would have decreased in 2005/06 and other properties within Business Industrial category would have made up the difference by paying additional rates.  On the basis of equity and benefit for the contribution to the rate levy, Council introduced a new sub category specifically for Shell to correct this anomaly.


In 2010/11, it was also decided to increase Shell's rates by 6% above the increase the rest of the LGA received. This enabled some of the impact from the special variation approved for 2010/11 to be reduced on residential ratepayers.


Shell recently lodged a change of category application asking Council to justify the position in relation to Shell having a separate rating category. Council’s Rates department assessed the application and based on evidence, while Council could justify the separate category, it could not justify the rate that shell was paying. From 1 July 2011, shell will pay the same rate in the dollar as all of the business industrial properties.


This will have no effect on Council’s overall income.  However, those properties that fall within the category of Business will pay approximately 1.03% more as a result of the re-categorisation.


The Stormwater Management Service Charge is set by legislation and has not been increased.


Fees and Charges

Generally increased by 4% with some higher to reflect cost recovery.  Most statutory fees are unchanged.  Some new fees have been introduced, and these have been noted as new in the fees and charges document.

Discussion papers were circulated to Councillors on 28th March 2011 regarding fees and charges for four service areas:

·    Parking Meters

·    Domestic Waste Service

·    Children Services and

·    Free Access to Aquatic Facilities

While each discussion paper addressed a number of issues and fee options raised during the recent Councillor workshops, no changes have been made to the draft schedule of Fees and Charges at this time.   Parking Meter fees remain unchanged since February 2006 and the Domestic Waste Service fee has been increased by only 4% which is insufficient to address escalating service costs.  The draft Operational Plan also assumes a $3 p/day increase in the fees for long day care services which will result in a service deficit in 2011/12.  An increase of $6 p/day is required to significantly reduce the subsidy of these children’s services.


Employee costs

Employee costs are based on Council’s current staff establishment and known factors for the relevant periods including Award based increases and Council’s salary system.  For long term estimates a 4% increase has been used.


Interest on investments

Average Return of 6% has been used, as suggested by Council’s advisors.


Property Sales

The following planned property sales ($000) are included in the Delivery Program, with funds being transferred into the property development reserve.  Interest earned on these funds would be allocated to the reserve:








Spurway Street, Ermington




Elizabeth Street, Granville




Mary Parade, Rydalmere




Morton Street Depot





Capital Budget

The budget incorporates a projects capital expenditure budget of $53.947M. 

Included within this budget is: 

New Operations Centre                                    $15.15M

Civic Place project management                    $  1.50M

Civic Place property acquisitions                   $11.50M


A detailed list of the capital projects is contained in each Pillar section of the Draft Operational Plan.


Capital projects expenditure is to be partly funded by general revenue funding of $7.1 million (including the asset replacement component) from the Services Budget. The balance is from special rates, loans, reserves, grants and section 94 contributions.

The following table shows a summary of the funding of capital expenditure by funding source for 2011/12 ($000):


Source of funding

Capital Exp.

General Revenue


Special Rates


Grants and Contributions


Sec. 94


Other Reserves






* Includes new loan borrowings and transfers from unspent loan reserves

New Loan Borrowings

Proposed new loans in 2011/12 are $20.61M:

Core loans                             $  3.65M

Operations Centre                $10.00M

Civic Place                            $  6.96M



Included in the draft Operational Plan is a schedule showing the proposed transfers to and from reserves included within the 2011/12 Budget, and the opening and closing balances for each Reserve.


Updated Long Term Financial Plan and Forward Estimates 2011-2014

Last year Council adopted its Long Term Financial Plan to 2019/20 and incorporated those forward estimates in its Delivery Program 2010-2014. The LTFP has been reviewed and extended to 2020/21. The significant changes are:

·    Interest on investments return increased from 5.5% to 6% for 2011/12 to 2013/2014 due to improvements in financial markets.

·    Employee costs amended following introduction of new salary and wages system and reductions to recognise vacancy periods due to staff turnover

·    Borrowing costs adjusted to incorporate additional loans for Operations Centre and Civic Place requirements

·    Capital expenditure reviewed to incorporate new Operations Centre, additional costs in Civic Place property acquisitions and additional longer term expenditure from the 2015/16 year to meet infrastructure needs flowing from growth in resident and worker populations and to position Parramatta as Sydney’s second CBD.

Overall the review has resulted in an improvement in Council’s projected annual operating results (excluding capital grants and contributions) of around $1.5 M to $3.5 M over the period of the LTFP.  Council will still eliminate its deficit as planned in 2014/15 however the surplus will be $2.7M rather than the previously predicted $0.2M. 


The LTFP aims to achieve the following major objectives:

·    Break-even / surplus operating result before capital revenue by 2014/15

·    Provide additional funding of $6M/yr for asset renewal (replacement) and $1M/yr for asset maintenance.  

·    Provide additional funding to support capital expenditure on key projects to position Parramatta as Sydney’s second CBD.




As noted above, the draft Operational Plan has been developed over a series of workshops and briefings attended by Councillors and staff.

During the exhibition period the community will be given the opportunity to discuss the contents of the Draft Plan with Councillors and staff and to make submissions for Council’s consideration. 


The exhibition period must be for a minimum of 28 days and Council is required under the Local Government Act to adopt by 30 June, its Operational Plan for the following year commencing 1 July.



Manager Finance

Alistair Cochrane



Draft Amended Delivery Program 2010/11 - 2013/14 and Draft Operational Plan 2011/12 (will be sent on Thursday 07 April 2011)

100 Pages



Draft Fees and Charges 2011/12

81 Pages



Updated Long Term Financial Plan

49 Pages







Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011



Domestic Applications


11 April 2011


11.1  7 Kay Street, Carlingford
(LOT 5 DP 217146) (Lachlan Macquarie)

Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 11.1


ITEM NUMBER         11.1

SUBJECT                   7 Kay Street, Carlingford
(LOT 5 DP 217146) (Lachlan Macquarie)

DESCRIPTION          Alterations and additions to an existing 2 storey dwelling to create a third storey.

REFERENCE            DA/12/2011 - 13 January 2011

APPLICANT/S           Design & Building Group

OWNERS                    Mr Y X Chen & Mrs Q Lin

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 18 March 2011





The application has been referred to Council as it seeks a variation of greater than 10% to the height control within Clause 39(1) of Local Environmental Plan 2001 and the application is accompanied by an objection under SEPP 1.





The application seeks approval for substantial alterations and additions to an existing 2 storey dwelling to create a third storey and landscaping works.


Although the completed works will result in a ground and first floor for habitable purposes, the dwelling will comprise of three storeys as defined by Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 thus exceeding the two storey height limit permitted under the development standard of Clause 39(1). The existing garage area located below the dwelling protrudes above the natural ground level by more than 1.2m and along the northern elevation the proposed dwelling is 3 storey in height.


In accordance with a Planning Circular released by the Department of Planning in November 2008 on ’Reporting Variations to Development Standards' variations to development standards greater than 10% should be determined by Council.


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and one submission was received raising concern the application fails to address the requirements of SEPP1; non compliance with Parramatta DCP2005; issues with plans provided and the use of the first floor balcony. The issues raised in the submission do not warrant refusal or modification of the development.


The proposed development is consistent with the objectives contained in the Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. The dwelling has a satisfactory design, bulk and scale due to the parapet wall, low pitched roof and clear balcony balustrades. The dwelling is considered compatible with the character of old and new buildings in the area, thus resulting in minimal impact on the streetscape or amenity of adjoining properties in terms of privacy or shading.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.




(a)       That Council support the variation to Clause 39(1) of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b)       Further, that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/12/2011 for the alterations and additions to an existing 2 storey dwelling to create a third storey at 7 Kay Street, CARLINGFORD for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 1 of this report.


(c)        Further, that the submitter be advised of Council’s determination.




Nicholas Clarke

Development and Certification Officer





S79c Assessment Report

38 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




9 Pages



Confidential plans

4 Pages






Council (Development)                                                                                      11 April 2011



Major Applications


11 April 2011


12.1  12 William Street, North Parramatta
(Lot 3 DP 372347) (Arthur Phillip Ward)





12.2  3-5 McArdle Street, Ermington
(Lot 3 & Lot 4 DP 36752)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)





12.3  25 Campbell Street, Parramatta (Lot 2) (DP345390)





12.4  19/423 Church Street, Parramatta (Lot 19 SP 17206)





12.5  320 Railway Terrace, Guildford
Lot 1 DP 177259 (Woodville Ward)





12.6  8 Willoughby Street, Epping
Lot 1 DP 13928





12.7  65-75 Macquarie Street Parramatta (Lot E-I &Pt M DP 15108) (Arthur Phillip Ward)





12.8  3 Edison Parade, WINSTON HILLS  NSW  2153 (Caroline Chisholm Ward)





12.9  297 -299 Woodville Road (Cnr constance Street) Guildford
(Lot 7 and 8 in DP 128795) (Woodville Ward)





12.10.................................................... Further Report - 32 Mobbs Lane, CARLINGFORD
(Lot 1 DP 39354)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)





12.11............................................. 221 Guildford Road & 66 Marian Street, GUILDFORD
Lot D & E DP 356632 (Woodville Ward)

Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.1


ITEM NUMBER         12.1

SUBJECT                   12 William Street, North Parramatta
(Lot 3 DP 372347) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Section 82A Review to seek approval for retention of the eixisting dwelling, tree removal and construction of a two storey dwelling to create a dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision.

REFERENCE            DA/375/2010 - 23 December 2010

APPLICANT/S           Mr V M Sciglitano

OWNERS                    Mr V M Sciglitano

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




14 March  2011





The application is referred to Council as it is an application under Section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.




This Section 82A Review application seeks Council’s reconsideration of its refusal to grant consent for retention of the existing dwelling, tree removal and the construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy development with torrens title subdivision.


The original development application was refused under delegated authority by the Group Manager, Outcomes and Development on 14 July 2010 for the following reasons:



1.         The proposal fails to comply with Clause 36(2)(c) of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 as the proposal is for a detached dual occupancy with one street frontage and is prohibited development on the site.


2.         The proposal fails to comply with the objectives of the 2A Residential Zone in particular the objectives that state, “(a)  to enhance the amenity and characteristics of the established residential area, and (b) to encourage redevelopment of low density housing forms, including dual occupancy development, where such redevelopment does not compromise the amenity of the surrounding residential areas, or the natural and cultural heritage of the area, and (c) to ensure that building form, including that of alterations and additions, is in character with the surrounding built environment.”

The proposed development is inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the Residential 2A zoning applying to the land as the proposal is considered to be a detached dual occupancy with one street frontage and is prohibited development on the site. The proposed development is inconsistent with the Residential 2A zone objectives (a), (b) and (c) as the proposal compromises the amenity and characteristics of the established residential area and surrounding residential areas through a prohibited built form.


3.         The development fails to comply with Part 4.1.4 ‘Stormwater Drainage’ of Parramatta DCP 2005 as the proposed stormwater cannot be supported due to inadequate design.


4.         The development fails to comply with Part 4.2.1 ‘Streetscape’ of Parramatta DCP 2005 as the development does not respond to the spatial characteristics of the existing urban environment and the two dwellings ‘attached’ with a pergola is not in harmony with the continuity, rhythm and spacing of the existing streetscape nor that envisaged under PLEP 2001 and PDCP 2005.


5.         The development fails to comply with Part 4.2.3 ‘Building Form and Massing’ and Part 4.2.4 ‘Building Façade and Articulation’ of Parramatta DCP 2005 as the two dwellings ‘attached’ with a pergola will present as detached dwellings and lack architectural compatibility, and impact the streetscape by being inconsistent with the desired future character of the area.


6.         The development fails to comply with Part 4.2.5 ‘Roof Design’ of Parramatta DCP 2005 as the flat parapet roof form for the proposed dwelling will be inconsistent with the local context.


7.       The proposal is not considered to be in the public interest.



Additional and amended information was received with the Section 82A Review including:


·    Legal Advice that indicates the proposal should be defined as a detached dual occupancy;

·    Amended Stormwater Plans and information;

·    Letters of non objection from three adjoining landowners; and

·    A SEPP 1 objection to Clause 36 regarding the detached nature of the proposal.


The amended plans and information satisfactorily address grounds 1 and 3 of Council’s previous refusal (to the extent that it is acknowledged that the development is permissible) but have not satisfactorily addressed the other reasons for refusal.


No submissions were received following notification of the Section 82A Review, however the applicant submitted three letters of support with the review.


For the reasons outlined in this report and Attachment 1, it is recommended that Council uphold its previous decision and refuse consent to the Section 82A Review application.







That Council uphold its determination and refuse Development Application DA/375/2010 for tree removal and the construction of a 2 storey attached dual occupancy development on land at 12 William Street, North Parramatta for the reasons contained in Attachment 1 of this report.





Brad Delapierre

Team Leader –Development Assessment Team






Section 82A Review and 79C Report

38 Pages



Locality Plan

1 Page



Section 82A Review Plans

2 Pages



Applicants Section 82A review covering letter

2 Pages



Original Section 79C Report

28 Pages



Section 82A review confidential floor plans

3 Pages





Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.2


ITEM NUMBER         12.2

SUBJECT                   3-5 McArdle Street, Ermington
(Lot 3 & Lot 4 DP 36752)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit development comprising 6 dwellings over a basement carpark

REFERENCE            DA/829/2010 - Submitted 20 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           Australian Consultant Architects

OWNERS                    Mr Z J Chen

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 10 march 2011




The application has been referred to Council as “multi dwelling housing” is a prohibited land use under the proposed Residential R2 zoning of the Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010.




The application seeks approval for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit development comprising 6 dwellings over a basement carpark.


The proposed development is permissible with consent under the current LEP 2001. However, the subject site is proposed to be zoned R2 Low Density Residential under draft Parramatta LEP 2010. The proposed development is defined as ‘multi dwelling housing’ under draft Parramatta LEP 2010 and is prohibited in the draft zone. The proposal is partially inconsistent with the relevant objectives of the draft zone as it does not provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment. It should be noted however that the proposed development has a floor space less than that permissible within the draft zone and has a built form that is in character with the surrounding built environment.


Two submissions have been received in respect of this application. The issues raised within those submissions relate to potential overshadowing, devaluation of property and unauthorised parking during construction works. The issues raised in the submissions do not warrant refusal of the application. The issues have been discussed in detail within the Section 79C assessment report contained at Attachment 1.


The proposed development is consistent with the objectives contained within the current  Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. The building has a satisfactory design, bulk and scale. There is sufficient landscaping and private open space provided by the proposal. The proposed development is appropriately sited without unduly impacting on the streetscape or amenity of adjoining properties in terms of privacy or overshadowing.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions contained at Attachment 1.





(a)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 829/2010 for the demolition, tree removal and construction of a multi-unit development comprising 6 dwellings over a basement carpark on land at 3-5 McArdle Street, Ermington subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1. 


(b)       Further that the persons who lodged a submission be advised of Council’s determination of the application.





Katherine Lafferty 

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C Assessment Report

50 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Plans & Elevations

10 Pages



Aerial Photo - Development in Vicinity

1 Page



Confidential Plans

5 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.3


ITEM NUMBER         12.3

SUBJECT                   25 Campbell Street, Parramatta (Lot 2) (DP345390)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(1a) modification to an approved 9 storey residential flat building containing 29 apartments. Modifications include the provision of one additional apartment (total 30), changes to internal layout, changes to planter boxed and changes to roofing material.

REFERENCE            DA/652/2004/C - Lodged 8 December 2010

APPLICANT/S           Open Space Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Open Space Pty Ltd

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 11 March 2011




The application is referred to Council as the original application for demolition, tree removal and construction of a 9 storey residential building containing 29 units with 3 levels of basement car parking was approved by Council on 12 December 2005.




The Section 96(1a) application seeks approval for the following modifications:

·    The internal structural concrete column layout has been reviewed by the consulting structural engineers to eliminate the transfer slab details at ground level and level 4. To accommodate the column locations only minor modifications are made to internal bathrooms and bedroom layouts.

·    The rear apartment on level 8 is to be converted to two x 2 bedroom apartments, creating a total of 30 apartments in the building. 

·    The units on level 8 have been increased in floor area. Originally, the building was approved with balconies along the eastern, western and northern elevation on level 8. The s96 application proposes to increase the floor area of the units on level 8 by converting the balconies to floor space. The floor area of level 8 will increase by 55m². The additional floor area on level 8 has been offset by reductions in the lobby area of each level to maintain the 3.5:1 FSR.

·    The concrete roof slab is deleted and substituted with a metal roof over the lobby area.

·    The roof mounted air conditioning units are to be deleted and split system units are to be installed to the balconies of the individual apartments.

·    The planter boxes currently positioned on Level 4 east and west elevation are to be modified.


The consent for the development has not lapsed as works have commenced on the site (demolition), activating the consent. 


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and two submissions were received. The objections relate primarily to issues relating to traffic along Campbell Street, overshadowing, height, property devaluation and privacy. The issues are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered to warrant refusal of the application.


The likely impacts of the proposed development have been assessed and the proposed modifications are considered acceptable with respect to the standards and controls contained within Council’s City Centre LEP 2007 and City Centre DCP 2007. The modifications do not alter the building footprint of the RFB or FSR and is considered satisfactory in terms of design, bulk and scale, privacy and overshadowing.

Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.




(a)     That Council as the consent authority modify development consent No. 652/2004 in the following manner:


1.      The following conditions be modified as follows:


1.      The development is to be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documentation listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, except where amended by other conditions of this consent:


Drawing N0


Site plan

S96 -002

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Basement level 1

S96 -005

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Basement level 2

S96 -004

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Basement level 3

S96 -003

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Ground floor

S96 -006

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 1

S96 -007

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 2

S96 -008

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects




Level 3

S96 -009

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 4

S96 -010

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 5

S96 -011

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 6

S96 -012

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 7

S96 -013

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Level 8

S96 -014

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Roof plan

S96 -015

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


North & south elevation

S96 -018

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


East elevation

S96 -017

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


West elevation

S96 -018

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


Section A-A

S96 -019

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects


SECTION b-b & section C-C

S96 -020

Prepared by Mike Macaulay Associates Architects







BCA Compliance Report

28 October 2005

Acoustical Assessment Report

31 October 2005

Traffic and Parking Report

October 2005

Wind Assessment Report and Energy Efficiency Report

20 September 2005

Waste Management Plan

6 October 2005


Note:              In the event of any inconsistency between the architectural plan(s) and the landscape plan(s) and/or stormwater disposal plan(s) (if applicable), the architectural plan(s) shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

Reason:        To ensure the work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.


27.    The payment of the following monetary contributions in accordance with Council's Comprehensive Section 94 Contributions Plan:


Traffic and Transport                                                                   $40,795.97

Open Space and Public Space and Recreation                          $107,210.25

Community and Cultural                                                              $12,741.43

Other                                                                                           $169.45

Plan Management and Administration                                        $16,628.26


This result is a total contribution of $177,545.36 to be paid to Council prior to the issue of the Construction Certificate. The Section 94 Contribution fees are subject to CPI.  The applicable indexation will be applied to the base contribution described above at the time of payment.

Reason:            To comply with the adopted Section 94 Plan.


Note: A figure of $171,296.83 was paid to Council on 18 August 2010.


2.      The following additional conditions be imposed:


102.  The development shall make provision for a total of 37 car parking spaces, 6 of which are to be allocated as visitor parking. This requirement shall be reflected on the Construction Certificate plans. The approved car parking spaces shall be maintained to the satisfaction of Council, at all times.

Reason:   To ensure adequate car parking facilities are provided.


103.  The air conditioner/s must not:


(a) emit noise that is audible within a habitable room in any other residential property (regardless of whether any door or window to that room is open):


            (i)         before 8.00am and after 10.00pm on any Saturday, Sunday or public holiday; or

            (ii)   before 7.00am and after 10.00pm on any other day.

                   (b)     emit a sound pressure level when measured at the boundary of any other residential property, at a time other than those specified in (i) and

            (ii)        above, which exceeds the background (LA90, 15 minute) by more than 5dB(A). The source noise level must be measured as a LAeq 15 minute.

            Reason:          To prevent loss of amenity to the area.


(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.




Ashleigh Matta 

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79c report

22 Pages



Locality map

1 Page




10 Pages



Consent DA/652/2004

23 Pages



Consent DA/652/2004/a

2 Pages



Plans (confidential)

9 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.4


ITEM NUMBER         12.4

SUBJECT                   19/423 Church Street, Parramatta (Lot 19 SP 17206)

DESCRIPTION          Use of the existing premises as a remedial Thai massage centre.

REFERENCE            DA/917/2010 - Lodged 15 November 2010

APPLICANT/S           Lihua Chen

OWNERS                    Mr L Du and Mrs C L Ly

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 16 March 2011




The application is being referred to Council as the proposed use involves massage services and the site is listed as a heritage item of State significance under Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007.




The application seeks approval for the fit out and use of the existing premises (unit 19) as a remedial Thai massage centre employing four staff and comprising three massage rooms on the first floor and a waiting room, staff room and foot massage room on the ground floor. The proposed hours of operation are 10am to 9pm, 7 days a week.  No signage or external façade changes are proposed.


Council’s Community Crime Prevention Officer has reviewed the application and has recommended refusal  as the applicant has failed to demonstrate the following, which is required under the Parramatta Development Control Plan For Sex Services and Restricted Premises:


·    Evidence that the qualification of the operator of the business is equivalent to HLT 50307-Diploma of Remedial Massage.

·    Evidence that staff providing massage therapy have completed HLT 40307-Certificate IV in Massage or an equivalent qualification

·    Evidence that the operator of the business is accredited with at least one recognised health fund as a registered health provider.


Council’s Community Crime Prevention Officer has also advised that the issuer of the Certificate provided by the applicant is no longer operating and is no longer endorsed by the various professional bodies after they ascertained he had misrepresented his qualifications to them and was not qualified to train or assess students in various therapies. Consequently, anyone trained by this person does not hold a valid qualification, according to the International Institute of Complimentary Therapists.  Given this, the applicant has failed to satisfy the qualification requirements of the DCP and the development application cannot be supported. 


The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and no submissions were received.






(a)     That Council as the consent authority refuse development consent to Development Application No. 917/2010 for use of existing premises as a remedial thai massage centre on land at 19/423 Church Street Parramatta for the following reasons:


· The applicant has failed to provide evidence that the qualification of the operator of the business is equivalent to HLT 50307-Diploma of Remedial Massage, which is required by Parramatta Development Control Plan for Sex Services and Restricted Premises.

·        The applicant has failed to provide evidence that staff providing massage therapy have completed HLT 40307-Certificate IV in Massage or an equivalent qualification, which is required by Parramatta Development Control Plan For Sex Services and Restricted Premises.

·        The applicant has failed to provide evidence that the operator of the business is accredited with at least one recognised health fund as a registered health provider, which is required by Parramatta Development Control Plan for Sex Services and Restricted Premises.

·        The proposal is not in the public interest.



Ashleigh Matta

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C report

16 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




4 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.5


ITEM NUMBER         12.5

SUBJECT                   320 Railway Terrace, Guildford
Lot 1 DP 177259 (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition and construction of a 5 storey building containing a local shop and 11 units under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP (2009).

REFERENCE            DA/833/2010 - 20 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           TJI & CO P/L

OWNERS                    TJI & CO P/L

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 17 March 2011




This application is referred to Council for determination as a variation of more than 10% is sought to Clause 39(1)(b) – Maximum Height (Residential Flat Building) of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001. 




The proposal involves the demolition of an existing building on the site and the construction of a 5 storey building containing a local shop and 11 units under the Affordable Housing SEPP. The development proposes 6 units to be allocated for the purposes of affordable housing. The application is made pursuant to the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP (2009).


One submission has been received objecting to the proposal. The objection related primarily to the time and date of demolition and construction, pollution and noise as a result of the demolition and construction works, parking of construction vehicles, insufficient car parking and monitoring of parking conditions by Council’s Rangers.  The issues are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal or further modification of the application.


The proposal has been considered by the Design Review Panel and the proposal is considered to be of appropriate design quality.


The proposal is defined as in-fill affordable housing under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP and is a permissible land use under the provisions of the SEPP.  Accordingly, the proposal complies with the prescribed requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Accommodation) 2009 and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties.


While the density of the proposed development (1.3:1) is higher than that permitted under PLEP 2001 for Residential Flat Buildings in the Residential 2C zones (0.8:1) the development will provide more than 50% of the units (6 units) for the purposes of affordable housing. In cases where units will be dedicated as affordable housing, the Affordable Housing SEPP allows properties to take advantage of a 0.5:1 FSR bonus. Thus allowing buildings with 1.3:1 FSR.


The application also seeks to vary Clause 39(1)(b) – Maximum Height (Residential Flat Building) of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001. The clause allows a maximum of 3 storeys for residential flat buildings. The proposal seeks approval for a 5 storey residential flat building which equates to a 40% variation to the development standard. The variation is considered to be acceptable given that the subject site is opposite from Guildford Railway Station where higher density developments are appropriate. In addition, the Draft PLEP will allow for a maximum height of 17 metres for developments on the subject site. The proposed development has a maximum height of 16.5 metres and is therefore consistent with the future desired character of the area.


Accordingly, approval of the application is recommended.






(a)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 833/2010 for demolition and construction of a 5 storey building containing a local shop and 11 units under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP at 320 Railway Terrace, Guildford, for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.


(b)       Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.





Denise Fernandez

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Assessment Report

82 Pages



Location Plan

1 Page



Plans and Elevations

11 Pages



Confidential Plans

8 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.6


ITEM NUMBER         12.6

SUBJECT                   8 Willoughby Street, Epping
Lot 1 DP 13928

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a detached dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision.

REFERENCE            DA/599/2010 - 28 July 2010

APPLICANT/S           Residential Logistics Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Mr A R Cale and Mrs K S Cale

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 17 March 2011




The application is being referred to Council for determination due to the number of submissions received.




Approval is sought for demolition, tree removal and construction of a detached 2 storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision.


Both notifications of the development and the amended plans generated a combined 54 individual submissions and 1 petition with 82 signatures. The issues raised in the submissions include, concerns over bulk and scale, building height contributing to an inconsistent streetscape, overlooking into adjoining properties, increase in local traffic, removal of existing trees, reduction in solar access to adjoining properties, concerns over the demolition process, inconsistent setbacks, insufficient private open space, compliance with the BASIX certificate, inappropriate subdivision, social impacts, inconsistent notification process and non-compliance with the zoning objectives. The issues raised in the submissions have been assessed and do not warrant refusal or further amendment to the proposal. 


The application has been reviewed by Council’s Development Engineer and Council’s Landscape Officer who both raise no objections to the proposal.


The proposal is a permissible land use in the Residential 2A zoning and satisfies the objectives and requirements of LEP 2001 and DCP 2005. The proposed dual occupancy development as amended is appropriately sited on the subject site and is of a suitable bulk and scale to maintain residential amenity for adjoining sites.


Accordingly, approval of the application recommendation.





(a)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 599/2010 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a detached 2 storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title at 8 Willoughby Street, Epping, for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.


(b)       Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.




Denise Fernandez

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79C Assessment Report

62 Pages



Location Plan

1 Page



Plans and Elevations

4 Pages



Confidential Plans

4 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.7


ITEM NUMBER         12.7

SUBJECT                   65-75 Macquarie Street Parramatta (Lot E-I &Pt M DP 15108) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Section 96(2) modification to an approved herbal health clinic including increasing the number of massage tables from 1 to 4 and increasing the hours of operation to 9:30am - 7:00pm 7 days.

REFERENCE            DA/501/2009/A - Lodged 25 January 2011

APPLICANT/S           J Z Health Solutions

OWNERS                    Mr J S Horsfield and Mr K A Stanberg and R W Irvine and MR A H Woodland and Mr A A Hyam

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT  18 March 2011




The application is being referred to Council as the proposed use involves therapeutic massage services and the original application was determined at Council on 12 October 2009.




The application seeks approval to increase the number of massage tables from one to four and increase the hours of operation to 9:30am - 7:00pm 7 days (i.e. half hour additional trading each day).


The use will include four massage tables, one consultation room and one accupuncture room. The plans indicate the rooms will be seperated by curtains only and no fixed doors are proposed.


Council’s Community Crime Prevention Officer has reviewed the application and has no objection to the application as the applicant has provided all the information required under the Sex Services DCP.


No objections from the public have been received in relation to this application.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.   




That Council as the consent authority, modify development consent to Development Application No. 501/2009 under Section 96(2) in the following manner:


Modify condition no. 1 as follows:


1.         The development is to be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documentation listed below and endorsed with Council’s stamp, except where amended by other conditions of this consent:



Drawing N0


Site plan, elevation and ground floor plan and signage plan

22 January 2011 


Reason:        To ensure the work is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.


Amend condition no. 10 as follows:


10.      The days and hours of operation are restricted to 9:30am to 7:00pm, 7 days a week.  Any alterations to the above will require further development approval.

Reason: To minimise the impact on the amenity of the area.



Ashleigh Matta

Development Assessment Officer





Section 79c report

9 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page




1 Page



Executive summary for DA/501/2009

2 Pages



Plans approved under DA/501/2009

1 Page



Consent letter for DA/501/2009

5 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.8


ITEM NUMBER         12.8

SUBJECT                   3 Edison Parade, WINSTON HILLS  NSW  2153 (Caroline Chisholm Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Lots 30 & 32, DP 238991, Lots 19-20, DP 236718, Lot 1, DP 554740, Lots 16-17, DP 237946, Lot 1, DP 236633, Lot 56, DP 236691, Lot 28, DP 238733, Lot 47, DP 228852, Lot 12, DP 237323 and Lot 19, DP 238225, Third Settlement Reserve (Pk 199)
Use of Third Settlement Park annually for an Australia Day Breakfast and citizenship ceremony on 26 January.

REFERENCE            DA/4/2011 - 10 January 2011

APPLICANT/S           Rotary Club of Winston Hills

OWNERS                    Parramatta City Council

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




17 March 2011




The development application has been referred to Council as Parramatta City Council is the owner of the property. The application has been assessed by an independent consultant planner.




Approval is sought to use Third Settlement Park annually on 26 January for an Australia Day Breakfast and citizenship ceremony. The event is run by the Rotary Club of Winston Hills with involvement from Council, Members of Parliament, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides, the Anglican Church, Toongabbie Historical Society, Wilston Hills Bush Care Group and Penrith Historical Car Society. The event involves set-up commencing at 6am on the day of the event, with BBQ facilities, a dining shelter, a covered stage area and a vintage car display set up on site. Flags and bunting are to be erected on the site the day before the event. The event commences at 7am with the serving of breakfast, with a citizenship ceremony commencing at 9.30am and games/activities commencing at 10am. The games/activities will comprise of such things as “egg and spoon races”, “gum boot throwing contests”, “tug of war”, “sack races” and “dry boat races”. All facilities and cars are to be removed from the site between 11am and 3pm on the day of the event. Attendance is expected to be between 400 and 500 persons based on previously held events.


No submissions to the application had been received.


The proposed use is a temporary use and does not fall within the identified permissible uses under the land use table for the 6(a) zone, but is a use permitted by the Parks Plans of Management (POM) which applies to the park. Further, pursuant to clause 50 of LEP 2001, temporary uses may be granted consent subject to satisfying the provisions of the clause, which the application does. The proposal is consistent with the objectives and controls of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005.

The proposal is also consistent with the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Temporary Structures and Places of Public Entertainment) 2007.


Conditions of consent have been recommended to ensure damage to landscaping is remediated, to provide for portable toilets and to ensure removal of the structures at the end of the event. A condition is also recommended limiting the approval to 5 years to allow Council to reassess the event in the future.


Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.




(a)     That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 4/2011 for the use of Third Settlement Park for an Australia Day Breakfast and citizenship ceremony on 26 January for a period of 5 years, at No. 3 Edison Parade, Winston Hills, subject to the recommended conditions in Attachment 1.



Kerry Gordon

Consultant Town Planner

Kerry Gordon Planning Services Pty Ltd






Section 79c Assessment Report

24 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



Site Plan

1 Page



Evacuation Management Plan

2 Pages



Submitted Aerial View of Site

1 Page



Statement of Environmental Effects

4 Pages





Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                  Item 12.9


ITEM NUMBER         12.9

SUBJECT                   297 -299 Woodville Road (Cnr constance Street) Guildford
(Lot 7 and 8 in DP 128795) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Tree removal and construction of a 3 storey mixed use development containing 3 ground floor retail tenancies and 12 apartments with at grade and basement carparking accessed from Constance Street

REFERENCE            DA/826/2010 - Lodged 19 October 2010

APPLICANT/S           Designcorp Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Mr M Mustafa

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       




22 March 2011 




The proposal is referred to Council for determination as under the Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010 the residential component of the development would be prohibited.




The proposal involves tree removal and the construction of a 3 storey mixed use development containing 3 ground floor retail tenancies and 12 apartments with at grade and basement carparking accessed from Constance Street .


Three submissions were received objecting to the proposal. The objections relate primarily to the following issues:  parking and traffic, bulk and scale, intensification of the site, air quality and acoustic concerns relating to Woodville Road.  The issues are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal or further modification of the application.


The proposal has been considered by Council’s Design Review Panel and the proposal is considered to be of an appropriate design quality.


The proposal complies with the prescribed requirements of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and its DCP. In particular, the proposal satisfies the key development controls of FSR, height and building setbacks. The proposal is consistent with the objectives of the LEP and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties.


The site is proposed to be zoned B6 by Draft Local Environmental Plan 2010. This instrument will prohibit the development as both retail shops and residential accommodation is prohibited by the proposed zone. As discussed in the attached report, as the bulk scale and density of the development is consistent with that envisioned by DLEP 2010, it is not considered that the provisions of DLEP 2010 warrant refusal of the proposal.


Accordingly, approval of the application is recommended.








a)         That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 826/2010 for tree removal and construction of a three storey mixed use development at 297 Woodville Road, Guildford, subject to the conditions contained in attachment 1:



(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.



Brad Delapierre

Team Leader Development Assessment Team






Section 79C Report

57 Pages



Locality Plan

1 Page



Architectural Plans

5 Pages



Confidential Residential Floor Plans

4 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                Item 12.10


ITEM NUMBER         12.10

SUBJECT                   Further Report - 32 Mobbs Lane, CARLINGFORD
(Lot 1 DP 39354)(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a 3 storey attached dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision.

REFERENCE            DA/690/2010 -  27 August 2010

APPLICANT/S           Champion Homes Sales Pty Ltd

OWNERS                    Mr D B Mogale, N Mogale, V Halyal & C Halyal

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 25 march 2011




A report on this application was considered at the Regulatory Council Meeting on 14 March 2011 where it was resolved:


“That consideration of this matter be deferred pending an on site meeting and in the meantime the applicant be requested to erect a height pole indicating the ridge height.”


In accordance with this resolution, an on-site meeting was held at 4:30pm on Saturday 19 March 2011. The notes from that meeting are outlined below.


Present at the meeting were:


Councillors: Clr Wearne


Staff: Bradley Delapierre – Team Leader Development Assessment and Denise Fernandez – Development Assessment Officer.


Objectors: 2 residents (confidential submission)


Applicant: 3 representatives for the applicant and architect.


The following issues were discussed at the meeting:


Impacts of the height of the proposed building


Council staff explained that the design of the development had considered the steep topography of the site and the impacts the height of the building would have on the adjoining properties to the rear, particularly as they are located at a lower level to the site. It was explained that this consideration resulted in a portion of the rear of the proposed development having a single storey whilst the second storey element is stepped back to minimise the visual bulk and scale of the development from the lower sites that adjoin the subject property.


It was also suggested that to reduce the impacts of the height of the development, a condition be included that requires the pitch of the roof be no greater than 21 degrees.



Impacts of the development on solar access to the adjoining sites


The extent of overshadowing to adjoining properties was clarified and the adjoining property to the rear will continue to receive the minimum 3 hours of solar access to their private open space during the morning hours of June 21 (Winter solstice). The residents of the rear property were however concerned with the ancillary structures on their site and how these would be affected by the proposed development.


Impacts of the first floor rear windows on opportunities for overlooking


The applicant clarified that the first floor rear windows that would be of most concern to the properties to the rear are the windows for Unit 2. The windows for Unit 1 primarily address the adjoining Council reserve. It was further explained that the sill heights of these windows would be of a height that would allow the occupant to view outwards rather than down into adjoining properties. Additionally, Council officers explained that the first floor rear windows service bedrooms which are considered to be low usage rooms and therefore opportunities for overlooking in these areas are reduced.


Quality of the fencing along the rear boundary


The applicant confirmed that the existing boundary fencing will be retained. Any new fencing costs are to be negotiated between the owner (or holder of the consent) and the adjoining properties.


Landscaping proposed at the rear


The applicant stated that the Landscaping Plan provides for new vegetation for the entire site. The rear boundary will provide natural screening with the use of shrubs that mature to a height of 3 metres. Thirteen of these shrubs are proposed. It was additionally noted that the Lemon Scented Gum would be retained to contribute to the integrity of the landscaping.


Overland flow, and in particular the impacts to the properties to the rear


The applicant stated that as dual occupancy developments are required to provide adequate OSD systems, excessive overflow to the adjoining properties to the rear would be mitigated. Due to the provision of OSD systems, the degree of overflow as a result of the development would be reduced given the improved hydraulics systems proposed.


The meeting concluded at 5:30pm.






(a) That Council support the variation to Clause 39 of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.


(b) Further that Council, as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application DA/690/2010 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a 3 storey dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision on land at 32 Mobbs Lane, Carlingford by the granting of a deferred commencement consent under Section 80(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1 and the following extraordinary condition:


      The roof pitch of the uppermost ridge is to be reduced to 21 degrees, in accordance with details to be submitted to the satisfaction of the Principal Certifying Authority before the issue of a Construction Certificate.

      Reason:       To minimise the impact of visual bulk from the rear of the site.


(c) Further that the person who lodged a submission to the application be advised of Council’s determination of the application.






Kate Lafferty

Senior Development Assessment Officer

Development Assessment Team






Section 79C Report

48 Pages



Locality Map

1 Page



SEPP 1 Objection

8 Pages



Plans & Elevations

7 Pages



Confidential Plans

3 Pages






Council (Development)  11 April 2011                                                                                Item 12.11


ITEM NUMBER         12.11

SUBJECT                   221 Guildford Road & 66 Marian Street, GUILDFORD
Lot D & E DP 356632 (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION          Demolition, tree removal and construction of a 2 storey residential flat building containing 12 units over basement car parking under the Affordable Housing SEPP.

REFERENCE            DA/641/2010 - 9 August 2010

APPLICANT/S           R Issac

OWNERS                    W Isaac, R Bernadette and R Isaac

REPORT OF              Manager Development Services       


DATE OF REPORT 15 February 2011







This application is brought to Council for determination due to the number of submissions received.




The proposal involves the demolition of existing residential buildings and structures on the site and the construction of a 2 storey residential flat building comprising 12 dwelling units over a 17 space basement carpark. The development proposes 6 units to be allocated for the purposes of affordable housing. The application is made pursuant to the Affordable Housing SEPP.


Twenty-seven individual submissions and 1 petition with 71 signatures have been received. The objections relate primarily to issues relating to, parking and traffic, bulk and scale, intensification of the site, pedestrian safety and overland flow.  The issues are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal or further modification of the application.


The proposal has been considered by Council’s Urban Designer and the proposal is considered to be of appropriate design quality, with Council’s Urban Designer stating that:


‘The new housing units have a contemporary design with a well composed elevation to the street. Passive surveillance is provided with apartment living areas and balconies directly addressing the street frontages. The pedestrian entry and mailboxes are clearly located on Marian Street with good street address, whilst the driveway runs along the northern boundary. New trees in the front setback will reinforce the existing landscape setting.’


The proposal is defined as in-fill affordable housing under the Affordable Rental Housing SEPP and is a permissible land use under the provisions of the SEPP.  Accordingly, the proposal complies with the prescribed requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Accommodation) 2009. In particular, the proposal satisfies the key development controls of FSR, height, landscaping, carparking, dwelling size and deep soil.


The proposal is consistent with the objectives and development controls of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Accommodation) 2009 and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties.


While the density of the development is higher than that permitted under PLEP 2001 for this site, the site is located opposite a service station on Marian Street and is close to the Guildford Town Centre. In this context, the design and density of the development is considered to be appropriate.


Accordingly, approval of the application is recommended.





(a)     That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 641/2010 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a 2 storey residential flat building containing 12 units over basement car parking at 221 Guildford Road and 66 Marian Street, Guildford, for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1. 


(b)     Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.




Denise Fernandez

Development Assessment Officer






Section 79C Report

67 Pages



Location Plan

1 Page



Plans and Elevations

3 Pages



Confidential Plans

4 Pages