MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chambers, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Monday, 13 July 2009 AT 6:45 pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM, in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne (Deputy Lord Mayor).





The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM acknowledged the Burramatugal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.





SUBJECT          Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22 June 2009



RESOLVED      (McDermott/Chedid)

That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22 June 2009 be adopted with the following changes:-

      1.                    An alteration to Minute No. 10794 regarding the Community             Grants Program, part (a)1 which is now to read:-

         “1.    The application submitted under Community Capacity          Building – Paid Staff $100,000 by Cumberland Women’s          Health ranked High – 3.”

2.            An addition to Closed Session under a Suspension of Standing Orders requesting that a small memento be forwarded to Granville Kewpies Soccer Club in recognition of their 90th Birthday for placement in Kewpies’ Clubhouse.





10807        RESOLVED       (Barber/Lloyd)


That an apology be received and accepted for the absence of Councillors J D Finn, C X Lim and A A Wilson.





There were no declarations of interest at this Regulatory Council Meeting.





SUBJECT          Acknowledgement of the Passing of Mrs Finlola Tuite

REFERENCE    F2004/08215

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa OAM


RESOLVED       (Issa/Esber)


(a)               That Council acknowledge the passing of Mrs Finlola Tuite and pay respect to her memory as a much loved member of the Ermington community.

(b)               That this Council ensure our condolences are sent to Mrs Finlola Tuite’s husband James, her young daughters Allie and Nikita.

(c)       Further, that this Council mark the passing of Mrs Finlola Tuite with a minute’s silence.






SUBJECT          Acknowledgement of the Passing of Mrs Heather Pugh

REFERENCE    F2004/08215

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa OAM


RESOLVED       (Issa/Esber)


(a)       That Council acknowledge the passing of Mrs Heather Pugh and pay respect to her memory and considerable contribution to the Parramatta community.

(b)       That this Council ensures our condolences have been sent to Mrs Heather Pugh’s family.

(c)        Further, that this Council mark the passing of Mrs Heather Pugh with a minute’s silence.






SUBJECT          Congratulate the City Operations Unit for Achieving 70 days with a Lost Time Incident

REFERENCE    F2004/06745

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa OAM


RESOLVED       (Issa/Bide)


(a)               That Council recognise that the City Operations Unit has achieved an important milestone in reaching 70 days without a lost time incident.

(b)               That Council recognise the efforts of the CEO Dr Robert Lang, Group Manager of City Services Sue Coleman, Civil Operations Manager Tim Dale and staff in achieving this important milestone.

(c)               That Council express its support of staff at the City Operations Unit in continuing to reduce lost time incidents.

(d)               Further, that Council express its support for all Council staff in reducing lost time incidents.












SUBJECT          Proposed Power Station in Elizabeth Street, Granville

REFERENCE    F2007/01580

FROM                 M Ruggiero and others


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Chedid)


(a)     That the petition be received and noted. 

(b)     That Parramatta City Council opposes the construction of the           Integral Energy 132 000 volt substation in Elizabeth Street,           Granville.  

(c)       That it is considered that Integral Energy will use the special provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Part 3A – Major Infrastructure and other Projects to circumvent Parramatta Council Development Application Approval Processes with complete  disregard to residents' concerns.

(d)      That Integral Energy ignored Council and the residents by not carrying out a public consultation process. If Integral Energy had conducted the proper public consultation, Parramatta Council’s Planning Department could have worked with Integral Energy to include Infrastructure Zonings in the LEP amendment in more appropriate locations rather than the location chosen by Integral Energy for the construction of a Zone Substation which would have addressed the safety concerns associated with Electro Magnetic Fields in a residential area abutting Granville TAFE and close to childcare centres.

(e)    That Integral Energy be offered the opportunity for Parramatta           Council Planning Officers to work together to find an alternative           location to  achieve a positive planning outcome for all stakeholders.

(f)    That in the public interest, Integral Energy should disclose if any           attempt was made in the contractual arrangements with the    vendors to conceal the purchase of the properties from other      residents in the vicinity.  

(g)    That failing favourable consideration by Integral Energy, the   matter be referred to Council for an appropriate DA process. 

(h)    Further, that Ward Councillors be kept up to date with           correspondence received from Integral Energy in relation to this or           similar matters.







SUBJECT          18 - 20 Sheahan Avenue  and Kirk Avenue, Guildford - Objection to Proposed Development.

REFERENCE    RZ/4/2009

FROM                 Residents of Sheahan and Kirk Avenues, Guildford


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Bide)


(a)    That Council oppose the proposed development in Sheahan and Kirk Avenues, Guildford and calls upon the Department of Housing to desist from the proposed development for the reasons outlined in (b) below and requests that the Department submit an application and proceed through the normal DA process. 

(b)     Further, that this Chamber believes:-

      1      The development is out of character with the low scale          residential environment of the neighbourhood.

      2      The development represents an over development of the site.

      3       The local road network is already stressed and incapable of         further multi-unit Development.

      4     There are no footpaths in either Sheahan or Kirk Avenues to        allow the senior/disadvantaged to gain access to shops and        transport.

      5    The development provides insufficient car parking spaces for        tenants and guests.

      6        Extensive car movements occur during both AM and PM        caused by the local school and further development would        result in unsafe pedestrian movements.

      7    The development is clearly not in the public interest because of        the insufficient facilities within the neighbourhood.






SUBJECT          Request for Traffic Calming Measures in Dudley Road, Guildford

REFERENCE    F2004/07364

FROM                 M Mlodrianowski and others


RESOLVED       (Elmore/Maitra)


That the petition be received and referred to the Parramatta Traffic Committee for report.



Regulatory Reports



SUBJECT          Variations to Standards under SEPP 1

REFERENCE    F2009/00431 - D01232685

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED       (Esber/Barber)


That the report be received and noted.






SUBJECT          Enforcement Policy and Parking Policy

REFERENCE    F2009/01489 - D01240299

REPORT OF      Manager Regulatory Services


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Bide)


(a)       That consideration of this matter be deferred for a month or to the earliest possible meeting.

(b)       Further, that a working party consisting of the Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM and Councillors M Lack, C X Lim and L E Wearne be formed and the working party be permitted to liaise with appropriate independent legal personnel seeking advice on the future policy.



Culture and Leisure



SUBJECT          2009/2010 Requests for Fee Subsidy for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms

REFERENCE    F2004/07903 - D01241028

REPORT OF      Service Manager Recreation Facilities


RESOLVED       (Chedid/McDermott)


(a)       That the report on requests for fee subsidies for the use of public halls, community centres and meeting rooms by annual hirers for 2009/2010 be received and noted.

(b)       That Rydalmere Ermington Senior Citizens be exempted from fees and charges based on information recently provided to the CEO and Manager Recreation Services.

(c)        That Council approve the annual fee subsidies to be granted as recommended in the 2009/2010 Fee Subsidy Assessment Sheet.

(d)       That the applicants who have been unsuccessful in receiving a full exemption be contacted to negotiate a payment program.

(e)       That the invoices be issued to those groups who are required to pay fees for their use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms.

(f)        That a review of the assessment criteria be undertaken in the             next 12 months, with a discussion paper prepared for Councillor             input prior to the matter being reported formally to Council for             decision.

(g)      Further, that all senior citizen services in the LGA be exempt and be notified of this decision.







10817        RESOLVED       (Esber/Barber)


That Item No 11.1 of Domestic Applications as listed on the Agenda for the Council Meeting held on 13 July 2009 be adopted in accordance with the Officer’s recommendations.


DIVISION    The result being:-


AYES           The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, J Chedid, G J Elmore, P Esber, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES         None.



Reports - Domestic Applications



SUBJECT          21 Angus Avenue, Epping
(Lot 11A DP 21846) (Lachlan Macquarie Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Construction of a new dwelling house

REFERENCE    DA/269/2009 -  Submitted 1 May 2009

APPLICANT/S   Kenneth Todd Dewey & Jung Bok Park

OWNERS           Kenneth Todd Dewey & Jung Bok Park

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


The application has been referred to Council as the proposal seeks a SEPP 1 variation of greater than 10% to Clause 39 “Height Limits in residential zones” in Parramatta Local Environmental Plan 2001.




(a)  That Council support the variation to Clause 39 of the PLEP 2001 under the provisions of SEPP 1.

(b) Further, that Development Application No. 269/2009 for the construction of a new dwelling house on land at 21 Angus Avenue, Epping be approved subject to conditions of consent in Attachment 1 of this report.



This recommendation was adopted under Council Matters adopted without Discussion (Minute No. 10817 refers).



Reports - Development Applications



SUBJECT          32 Berry Street, Clyde (Lot 1 in DP 799094) (Elizabeth Macarthur Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Section 96 Application (DA/1679/2002/C) - modification of the internal layout of the ground floor of an approved brothel.
Section 96 Application (DA/1679/2002/D) - increase in the number of employees.

REFERENCE    DA/1679/2002/C - lodged 6th November, 2008 and DA/1679/2002/D lodged 9th March, 2009

APPLICANT/S   Stewart Planning Group

OWNERS           Mr Mark Palmer

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


Brothel applications.


RESOLVED       (McDermott/Chedid)


That consideration of this matter be deferred to the next Council Meeting (Regulatory).


DIVISION   The result being:-


AYES          The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, P Esber, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra and M D McDermott.


NOES        Councillor P B Barber, G J Elmore and L E Wearne.






SUBJECT          Section 82A Review - 15 Virginia Street, Rosehill.
(Lot 19 Sec 1 DP 1775)

DESCRIPTION  Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling including a proposed garage and the construction of a two storey dwelling to create a detached dual occupancy development with Torrens title subdivision.

REFERENCE    DA/568/2008 - Submitted 8 August 2008 (Section 82A Review Submitted 13 February 2009)

APPLICANT/S   J Frangieh

OWNERS           J Frangieh

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services. Also Group Manager Outcomes and Development Memorandum dated 10 July 2009.


Section 82A Review.


RESOLVED       (Chedid/McDermott)


That the application be approved in accordance with standard conditions to be imposed by the Manager Development.


DIVISION   The result being:-


AYES          The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, P J Garrard, S D Lloyd, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES          Councillors P B Barber, G Elmore, P Esber, M A Lack and P K Maitra.


NOTE: A Notice of Motion to rescind this decision was submitted following the conclusion of the meeting.






SUBJECT          1/110-112 Ballandella Road Pendle Hill (Lot 1 SP 37905) (Arthur Phillip Ward)

DESCRIPTION  DA/136/2009 - alterations and additions to existing Brothel
Section 96AA application - (DA/103/2003/A) - deletion of condition 12

REFERENCE    DA/136/2009 - Section 96AA - Submitted 19 September 2008 and DA/136/2009 - submitted 17 March 2009


OWNERS           Mr Girolamo Chiddo & Mrs Maria Chiddo

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


Brothel applications.



RESOLVED       (McDermott/Chedid)


That the application be deferred to the next Council Meeting (Regulatory).


DIVISION   The result being:


AYES          The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM and Councillors A Bide, J Chedid, P Esber, P J Garrard, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra and M D McDermott.


NOES          Councillors P B Barber, G J Elmore, M A Lack and L E Wearne.






SUBJECT          7 Rossiter Street Granville (Lots 4 & 5 DP 7404) (Woodville Ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition and construction of a 37 place 2 storey child care centre with a basement carpark.

REFERENCE    DA/846/2008 - Submitted 7 November 2008

APPLICANT/S   Mr J Nehme and Mrs S Nehme

OWNERS           Mr J Nehme and Mrs S Nehme

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


More than 7 submissions have been received.


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Esber)


(a)      That Development Application No. 846/2008 for demolition and construction of a 37 place child care centre with basement car parking be approved subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 3 of this report.

(b)     Further, that the objectors and head petitioner be advised of           Council’s   decision.


DIVISION       The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM, in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, P Esber, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra, M D McDermott and L E Wearne.


NOES            Councillors G J Elmore and J Chedid.






SUBJECT          135 - 137 Spurway Street Ermington (Lots 102 and 103 DP 36536) (Lachlan Macquarie ward)

DESCRIPTION  Demolition, tree removal and construction of a seniors living development containing 6 apartments and 5 villas.

REFERENCE    DA/935/2008 - Submitted 9 December 2008

APPLICANT/S   Resitech Australia

OWNERS           Department of Housing

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


The exhibition of the development application has attracted 12 submissions objecting to the proposal.


RESOLVED       (Esber/McDermott)


(a)       That development application (DA/696/2008) which seeks consent for demolition, tree removal and construction of a seniors living development containing 6 apartments and 5 villas be approved, subject to the conditions of consent contained in Attachment 2 of this report following concurrence of the conditions from the applicant.

(b)       Further, that objectors be advised of Council’s decision.


DIVISION            The result being:


AYES             The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM, in the Chair and Councillors P B Barber, A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, P J Garrard, M A Lack, S D Lloyd, P K Maitra and M D McDermott.


NOES            Councillors J Chedid and L E Wearne.








13 July 2009



RESOLVED       (Esber/Lack)


Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-



1       Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council. (D01234576) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.

2       Urgent Legal Matter – 80 Dunlop Street, Epping - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (g) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.






That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-





SUBJECT          Legal Matters Monthly Report to Council

REFERENCE    F2004/07898 - D01234576

REPORT OF      Manager Development Services


RESOLVED       (Esber/Garrard)


That the report be received and noted.






SUBJECT          Urgent Legal Matter - 80 Dunlop Street, Epping

REFERENCE    F2009/01725

REPORT OF      Legal Support Officer Memorandum dated 9 July 2009


RESOLVED       (Esber/Wearne)


That the information be received and noted.






SUBJECT          Lights on Elizabeth Street Bridge

REFERENCE    F2008/02772

FROM                 Councillor P J Garrard



Councillor Garrard advised that the lights on the prize winning Elizabeth Street Bridge were not currently working and had not worked for some time.


He requested that action be undertaken to remedy this situation.





SUBJECT          Cedar Tree in Prince Alfred Park

REFERENCE    F2004/10359

FROM                 Councillor P J Garrard


Councillor Garrard advised that the cedar tree previously located in Prince Alfred Park was missing.





SUBJECT          Condition of Footpath Outside Hungry Jacks

REFERENCE    F2008/01134

FROM                 Councillor S Lloyd


Councillor Lloyd advised that a bollard had been removed from outside the Parramatta Store of Hungry Jacks creating an OHS liability.


He requested that the paving at this location receive maintenance attention.







SUBJECT          'Before and After' Shots

REFERENCE    F2004/09249

FROM                 Councillor S Lloyd


Councillor Lloyd questioned whether ‘before and after’ shots were undertaken by staff, especially when major works were undertaken such as in the vicinity of St John Cathedral.






SUBJECT          Dumping of Trolleys

REFERENCE    F2004/06447

FROM                 Councillor J Chedid


Councillor Chedid asked whether persons could be fined for dumping shopping trolleys on footpaths.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development advised that the relevant Act relating to abandoned goods could be used, however, the difficulty lay with catching persons in the act.


Ms Weatherley indicated that the use of ‘trolley tracker’ had been successful but added that discussions would be held with the OLOs with a view to investigating a better method in dealing with dumped trolleys.







SUBJECT          Placement of Bollards - Council Carpark Epping

REFERENCE    F2004/06036

FROM                 Councillor L E Wearne


Councillor Wearne advised that next to the Council car park in Epping there is a small reserve. Access to this reserve from the car park had been closed off as a result of an easement issue.


Councillor Wearne added that the bollards had now been removed and trucks were using the access creating a quagmire.


Councillor Wearne requested that metal bollards in concrete be urgently replaced to prevent access to the reserve.






SUBJECT          List of Street Lighting Works

REFERENCE    F2005/01678

FROM                 Councillor P Maitra


Councillor Maitra requested that he be provided with a list of all street lighting works approved for the LGA for this financial year together with the proposed starting times for the works.







SUBJECT          Tax Invoice - Oatlands Golf Course

REFERENCE    DA/953/2007

FROM                 Councillor P Esber


Councillor Esber requested that he be provided with a copy of the tax invoice for the mediation services carried in conjunction with the Oatlands Golf Course dam mediation issue.







SUBJECT          Section 82 Review

REFERENCE    DA/568/2008

FROM                 Councillor P Esber


Councillor Esber advised that Council had for the first time in ten years overturned a staff recommendation in relation to a Section 82 Review and questioned whether this decision needed to be reported in any different fashion.


The Group Manager Outcomes and Development advised that this decision was no different to any other decision where Council chose not to adopt the recommendation of staff.







SUBJECT          Australian Property Council Presentation

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor G Elmore


Councillor Elmore advised that 2 weeks ago he had attended the head office of the Australian Property Council where the CEO had made an excellent presentation.






SUBJECT          Parking on Kerb - Woodville Road, Guildford

REFERENCE    F2004/07462

FROM                 Councillor G Elmore


Councillor Elmore advised that the Pizza Hut located in Woodville Road, Guildford had recently moved across the road to a site with plenty of parking.


Unfortunately, customers where parking on the kerb which was damaging the nature strip.


Councillor Elmore requested that the appropriate staff investigate this problem and take action as necessary.








SUBJECT          Real Estate Signage

REFERENCE    F2008/04592

FROM                 Councillor G Elmore


Councillor Elmore advised that a number of real estate agents were pushing the boundaries by placing their signage on Council’s nature strips.


He requested that the relevant staff be aware of this problem and take the appropriate action.







SUBJECT          Matters Raised by Park Committees

REFERENCE    F2004/07133

FROM                 Councillor M Lack


Councillor Lack advised that park committees consisted of members undertaking a voluntary role to ensure the upkeep of Council’s facilities.


He requested that staff ensure that matters raised by these committees received due consideration and response.


Councillor Lack particularly referred to a number of public liability issues raised in respect of Doyle Ground and requested that these matters be addressed.








SUBJECT          Commonwealth Infrastructure Funding

REFERENCE    F2007/01165

FROM                 Mark Lack


Councillor Lack requested that Councillors receive further information on the issue of funding available from the Commonwealth Infrastructure program.




The meeting terminated at 8.00 pm.







A notice of motion to rescind the decision carried in respect of Item 12. 2 of Development Applications regarding the Section 82A Review for 15 Virginia Street, Rosehill was submitted by Councillors P Barber, P Esber and G Elmore immediately following the closure of the meeting.











Lord Mayor