NOTICE OF Council (Development) MEETING
The Meeting of Parramatta City Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Fourth Floor, 2 Civic Place, Parramatta on Monday, 8 November 2010 at 6:45 pm.
Dr. Robert Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Parramatta – the leading city at the heart of Sydney
30 Darcy Street Parramatta NSW 2150
PO Box 32 Parramatta
Phone 02 9806 5050 Fax 02 9806 5917 DX 8279 Parramatta
ABN 49 907 174 773
“Think Before You Print”
The Lord Mayor Clr John Chedid – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward |
Dr. Robert Lang, Chief Executive Officer - Parramatta City Council |
Sue Coleman – Group Manager City Services |
Assistant Minutes Clerk – Joy Bramham |
Greg Smith – Group Manager Corporate |
Minutes Clerk – Grant Davies |
Sue Weatherley–Group Manager Outcomes & Development |
Clr Paul Barber – Caroline Chisholm Ward |
Clr Lorraine Wearne - Lachlan Macquarie Ward |
Clr Mark Lack – Elizabeth Macarthur Ward |
Clr Paul Garrard - Woodville Ward |
Clr Glenn Elmore – Woodville Ward |
Clr Scott Lloyd – Caroline Chisholm Ward |
Clr Pierre Esber– Lachlan Macquarie Ward |
Clr Andrew Wilson – Lachlan Macquarie Ward |
Clr Prabir Maitra – Arthur Phillip Ward |
Clr Andrew Bide – Caroline Chisholm Ward |
Clr Julia Finn – Arthur Phillip Ward |
Clr Michael McDermott, Deputy Lord Mayor - Elizabeth Macarthur Ward |
Clr Antoine (Tony) Issa, OAM – Woodville Ward |
Clr Chiang Lim– Arthur Phillip Ward |
Staff |
Staff |
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
1 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Council (Development) - 11 October 2010
4 Minutes of Lord Mayor
5 Public Forum
7 Rescission Motions
7.1 Parramasala
8 Economy and Development
8.1 Section 94A, Development Contribution - 40 Alice Street, Harris Park
8.2 Variations to Standards under SEPP 1
8.3 Unsupported Development Signs
Note: This report will be distributed under separate cover.
9 Environment and Infrastructure
9.1 East Coast Fast Rail
12 Reports - Domestic Applications
12.1 16 Talbot Road, Guildford
(Lot B DP 332730) (Woodville Ward)
12.2 45 Good Street, Granville (Lot A DP 367628)
12.3 32 Alfred Street, Granville
(COR Lot 2 Sec 5 DP 1250) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
13 Reports - Major Applications
13.1 357 Kissing Point Road, Ermington (COR LOTS 4/5 DP 216536 SPL COR) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
13.2 51A-53 High Street, Harris Park
13.3 46 Marion Street, Harris Park (Lot 24 Section 1 in DP 395) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
13.4 42A Crimea Street, South Parramatta (Lot 10 in DP 939722) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
13.5 74-76 Rawson Street Epping (Lots 101-103 DP1095663) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
13.6 2-6 Howard Avenue & 8-22 Briens Road, Northmead (LOT 24 DP 15342, LOT 25 DP 15342, LOT 26 DP 15342, LOT 81 DP 522031, Lot 37 DP 238172, LOT 36 DP 238172, Lot 35 DP 238172, LOT 34 DP 238172, LOT 33 DP 238172, CP SP 80762) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
13.7 124-130 Kissing Point Road, Dundas
Lots 1 & 2 DP 455476, Lot 3 DP 656064 & Lot 1 DP 705877 (Elizabeth
Macarthur Ward)
14 Notices of Motion
14.1 Advertising
14.2 Fundraising for Richie Benaud's childhood home
14.3 Long Term Financing
15 Closed Session
15.1 Report on Relocation of Operations Centre
This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.
15.2 Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement 9 Hassall Street, Parramatta
This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.
15.3 Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council
This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Rescission Motions
08 November 2010
7.1 Parramasala
SUBJECT Parramasala
REFERENCE F2009/02982 - D01703248
REPORT OF Administration Officer
To be Moved by Councillor P B Barber and Seconded by Councillors M A Lack and G J Elmore
“That the resolution of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 October 2010, regarding, Parramasala namely:-
(a) That Council notes the draft Constitution for Parramasala Ltd and the minor amendments proposed relating to appointment to Council Directors. (b) That Council agrees to become a Member of Parramasala Ltd. (c) That Council appoints three Directors of Parramasala Ltd being the Lord Mayor for the time, Councillor A Bide and the Chief Executive Officer for the time. (d) Further, that Council endorse the nomination of Councillors P J Garrard and P K Maitra as alternate Directors of Parramasala Ltd for both the Lord Mayor and Councillor Bide.
be and is hereby rescinded.” |
Previous Council Report |
3 Pages |
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Economy and Development
08 November 2010
8.1 Section 94A, Development Contribution - 40 Alice Street, Harris Park
8.2 Variations to Standards under SEPP 1
8.3... Unsupported Development Signs
Note: This report will be distributed under separate cover.
SUBJECT Section 94A, Development Contribution - 40 Alice Street, Harris Park
REFERENCE DA/884/2008/C - D01703747
REPORT OF Group Manager Outcomes and Development
To seek Council’s policy direction in relation to possible reduction in Section 94A contribution.
That the Council consider the request from the Maronite Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Lebanon, Harris Park seeking a reduction or waiver of their Section 94A contribution.
1. Development Consent was issued by Council for the construction of a community facility. A condition of consent requires for payment of Section 94A developer contribution of $47,000.00.
2. A request has now been received from the Church requesting that this fee be waived on the basis that the access to the facilities would be available to wider community groups and therefore relieve Council of some pressure to provide similar facilities.
3. The letter of request is attached for Councillors’ consideration.
4. The request has been referred to Council’s Community Capacity Building Team and they advise:
The arrangement being proposed by the applicant does not address the existing community need for access to community facilities in the Harris Park area. As discussed with the applicant at a meeting with Rev Monsignor Shora Maree on 28 April 2010, community organisations requiring access to community facilities in Harris Park area need regular, consistent, on-going access to community facilities at a range of times, particularly after hours, on week ends and during school holidays when community activities are usually run. Local community organisations need access to permanent bookings in facilities to enable them to plan their activities over time. This process needs to be formalised to ensure community facilities are accessible for people from all backgrounds and philosophies.
The applicant would be better able to meet the existing community needs for access for community facilities in Harris Park area by proposing that the Council manages access to and booking of the large multi-purpose room and small multi-purpose room within the proposed facilities at all times on an on-going basis.
Current staff from Community Capacity Building Team have been working in the Harris Park area for two and a half years. They have sought to engage the Maronite Parish through the Rev. Monsignor Shora Maree, Maronite Community Services and Our Lady of Lebanon School who currently operate at 40 Alice Street, Harris Park in a range of community activities over this time. To date there have not been enthusiastic and engaged activities with the boarder communities.
5. In response to the concerns of the CCB Team, the proponent advises that:
“We are agreeable to having Council take the bookings for the large and small meeting rooms and to enter into whatever broader community dialogue we need to in order to facilitate the access to these room bookings. Our agreement would be subject to Council waiving the full fee.”
6. Section 94A plan seeks to collect a contribution from new developments towards provisions of new public facilities. The current Section 94A plan envisage collecting money for a range of public facilities, this includes community, culture and leisure, city development, environment, roads parking and existing flood mitigation and management system upgrades. Of the $20 million identified in the Section 94A plan, the community facilities account for only 1.9% of the total monies to be collected.
7. The current development which includes community facilities, office space and some retail space would fall within the category of the development for which the levy would be charged (ie other forms of development).
8. The Council has previously considered a request to waive the Section 94A contributions in relation to a school (DA 884/2008/B) and formally refused that application.
9. It is within Council’s authority to consider the request to waive some or all of the contributions. Council does not have a particular policy position on this issue nor is the issue addressed explicitly within the Section 94A plan.
10. However, if Council considered that the proposed development would reduce its needs to provide certain community facilities then that would be justification for modifying or reducing some or all of the contributions. Council does not currently have a Section 96 application formally before it, however, a policy direction is sought from Council on this matter.
Sue Weatherley
Group Manager Outcomes and Development
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Attachment 1 - Letter request to Council to waiver Section 94A Development Contribution |
3 Pages |
SUBJECT Variations to Standards under SEPP 1
REFERENCE F2009/00431 - D01704123
REPORT OF Acting Manager Development Services Unit
To provide Council with information each month on development applications determined where there has been a variation in standards under State Environmental Planning Policy No.1 or similar provisions under the standard instrument.
That the report be received and noted.
In accordance with the reporting requirements prescribed in Planning Circular
PS 08-014 issued by the NSW Department of Planning, two (2) development applications have been determined where there has been a variation in standards under SEPP 1 or similar provisions under the Standard Instrument, during the period September – 25 October 2010. These development applications were approved at the Council Meeting of 11 October 2010.
Laurie Whitehead
Acting Manager Development Services
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Development Application Variations under SEPP 1 - Approved in September-October 2010 |
1 Page |
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Environment and Infrastructure
08 November 2010
9.1 East Coast Fast Rail
SUBJECT East Coast Fast Rail
REFERENCE F2005/02301 - D01702366
REPORT OF Senior Project Officer - Transport Planning
To provide Council with an update on the progress to date regarding Council’s resolution of 18 October 2010 on East Coast Fast Rail.
(a) That Council prepare a submission, based on this Council report to the Federal Government seeking that Parramatta be considered as part of an East Coast High Speed Rail network.
(b) That Council seek support from the NSW State Government, local State and Federal MPs, WSROC, Parramatta Chamber of Commerce, North Ryde/Macquarie Park Chamber of Commerce, local Councils (Penrith, Blacktown, The Hills and Ryde), Sydney Olympic Park Authority and Norwest Business Park.
(c) Further, that Council be kept up to date with developments as appropriate.
1. On 18 October 2010 Council gave consideration to a report on East Coast Fast Rail and resolved (11884):
(a) That the matter be deferred to the next Council Meeting to develop a more detailed submission that addresses:
i) Network capacity
ii) Travel times to Sydney CBD
iii) Possible second airport in Southern Highlands
iv) Central Coast and Newcastle commuters
v) Other benefits for the proponents of the East Coast Fast Rail.
(b) Further, that the Lord Mayor be given authority to make Council’s interest known to the Federal Government in the meantime.
2. The information required to complete the work in part (a) needs further investigation. The resolution is detailed and requires sufficient time for the report to be prepared for Council’s consideration. Accordingly, a detailed report will be distributed to all Councillors in the week prior to the 8 November 2010 Council meeting.
3. On 20 October 2010 the Lord Mayor wrote to The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, the Federal Minister for Transport & Infrastructure, advising that Parramatta City Council will shortly be making a submission requesting that Parramatta be considered as part of a feasibility study into an East Coast High Speed Rail line.
4. There is a limited opportunity to influence the scope of Federal Government’s promised East Coast High Speed Rail feasibility study including possible alignments into the Sydney Metropolitan area. Prior to more detailed and time consuming analysis and reporting being carried out by Council officers, it is considered prudent to ensure that Parramatta is considered in any Federal Government study with Council’s endorsement.
5. The Federal Department of Transport & Infrastructure has indicated that the scope of the East Coast High Speed Rail feasibility study has not been finalised, however it is likely to be agreed in early November as soon as project director is appointed. The feasibility study is programmed to be completed by July 2011.
David Gray
Manager, Transport Planning
There are no attachments for this report.
A detailed report on Council’s submission on the planned East Coast Fast Rail feasibility study to the Federal Department of Transport & Infrastructure will be distributed under separate cover prior to the Council meeting.
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Domestic Applications
08 November 2010
12.1 16 Talbot Road, Guildford
(Lot B DP 332730) (Woodville Ward)
12.2 45 Good Street, Granville (Lot A DP 367628)
12.3 32 Alfred Street, Granville
(COR Lot 2 Sec 5 DP 1250) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
Talbot Road, Guildford
(Lot B DP 332730) (Woodville Ward)
DESCRIPTION Alterations and additions to to the rear of an existing heritage listed dwelling.
REFERENCE DA/693/2010 - Submitted 30 August 2010
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 13 October 2010
The application is being referred to Council for determination as the proposal involves work to a listed heritage item.
Approval is sought to construct a single storey addition at the rear of an existing heritage listed item. The addition is 18m² in area and is proposed to be used as a family room.
The current use is defined as a ‘dwelling house’ under the Parramatta LEP 2001. The use is permissible under the Residential 2(b) zoning applying to the land.
The site is listed in Schedule 2 of PLEP 1996 (Heritage and Conservation) and forms part of the group of 1920s cottages collectively listed as the Talbot Road Precinct. The application was referred to Council’s Heritage Advisor who raises no objection to the proposal.
The proposed works are consistent with the objectives of Parramatta LEP 2001, Parramatta LEP 1996 (Heritage and Conservation), Parramatta Heritage DCP 2001 and Parramatta DCP 2005, and is considered satisfactory in terms of design, bulk and scale. The proposed additions are appropriately sited without impacting on the streetscape, adjoining properties and the heritage significance of the site or surrounds.
The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP, and one submission was received raising concerns with demolition, waste production, tree removal, increase in housing, electromagnetic radiation, industrial density, impact on utilities, pollution, hours of trade, avoiding crime, Section 96 applications and noise generation.
Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. DA/693/2010 for the alterations and additions to the rear of an existing heritage listed dwelling at 16 Talbot Road, Guildford for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to conditions.
(b) Further, that, the objector be advised of Council’s decision.
Nicholas Clarke
Development and Certification Officer
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S79C Assessment Report |
24 Pages |
Locality Map |
1 Page |
Confidential Plans |
1 Page |
SUBJECT 45 Good Street, Granville (Lot A DP 367628)
DESCRIPTION Use of the vacant premises as a grocery store.
REFERENCE DA/706/2010 - 3 September 2010
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 18 October 2010
The application is being referred to Council for determination as the site is listed as a heritage item.
Approval is sought for the fit out and use of the ground floor as a grocery store. The tenancy has a floor space of approximately 87m² with the retail component comprising 45m². The proposed use will contain a w.c, lunch room, courtyard, store room and retail space.
There will be 2 staff members employed on site. The proposed hours of operation are between 7:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week.
One business identification sign is proposed to be located above the entry door.
The proposed ‘shop’ is a permissible land use in the Mixed Use 10 zone and satisfies the objectives and requirements of Parramatta LEP 2001 and DCP 2005.
The site is listed as a heritage item under Schedule 2 of Parramatta LEP 1996 (Heritage and Conservation). The application was referred to Council’s Heritage Advisor who raised no concerns with the application.
The application was also referred to Council’s Environmental Health Officer who raised no concern with the application subject to conditions.
The application was advertised and notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and no submissions were received.
The proposal will rely on street parking but will not generate undue noise, traffic or odour impacts on surrounding properties, including the residential tenancy on the first floor.
Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions. |
That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 706/2010 for the use of the ground floor of the premises as a grocery store on land at 45 Good Street Granville subject to the following conditions: |
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S79c Report |
15 Pages |
2View |
Locality Map |
1 Page |
Plans |
4 Pages |
Alfred Street, Granville
(COR Lot 2 Sec 5 DP 1250) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
DESCRIPTION Section 96(1A) application to modify a development consent for a terrace housing development over a basement carpark. The modifications include altering the design of the fencing, amending the external finishes, relocation of an OSD basin, addition of ventilation grills for the basement, and the addition of a second set of fire exit stairs from the basement
REFERENCE DA/1204/2002/B - 25 August 2010
APPLICANT/S DesignCorp Australia
OWNERS Mr L G Raffoul and Mrs H E Raffoul
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 22 October 2010
The application is referred to Council as the original application for the demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of terrace development over basement carparking was approved by Council on 16 December 2002.
The Section 96 (1A) application seeks consent to modify the approved terrace development as follows:-
· Front fence is to be constructed of timber pickets with brick columns instead of brick with metal railings. · The courtyard fence along Alfred Street and part of Gray Street is to be constructed of colorbond fencing, 1.8m high instead of a 1.2m high brick and metal railing fence. · An additional staircase to provide egress from the basement carpark to the street level to comply with the BCA. · Provision of a floor grill and aluminium louvers to Unit 4 below the FFL to allow cross ventilation of the basement carpark. · Deletion of rendered features and replace with face brick. · Removal of rendered corbels · Pergolas to rear courtyards are to be constructed of lightweight polycarbonate sheeting rather than masonry. · Relocation of aboveground OSD tank from the western side of the site to the north-eastern corner of the site.
The consent for the development has not lapsed as works have commenced on the site, activating the consent. The proposed modifications have not been undertaken.
The proposed development to be modified is considered to be substantially the same development as that to which the original development consent relates, as the proposed amendments do not change the nature of the original approval, being the construction of a terrace development over basement carparking.
The application was notified in accordance with Council’s Notification Policy and no submissions were received.
The likely impacts of the proposed development have been assessed and the proposed modifications are considered acceptable with respect to the standards and controls contained within Council’s LEP 2001 and DCP 2005.
Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval subject to conditions.
That Council as the consent authority, modify development consent to Development Application No. 1204/2002 for the construction of a terrace development over basement carparking by altering the design of the fencing, amending the external finishes, relocation of an OSD basin, addition of ventilation grills for the basement, and the addition of a second set of fire exit stairs from the basement at 32 Alfred Street Granville |
Maya Sarwary
Development Assessment Officer
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Section 79C Report |
9 Pages |
2View |
Plans |
1 Page |
3View |
Location Map |
1 Page |
Confidential Plans |
2 Pages |
Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Major Applications
08 November 2010
13.1 357 Kissing Point Road, Ermington (COR LOTS 4/5 DP 216536 SPL COR) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
13.2 51A-53 High Street, Harris Park
13.3 46 Marion Street, Harris Park (Lot 24 Section 1 in DP 395) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
13.4 42A Crimea Street, South Parramatta (Lot 10 in DP 939722) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
13.5 74-76 Rawson Street Epping (Lots 101-103 DP1095663) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
13.6 2-6 Howard Avenue & 8-22 Briens Road, Northmead (LOT 24 DP 15342, LOT 25 DP 15342, LOT 26 DP 15342, LOT 81 DP 522031, Lot 37 DP 238172, LOT 36 DP 238172, Lot 35 DP 238172, LOT 34 DP 238172, LOT 33 DP 238172, CP SP 80762) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
13.7 124-130
Kissing Point Road, Dundas
Lots 1 & 2 DP 455476, Lot 3 DP 656064 & Lot 1 DP 705877 (Elizabeth
Macarthur Ward)
SUBJECT 357 Kissing Point Road, Ermington (COR LOTS 4/5 DP 216536 SPL COR) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
DESCRIPTION Tree removal, alterations to the existing dwelling and the construction of an additional 2 storey dwelling on the site to create a detached dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision.
REFERENCE DA/241/2010 - Submitted 30 March 2010
OWNERS Mr T Lawandi and Ms N Tawfik
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 14 October 2010
The application has been referred to Council as 7 submissions were received.
Development Application No. 241/2010 seeks approval for tree removal, alterations to the existing dwelling and the construction of an additional 2 storey dwelling on the site to create a detached dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision at 357 Kissing Point Road, Ermington.
In response to the notification period, 7 submissions were received. Issues raised included; height, bulk and scale, streetscape and character of the area, overdevelopment of the site, parking and traffic, safe pedestrian and vehicular access, location of rainwater tank, fence location, retaining wall and natural ground level of properties, privacy, solar access, noise, setbacks between buildings, subdivision, compliance with Draft Parramatta Local Environmental Plan and Draft Parramatta Development Control Plan 2010
An informal on-site meeting was held on 22 June 2010 between Councillor Wearne, Council officers, the applicant and objectors to discuss issues raised within the submissions received.
Amended plans were submitted to Council indicating the reduction in floor heights of the proposed new dwelling at the rear of the site. The amended plans were re-notified and 1 submission was received from a previous objector.
The issues raised within the submissions have been considered in the assessment of the proposal and were not found to warrant refusal of the application.
The application has been reviewed by Council’s Development Engineer and Landscape & Tree Management Officer who both raise no objections to the application subject to conditions of consent.
Subject to conditions of consent, the proposal is considered to be acceptable as it is consistent with the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 241/2010 for tree removal, alterations to the existing dwelling and the construction of an additional 2 storey dwelling on the site to create a detached dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision on land at 357 Kissing Point Road, Ermington subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that, the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.
Kate Lafferty
Senior Development Assessment Officer
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S79C Assessment Report |
60 Pages |
2View |
Locality Map |
1 Page |
3View |
Plans and Elevations |
12 Pages |
Confidential Plans |
2 Pages |
SUBJECT 51A-53 High Street, Harris Park
DESCRIPTION Demolition of two single storey dwelling houses and the construction of a four storey mixed use building containing 23 dwelling units, ground floor commercial space and basement parking for 24 cars and Strata Subdivision
REFERENCE DA/596/2010 - lodged 28th July, 2010
APPLICANT/S Northcore Pty Ltd
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
date of report 14 October, 2010
This application is brought to Council for determination due to the Clause 24 variation in excess of 10% sought in respect of the carparking rate prescribed by Clause 22C of Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007.
Development Application No. 596/2008 seeks approval for the demolition of two single storey dwelling houses and the construction of a four storey mixed use building containing 23 dwelling units, ground floor commercial space and basement parking for 24 cars.
The proposed development is permissible with consent in the Mixed Use B4 zone and is consistent with the objectives of State Environmental Planning Policy 65 (Design Quality of Residential Flat Development), Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 and Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007. The proposal will not unreasonably affect the amenity of the surrounding area or neighbouring development.
The site adjoins two Victorian Terraces, listed in Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as heritage items of local significance. Council’s Heritage Adviser assessed the proposal and raised no objections to the development.
The development application was advertised and notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP between 11th August and 1st September, 2010 and two objections were received. The objections raise issues relating to geotechnical integrity, privacy, noise, parking, traffic, heritage, property value and waste generation. The issues raised by the objectors are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal of the application.
The proposed mixed use building will result in an FSR of 1.8:1 and a maximum height of 11.8 metres, thereby complying with the maximum FSR of 2:1 and the height limit of 12 metres applicable to the site.
The development will provide 24 carparking spaces, 4 (or approximately 14.3%) less than the prescribed 28 spaces.
Lord Mayoral Minute 31/2007 states that:
“(a) That Council interpret the parking rates contained in the (at the time) soon to be gazetted City Centre Local Environmental Plan, strictly as maximum rates.
(b) That Council encourage lower rates of parking that are outlined in the City Centre LEP and not accept carparking provision that exceeds that identified in the City Centre LEP.”
On the basis of this Mayoral Minute, that the site is located in close proximity to various modes of public transport and that the non-compliance is relatively minor, the variation to Clause 22C (Carparking) required by Clause 24 of the City Centre LEP is considered acceptable and it is recommend that Council support the variation to the development standard. The proposed carparking provision is supported by Council’s Traffic Engineer.
The proposal has been considered by Council’s Design Review Panel and the proposal is considered to satisfy the design quality principles of SEPP No. 65 – Design Quality of Residential Flat Buildings.
Despite the non-compliant carparking, the proposal is generally consistent with the objectives and development controls of SEPP 65, Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan 2007 and its DCP and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties.
Accordingly, conditional consent of the development application is recommended.
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 596/2010 for demolition and the construction of a 4 storey mixed use development containing 23 dwellings, ground floor commercial space over basement carparking with Strata Subdivision at 51A-53 High Street, Parramatta for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the following conditions contained within Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.
1View |
Section 79C Assessment Report |
65 Pages |
2View |
Plans & Elevations |
13 Pages |
3View |
Locality Map |
1 Page |
Confidential Floor Plans |
7 Pages |
SUBJECT 46 Marion Street, Harris Park (Lot 24 Section 1 in DP 395) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)
DESCRIPTION Alterations and additions and occupation of a heritage item as an 84 seat restaurant with trading hours of 7.00am to 10.30pm Monday to Thursday and 7.00am to midnight Friday to Sunday.
REFERENCE DA/587/2010 - submitted 23 July, 2010
APPLICANT/S Con Michaels
OWNERS Penelope Tarros
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 7 October, 2010
This application is referred to Council for determination as the proposal involves works to a heritage item.
Approval is sought for alterations and additions to a single storey heritage listed dwelling house at 46 Marion Street, Harris Park and for a change of use to an 84 seat restaurant with trading hours of 7.00am to 10.30pm Monday to Thursday and 7.00am to midnight Friday to Sunday.
The physical works involve the removal of one wall, installation of a new ceiling, replacing the floor and partial demolition of the rear wing of the building with new toilets and kitchen to be installed in its place with some existing walls retained. A grease trap and enclosed garbage storage area will also be provided and a free standing canvas cover will be provided in the front setback area to provide covered dining space and a new 1 metre high timber picket fence constructed. Other than the new covered area and the low front fence, the outward appearance of the building will remain unchanged. The proposal does not include provision of business identification signage, nor outdoor dining on Council’s footpath.
The dwelling house, previously converted to commercial use via DA/54/1993 (tenant’s union office and more recently as a men’s clothing store in accordance with the exempt development provisions of SREP No. 28 (Parramatta)), is a heritage item of local significance under Schedule 6 of Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 28 (Parramatta), as are adjoining buildings at No.s 42, 44 and 48 forming part of a group.
The proposed use is defined as ‘Refreshment rooms’ under Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 28 (Parramatta) and is a permissible land use in the Business Zone (Harris Park Precinct)
The application was notified and advertised for a 21 day period between 4 and 25 August, 2010. In response, 1 objection was received, raising issues relating to whether windows will be installed in the toilets adjacent to No. 48 Marion Street, whether the additions will encroach onto the adjoining site at No. 48, that a dividing fence needs to be constructed, that no attachments be installed to the garage at No. 48 Marion Street and that existing pipe, wrought iron and wire that is attached to the fence post between No.s 46 and 48 Marion Street not be disposed of, but reattached when a new fence is erected.
The submission is addressed in the assessment report (see Attachment 1), where it is concluded that the issues raised do not warrant refusal or modification of the proposal.
Council’s Heritage Adviser assessed the proposal and concluded that:
“The required rear additions are not of heritage concern, being on a single storey scale and in keeping with similar developments of this type in the area. The proposed new fence is low timber picket, in keeping with the DCP Guidelines for this conservation area. The internal changes also appear within the reasonable limits, and can be supported.
However, the proposed new canvas awning in front of the house is not in keeping with the streetscape. Attention is raised to the new awnings recently approved in front of the adjoining Nos. 44 and 42 Marion Street, which were a result of the long negotiations and discussions of a wide range of stakeholders including the general public.”
The issues raised by the Heritage Adviser are addressed by way of conditions of consent in the recommendation.
The proposed alterations and additions and the change of use to a restaurant is consistent with the existing scale and use of buildings in the area and is consistent with the objectives of the Business Zone. The proposal will not unreasonably impact the amenity of surrounding development or the streetscape, subject to a revision of the canvas cover at the front of the building.
The provision of 3 spaces at the rear (with 1 doubling up as a loading area) is considered adequate for staff carparking, with the likelihood that some staff members would commute together or travel by public transport. Customers on the other hand would range from those driving to the site from other parts of Sydney, local residents, local workers and visitors to local residents who would walk to the site from neighbouring streets.
The provision of 3 carparking spaces complies with the maximum carparking rate prescribed for the proposed use by SREP No. 28 (Parramatta).
The laneway at the rear of the site is also subject to road widening provisions under the REP. No works are proposed in this location.
For the above reasons, it is considered that the proposal is acceptable. Accordingly, approval of the application is recommended.
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 587/2010 for alterations and additions and the change of use of the building to a restaurant at 46 Marion Street, Harris Park for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the following conditions Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.
Alan Middlemiss
Development Assessment Officer
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SUBJECT 42A Crimea Street, South Parramatta (Lot 10 in DP 939722) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
DESCRIPTION Demolition of garage and construction of a two storey boarding house containing 12 boarding rooms accommodating a maximum of 15 lodgers and on-site manager's accommodation.
REFERENCE DA/250/2010 - lodged 1st April, 2010
OWNERS R & A Afshar
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 7 October 2010
The application is brought to Council for determination due to the proposal involving a boarding house and due to the number of objections received.
Development Application No. 250/2010 seeks approval for the construction of a two storey boarding house containing 14 boarding rooms and having a maximum occupancy of 15 persons.
The proposed boarding house is inconsistent with the objectives of Parramatta LEP 2001, Parramatta LEP 1996 (Heritage and Conservation), Parramatta DCP 2005 and Parramatta Heritage DCP 2001. The proposal will unreasonably affect the amenity of the surrounding area, by virtue of its 2 storey height and siting within an area characterised predominantly by single storey dwelling houses. The proposal does not fully comply with the relevant development standards for boarding houses prescribed by State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Accommodation) 2009 and is inconsistent with the aims of the Policy.
The application was advertised and notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP and 23 objections were received.
Council’s Heritage Adviser assessed the proposal and concluded that a number of changes would be required for this development to be acceptable, in particular changes relating to the landscaped area, materials, roofing and height of the building.
The Heritage Advisory Committee at its meeting of 24 May, 2010 expressed its concerns in relation to the visual impact and character of this development, which is located in the conservation area for South Parramatta, and requests that the applicant be asked to consider a more sympathetic design envelope.
Accordingly, refusal of the development application is recommended.
(a) That Council as the consent authority refuse to grant development consent to Development Application No. 250/2010 for the construction of a two storey boarding house, with a maximum occupancy of 15 residents, on land at 42A Crimea Street, South Parramatta, for the following reasons: 1. The proposal does not comply with heritage controls for single storey scale, side driveway access to a garage in backyard, front fence width in Parramatta Heritage Development Control Plan 2001. 2. The proposal does not satisfy objectives (a), (c), (d) and (f) in Clause 2 of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 1996 (Heritage & Conservation). 3. The proposal does not satisfy objectives (b) and (c) of Development in the 2B Residential Zone in Clause 16 of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001; and 4. The proposal does not comply with Clause 29(2(b) – Landscaped Area, State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.
(b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.
Smyth Planning
Independent Planning Consultants
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SUBJECT 74-76 Rawson Street Epping (Lots 101-103 DP1095663) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)
DESCRIPTION Use of 73 car spaces within basement level 1 of the Genesis building as a car parking station.
REFERENCE DA/614/2010 - Submitted 2 August 2010
APPLICANT/S Mr Victor Nudler
OWNERS Crown International Consortium Pty Ltd and the owners of SP76706
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT: 20 October 2010
The application has been referred to Council because it is the first development application for paid commercial parking in the Epping Commercial Centre.
Approval is sought for the use of 73 car parking spaces within basement 1 level of the Genesis building as a car parking station for customers/clients of the commercial and retail tenancies located inside the building. The proposed works include the installation of signage and ticket machines. The hours of operation for the carpark are 7am to 7pm Monday to Wednesday, 7am to 9pm Thursday, 7am to 7pm Friday and 8.30am to 6pm on Saturday. Whilst the carpark will be open on Sunday car parking will be free of charge on this day.
The site is a rectangular shaped allotment with three street frontages of Rawson Street, Beecroft Road and Carlingford Road. Located on the site is a 10 storey mixed use development known as the Genesis building. The Genesis building contains retail, commercial and residential uses. The building has 3 levels of basement car parking that are accessed from Rawson Street. Access to basement level 1 is unrestricted and anyone can drive down the access ramp and park in the basement. Access to the lower levels of basement parking is restricted to residents/tenants who have an electronic key that opens a roller shutter located at the top of the ramp to basement level 2.
Basement level 1 contains commercial/retail parking and resident visitor parking. The 30 resident visitor spaces within basement level 1 are common property within Lot 101 DP 1095633 whilst the 73 commercial/retail public parking car spaces are located in Lot 103 DP1095663. The application relates only to the 73 commercial/retail public parking car spaces, the 30 resident visitor spaces will not be part of the car parking station.
The application documentation indicates that the car parking rate will be $2 per hour for the first 3 hours with higher rates for stays longer than 3 hours to discourage long stay parking. The application documentation also states that the introduction of paid parking will discourage the use of the car park by staff and visitors that are not associated with the Genesis building.
Three submissions were received in response to the advertising of the application. The issues raised in the submissions do not warrant refusal of the application but do warrant the imposition of additional conditions with respect to the signage that is erected within the resident visitor parking area.
The application is permissible under both the current zoning specified by Parramatta LEP 2001 and the proposed zoning under Draft Parramatta LEP 2010. Approval of the application is recommended.
(a) That Council grant a deferred commencement development consent to Development Application No. DA/614/2010 for the use of 73 car parking spaces within basement level 1 of the Genesis building (74-76 Rawson Street Epping) as a car parking station in accordance with the conditions of consent outlined in Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision.
Jonathan Goodwill
Senior Development Assessment Officer
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Floor Plan |
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SUBJECT 2-6 Howard Avenue & 8-22 Briens Road, Northmead (LOT 24 DP 15342, LOT 25 DP 15342, LOT 26 DP 15342, LOT 81 DP 522031, Lot 37 DP 238172, LOT 36 DP 238172, Lot 35 DP 238172, LOT 34 DP 238172, LOT 33 DP 238172, CP SP 80762) (Arthur Phillip Ward)
DESCRIPTION Development Application to alter vehicular access arrangements to three separate developments
REFERENCE DA/197/2010 - submitted 16th March, 2010
APPLICANT/S Greg Ritchie & Partners Pty Ltd
OWNERS Northmead Projects Pty Ltd; H & N Holdings; Platinum Properties NSW SP 80762
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 14 October, 2010
The proposal relates to three separate, but adjacent, development sites and increases traffic flow in Howard Avenue as a result of eliminating direct access on and off Briens Road.
This development application involves a change to the vehicular access arrangements for three developments approved between 2003 and 2006. Details of these DAs are as follows:
DA/133/2004 – 2-6 Howard Avenue, Northmead. Approved three storey mixed use development (modified to become fully residential) containing 29 residential units over a basement providing 35 carparking spaces. The original DA was approved by Council under delegated authority on 27th July, 2004. Vehicular access to the site was approved to be directly off Howard Avenue.
DA/489/2003 – 20-22 Briens Road, Northmead. Approved part three/ part four storey mixed use development containing 20 residential units, ground floor commercial over basement level carparking for 24 cars (with an additional 9 spaces provided at-grade). The DA was approved by Council under delegated authority on 26th May, 2006. Vehicular access to the site originally approved directly off Briens Road.
DA/1656/2003 – 8-18 Briens Road, Northmead. Approved six storey mixed use development comprising 84 residential units, two ground floor commercial units and two levels of basement parking for 104 cars. The DA was approved by Council under delegated authority on 6th October, 2004. Vehicular access to the site originally approved directly off Briens Road.
This development application (Ref No. 197/2010) seeks approval for deletion of a deceleration lane along Briens Road for the approved mixed use development (DA 1656/2003) and deletion of all vehicular access to and from the basement level of development on Briens Road (DAs 1656/203 and 489/2003).
All vehicular access to the sites is now to be provided from Howard Avenue (within approved development DA/133/2004). The proposal also seeks to physically link the approved basements, provide an additional five carparking spaces, a reduction in soft soil landscaping and relocation of disabled ramp. The commercial loading will still be provided on the site with access off Briens Road between Blocks B and C.
The purpose of the proposal is to:
· Reduce costs associated with the developments; · Enable all vehicular traffic to access the site via Howard Avenue; · Reduce safety impacts by eliminating multiple access to the sites on and adjacent to the westbound on-ramp to the Cumberland Highway (Briens Road); · Satisfy the requirements of the RTA by providing side street access in lieu of access to a major road (in this case a State Road).
The proposed development is permissible with consent in the Mixed Use 10 zone and is consistent with the objectives of State Environmental Planning Policy 65 (Design Quality of Residential Flat Development), Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 28 (Parramatta), Parramatta LEP 2001 and Parramatta DCP 2005. The proposal will not unreasonably affect the amenity of the surrounding area or neighbouring development, with the Roads and Traffic Authority and Council’s Transport and Traffic Investigations Engineer both supporting the proposal.
Council’s Transport & Traffic Investigations Engineer concluded:
“Based on the analysis and information submitted with the DA, the proposed modification is not expected to have a significant impact on this section of Briens Road and Howard Avenue and its surrounding road network. The proposed development can be supported on traffic & parking grounds provided that the proposed loading bay should be referred to the RTA for approval.
The Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW advised:
“The RTA has reviewed the development application and would grant its concurrence under Section 138(2) of the Roads Act to the development application, subject to Council’s approval and the following comments being included in the Council’s conditions of development consent.” The draft conditions recommended by the RTA are included in the Recommendation outlined in Attachment 1.
In the RTA’s email dated 17th June, 2009 in relation to the pre-lodgement meeting, it was advised that “the RTA acknowledges that the consolidation of all properties would provide an improved outcome”.
The development application was advertised and notified in accordance with Council’s Notification DCP between 31st march August and 21st April, 2010 and two objections were received. The objections raise issues relating to the generation of additional traffic in Howard Avenue. The issues raised by the objectors are addressed in the Section 79C Assessment Report (Attachment 1) and are not considered sufficiently adverse to warrant refusal of the application.
The proposal does not increase the height or FSR of the building, or affect its setbacks above basement level.
This DA is a long standing application for the following reasons:
The originally submitted plans indicated that the proposal still included ingress and egress for basement parking associated with access involving Briens Road.
Council advised the RTA by way of letter dated 13th May, 2010 that:
“Would you note that the plans still depict access to and from Briens Road, adjacent to Block B, despite the statement of environmental effects outlining that ALL access will be to/from Howard Avenue .”
The RTA responded by way of letter dated 8th June, 2010 that it did not support the proposal which included such access arrangements. The applicant was advised to amend the proposal.
An amended plan was submitted to Council on 29th June, 2010. The DA was again referred to the RTA by Council on 7th July, 2010.
The RTA advised by way of letter dated 20th August, 2010 that it still had concerns with the loading area and a driveway off Briens Road and would not issue its concurrence.
Further amended plans were lodged with Council on 2nd September, 2010 in order to address the concerns of the RTA. The RTA’s concurrence was finally provided in its correspondence dated 8th October, 2010 (Attachment 4).
Despite the reduction in soft soil area relating to the nearly completed development at 2-6 Howard Avenue, Northmead, the proposal is generally consistent with the objectives and development controls of SEPP 65, SREP No. 28, Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 and its DCP and there will be no likely unacceptable impacts on adjoining properties. The proposal will result in safer ingress and egress to and from the site respectively as a result of improved sightlines for vehicles entering Briens Road and reduced conflict points in terms of vehicles entering the site from Briens Road, providing one turning point into the site instead of three.
Accordingly, conditional consent of the development application is recommended.
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 197/2010 for the consolidation of the carparking levels at 2-6 Howard Avenue and 8-22 Briens Road, Northmead for a period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1.
(b) Further, that the objectors be advised of Council’s decision.
Alan Middlemiss
Development Assessment Officer
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RTA Concurrence |
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SUBJECT 124-130
Kissing Point Road, Dundas
Lots 1 & 2 DP 455476, Lot 3 DP 656064 & Lot 1 DP 705877 (Elizabeth
Macarthur Ward)
DESCRIPTION Construction of 2 x 2 storey buildings containing a total of 18 residential units over basement carparking under SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.
REFERENCE DA/460/2010 - Submitted 15 June 2010
APPLICANT/S Gus Fares Architects Pty Ltd
OWNERS Medco Petroleum Pty Limited
REPORT OF Manager Development Services
DATE OF REPORT 26 October 2010
The application has been referred to Council as the application is the 1st infill affordable housing development to be considered by Council under SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.
Development Application No. 460/2010 seeks approval for the construction of 2 x 2 storey buildings containing a total of 18 residential units over basement car parking under SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 on land at 124-130 Kissing Point Road, Dundas.
The development is being constructed under the provisions of the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and 50% of the dwellings (being 9 of proposed dwellings) will be designated for affordable housing to be managed by a "Registered Community Provider" for 10 years as required under the SEPP.
The subject site is zoned Residential 2(b) under the provisions of LEP2001. Residential flat buildings are a prohibited land use under the zoning provisions of LEP2001. Notwithstanding this, the proposed use is considered as “infill affordable housing” under the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and is a permissible development under this SEPP, which is the prevailing legislative document.
Clause 14 of the SEPP states design development standards that cannot be used to refuse an application. These standards include floor space ratio, car parking, landscaping and deep soil zones.
SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 permits a maximum floor space ratio of 0.75:1 for this development, whilst the maximum floor space ratio permissible within the current 2(b) zone is 0.6:1. Council cannot refuse the application based on density and scale if the proposed development does not exceed 0.75:1. The proposed development has a floor space ratio of 0.75:1, which complies with the requirements of the SEPP.
The proposed 2 storey height of the proposed development complies with the maximum height provisions within the current 2(b) zoning of the subject site. The development also complies with the maximum 8.5m height provisions of the SEPP.
The proposed development, if considered under the provisions of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 would require 19 car parking spaces for the occupants and 5 visitor car parking spaces, resulting in a total of 24 car parking spaces. The application proposes 18 spaces, which does not comply with Council’s controls, however exceeds the minimum requirements under the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009, being a minimum of 9 car parking spaces.
The proposed development provides 44% of the site area as landscaping and 38% of the site area as deep soil zone. The landscaping and deep soil areas exceed the minimum requirements of Parramatta Development Control Plan 2005 and the SEPP.
The application was advertised and adjoining owners and occupiers were notified of the proposal for a period of 21 days. No submissions were received.
Subject to conditions of consent, the proposal is considered to be acceptable as it complies with the provisions of SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 and is consistent with the aims and objectives of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001. Accordingly, the application is recommended for approval.
(a) That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 460/2010 for the construction of 2 x 2 storey buildings containing a total of 18 residential units over basement car parking under SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 on land at 124-130 Kissing Point Road, Dundas subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.
Kate Lafferty
Senior Development Assessment Officer
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Confidential Plans |
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Council (Development) 8 November 2010
Notices of Motion
08 November 2010
14.1 Advertising
14.2 Fundraising for Richie Benaud's childhood home
14.3 Long Term Financing
SUBJECT Advertising
REFERENCE F2004/08909 - D01692995
REPORT OF Councillor A Bide
To be Moved by Councillor A Bide
That Parramatta City Council resolve that the CEO prepare a report returnable within one month on:- 1. How Parramatta City Council advertising is structured, 2. How the advertising is allocated to local newspapers, 3. How information delivery is targeted, 4. What triggers cause a major broadsheet newspaper to be used, 5. Provide Council with suggestions and alternatives to gain best value for the ratepayers of Parramatta LGA, 6. What policy, if any exists to access communities such as the vision impaired and those where English is not the first language, 7. What opportunities and arrangements are there to advertise electronically using the internet and community newsletters where cost savings may be achieved, 8. Produce to Council for inspection all contracts or summaries thereof in existence at the present time for the provision of advertising or like services, 9. Further, that Council resolve to honour all existing contracts for advertising and short term arrangements but enter into no new contracts until the report has reached the Council for consideration and an opportunity to review this area of expenditure has been completed.”
As a Caroline Chisholm Ward Councillor a number of Caroline Chisholm Ward constituents have approached me complaining that they do not receive certain community newspapers that are circulated to other areas of the LGA. Hence, they feel that they are missing out on information from Council. Similarly, more than one community newspaper exists within the Parramatta LGA and it is important for the community and Councillors to see that ratepayers advertising dollars are achieving best value.
There are no attachments for this report.
SUBJECT Fundraising for Richie Benaud's childhood home
REFERENCE DA/533/2010 - D01702180
REPORT OF Councillor C X Lim
To be Moved by Councillor C X Lim
(a) That Council initiate a committee of interested Councillors, Council staff, community and corporate representatives and to investigate viable fundraising strategies and options for the purposes of purchasing the former childhood home of Richie Benaud on 5 Sutherland Street, North Parramatta, in order for it to become an appropriate cricket museum, by way of an independent trust entity.
(b) That this committee invite involvement and seek practical assistance and financial support from the Federal Government, NSW State Government, Cricket Australia, Channel 9, ESPN, the Parramatta District Cricket Club, the National Heritage Trust, and any other organisations, individuals or corporate supporters from across Australia as well as from other cricket loving countries.
(c) That this independent committee provide a report to Council with its proposals and recommendations, including the possibility of a national and international lottery, grants, direct and on-line donations strategies, memberships, sponsorships, endowments, and fundraising events.
(d) Further, that this initiative not incur any financial cost to Council.
There are no attachments for this report.
SUBJECT Long Term Financing
REFERENCE F2009/00971 - D01705232
REPORT OF Councillor A A Wilson
To be Moved by Councillor A A Wilson
It is hereby moved that Parramatta City Council prepare a report; examining our long term financing with a view to using access to the NSW Coalition's billion dollar infrastructure financing fund in the event of a coalition victory in NSW.
There are no attachments for this report.