Item 8.2 - Attachment 1 |
Heritage Advisory
Committee Minutes for 17 Feb 2010 |
Carol Liston in the Chair, Bronwyn Alcorn, June Brown, Shylie Brown, Elaine Evans, Janice Huntington, Ruth Evans, Bill McGuirk and David Shakespeare (retired 6.58 pm).
There were no conflict of interest declarations.
Paul Kennedy called for nominations for Chairperson of the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Carol Liston received a nomination from Janice Huntington, seconded by David Shakespeare.
There being no
further nominations, Carol Liston was declared elected as Chairperson of the
Heritage Advisory Committee.
Deputy Chairperson
Paul Kennedy called for nominations for Deputy Chairperson of the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Bill McGuirk received a nomination from David Shakespeare, seconded by June Brown.
There being no
further nominations, Bill McGuirk was declared elected as Deputy Chair of the
Heritage Advisory Committee.
The Committee congratulated Carol Liston and Bill McGuirk on their election to Chair and Deputy Chair respectively.
The Chairperson welcomed all members and particularly Bronwyn Alcorn, Manager of Elizabeth Farm, to the meeting.
1/10 RECOMMENDATION (June Brown/B Mcguirk)
That Bronwyn Alcorn, Manager of Elizabeth Farm, be formally appointed
to the Heritage Advisory Committee.
2/10 Heritage
Advisory Committee Minutes – 21 October 2009
A copy of the Minutes of the Heritage Advisory Committee held on 21 October 2009 had previously been forwarded to each member.
Evans/D Shakespeare)
That the minutes of the meeting of the
Heritage Advisory Committee held on 21 October 2009 be taken as read and
confirmed as a true record of the meeting.
3/10 Feedback
from Council
Mr Kennedy referred to Minute No.
67/09 of the previous meeting and particularly to the possible investigation of
the façade and historic fabric of the premises at
The sites had now been inspected and Council had subsequently recommended to Council’s Strategic Asset Manager that any development consent issued for the premises contain a condition requiring the removal and reuse of the historic materials.
Carol Liston specifically noted
the importance of the interior features of
Mr Kennedy referred to Minute No. 69/09 of the previous meeting and advised that it was not legally possible to place a caveat on the subject premises. He added that a notice had been issued to the owners requiring the site to be tidied and for access to be prevented.
Mr Kennedy referred to Minute No. 70/09 of the previous meeting and advised that the successful renovations completed at the subject premises could form the basis of a ‘good news’ story by Council’s communication section.
6/10 Political Donations
Mr Kennedy noted that members had sought, at recent meetings, further advice on members’ requirement to declare political donations when making submissions on development applications.
Paul advised that the issue was covered under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and required that any political donation by a member of $1000 or more over a 2 year period would need to be declared.
Michelle Desailly arrived at the meeting at 5.45 pm at this point in
the meeting.
Michelle Desailly had previously
outlined proposals to celebrate the Macquarie Bicentenary (Minute No. 68/09
refers) and advised that Council staff had now met to discuss the impact of
Governor Macquarie in
It had been agreed that a series
of events would be held between June and September this year and a programme, which
will include walking tours (involving digital media), ‘Luminary’ (involving
projections on buildings in
Mr Shakespeare added that the
Historical Society would be making
Mr Shakespeare further congratulated Council on the recent function held to celebrate HMAS Parramatta.
Shakespeare/S Brown)
That the Lord Mayor and Council be
congratulated on the impressive function held recently to celebrate the centenary
birthday of Australia’s first warship, HMAS
PARRAMATTA and the birth of the Royal Australian Navy.
8/10 Comprehensive
Heritage Review
Mr Kennedy advised that the first phase of the review had commenced with some 150 inspections of properties having been undertaken to date by staff from Council’s Land Use team.
Comments on the condition and level of intactness of each property were being made and forwarded to the Heritage Advisor for review. In those instances where a recommendation had been made to remove a property from the heritage listing, a detailed assessment would be made and consultation would take place with the Heritage Advisory Committee.
Bearing in mind over 1000 properties were required to be inspected, the review process would be lengthy and would extend into next year.
Mr Kennedy further drew
attention to a number of specific heritage items including several properties
Carol Liston and Shylie Brown noted that the significance of the heritage families, such as Marsden and Betts, in this area must also be considered. They also commented that whilst one dwelling was in a dilapidated condition, it still had a high level of heritage intactness.
Recommendations on possible removal of listings on certain properties would be available for consideration at the April meeting of the Committee.
Zoran Popovic arrived at the meeting at 6.03 pm during discussion on
this matter.
9/10 Update on Development Applications
Zoran advised that additions were proposed for the subject premises which contained forms and features unlike previous alterations in Harris Park and sought the Committee’s views.
Shylie Brown noted that the alterations were unsympathetic to the remainder of the building and Elaine Evans felt that the sandstone was out of character.
Carol Liston further noted that a more appropriate mix of materials would enhance the premises, especially as the site is a corner property and is located in a gateway to the area.
Carol Liston suggested that each member make an individual submission in relation to the proposal.
Council approach the Heritage Council with a view to obtaining a copy of its
signage guidelines for heritage buildings located within a heritage area with a
view to Council developing its own guidelines.
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Zoran Popovic advised that an application, notable for its extreme size, had been received for a multi unit development at the subject site. The Regional Design Panel will be the consent authority and feedback from the Committee would be timely.
Zoran noted that the proposal would also have an effect on the sight lines of heritage listed properties in the area.
Carol Liston suggested that members undertake their own investigation and make a submission, if desired, to Zoran.
Zoran Popovic referred to an
application received for a 2 storey supermarket located next door to the
Carol Liston indicated that it would be beneficial to have appropriate guidelines/controls for applications that adjoin a heritage item.
Ruth Evans agreed and suggested that discussions should be held with Council prior to design taking place.
That Council consider the introduction of
design controls in the Comprehensive Heritage Review for buildings adjoining
heritage sites which address such issues as bulk, design and overshadowing.
Ruth Evans advised that the subject house was located in the conservation zone and was to be demolished. Whilst the removal of the house was not particularly problematic, the proposed replacement dwelling was extremely large, bulky and possibly breached DCP guidelines in relation to garage location and overshadowing.
Ruth asked that Zoran Popovic investigate the issue.
Carol Liston suggested that guidelines also needed to be developed for the replacement of heritage buildings.
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Bill McGuirk sought further details in relation to the demolition of the buildings associated with the aged care facility at the subject location.
Mr Popovic advised that he had recently visited the site and the removals relate to 1970s pavilion style buildings of limited importance.
Ruth Evans referred to an application for demolition and rebuild that had been approved under delegated authority for the subject premises which is opposite the conservation zone and which could be included in any future conservation zone.
Ruth noted that residents had not been advised of the proposal and questioned whether residents impacted by such a proposal could receive notification.
Zoran advised that he made comments on the proposal, however, the comments were returned as the area does not currently possess protection.
10/10 Local
Heritage Fund Applications
Carol Liston noted the increased number of applications and complemented Council on its advertising of the Fund.
Paul advised that five (5) applications had been received for consideration at this meeting as follows:-
The Heritage Advisor noted the works were of a general maintenance nature and supported the application.
That funds in the amount of $2000 be
The Heritage Advisor noted the fine works undertaken.
That funds in the amount of $1000 be
Mr Popovic noted that the application could not be supported as the timber fence was replaced with metal.
The Committee empathised with the attempt by the owner but could not support the application.
RECOMMENDATION (McGuirk/Huntington)
That no funds be granted in respect of this application as the timber
fence has been replaced with a metal fence.
4. St
Johns Cathedral –
It was noted that the works were undertaken in accordance with advice received from the Heritage Advisor.
That funds in the amount of $1000 be
The Heritage Advisor indicated that the house contributes to the Conservation Area and the works will help retain the house.
(McGuirk/R Evans)
That funds in the amount of $2500 be
11/10 Saving the
Female Factory
Shylie Brown referred to the recent circulation of a brochure by the Office of Tanya Gadiel MP. Shylie noted that the photograph included in the brochure was actually of the Roman Catholic Orphan School rather than the Female Factory and questioned whether there were any actual proposals for the Female Factory.
Paul Kennedy indicated that it was his understanding the entire site, including buildings, were heritage protected. He noted that there had been a master plan approved for the site which also provided protection but added that mixed use development was permissible in the northern part of the site.
Janice Huntington expressed the
view that the northern part of the site may be excluded from the heritage
listing. Carol Liston suggested that when
Carol Liston further noted that the brochure was confusing but suggested that the Committee acknowledge the importance of the site and request that no development occur.
Michelle Desailly indicated that the author had a passion for the area and was seeking recognition for the site.
Shylie added that the use of buildings on the site for training purposes was also inappropriate.
ACTION Members
contact local MPs individually and seek clarification of the brochure’s intent.
12/10 HMAS
Mr Shakespeare (prior to his departure from the meeting) requested that Ms Desailly consider the inclusion of HMAS Parramatta in Parramatta Stories.
13/10 Award in the
Name of Mr John McClymont
Mr Shakespeare (prior to his departure from the meeting) advised that the Lord Mayor had introduced an award for the top HSC student in History in the local area in honour of the local historian, Mr John McClymont.
14/10 Heritage Information on Council’s Website
Paul Kennedy noted that the new Heritage Information, as discussed at previous meetings, was now available on Council’s website.
15/10 Draft
Conservation Area
Ruth Evans advised that at a recent meeting of the Epping Civic Trust, it had been suggested that a letter box drop be carried out in an attempt to seek support for the inclusion of the draft conservation zone in the new LEP.
Paul Kennedy responded that it had been Council’s intention to include the area, however, it had been removed at the request of the Department of Planning.
Paul added that any submissions for the zone’s inclusion would be helpful.
16/10 Accommodation for Granville Historical
Carol Liston advised that advice had been received indicating that the Granville Historical Society had no place to meet and was looking for accommodation.
Carol asked that June Brown investigate this matter and report to the next meeting.
17/10 Heritage Listing of St Johns Cathedral
Ruth Evans advised that she was
pleased to see the Premier announce the State Heritage Listing of St Johns
Cathedral as part of the current
18/10 Works at Elizabeth Farm
Bronwyn Alcorn advised that works were to be undertaken on the eastern veranda at Elizabeth Farm. Archaeologists would be on site and as many of the original flagstones would be retained as possible.
Shylie Brown noted the thickness of the vegetation around the iron posts.
Bronwyn advised that the vines were cut back each season and were managed by gardeners.
The next meeting of
the Heritage Advisory Committee will be held on 21 April 2010.
The meeting terminated at 7.15 pm.