MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chambers, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Monday, 22 February 2010 AT 6.45 pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G Elmore, P Esber (retired 8.42 pm), J D Finn, M Lack, C X Lim (Deputy Lord Mayor), S Lloyd, P Maitra (arrived 6.50 pm), M McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson (retired 8.33 pm).





The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard acknowledged the Burramatugal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.






SUBJECT          Minutes of the Council (Development) Meeting held on 8 February 2010


RESOLVED       (Chedid/Lloyd)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.






11270        RESOLVED       (Barber/Lack)


It be noted that Councillor A Issa OAM was absent from the meeting as he is attending the Green Cities 2010 Conference being held in Melbourne from 21 to 24 February 2010.





There were no declarations of interest at this Council Meeting.






SUBJECT          China Trade Delegation

REFERENCE    F2004/08796

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Lim)


(a)     That Council endorse Parramatta City Council’s participation in a trade mission to the People’s Republic of China; visiting the cities of Yiwu and Shanghai from Saturday 19 June until Saturday 27 June 2010.

(b)     That Council authorise the Lord Mayor Councillor Paul Garrard to represent Council on this trade mission.

(c)     That Council write to the Federal Minister for Trade and the New South Wales Minister for State and Regional Development to advise of Council’s participation in this trade mission and to seek support for trade grants to assist delegation participants.

(d)     Further, that Council liaise with State and Federal Government Department’s; particularly Austrade and Industry and Investment NSW in the planning and facilitation of this trade mission.


NOTE:       Councillor P Maitra arrived at the meeting at 6.50 pm during consideration of this matter.






SUBJECT          Nomination for State Heritage Listing of the entire Collection of the NSW Lancers Memorial Museum

REFERENCE    F2004/06694

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard


RESOLVED      (Garrard/Wilson)


That Council write to the Heritage Branch of the Department of Planning to support the listing of the entire collection of the New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum on the State Heritage Register.










SUBJECT          Traffic Safety and Parking in Miller and Carson Streets, Dundas.

REFERENCE    F2004/07334

FROM                 A Richards and others


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Esber)


(a)       That the petition be received and referred to the Parramatta Traffic Committee for consideration with a view to carrying out the works as soon as possible.

(b)       Further, that  it be determined whether the resurfacing of Carson and Miller Streets should be at the expense of Council or Developers and a report on this issue be provided to Councillors.








The Lord Mayor advised that a Council 20/20 cricket match would be held at 5.30 pm on 7 March 2010 against Holroyd City Council at Merrylands Oval. All were welcome to apply for team membership or to come along and watch.


Rescission Motions



SUBJECT          Use of the Words "Merry Christmas" on Council Banners and Documents

REFERENCE    F2009/00191 - D01417881

By                        Councillors J D Finn, G Elmore and P B Barber.



NOTE:      The rescission lodged in respect of this matter was                           withdrawn .





SUBJECT          Community Consultation on Possible Special Rates Variation

REFERENCE    F2009/02419 - D01449901

By                        Councillors P Esber, P B Barber and M Lack.





















That the resolution of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 14 December 2009, regarding, Community Consultation on Possible Special Rates Variation namely:-


(a)      That Council endorse preliminary work on assessing community views on the continuation of expiring Special Rates and other rating options.

(b)      That Council note that the Department of Local Government is likely to require early notification of an intention to apply for a Special Variation.

(c)       Further, that Council review the effectiveness of the current economic development rate and prepare options for this rate to be used for the benefit of Council.


be and is hereby rescinded. 


The Lord Mayor ruled the motion out of order as actions (a) (b) and (c) of Council’s resolution of 14 December 2009 have been completed and cannot be reversed.






11276        RESOLVED       (Lim/Wilson)


That Standing Orders be suspended to enable consideration of an urgent motion pertaining to the recent announcement of the State Government’s transport plans.


The Lord Mayor ruled that the matter was one of urgency.





SUBJECT          State Government Transport Plan

REFERENCE    F2008/00639

FROM                 Councillor C X Lim


RESOLVED       (Lim/Wilson)


(a)       That the Council condemn the recent State Government Transport Plan for its lack of foresight in addressing the future growth of Parramatta.

(b)       That  3 examples of the Parramatta community being left behind include:-

            1     Parramatta to Chatswood Rail Link;

2    Failure of the ferry service to address Parramatta and Council’s destination policy by by-passing all the peninsulas along the Parramatta River when travelling west;

3    The dumping of the West Metro.

(c)        That this Council sees it as essential to have these priorities addressed in order to directly connect Parramatta to Macquarie Park and the Lower North Shore jobs market together with the desire to link Parramatta with Camperdown, Leichhardt and Five Dock, saving enormous car trips and travelling time.

(d)       That Council calls upon the State Government to give assurances that Parramatta’s economic future and quality of life will not be disadvantaged with the abandonment of its transport plans.

(e)       That the State Government further note that Council pays for the Parramatta Loop Service, however, in Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong, the State Government makes significant contributions and Council, when entering into the loop agreement, did so in view of firm commitments from the State Government.

(f)         Further, that the State Government be requested to provide information in relation to the extension of the bus transit lanes, particularly the Windsor road corridor.







11278        RESOLVED       (Lim/Wilson)


                   That Standing Orders be resumed.






11279        RESOLVED       (Lim/Esber)


That Items 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7 of Economy and Development, 10.2 of Environment and Infrastructure, 11.1 of Community and Neighbourhood and 12.1 and 12.2 of Governance and Corporate be adopted without discussion in accordance with the staff recommendations.



Economy and Development




SUBJECT          "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Development Control Plan 2007

REFERENCE    F2006/00601 - D01448469

REPORT OF      Project Officer


RESOLVED       (Lim/Bide)


(a)     That Council adopt the "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Development Control Plan 2007 (Attachment 1 to report).

(b)     Further, that a notice be published in the local newspapers to give effect to the Amendments.


DIVISION                      The result being:


AYES                           The Lord Mayor, Councillor P J Garrard and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, C X Lim, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES                           Councillors P B Barber, M Lack and A A Wilson.






SUBJECT          Morton Street Voluntary Planning Agreement

REFERENCE    F2005/01017 - D01448985

REPORT OF      Manager Land Use and Transport Planning


RESOLVED       (Finn/Maitra)


That consideration of this matter be deferred for a fortnight for a further report on:-

1.             The implications of the proposal including pedestrian time to travel into the CBD and the projected increased car usage in the absence of the bridge;

2.             An estimate of the number of dwellings and estimate of the current S94 contributions for a master plan of this size.






SUBJECT          Land Use Planning Work Program

REFERENCE    F2006/01198 - D01449283

REPORT OF      Manager Land Use and Transport Planning


RESOLVED       (Lim/Finn)


That Council receive and note the prioritised work programme for the Land Use Team as per Attachment 1.






SUBJECT          Proposed Transfer of Various Parcels of Land from Department of Planning to Council

REFERENCE    F2008/04580 - D01438027

REPORT OF      Property Program Manager




(a)        That following the finalisation of the deed Council accept the transfer in fee simple of lot 1, DP 986628, from the Department of Planning on the terms and conditions as outlined in this report and the report to Council`s meeting of 28 September 2009.

(b)        Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to complete all relevant documentation under the seal of Council.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          Proposed Easement over part of Ponds Creek/Subiaco Reserve Kariwarra Street Dundas

REFERENCE    DA/208/2009 - D01434079

REPORT OF      Property Program Manager




(a)       That  Council resolve to create an easement for drainage over the Council public reserve (Lot 21 DP 28964) in favour of the property at 37 Kariwara Street Dundas (Lot 15 DP 28964) on terms as stated in the report.

 (b)      Further, that that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under seal the linen plan, Section 88B instrument, transfer granting easement and deed of agreement if required for creation of the easement.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.






SUBJECT          Proposed Acquisition of Part Lot 219 DP234686 - 25 Goliath Street, Winston Hills

REFERENCE    F2007/00985 - D01437775

REPORT OF      Property Program Manager




(a)       That action be taken to acquire that part of lot 219 DP 234686 as shown on the plan at Attachment 2 and on terms as outlined in paragraph 10 of this report.

(b)       Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under the seal of Council all documents including the deed of agreement, contract and transfer if required, and linen plan and other relevant documentation.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.






SUBJECT          Proposed Grant of Easement for Drainage over Part of Drainage Reserve Briens Road Northmead

REFERENCE    DA/852/2007 - D01416058

REPORT OF      Property Program Manager




(a)     That Council agree to grant an easement for drainage over part lot           3 DP 533771 in favour of lot 44 DP 1041964 on the following           basis:

1       the easement, 5.1 metres wide and variable, to be as shown on plan at Attachment 2 of this report,

2       other conditions as outlined in paragraph 5 of this report.

(b)     Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to complete all documents including the deed of agreement, linen plan, S88B instrument and transfer granting easement together with any other necessary supporting documentation under the seal of Council.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.





Environment and Infrastructure




SUBJECT          Promoting Solar Energy in the Parramatta Local Government Area

REFERENCE    F2008/00547 - D01440145

REPORT OF      Manager Environmental Outcomes


RESOLVED       (Lim/Lloyd)


(a)       That Council note its existing promotional and educational strategies regarding sustainable energy use across the LGA, including demonstration of solar initiatives on Council assets to date, as consistent with currently approved policies.

(b)       That Council investigate a number of new incentives including: an awards/recognition program; an annual ‘Solar house Open Day’; negotiation of special deals with suppliers of solar systems for residents; and Solar Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA’s) which allow customers to purchase a solar power system without the upfront cost of the system or installation.

(c)        Further, that staff be congratulated on their actions.






SUBJECT          Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee

REFERENCE    F2004/07952 - D01445378

REPORT OF      Project Officer




That Council receive and note the minutes of the Parramatta Cycleway Advisory Committee of 24 November 2009.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.






SUBJECT          Eastwood & Terry's Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

REFERENCE    F2004/06096 - D01448249

REPORT OF      Manager Environmental Outcomes


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Wilson)


(a)      That the Eastwood & Terry’s Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study be received and noted.

(b)      That a report be prepared and brought back to Council regarding the damage to both Council and private assets created by recent 1 in 40 flooding of Terry’s Creek.

(c)       Further, that it be a matter of policy that a report be placed before Council when there is a natural disaster of this or any other type in the LGA.





SUBJECT          Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 4 February 2010

REFERENCE    F2008/05099 - D01449926

REPORT OF      Service Manager Traffic and Transport


RESOLVED       (Barber/Elmore)


That the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 4 February 2010 be adopted.






SUBJECT          Traffic Engineering Advisory Group minutes held on 4 February 2010.

REFERENCE    F2008/05096 - D01449988

REPORT OF      Service Manager Traffic and Transport


RESOLVED       (Barber/Elmore)


That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group held on 4 February 2010 be adopted.



Community and Neighbourhood



SUBJECT          Access Advisory Committee Minutes 15 December 2009

REFERENCE    F2005/01944 - D01443857

REPORT OF      Acting Service Manager Community Capacity Building Team




(a)       That the minutes of the Access Advisory Committee meeting on 15 December 2009 (Attachment 1) be received and noted.

(b)      That Council write to Parramatta Westfield on behalf of the Access Committee in relation to:-

1       The carpets on Levels 3 and 4 restrict access, especially for manual wheelchairs and should comply with the industry standards in regard to underlay and pile length.

2       The noise levels in Parramatta Westfield should comply to industry standards and that measures should be taken to dampen noise.

(c)       That Council write to CityRail on behalf of the Access Committee   recommending that CityRail look at incorporating automatic   ramps,  suitable for all platforms into future train designs.

(d)      Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.






SUBJECT          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Meeting 24 November 2009

REFERENCE    F2005/01941 - D01444018

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building Officer
































MOTION              (Esber/Lim)


(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 24th November 2009 be received and noted.

(b)       That Council note that the Committee would like to see the introduction of a Conservation Order on Lake Parramatta.

(c)       That in view of reports of temperatures in cells in Parramatta Correctional Facility over the weekend of 21 and 22 November 2009, reaching 58 degrees, Council seek an urgent Workcover inspection of the facility and seek the support of the State and Federal Members of Parramatta and Granville in relation to this matter.

(d)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.


AMENDMENT   (Wearne/Wilson)


(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee of 24th November 2009 be received and noted.

(b)       That in view of reports of temperatures in cells in Parramatta Correctional Facility over the weekend of 21 and 22 November 2009, reaching 58 degrees, Council seek an urgent Workcover inspection of the facility and seek the support of the State and Federal Members of Parramatta and Granville in relation to this matter.

(c)        Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.


The amendment was put and carried and on being put as the motion was again carried.


NOTE:       Councillors P B Barber requested that his name be recorded as having voted against this decision.







SUBJECT          Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee Executive Membership

REFERENCE    F2005/01941 - D01450344

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building Officer


RESOLVED       (Lim/Wearne)


That the report be referred back to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee for advice as to which members the Committee would like to be part of the Executive Committee, such membership to not be through genetics but by wisdom and leadership.


NOTE:       Councillor A A Wilson left the meeting at 7.55 pm during consideration of this matter.






Governance and Corporate




SUBJECT          Investments Report for December 2009

REFERENCE    F2009/00971 - D01437129

REPORT OF      Acting Manager Finance




That Council receive and note the investments report for December 2009.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          Investments Report for November 2009

REFERENCE    F2009/00971 - D01427400

REPORT OF      Acting Manager Finance




That Council receive and note the investments report for November 2009.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 11279        –             Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.








SUBJECT          Report of the Finance Budget Committee 21 December 2009

REFERENCE    F2009/03064 - D01447525

REPORT OF      Acting Manager Finance


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Esber)


That consideration of this matter be deferred until after the next meeting of the Finance Budget Committee.


NOTE:       Councillor A A Wilson returned to the meeting at 8.04 pm during consideration of this matter.




SUBJECT          2009/10 Management Plan - December 2009 Review

REFERENCE    F2009/02352 - D01447074

REPORT OF      Acting Manager Finance


RESOLVED       (Esber/Elmore)


(a)       That Council adopt the Chief Executive Officer’s December 2009 Quarterly Review of the 2009/10 Management Plan and Budget. (Attachment 1 to report).

(b)       Further, that Council adopt the Responsible Accounting Officer’s report on the financial position of the Council as detailed in Attachment 1 to report.



Notices of Motion



SUBJECT          RTA Improvements on Spurway Street, Ermington

REFERENCE    F2008/05103 - D01450925

REPORT OF      Councillor P Esber


RESOLVED       (Esber/Lack)


That Council write to the RTA requesting that it include a short left turn lane in Spurway Street, on the northbound approach to Victoria Road, in its proposal (currently being developed) for bus priority measures in Victoria Road near Spurway Street.  The purpose of the left turn lane is to reduce delays in Spurway Street by providing a queuing area where left turning vehicles can wait without disrupting other traffic while pedestrians cross Victoria Road.






22 February 2010



RESOLVED       (Wilson/Esber)


Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-



1       Tender 41/2009 Enid Avenue at William Street, Granville - Kerb and Gutter, Road Reconstruction and Associated Works.. (D01436534) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

2       Extension of Existing Contract (Tender No. 11/2006) Management of Multi Level Car Parking Stations (MLC's) at Wentworth Street, Erby Place, Hunter Street and Horwood Place, Parramatta.. (D01447606) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

3       Tender Relating to the Provision of External Legal Services. (D01449981) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

4       Further Report Tender Results: IT Program Management Services. (D01448544) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

5       Directions for Class 1 Proceedings - 45 George Street Clyde DA/484/2009. (D01450456) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.

6       Direction for Class 1 Proceedings - 32 Berry Street Clyde (Property) . (D01450503) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.






That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-






SUBJECT          Tender 41/2009 Enid Avenue at William Street, Granville - Kerb and Gutter, Road Reconstruction and Associated Works.

REFERENCE    F2009/02541 - D01436534

REPORT OF      Supervisor - Project Management


RESOLVED       (Esber/Elmore)


(a)       That the tender submitted by Statewide Civil Pty Ltd for the construction of  drainage, footpath pavement, road pavement, kerb and gutter and associated works at the intersection of Enid Avenue and William Street, Granville for the sum of $243,500.00 (excluding GST) be accepted.

(b)       That all unsuccessful tenderers be advised of Council’s decision in this matter.

(c)        Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be given delegated authority to execute and affix the Common Seal of Council to the necessary documents.






SUBJECT          Extension of Existing Contract (Tender No. 11/2006) Management of Multi Level Car Parking Stations (MLC's) at Wentworth Street, Erby Place, Hunter Street and Horwood Place, Parramatta.

REFERENCE    F2006/00709 - D01447606

REPORT OF      Service Manager Capital Projects


RESOLVED       (McDermott/Bide)


That consideration of this matter be deferred for a report:-


1         Addressing concerns raised by Councillors into the initial tender processes.

2         Investigating the development of a new schedule of fees for parking in general on Sundays, including a first 2 hours free model to address concerns raised by the business community and to address poor utilisation.






SUBJECT          Tender Relating to the Provision of External Legal Services

REFERENCE    F2009/02263 - D01449981

REPORT OF      General Counsel


RESOLVED       (Lim/Esber)


(a)       That  proposals for the provision of legal services be accepted from Blake Dawson, Marsdens Law Group, Maddocks, Sparke Helmore, Storey & Gough and MD Lawyers and for those legal services providers to comprise the panel of legal services providers for a period of 2 years (with an option for a further term for 2 years exercisable at Council’s discretion).

(b)       That Council expressly reserve the right to engage legal services providers from outside the panel of legal services providers if the Chief Executive Officer or General Counsel or both of them thinks fit.

(c)        Further, that  the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to sign on behalf of Council a services agreement with each legal service provider in the form contained in the Tender subject to any minor amendments the Chief Executive Officer considers reasonably necessary.






SUBJECT          Further Report Tender Results: IT Program Management Services

REFERENCE    F2004/09488 - D01448544

REPORT OF      Acting Manager, Information Systems


RESOLVED       (Lim/Esber)


(a)      That Council decline to accept any tenders submitted in the tender for IT Program Management Services.

(b)      That Council cancel the tender for IT Program Management Services.

(c)       Further, that Council note that the IT Program Management Services will be provided by an alternative approach that does not involve the engagement of a contractor pursuant to the tender for IT Program Management Services.






SUBJECT          Directions for Class 1 Proceedings - 45 George Street Clyde DA/484/2009

REFERENCE    F2009/02570 - D01450456

REPORT OF      General Counsel


RESOLVED       (Barber/Elmore)


That having regard to the low success prospects (and risk of a costs order being made if requested by the applicant), Council endorse steps be taken to settle of the Class 1 proceedings on the following basis:

1         Negotiations begin with the applicant with a view to the parties entering into consent orders that adopt conditions of consent in the form attached which have been filed with the Court subject to such minor amendments considered reasonably necessary by Group Manager Outcomes and Development and General Counsel.

2         Any other settlements terms considered reasonable necessary that do not authorise any intensification of the use of the premises beyond what is sought in the application.


NOTE:       Councillors J Chedid, M D McDermott, C X Lim, S D Lloyd and A A Wilson requested their names be recorded as having voted against this decision.






SUBJECT          Direction for Class 1 Proceedings - 32 Berry Street Clyde (Property)

REFERENCE    F2009/02551 - D01450503

REPORT OF      General Counsel


RESOLVED       (Wearne/Lack)


That having regard to the low success prospects and strong possibility of a costs order being made if requested by the applicant, Council endorse steps be taken to settle of the both Class 1 proceedings on the following basis:

1         Negotiations begin with the applicant with a view to the parties entering into consent orders that adopt the attached consent conditions that have been filed with the Court subject to such minor amendments considered reasonably necessary by Group Manager Outcomes and Development and General Counsel.

2         Any other settlements terms considered reasonable necessary that do not authorise any intensification of the use of the premises beyond what is sought in the applications


NOTE:       Councillors J Chedid, M D McDermott, C X Lim, S D Lloyd and A A Wilson requested their names be recorded as having voted against this decision.









SUBJECT          Use of Council Reserves by Boot Camp Groups

REFERENCE    F2005/02866

FROM                 Councillor Michael McDermott


Councillor McDermott noted that dog owners utilising the leash free area at Dan Mahoney Reserve have recently been crowded out by boot camp groups.


Councillor McDermott asked whether the boot camp groups seek permission from Council to use the reserves and if so, sought advice on the level of fees paid to Council.


NOTE:      Councillor A Wilson retired from the meeting at 8.33 pm                    during consideration of this matter.






SUBJECT          Council Clean Ups

REFERENCE    F2004/06401

FROM                 Councillor Michael McDermott


Councillor McDermott sought advice as to how residents were notified of their relevant clean up days and noted a recent example where a resident had been informed by staff of the wrong pick up time.


The Group Manager City Services advised that residents were issued with a calendar indicating all pick up days and dates were also available on the Council’s website.






SUBJECT          Community Gardens - Rosehill

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Julia Finn


Councillor Finn referred to the community gardens in Jordan Street, Rosehill and indicated that the reserve was surrounded by a high fence and consisted of overgrown weeds.


Councillor Finn sought advice on when the gardens would receive appropriate planting and also on the proposed access arrangements.





SUBJECT          Use of Reserves by Personal Trainers

REFERENCE    F2005/02866

FROM                 Councillor Julia Finn


Councillor Finn sought advice as to whether Council received payment for the use of its reserves by personal trainers and if so, the amount levied.







SUBJECT          Traffic Issues - Bridge Road, Westmead

REFERENCE    F2004/07939

FROM                 Councillor Prabir Maitra


Councillor Maitra advised that the number of recently approved development applications in the Westmead area was placing pressure on local roads in Westmead and Wentworthville.


Councillor Maitra added that Bridge Road, Westmead was becoming a bottleneck and required urgent action. He requested that Holroyd City Council be engaged on this issue with a view to reaching a solution.


The Lord Mayor advised that a report would be provided on this issue.






SUBJECT          External Walls of Crowne Plaza

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Pierre Esber


Councillor Esber requested that correspondence be forwarded to the Crowne Plaza referring to the condition of the external walls of the premises due to soot and debris and requesting that action be taken to clean the walls.






SUBJECT          Attendance at Westpool Board Meetings

REFERENCE    F2004/06548

FROM                 Councillor Pierre Esber


Councillor Esber requested that Councillors be provided with advice on the attendance of Council’s Westpool delegate at the Westpool Board Meetings since September 2008, including the dates of meetings held.






SUBJECT          Advertising Contract

REFERENCE    F2004/08909

FROM                 Councillor Glenn Elmore


Councillor Elmore noted that in the Parramatta Advertiser, the Lord Mayor’s Column was now included in the development application page. 


Councillor Elmore further noted that Council now had a double paged advertisement and questioned whether these 2 changes were part of the agreed contact between the Advertiser and Council.


The Group Manager Corporate advised that negotiations had been held with the paper resulting in a better deal.







SUBJECT          Exhibition of the LEP in the Lachlan Macquarie Ward

REFERENCE    F2009/01146

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne advised that the exhibition of the LEP usually occurred in the Lachlan Macquarie Ward in the Library on the Hornsby side of Epping.


On previous occasions, exhibition of documents had also been permitted in the Coles Supermarket in Epping and Councillor Wearne requested that consent be sought once again to place a table advertising the LEP at this location.


This action was particularly necessary in view of the Minister’s insistence on the removal of certain controls in Epping.







SUBJECT          Parking Issues - Warrington Street, Epping

REFERENCE    F2009/03108

FROM                 Councillor Lorraine Wearne


Councillor Wearne requested contact from the relevant Parramatta Traffic Committee officer in relation to a parking issue in Warrington Street, Epping as residents would like to hold an on site meeting to discuss this issue.







SUBJECT          Advertising Contract (2)

REFERENCE    F2004/08909

FROM                 Councillor John Chedid


Councillor Chedid requested a report in relation to Council’s contract with the Parramatta Advertiser including the length of the contract and whether Council still advertises with the Parramatta Sun.


The Lord Mayor advised that a report would be prepared.







SUBJECT          Timbergetters and Caroline Chisholm Tennis Courts

REFERENCE    F2008/04464

FROM                 Councillor Scott Lloyd


Councillor Lloyd sought advice as to whether the new operators had taken over the running of the Timbergetters and Caroline Chisholm Tennis Courts as a number of residents had complained over recent incidents of double booking.





SUBJECT          PAMP 2010 - 2012

REFERENCE    F2004/07402

FROM                 Councillor Scott Lloyd


Councillor Lloyd requested an update on any new footpaths proposed for Toongabbie, Pendle Hill and Old Toongabbie for 2010, 2011 and 2012 under the PAMP program.






SUBJECT          Council Clean Up (2)

REFERENCE    F2004/06401

FROM                 Councillor Andrew Bide


Councillor Bide sought advice as to what action Council was taking in relation to the leftovers from the recent Council clean up carried out some 3 weeks ago.


In addition, Councillor Bide sought advice as to who was responsible for the monitoring of rubbish left out late for such clean ups.


The Lord Mayor advised that a workshop was forthcoming on this issue and attention had already been given to the problems raised. Issues, however, were still being experienced by the dumping of rubbish, especially in high density areas.


Councillor Bide noted that rubbish had been left in Mount Street, Constitution Hill for over 3 weeks.


NOTE:           Councillor P Esber retired from the meeting at 8.42 pm during consideration of this matter.







SUBJECT          Closure of Church Street, Parramatta for Special Events

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Chiang Lim


Councillor Lim referred to occasions where Church Street, Parramatta was closed off for special events and requested that Council staff formally advise the feasibility of extending the northern barricade of the closed section to parallel with Palmer Street.







SUBJECT          Maintenance Issues - George Street. Parramatta

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Chiang Lim


Councillor Lim requested that Councillors be advised who was responsible for fixing holes along the pavement and lights that illuminate Church Street pedestrian pavements between George Street and the river.


In addition, Councillor Lim sought advice on the maintenance budget and account number(s) from which relevant maintenance can be paid.







SUBJECT          Park Improvement Deadline

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor Prabir Maitra


Councillor Maitra sought advice on the funding deadline for park improvement in the Arthur Phillip Ward.



The meeting terminated at 8.46 pm.








Lord Mayor