Item 10.2 - Attachment 1

Minutes of the Parramatta Cycleways Committee 24 November 2009







Richard Birdsey, Darryn Capes Davis, Antony DeVries, Peter Dixson, Brian Ford, Peter Gilbert, Michael Goard, John Holstein, Pam Kendrick, Ian Macindoe, Edward Pearce, Katherine Stone and Maureen Walsh




Myfanwy Lawrence (Project Officer-Transport) Marcelo Occhiuzzi (Manager Land Use and Transport Planning) David Gray (Senior Project Officer-Transport) James Smallhorn (Supervisor - Open Space) Joy Bramham (Minute Clerk) Councillor Michael McDermott Councillor Glenn Elmore




Apologies were received from Julie Owens, Wayne Merton and Laurie Ferguson




Peter Dixon declared a pecuniary interest in item 7.i as he works for the DECCW who funds Ride to Work


Richard Birdsey declared a non pecuniary interest in item 7.iii as he represents BicycleNSW.




4. Election of Chair and Deputy Chair of Cycleways Advisory Committee


Glen Elmore called for nominations for the position of Chairperson.


The nominations received for Chairperson, in alphabetical order, were:-


(1) Glenn Elmore (declined)

(2) John Holstein

(3) Maureen Walsh (declined)


There being no further nominations, Glenn Elmore declared John Holstein duly elected as Chairperson for the next 12 Months.


Glenn Elmore called for nominations for the position of Deputy Chairperson.


The nominations received for Chairperson, in alphabetical order, were:-


(1) Ian Macindoe  


There being no further nominations, Glenn Elmore declared Ian Macindoe duly elected as Deputy Chairperson for the next 12 Months


5. Scope of the committee

5.i Bike plan


The Bike Plan was developed in 2008 and is a working document that includes background of routes, rationale and a series of maps of priorities routes that Council are working to complete. The Bike Plan does not include all routes but is a guide to the work plan and includes the top council priorities.


Members of the Committee can nominate to receive a copy of the Bike Plan either as soft of hard copy.


5.ii Cycle Network


Myfanwy Lawrence explained that the priorities for the Bike plan over the next few years are to concentrate on delivering routes to the city centre and fill in the missing links across the LGA to create as much continuous cycle route as possible.,.


5.iii Cycle Promotion


Myfanwy Lawrence explained that Council focuses on at building cycleways.  Council’s promotion of cycling to currently limited to the annual Ride to Work due to limited resources.  The cycleways committee can become a forum to promote events and encourage participation.


5.iv Reporting of maintenance and other issues


Myfanwy Lawrence explained that while maintenance issues can be raised at the committee, the best way to address maintenance issues is to lodge a customer service request through Council’s website ( where you will be able to track progress.


6. Cycleway Construction Project 2009/2010


Maps of all areas included in Attachment 1


6.i Federal funding Projects


James Smallhorn outlined a number of federally funded projects including:-

· Blacktown to Parramatta Connections

· Parramatta Valley Cycleway – Park Street foreshore , Rydalmere

· Ermington Bay Nature Pathway

· Secure Bicycle Parking in Parramatta city centre


James Smallhorn explained that consultation regarding work that is undertaken as part of a grant might be difficult, but that Council Officers will endeavour to consult as much as possible within very tight timeframes. Half of the grant projects have already been consulted on so that detailed plans could be established and tenders sent out.


James Smallhorn will send out information to the committee regarding forthcoming consultations. Members of the committee may consult with Myfanwy Lawrence if they are especially interested in a particular area.


Details included in the handout tabled at the meeting included as Attachment 2


6.ii Council Projects


Myfanwy Lawrence outlined council funded projects including:-


· Westmead : Reviewing the shared path from the end of T-Way and mark the route with cycle logos. This is part of the Westmead transport study ..  

· City Centre: Upgrading the footpath on O’Connell St to shared use

· Marsden Road Carlingford: Upgrading the footpath to a shared use between the corner of Marsden Rd and Pennant Hills Rd and the pedestrian traffic lights outside the school.

· Investigate the Mona Street Bridge, Granville; Investigate possible solutions to identify a scheme for future implementation

· Investigate cycle route past Guildford Station ; Investigate possible solutions to identify a scheme for future implementation


Other projects include -

· Duck River Catchment Sustainable Business Program which will investigate a route from Clyde Station to Camellia



6.iii RTA Projects


· M2 intersection upgrade - Council has made a submission to the M2 widening project to include 3 metre shared paths at the intersection of the M2 and Windsor Road.

· Bus priority work – The RTA has agreed to provide a 3 m wide shared path on Windsor Rd as part of a bus lane between Hammers Rd and Thomas St.  The RTA has also indicated it will fund shared path on Church St between By St and Pennant Hills Rd as part of a bus lane proposal.

· .

· RTA Funding for 2010/2011 – Funding submissions have been submitted to the RTA for a shared path between Telopea and Carlingford Stations in the strip park which runs parallel to the train line and for cycle lanes in South Street at Rydlemere.




7. Cycling Promotion


7.i Ride to work


75 Riders gathered at Prince Alfred Park for Breakfast provided by DECCW, this was a 50% increase from last year, over 10% had never ridden to work before, there was a good cross section of people and Sydney Water had a strong contingent.  

The Westmead Childrens Hospital ran its own event and had over 100 riders. 


7.ii Earth Ride


The first annual Earth Ride commuter breakfast was hosted by the business A B Mouri at Camellia in October. This was a joint event with BicycleNSW and was attended by 20 riders. 


7.iii BNSW MOU


Council is looking to establish a Memorandum of Understanding with BicycleNSW to formalise the working relationship. No other Councils have memorandums with BicycleNSW. 


8. Traffic Committee Items


The Parramatta Traffic Committee considers traffic related matters.  Pam Kendrick has been the committee’s representative.  It was agreed that Pam continue to be the committee’s representative.

Pan Kendrick advised that a new roundabout is proposed for the intersection of Brickfield and Fennel Streets, Parramatta.  Pam stated that she would advise the Traffic Committee that the approach have logos as Brickfield Street is a cycle route.


9. Cycle Route Mapping Project


Myfanwy Lawrence asked for volunteers to help do a comprehensive audit of all cycleways in the Parramatta LGA. Information that is needed includes how the cycleways is indicated (logo, sign etc), the condition of the cycleways, or if it is part of a longer route. The information will be used as a basis to update the cycle signage.


The audit is part of a larger mapping project similar to the Area Health Maps, and will be for the entire LGA, but will include linking routes across the LGA.


10. General Business


BicycleNSW – No Excuse Zone

BicycleNSW will be working with Council to develop a No Excuse Zone map centred on Parramatta city centre. This map will show the areas within a 30 minute ride of the city centre.


Dates for Next Year

Meetings will be aligned with the Traffic Committee, which is dependant on Council Meeting dates. The committee will be informed of when the dates have been finalised.


Contact List

A contact list will be circulated to all members of the committee.



The committee asked if a RTA representative would like to sit on the committee.  Myfanwy Lawrence said the RTA is invited to attend the cycle committee meetings.



The meeting terminated at 8.05 pm.