Item 10.3 - Attachment 1

Minutes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Meeting 24 August 2010







Bruce Gale in the Chair, Bruce Astill, Donna-Lee Astill, Phil Bradley (retired 7.32 pm), Doug Desjardines, Marcia Donovan, Shalini Kumari, Lyn Leerson, Linda McDonald, Annie Nielsen (retired 7.32 pm), John Robertson and Anne Stonham.





Grant Davies (Minute Clerk) and Maggie Kyle (Community Capacity Building Officer).





Bruce Gale made a Welcome to Country, recognising that the land upon which the meeting was being held is Dharug and paying respect to Elders past and present.




An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Councillor Paul Barber, Ian Fitzgerald (Manager Human Resources), Greg Stonham and Doug Wilson.




There were no conflicts of interest at this meeting.


4     LGAN 2010 PLANNING


Maggie Kyle advised that a detailed update on planning for the 2010 LGAN Conference had been given to the Executive and distributed copies of the completed Conference program and registration pack.


Maggie added that:-


·    The Conference was on track with 3 weeks to go.

·    Invitations to the Civic Reception had been posted.

·    Council would be registering members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee for attendance at the Conference.

·    Award nomination forms were now available.

·    Sponsorship packs had been sent.

·    The program had been completed and was in accordance with that agreed to by the Committee.

·    The main area of concern was in obtaining entertainment for the dinner. Current quotations were outside the budget of $2000. Any assistance and/or suggestions in this regard would be welcomed. Councillor Paul Barber indicated he would contact a local band known as ‘Top Dogs’ to ascertain their availability and cost.







The Committee welcomed Troy Holbrook, Council’s Recreation Planner and Adam Hunter from   Environmental Partnership. Environmental Partnership has been engaged to undertake a review of the current Plan of Management for Lake Parramatta.


Mr Hunter distributed a “Basis for Management’ for the management of Crown Lands and a copy is appended to these minutes as Attachment 1. Aerial photos of Lake Parramatta were also available for viewing at the meeting.


Mr Hunter detailed the consultation held to date with the broader community and provided details on the review of the current Plan of Management and Council’s existing policies. He felt that now would be an excellent time to touch base with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee to seek their advice and input.


Mr Hunter then commented (and responded to issues raised during the meeting) that:-

·    Any reception type facility constructed would need to be sympathetic and would also need to be low key due to the likelihood of a curfew being placed on the site. Options were currently being identified and may include smaller scale meeting rooms or multi usage space.

·    Road area and car parks on site are inefficient and could be relocated and tightened up. This may create an opportunity to better manage stormwater.

·    There may be an opportunity to provide a walking track loop connecting the best vantage points.

·    There are sites within Lake Parramatta that access to would not be promoted.

·    No potable water is available but an opportunity may exist to put a rainwater harvesting system in place.

·    Maps are available showing existing walking tracks.

·    Any planting carried out would utilise indigenous species ideally through local seed collection and propagation.

·    Are the Sorry Garden and Bush Tucker Garden in the best location/layout possible? Is there potential to expand or perhaps link to the other facilities?

·    Funding available for major facility improvements/upgrades was still being investigated and would likely relate to any lease granted and/or licence conditions. As the site is Crown Land, any lease arrangements would be required to be considered by the Minister. Council will investigate possible grant opportunities and could pursue possible opportunities for corporate branding. Any monies raised would likely go into a Trust Fund for the care and management of the reserve. It should be noted that Council is not the landowner – it has the care, control and management of Lake Parramatta.

·    The Plan of Management is anticipated to be placed on exhibition in the next month or so for 4 weeks (Crown Lands Act requirements). Submissions can be made by the Committee or individually. A draft copy of the Plan will be distributed to members when available.


Members commented that:-

·    Any facility could be used for training purposes or for studying Aboriginal Culture and Heritage. The facility could utilise both indoors and outdoors (L Leerson) or could be used as an educational resource for schools (A Nielsen).

·    Consideration could be given to a cultural walk (L McDonald).

·    A history and storyline could be considered which outlines what existed in the area prior to development of the area (L McDonald).

·    A number of caves are in existence on site and would require protection (L McDonald).

·    The Committee had previously asked Council to place a conservation order on Lake Parramatta (D Desjardines).

·    The area could be used for keeping of artefacts and act as a meeting place. Perhaps a sanctuary for children to complete their homework (D Astill). Internet connectivity may need to be considered.

·    The area must be secure and protected against trail bike access (P Bradley).

·    Concern expressed about development on the point. Council must be mindful of the aesthetics for bush walkers. Taller vegetation could also be considered for screening purposes (P Bradley).

·    Discussions could be held with the Department of Education and Training in relation to a possible field study centre (P Bradley).

·    Council must consider an archaeological dig (A Stonham).

·    A similar document to the Burramatta Walking Brochure could be considered. Part time rangers/guides should be investigated (P Bradley).

·    The area should remain untouched (D Desjardines).


Mr Hunter concluded by indicating that the Plan of Management sets the broader vision. The design process would be considered once funds became available and at that time, further consultation would be held with the Advisory Committee.


Mr Hunter and Mr Holbrook were thanked for their attendance.




A copy of the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting held on 27 July 2010 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RECOMMENDATION         (Robertson/Desjardines)


That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting held on 27 July 2010 be taken as a true record of the meeting subject to the following alterations:-

1.         It be noted that the guest speaker at the Macquarie Feast was Nicholas Cowdrey QC.

2.         “Annie Nielsen” has been spelt incorrectly on pages 3 and 4 of the minutes.





Burramatta Brochure

Ms Kyle advised that the Burramatta Brochure had now been printed. Ms Desailly would like to attend the next meeting of the Committee.


Phil Bradley noted that a limited number of brochures were available at the Heritage Centre.



Phil Bradley and Annie Nielsen retired from the meeting at 7.32 pm.


Aboriginal Incarceration Rates and Community Issues

Ms Kyle indicated that the LGAN Executive had not accepted the recommendation of the Committee for the Attorney General, Shadow Attorney General and Greens Representative to speak at the LGAN Conference on the subject matter. Accordingly, invitations had not been issued.

Maggie noted, however, that Mr John Mahoney, Assistant Superintendent, Corrective Services NSW, would be speaking at the Conference.


Mr Desjardines noted that an opportunity is usually given for questions to be asked of each speaker and proposed that Mr John Robertson be selected to raise any issues on behalf of members.





Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Agenda

Bruce Gale asked that the membership of the Executive be included on the front page of future agendas.


Burramatta NAIDOC 2010 Debrief

John Robertson noted that the notes of the Burramatta NAIDOC 2010 Debrief held on 13 July 2010 as distributed at the previous meeting of the Advisory Committee refers to “Phil and Andrew”. The notes should actually read “Flynn and Andrew”.


Positions Currently Available within Council

Maggie Kyle distributed information on all positions currently available within Council.


Maggie added that advertising of positions was now occurring through appropriate Aboriginal recruitment companies.


Cultural Awareness Training and Engagement Survey

Maggie Kyle distributed information from Ian Fitzgerald (Manager Human Resources) in relation to cultural awareness training for Council Staff and also information obtained in a recent engagement survey. A copy of the information is appended as Attachment 2.


Three (3) potential providers for the cultural awareness training had been short listed from the original 10 quotes received.


Input was sought from members on any other organisations that should be approached by 3 September 2010, following which a final decision would be made.


Anne Stonham requested that members of the Advisory Committee also be included in the cultural awareness training.


John Robertson expressed disappointment that Council had called for tenders and yet he, as part of an organisation that carries out cross cultural training, had not been approached. He added that he would contact Mr Ian Fitzgerald and suggest that the Aboriginal Support Network be considered for the training.


The circulated advice also indicated that following an engagement survey within Council, 5 persons had identified as being of Aboriginal descent and 1 person had identified as being of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent.


LGAN 2010

Linda McDonald referred to recent discussions in relation to the provision of entertainment for the conference dinner and asked whether the Col Hardy had been approached.


Maggie Kyle advised that a quote had been received as part of NAIDOC Week which was outside the Conference budget.


Linda McDonald undertook to approach the band and provide further details to Maggie.


Bruce Gale sought advice on the break even point for attendance at the conference.


Maggie responded that the figure was currently 85 persons, but added that as additional expenses were incurred, the break even point would rise.


The meeting terminated at 7.52 pm.