MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chambers, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Monday, 12 July 2010 AT 6:45 pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor, P J Garrard in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber (retired 7.51 pm), A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM (retired 8.36 pm), M A Lack, C X Lim (Deputy Lord Mayor), S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.





The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard acknowledged the Burramatugal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.








SUBJECT          Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 28 June 2010



RESOLVED      (Esber/Chedid)

That the minutes be taken as read and accepted as a true record of the meeting.






There were no declarations of interest at this Council (Development) Meeting.






SUBJECT          Establishment of a Goodwill Agreement between the Lebanese Village Associations represented in Parramatta and their respective Sister Village in Lebanon

REFERENCE    F2006/00973

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Esber)

(a)            That Parramatta City Council endorses the proposed ‘Goodwill Agreement’ and adopts the Aims and Objectives as outlined therein (Attachment A) between Parramatta and the invited communities of North Lebanon (identified in Attachment B).

(b)      That Council endorses the actions of the Lord Mayor in visiting Lebanon to further pursue the establishment of a ‘Goodwill Agreement’ between Parramatta and invited communities within north Lebanon.

(c)       That Council covers any reasonable out of pocket expenses of the Lord Mayor, with the exception of air travel, in accordance with the Policy on Civic Office Expenses and Facilities.

(d)      Further, that the Lord Mayor report back to the Chamber on the actions undertaken and the progress upon the development of the Agreement.








SUBJECT          Development Application - 14 Dorothy Street, Wentworthville

REFERENCE    DA/254/2010

FROM                 Mr Brian Calvert










“The main concern is the bulk and scale of the proposed two storey dwelling with the basement car parking and pump out system for stormwater.


The proposed dwelling will overshadow my house and the shadow diagram that was lodged – the shadow is taken from the wall height not the roof height.”




By Mark Leotta - Acting Manager Development Services


The public forum makes the points which are responded to in turn.


Point 1


The main concern is the bulk and scale of the proposed two storey dwelling with basement car park and pump out system for stormwater.




Your concerns about the bulk and scale of the proposal are noted. The bulk and scale of the proposal is exacerbated by the basement car park is one of the reasons the application is recommended for refusal.


Point 2


The proposed dwelling will overshadow my house (16 Dorothy Street Wentworthville) and the shadow diagram that was lodged –the shadow is taken from the wall height not the roof height




The overshadowing diagrams submitted with the application indicate that the proposal will overshadow three windows along the northern elevation of the dwelling at 16 Dorothy Street at 9am in midwinter. Two of these windows are located behind a covered awning that will already reduce the amount of sunlight received at these windows. The other window overshadowed is within a room that has another east facing window that would receive sunlight penetration at this time.


At 12 midday in midwinter the window at the front of the dwelling at 16 Dorothy Street will still be overshadowed with only one of the windows underneath the awning being partially overshadowed by the proposed dwelling.


At 3pm in mid winter the window at the front of the dwelling at 16 Dorothy Street will still be overshadowed with the windows underneath the awning not being overshadowed by the proposed dwelling.


The accuracy of the shadow diagrams has been reviewed. The diagrams have taken into account that No. 16 Dorothy Street is lower and correctly identified true north, the azimuth angle and altitude of the sun in mid winter. Taking into account that the roof has a pitch of approximately 25 degrees and the distance from the top of the first floor wall to the ridge line, additional shadow would not be cast by the ridge line of the building.







SUBJECT          Park Committee for Barnetts Park, Winston Hills

REFERENCE    F2005/00856

FROM                 Councillor S D Lloyd


RESOLVED      (Lloyd/Chedid)

(a)      That Council advertise appropriately for a meeting to be held in the         next 6 weeks in the view of forming a Park Committee for the Barnetts Road Off the Leash Dog Park.

(b)      Further, that if the committee is successful in formation, $400 be taken out of the Caroline Chisholm ward urgent works budget so as to be inline with the allocation of funds to other park committees so as to not affect the “Open space & Natural Resources budget for the 2010/2011 financial year.



Economy and Development



SUBJECT          Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

REFERENCE    F2009/00431 - D01578696

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Chedid)

That the report be received and noted.




Reports - Domestic Applications




SUBJECT          35 Smith Street,  Parramatta
(Lot 11 DP 860245) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Fitout of  Level 3 of a heritage listed building for an office

REFERENCE    DA/338/2010 - Submitted 5th May 2010

APPLICANT/S   IBEX Interiors Pty Ltd

OWNERS           Peel Parklea Pty Ltd

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED       (Esber/Elmore)


That Council as the consent authority, grant development consent to development application No. DA/338/2010 fitout of level 3 and use for an office on land at 35 Smith Street, Parramatta for a period of five (5) years from the date on the Notice of Determination. Pursuant to       Section 89 of the                       Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Lifetime Care Authority, NSW be requested to provide written concurrence to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES             None.






SUBJECT          19 Victoria Street, Epping
(Lot B DP 399831) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition, tree removal and the construction of a two storey dwelling within the Eastwood/Epping Conservation Area.

REFERENCE    DA/889/2009 - Submitted 21 December 2009

APPLICANT/S   Mr & Mrs Park

OWNERS           Mr & Mrs Park

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Chedid)


(a)     That Council grant approval to Development Application No.           889/2009 for      demolition, tree removal and the construction of a           two storey dwelling      subject to standard conditions as contained in           Attachment 1 together with the following 2 conditions:-

1       That the ridge line of the garage roof at the rear of the dwelling be lowered 500mm.

2       That the ridge line of the dwelling roof to be lowered 300mm.

(b)               Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES             Councillor A A Wilson.


NOTE:        Councillor A A Wilson requested that his name be recorded as having voted against this decision.







SUBJECT          14 Dorothy Street, Wentworthville
(Lot 2 DP 1135357) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition and construction of a 2 storey dwelling with a basement garage.

REFERENCE    DA/254/2010 - 1 April 2010


OWNERS           Mr J Farah and Ms R Farah

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services










MOTION             (Bide/Lloyd)


(a)      That Development Application No 254/2010 for the demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 2 storey dwelling with basement garage at 14 Dorothy Street, Wentworthville be approved subject to the basement garage being redesigned to allow turn around for forward exit from the building together with Council’s standard conditions.

(b)      Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision on the matter.











AMENDMENT   (Esber/Finn)

That the CEO be delegated authority to approve the application subject to no adverse impact on the solar hot water system at the adjoining property and to the provision of satisfactory plans for a turning area to permit forward entry and egress from the premises.


The amendment was put and carried and on being put as the motion was again carried.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors P B Barber, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, M A Lack and L E Wearne.


NOES             Councillor A Bide, J Chedid, A Issa, OAM, C X Lim, S D Lloyd and A A Wilson.



Reports - Major Applications




SUBJECT          26 Gore Street , Parramatta (Lot 57 in DP 8641) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Conversion of a two storey dwelling house to a boarding house.

REFERENCE    DA/111/2010 - lodged 23rd February, 2010

APPLICANT/S   Shobha Designs

OWNERS           A & A Thukral

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


MOTION    (Chedid/McDermott)



That the application be refused for the following reasons:-

1.        The traffic and parking impacts on local residents in Gore Street;

2         The adverse social impact on the character of the street;

3         The lack of public transport in the area;

4         The lack of a social impact statement;

5         The proposal is a commercial activity in a residential zone;

6         The environmental impact on the local street.


























AMENDMENT   (Lack/Maitra)

(a)       That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 111/2010 for the conversion of a two storey dwelling house to a six bedroom boarding house, with a maximum occupancy of ten residents, on land at 26 Gore Street, Parramatta with a lapsing period of five years from the date on the Notice of Determination subject to the conditions contained within Attachment 1.

(b)       Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.


The amendment was put and lost.


The motion was put and carried.


DIVISION         The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, P Esber, A Issa, OAM, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES        Councillors J D Finn, G J Elmore, P K Maitra and M A Lack.


NOTE:       Councillor P B Barber retired from the meeting at 7.51 pm during consideration of this matter.







SUBJECT          37 Marion Street Parramatta (Lot 12 DP 976) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition of the heritage listed building at the front of the site.

REFERENCE    DA/274/2010 - Submitted 12 April 2010

APPLICANT/S   C C Weston & Associates

OWNERS           Mr V D Tran and Mrs T L Ho

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services. Also Senior Development Assessment Officer Memorandum dated 9 July 2010. 


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Elmore)



It be noted that the application was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting.







SUBJECT          18 Fullford Street, Dundas Valley (Lot 965 DP 36696) (Location map - Attachment 2)

DESCRIPTION  Section 82A review to seek approval for demolition, tree removal and construction of a two storey attached dual occupancy development.

REFERENCE    DA/234/2010 - 29 March 2010

APPLICANT/S   Nath-Rone Dezine

OWNERS           Mr I & Mrs S J F Strizic

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Esber/Wearne)


That Council as the consent authority change its previous determination and grant development consent to development Application No. DA/234/2010 for demolition, tree removal and construction of a two storey dual occupancy subject to the conditions of consent contained in Attachment 1.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES             None.






SUBJECT          4 First Street, Granville (Cor Lots 34 & 33 Sec 3 DP 2371) (Woodville Ward) (Location Map - Attachment 2)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition of the existing garage, tree removal, alterations to the existing dwelling on Lot 33 and the construction of an attached 2 storey dwelling on Lot 34.

REFERENCE    DA/224/2010 - 24 March 2010


OWNERS           Mr T Khoury

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Esber/Issa OAM)


(a)      That Council support the variation to Clause 40 of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b)       Further, that Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No.DA/224/2010 for demolition of the existing garage, tree removal, alterations to the existing dwelling on Lot 33 and the construction of an attached 2 storey dwelling on Lot 34 at 4 First Street, Granville for a period of 5 years subject to all conditions contained within Attachment 1.




DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES             None.






SUBJECT          15 Pearce Street, Ermington (Cor Lot 19 DP 31884 Spl Cor x) (Elizabeth Macarthur) (Location Map - Attachment 2)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition, tree removal and the construction of a two storey attached dual occupancy development with Torrens Title subdivision.

REFERENCE    DA/109/2010 - 22 February 2010

APPLICANT/S   Ridge Designs

OWNERS           Ms S Younis & Mrs M Younis

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Issa OAM)



(a)     That Council as the consent authority grant development consent

 to Development Application No.DA/109/2010 for demolition, tree removal and the construction of an attached two storey dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision at 15 Pearce Street, Ermington subject to a conditional consent as outlined in Attachment 1.

(b)     Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision




DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES             None.






SUBJECT          171 Victoria Road, Parramatta
(Lot 100 DP 816829, Lot 101 DP 816829) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition of the remaining sections of Building EC and tree removal within the University of Western Sydney.

REFERENCE    DA/339/2010 - 5 May 2010

APPLICANT/S   University of Western Sydney

OWNERS           Department of Sustainable Natural Resources

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Lack)



That Council as the consent authority grant development consent to Development Application No. 339/2010 for the demolition of part of Building EC and tree removal within the University of Western Sydney subject to obtaining concurrence from the University of Western Sydney for the conditions contained within Attachment 1 as required under Section 89 of the EP & A Act 1979.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES             None.







SUBJECT          Former Eastwood Brickworks (Lot 7 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Construction of 9 dwellings on proposed lots 2-10 in an approved subdivision of Lot 7 DP 270605.

REFERENCE    DA/346/2010 - Submitted 6 May 2010

APPLICANT/S   AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

OWNERS           AVJBOS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Elmore)



(a)      That Council support the variations to Clause 38(1)(b) – allotment size/          frontage and Clause 40(1) – floor space ratio of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b)      That development application (DA/346/2010) which seeks approval for the construction of 9 dwellings on lots 2-10 of an approved subdivision of Lot 7 DP 270605 be approved subject to a conditional consent as outlined in Attachment 1, together with the following additional condition:-

*        This development consent does not grant approval for the installation of any satellite dishes. Satellite dishes may only be installed without prior consent from Council if they are compliant with the exempt development requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

         Reason    To prevent visual clutter.

(c)       Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne


NOES             Councillors A Issa, OAM, C X Lim and A A Wilson.






SUBJECT          Former Eastwood Brickworks (Lot 6 DP 270605) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Construction of 9 dwellings on proposed lots 18-26 in an approved subdivision of Lot 6 DP 270605

REFERENCE    DA/345/2010 - Submitted 6 May 2010

APPLICANT/S   AVJOBS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

OWNERS           AVJOBS Eastwood Developments Pty Ltd

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Esber)


(a)                        That Council support the variations to Clause 38(1)(b) – allotment size/    frontage and Clause 40(1) – floor space ratio of Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b)      That development application (DA/345/2010) which seeks approval         for the construction of 9 dwellings on proposed lots 18-26 in an         approved subdivision of Lot 6 DP 270605 be approved subject         to      a conditional consent as outlined in Attachment 1, together with the following additional condition:-

*        This development consent does not grant approval for the installation of any satellite dishes. Satellite dishes may only be installed without prior consent from Council if they are compliant with the exempt development requirements of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.

         Reason    To prevent visual clutter.


(c)       Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision.





DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne


NOES        Councillors A Issa, OAM, C X Lim and A A Wilson





SUBJECT          Rawson Street , Epping 
(Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Use of Rawson Street for the Epping Street Fair on Sunday 29 August 2010 from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Location Map - Attachment 3

REFERENCE    DA/377/2010 - Submitted  13 May 2010

APPLICANT/S   The Epping Club

OWNERS           Parramatta City Council

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Issa OAM)



That Council as the consent authority, grant consent to Development Application No. DA/377/2010 for a community street fair within the Rawson Street road reserve as shown on the approved plans and subject to the conditions contained in Attachment 1.




DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES        None.





SUBJECT          20 Margaret Street, Granville
(Lot A DP 966304( (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Section 96(2) modification to change the operating hours of an approved child care centre from 7.45am - 5pm to 7am - 6pm and to increase the number of children from 25 to 29.

REFERENCE    DA/6852/1974/A - 28 April 2010


OWNERS           Ms C Z O'Dowd

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services 


RESOLVED       (Esber/Finn)



(a)      That Council as the consent authority modify development consent to Development Application No. DA6852/1974/A on land at 20 Margaret Street, Granville by deleting condition (f) from the original consent and replacing it with the following condition:

“(f)    The use is to be limited to a maximum of 29 children with the hours of operation being restricted to 7am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays only. The use is not to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays.

(b)          Further, that the objector be advised of Council’s decision on the matter.



DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, A Issa, OAM, M A Lack, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES        None.







11598          RESOLVED    (Wearne/Esber)


That Standing Orders be suspended to enable consideration to be given to urgent motions regarding:-


1.    Possible Additions to the DCP; and


2.    Telopea Urban Renewal Project


The Chairperson ruled that the matters were urgent.




SUBJECT          Possible Alterations to DCP

REFERENCE    F2004/06278

FROM                 Councillor L E Wearne


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Chedid)

(a)       That Council consider as policy issues for possible inclusion in the DCP the following matters:-

            1.    The implementation of appropriate controls to address the        issue of boarding houses being permitted in residential areas        and in particular addressing their social, environmental and        traffic impacts.

            2.    The implementation of appropriate controls to allow basement        car parking in residential areas.

 (b)     Further, that Council submit an appropriate motion to the Local Government Association Conference pointing out the inconsistencies in the relevant Act as it pertains to boarding houses.






SUBJECT          Telopea Urban Renewal Project


FROM                 Councillor P Esber


RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)


(a)      That a letter be prepared to be sent by the Lord Mayor to the Minister for Housing demanding that the Department of Housing seek and form a community committee of interested residents and Councillors to ensure the community is involved in the Telopea Urban Renewal Process.

(b)      That the proposed letter be endorsed by the Chamber prior to being sent.

(c)       Further, that information also be provided as to whether the appropriate guidelines have been followed in relation to the processing of this application, especially in regard to such issues as consultation and infrastructure, and if not, action available to Council to raise the issue with the appropriate governing body.







11601        RESOLVED       (Esber/Wearne)


That Standing Orders be resumed.









RESOLVED      (Esber/Chedid)

Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the item listed comes within the following provisions:-


1       Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council. (D01578947) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.







That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-





SUBJECT          Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council

REFERENCE    F2004/07898 - D01578947

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED      (Wearne/Esber)

That the report be received and noted.










SUBJECT          Surcharge Fee on Credit Card Payments

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne advised that representations had been received recently from a local resident in relation to the proposed imposition of a 1% surcharge on the use of credit cards to pay council fees.


The resident had expressed concern that the proposed surcharge did not seem to have been advertised in any local papers other than the Advertiser and further, the advertisement was not clear as to whether the surcharge was definitely in place for rate payments and/or was being considered for other payments.


Councillor Wearne asked that the relevant Council Officer clarify this issue.



NOTE:       Councillor A Issa retired from the meeting at 8.36 pm during consideration of this matter.






SUBJECT          Painted Central Lines - Wingate Avenue, Eastwood

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne requested that central lines be painted on Wingate Avenue, Eastwood.







SUBJECT          Marking of Car Parking Spaces - Neighbourhood Shops

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor John Chedid


Councillor Chedid noted that car parking was generally limited around neighbourhood shops and with unmarked parking spaces, often one car parked where two could fit.


Councillor Chedid requested that a report be provided on the provision of line marking for car parking spaces in neighbourhood shopping areas where parking was limited.







SUBJECT          Appreciation to Council Staff

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Andrew Bide


Councillor Bide expressed his appreciation to Council staff for their great job in tidying up the coral trees located at the northern end of Fulton Avenue, Wentworthville and for generally improving the amenity in this area.







SUBJECT          Parra Mac Artists

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Michael McDermott


Councillor McDermott requested that he be provided with the contact details for the artists that had produced the thought provoking art as part of the Parra Mac celebration.








SUBJECT          Unsightly Cabling - Harris Park

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Julia Finn


Councillor Finn referred to the unsightly cabling in Harris Street, Harris Park between Marion and Hassall Streets and asked whether consent had been received for the cabling, what the actual cabling was and what the area would look like when works were completed.








SUBJECT          Improved Street Lighting - Corner Arthur Street and Prospect Street, Rosehill

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Julia Finn


Councillor Finn requested that Integral Energy be approached with a view to providing improved street lighting at the pedestrian crossing at the corner of Arthur and Prospect Streets, Rosehill.









SUBJECT          Councillor Entitlements

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Pierre Esber


Councillor Esber noted that Councillors had been stripped of certain entitlements under the former General Manager as a result of an apparent direction by the State Government.


Councillor Esber noted that Councillors at other Councils appeared to still be receiving these entitlements and asked that a memorandum be provided outlining what Councillors were permitted to receive in relation to living away and travel allowances.


Councillor Esber further foreshadowed that he would be moving to reinstate any allowances to which Councillors were entitled.









SUBJECT          Domestic and Major Development Applications

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Glenn Elmore


Councillor Elmore questioned the difference between a Major Development Application and a Domestic Development Application as listed on Council’s agenda.


The Acting Chief Executive Officer advised that advice would be provided to Councillors but noted the original intention had been to separate ‘mum and dad’ type development applications from the more major applications.









SUBJECT          Government Information (Public Access) Act  (GIPA)

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Glenn Elmore


Councillor Elmore noted that Council did not seem to have received any advice on its obligations under GIPA.


The Acting Chief Executive Officer advised that GIPA had replaced the Freedom of Information Act and advised that an updating report would be provided to all Councillors.




The meeting terminated at 8.43 pm.








Lord Mayor