Item 9.1 - Attachment 6

Comments by Heritage Advisory Commttee


Comments From Heritage Advisory Committee Members

Monday 14 September, 2009



Dear Paul,

Following the site visit on Thursday 10 September, the four committee members (Shylie Brown, Anne Mathews, Elaine Evans, Carol Liston) discussed the sites.

1.   In principle, the committee does not support demolition of any listed building. The Committee is concerned about the precedent this would set for other owners of fragile heritage buildings.

2.   40 Cowper Street, Granville. The weatherboard cottage has significant elements from its date of construction c.1879, including likely recycled elements from earlier buildings. The report suggests that few weatherboard buildings of this age survive in Parramatta. It appears to be an early residence in this part of Granville. If Council is considering a new town design for this part of Granville then this simple cottage provides an appropriate heritage component.

3.   38 Marion Street, Parramatta. If originally a single storey building, as indicated in the report, then the ground floor appears to have significant intact fabric comparable with the date of construction c. 1885 following opening of Harris Park Railway station in 1883. The Rowell family identified with the building require further investigation, given the naming of Rowell Street in Granville and their links with the local building industry.

