MINUTES OF THE Meeting of Parramatta City Council HELD IN THE Council Chambers, CIVIC PLACE, PARRAMATTA ON Monday, 22 June 2009 AT 6:45pm




The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM, in the Chair and Councillors A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn, P J Garrard, M A Lack, C X Lim, M D McDermott, L E Wearne (Deputy Lord Mayor) and A A Wilson (arrived 6.48 pm).





The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM acknowledged the Burramatugal Clan of The Darug, the traditional land owners of Parramatta and paid respect to the elders both past and present.







SUBJECT          Minutes of the Regulatory Council Meeting held on 9 June 2009


RESOLVED       (Esber/Lim)


That the minutes be taken as read and be accepted as a true record of the Meeting.





10775        RESOLVED       (Wearne/Lim)


That an apology be received and accepted for the absence of Councillors P B Barber and J Chedid and that leave be granted for the absence of Councillors P Maitra and S Lloyd as they are in attendance at the National General Assembly Conference being held in Canberra from 21st to 24th June 2009.







1          Councillor P Esber declared an interest in relation to Item 9.1 of City Development regarding “Housekeeping” Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) as his neighbour is affected by the proposed amendments.





SUBJECT          Acknowledgement of the Passing of Mrs Betty Barrie

REFERENCE    F2004/08215

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, A Issa OAM


RESOLVED      (Issa OAM/Esber)

(a)       That Council acknowledge the passing of Mrs Betty Barrie and pay respect to her memory and considerable contribution to the Parramatta community.

(b)             That this Council pass on our condolences to Mrs Betty Barrie’s family.

(c)           Further, that this Council mark the passing of Mrs Betty Barrie with a minute’s silence.


NOTE:       Councillor A A Wilson arrived at the meeting at  6.48 pm during consideration of this matter.




SUBJECT          Acknowledgement of the passing of Mr Ronald Albert Mondy

REFERENCE    F2004/08215

FROM                 The Lord Mayor, A Issa OAM


RESOLVED       (Issa/Esber)


(a)           That Council acknowledge the passing of Mr Ronald Albert Mondy and pay respect to his memory and considerable contribution to the Parramatta community.

(b)             That this Council pass on its sympathy to his wife.

(c)             Further, that this Council mark the passing of Mr Ronald Albert Mondy with a minute’s silence.


Rescission Motions



SUBJECT          Nominations for Joint Regional Planning Panel

REFERENCE    F2005/01801 - D01228103





























RESOLVED       (Esber/Wearne)

That the resolution of the Regulatory Council Meeting held on 9 June 2009, regarding Nominations for the Joint Regional Planning Panel , namely:-

“(a) That the Council formally submit The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa and Councillor C X Lim as the nominees to represent Parramatta City Council on the Sydney West Region Joint Regional Planning Panel for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2010.

(b)   That Councillor A Bide be recognised as the alternate nominee to represent Parramatta City Council on the Sydney West Region Joint Regional Planning Panel for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 September 2010.

(c)    Further, that the Lord Mayor write to the Minister for Planning and her Director-General expressing Council's concern over its minority representation and technical selection process, and request an equal number of members on this Panel and refer to them Parramatta’s Central Parramatta Planning Committee (CPPC) as an existing and positive example of how Parramatta City Council assess major development.”


be and is hereby rescinded. 



NOTE:       Councillor P J Garrard out at 6.55pm during consideration of this matter.


RESOLVED       (Esber/Wearne)


(a)     That Council advise the Minister for Planning that it will not   nominate members to the JRPP until such time as guidelines and   codes of conduct are made available to Council and issues relating   to conflicts of interest have been resolved.

(b)     That Council seeks an extension of time for nominations to and the           commencement of the JRPP in accordance with 1.

(c)     That the CEO immediately writes to the Minister for Planning           advising that Parramatta City Council has a Central Parramatta           Planning Committee and requests that that committee be given the           same statutory powers as the City of Sydney which powers release           the JRPP from assessing regionally significant Development           Applications within our LGA and in fact all Development           Applications which would otherwise be dealt with by the JRPP.

(d)     That Council immediately write to all local State members seeking           their support for statutory powers for the Central Parramatta           Planning Committee and requesting that they convey that support   to the Minister of Planning.

(e)     That should the State Government endorse the use of the      CPPC,           its powers be expanded to assess all DA’s that would   otherwise be considered by a JRPP.

(f)       Further, that Council’s decision be referred to the Local   Government and Shires Association seeking full support of this   matter.


NOTE:       Councillor P J Garrard returned to the meeting at 6.56pm during consideration of this matter.






10780                 RESOLVED       (Esber/Lack)


That Item Nos 9.2 of City Development, 10.2 of Roads Paths Access & Flood Mitigation, 12.1, 12.2 of Community Care and 13.3, 13.6 and 13.7 of City Leadership & Management be adopted without discussion in accordance with the staff recommendations.



City Development



SUBJECT          "Housekeeping" Amendments to Parramatta City Centre Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2007

REFERENCE    F2006/00601 - D01201226

REPORT OF      Project Officer


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Bide)


(a)     That Council resolve under Section 54 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, to prepare a draft LEP to amend the Parramatta City Centre LEP 2007 as outlined in Attachment 1.

(b)     That the Director General of the Department of Planning be advised of Council’s decision and the draft plan be forwarded to the Department.

(c)     That subject to the Department of Planning authorisation and issuing of appropriate delegations, Council undertake the necessary consultation with public authorities under Section 62 of the EP&A Act and following that, place the draft LEP amendment on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

(d)     That Council resolve to prepare amendments to the Parramatta City Centre DCP 2007 as outlined in Attachment 1 and the draft DCP amendments be concurrently exhibited with the draft LEP.

(e)     Further, that a report be prepared highlighting the economic viability associated with any possible increase in building density in that area bounded by the River, Park Street, Charles Street and Harris Street and that report look to a future FSR of between 6:1 – 8:1.


DIVISION   The result being:-


AYES                  The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa, OAM,                                                      and Councillors A Bide, G J Elmore, P Esber, J D Finn,                              P J Garrard, M A Lack, C X Lim, M D McDermott, L E                      Wearne and A A Wilson.


NOES                  Nil.



NOTE:     Councillor P Esber declared an interest and temporarily retired from the meeting during consideration and voting on this matter, as Councillor Esber’s neighbour, whom Councillor Esber had previously carried out work for, is affected by one of the proposed amendments.






SUBJECT          Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study

REFERENCE    F2007/02318 - D01224667

REPORT OF      Place Manager - City Strategy




(a)       That Council receive the Draft Granville Town Centre Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Study and adopt the Draft Granville Pedestrian Movement, Parking and Transport Action Plan.

(b)       Further, that a letter be sent to the NSW Minister for Transport requesting an urgent meeting to hasten discussions regarding the short and long term plans for Granville Railway Station, the adjoining Transport Interchange and investigate the provision of Commuter Car Parking in Granville.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          Promotional Opportunity with the 2009 Supercross

REFERENCE    F2009/01568 - D01225899

REPORT OF      Manager Economic Development




















MOTION              (Lim/Wilson)


(a)       That Council consider the business case for, and endorse the Economic Development Team to direct $10,000 from the Economic Development special rate towards a promotional opportunity associated with the Supercross event to be held at Parramatta Stadium on Saturday night, 14 November 2009.

(b)       Further, that Council nominate Councillors Bide and McDermott  to attend the event together with the Lord Mayor and a relevant member of the Economic Development Team to host key partners or business leaders at this event.


AMENDMENT   (Finn/Elmore)


That Council take no further action in this matter.


The amendment was put and lost.


The motion was put and carried.



Roads Paths Access and Flood Mitigation




SUBJECT          Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting minutes held on 4 June 2009

REFERENCE    F2008/05098 - D01227509

REPORT OF      Manager Traffic and Transport


RESOLVED       (Elmore/Lack)


(a)      That the minutes of the Traffic Engineering Advisory Group meeting held on 4 June 2009 be adopted with the exception of Item B3 regarding Cross Street, Guildford.

(b)      Further, that in relation to item B3 Cross Street, Guildford, Cross Street between Guildford Road and Council’s southern boundary be included in the Council’s Road Safety Amenity List.







SUBJECT          Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting minutes held on 4 June 2009

REFERENCE    F2008/05091 - D01227991

REPORT OF      Manager Traffic and Transport




That the minutes of the Parramatta Traffic Committee meeting held on 4 June 2009 be adopted.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.




Culture and Leisure



SUBJECT          2009/2010 Requests for Fee Subsidy for the use of Public Halls, Community Centres and Meeting Rooms

REFERENCE    F2004/07903 - D01226554

REPORT OF      Recreation Development Officer


RESOLVED       (McDermott/Wilson)


(a)      That consideration of this matter be deferred to the next Council Meeting.

(b)      Further, that CEO be requested to propose to this Council an accredited list of community organisations which may be permitted to have certain exemptions based on the criteria of social and economic grounds.







SUBJECT          Review of The Loop Free City Bus Service

REFERENCE    F2004/08730 - D01221283

REPORT OF      Manager City Assets and Environment


RESOLVED       (Wilson/Bide)


(a)       That the route of the Loop Free City Bus be amended to turn left from Marsden Street into Macquarie Street and then right into O’Connell Street, with new stops to be located in Macquarie Street and O’Connell Street.

(b)       That a third bus operates at peak times to achieve the committed 10 minute frequency and reduce overcrowding  and be contingent on alternative funding becoming available.

(c)        That operating hours be extended to 9.30pm on Thursday nights for a trial period of 3 months.

(d)      That Council continue to explore alternative funding sources for the service, including contributions from the State Government and Corporate sponsors.

 (e)      That an additional report be prepared and presented to a future Council meeting which considers the feasibility of additional routes outside of the Parramatta CBD. 

(f)        That a further report be submitted to Council in 2 months time indicating how efforts requested in (d) above are proceeding.

(g)       Further, that the increase in the draft budget as detailed in paragraph 19 of Manager City Assets and Environment Report be deleted  and the 100k be spent equally on the PAMP throughout each of the 5 wards.


Community Care



SUBJECT          Arts Advisory Committee Meeting 12 May 2009

REFERENCE    F2005/01943 - D01225359

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building Officer




(a)      That the minutes of the Arts Advisory Committee 12th May 2009 be received and noted.

(b)      That information pertaining to public arts tenders be advertised at an increased level throughout the local art community.

(c)       That Council Officers investigate methods by which younger artists in the local area can be trained in all aspects of submitting tenders for public art projects.

(d)      That the Committee be provided with a response to the questions tabled at the meeting.

(e)      Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          ATSI Advisory Committee 28th April 2009

REFERENCE    F2005/01941 - D01226608

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building Officer




(a)       That the minutes of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee meeting of 28th April 2009 be received and noted.

(b)       Further, that Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          Council's Advisory Committees

REFERENCE    F2007/00688 - D01227125

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building Officer; Community Capacity Building Officer


RESOLVED       (Finn/Esber)


(a)      That Council approve the attached Terms of Reference for the Access, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Arts, Cycleways and Heritage Advisory Committees with the deletion of Section 4.1 which reads “Committees will have a maximum of 15 voting members.”

(b)      That Council approve the attached example Expression of Interest Advisory Committee membership forms as a template for the EOI process.

(c)       That Council accept the attached Terms of Reference for the Community Advisory Committee.

(d)      That Council receive and note information on the other Advisory Committees and community engagement strategies.

(d)            That Council note there is no request for additional expenditure in this report.

(e)      Further that a report on the concept of a “no cost to Council” Global Civic Friendship Committee be prepared.



City Leadership and Management



SUBJECT          2009/10 - 2013/14 Management Plan and making of 2009/10 Rates and Annual Charges and 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges

REFERENCE    F2008/03695 - D01211795

REPORT OF      Group Manager – Corporate. Also Manager Finance Memorandum dated 22 June 2009.


RESOLVED       (Garrard/Wilson)


(a)       That Council adopt the 2009/10 – 2013/14 Management Plan (Attachment 1) which includes the 2009/10 Schedule of Fees and Charges (Attachment 2).

(b)       That Council approve the income, expenditure and reserves transfers shown in the Management Plan for the year commencing 1 July 2009 and vote the necessary funds.

(c)        That Council borrow the sum of $1,324,000 in the 2009/10 financial year towards partly funding capital projects detailed in the Management Plan 2009/10 – 2013/14 and $2,614,000 to re-finance a loan taken out in 2008 for two years on a 15 year repayment basis.

(d)       That Council make the Rates and Charges for the 2009/10 rating year using Land Values with a valuation base date of 1 July 2007 as detailed in Attachment 3.

(e)       That Council set the interest rate in 2009/10 for overdue rates and charges at 9% per annum simple interest in accordance with Section 566 of the Local Government Act, 1993.

(f)         That the CEO be given delegated authority to determine the reduction of the advertising fee for development applications submitted by community groups when seeking the use of community land.

(g)       Further, that Council provide a $100 Voluntary Rate Rebate for Eligible Pensioners in accordance with s 582 of the Local Government Act, 1993, and Council’s Voluntary Pensioner Rate Rebate Policy, in addition to the Mandatory Eligible Pensioner Rebate under s 575 of the Local Government Act, 1993.






SUBJECT          2009 Water Management Conference - 9 to 11 September 2009

REFERENCE    F2004/07125 - D01221395

REPORT OF      Service Manager – Council Support


RESOLVED      (Esber/Wilson)

That no further action be taken in this matter.






SUBJECT          Investments Report for April 2009

REFERENCE    F2009/00971 - D01221748

REPORT OF      Manager - Finance




That Council receive and note the investments report for April 2009.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          Parks & Leisure Australia - 2009 National Conference
13 - 16 September 2009
Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin

REFERENCE    F2009/01464 - D01222498

REPORT OF      Service Manager - Council Support


RESOLVED       (Lim/Bide)


(a)       That the Lord Mayor or nominee and Councillors M McDermott, L E Wearne and A A Wilson attend the Parks & Leisure Australia 2009 National Conference being held from 13 – 16 September 2009 at the Holiday Inn Esplanade, Darwin.

(b)       Further, that delegate registration, accommodation, travel and out-of-pocket expenses be paid from account number 10.1260.712.644405.00000.00000 ‘Councillor Conferences’ which will be paid out of the 2009/2010 budget which has a total budget of $60,000 per annum.






SUBJECT          Review of Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities

REFERENCE    F2005/02435 - D01222656

REPORT OF      Manager Service Audit and Review
























MOTION              (Esber/Finn)


(a)       That Council adopt the revised Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities shown at Attachment 1 with the deletion of Business Class flights for interstate trips.

(b)       Further, that a copy of the adopted Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities by provided to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 253(4) of the Local Government Act,1993.


AMENDMENT   (Bide/Garrard)


(a)       That Council adopt the revised Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities shown at Attachment 1 subject to Business Class flights over 2.5 hours to be approved by the Lord Mayor.

(b)      Further, that a copy of the adopted Policy for Civic Office Expenses and Facilities by provided to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 253(4) of the Local Government Act,1993


The amendment was put and lost.


The motion was put and carried.





SUBJECT          Remuneration Tribunal Determination in Relation to Fees for Councillor Remuneration

REFERENCE    F2004/06514 - D01224601

REPORT OF      Service Manager - Council Support




That Council confirm that the Lord Mayoral and Councillors’ remuneration for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 be set at the maximum level being $67,750 and $23,250 respectively.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.







SUBJECT          2008/09 Loan Borrowings

REFERENCE    F2008/03240 - D01224934

REPORT OF      Manager - Finance




(a)   That the 2008/09 financial year’s loan borrowings of $2.022 million per the Management Plan, be made by borrowing internally from the property reserve instead of borrowing from an external financial institution.

(b)   Further, that the borrowed amount of $2.022 million be repaid to the property reserve in equal annual instalments of $202,200 over a period of 10 years.


NOTE:      This matter was adopted under Minute No 10780 – Council Matters To Be Adopted Without Discussion.




Notices of Motion



SUBJECT          Illegal Rubbish Dumping

REFERENCE    F2004/07525 - D01228085

REPORT OF      Councillor J D Finn


RESOLVED       (Finn/Wilson)


(a)      That Council write to the State Members for Parramatta, Granville, Toongabbie, Epping and Baulkham Hills seeking support for amendments to legislation to allow Council to issue fines to the Body Corporate of apartment blocks where rubbish is dumped on footpaths.

(b)      That a motion be submitted to the LGA seeking support for this proposal.

(c)       Further, that the Council seek advice as to whether Council can issue warnings to the body corporate before the withdrawal of rubbish.








10792          RESOLVED    (Garrard/Wilson)


That Standing Orders be suspended to enable consideration of an urgent matter associated with a development application for a brothel at 22 Brodie Street Rydalmere, such matter to be considered in Closed Session.


The Lord Mayor ruled that matter was one of urgency and would be addressed during Closed Session.








RESOLVED       (Esber/Garrard)


Members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting of the Closed Session and access to the correspondence and reports relating to the items considered during the course of the Closed Session be withheld. This action is taken in accordance with Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act, 1993 as the items listed come within the following provisions:-


1       2009 Community Grants Program. (D01219171) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

2       36 Gibbon Road Winston Hills. (D01223264) - This report is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (d) of the Local Government act 1993 as the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed (i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; or (ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council; or (iii) reveal a trade secret.

3       22 Brodie Street Rydalmere - This discussion is confidential in accordance with section 10A (2) (a ) of the Local Government Act 1993 as the discussion concerns personnel matters (other than Councillors.







That the decisions of Closed Session be noted as follows:-



Closed Session



SUBJECT          2009 Community Grants Program

REFERENCE    F2008/03660 - D01219171

REPORT OF      Community Capacity Building


RESOLVED       (McDermott/Wilson)


(a)       That Council adopts the recommended expenditure of the 2009-10 Grants budget as summarised in Attachment 1 with the deletion of the approval for the following applications:-

1.   The application submitted under the Community Capacity Building – Paid Staff by Cumberland Women’s Health for an aboriginal women’s project.

2    The application submitted under Community Capacity     Building – Heritage and Stories Research by Friends of Linnwood Inc for aspects of Guildford social, cultural and           religious life in the 20th century.

(b)      That a separate report providing options to include Councillors in the panel assessment process for the 2010/11 grants round be provided to Council by September 2009.

(c)        Further that the monies referred in (a) above for Cumberland Women’s Health be held over for a report into using those funds to support an initiative that will be proposed by Councillors with the Youth Off The Streets organisation to assist at-risk youths within our community.







SUBJECT          36 Gibbon Road Winston Hills

REFERENCE    DA/378/2006 - D01223264

REPORT OF      Property Program Manager


RESOLVED       (Esber/Lack)


(a)       That Council create an easement for drainage over the Council land (Lot 550 DP 236489) in favour of the property at 36 Gibbon Road Winston Hills (Lot 494 DP 236489) on terms as stated in the report.

(b)       Further, that the Lord Mayor and Chief Executive Officer be authorised to execute under seal the linen plan and Section 88B instrument for creation of the easement.






SUBJECT          Management of Council's Development Unit

REFERENCE    F2008/00175

FROM                 N/A


RESOLVED       (Garrard/McDermott)


That this Chamber:-

1      Expresses its extreme lack of confidence in the management of Council’s Development Unit.

2      Also wishes to highlight the statement reflected in the CEO performance document outlining performance criteria within the duties and functions outlined in that contract, dated 1 August, 2008, and in particular section 2.2 under Council’s business plan outcome, the measures prescribed in turning around the organisations culture, instilling guiding principles and behaviours, focus on:-

·              team work

·              accountability

·              integrity

·              excellence and respect

3      Seeks a report from the CEO by close of business on 26 June 2009 outlining all actions taken by the CEO in support of the Chamber’s resolution.


NOTE:        The Council had resolved to suspend standing orders in Open Council under Minute No 10792 and to consider this matter in Closed Session.






SUBJECT          Federal Government Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program 2008-09

REFERENCE    F2007/01165

FROM                 Councillor L E Wearne


Councillor Wearne advised of her proposed attendance at a conference to be held in Canberra with the Federal Government in the coming week.


Councillor Wearne added that she had requested at the Council Meeting held on 9 June 2009 an update on the projects that were funded under the subject Infrastructure Program however the update had not been provided to date.


Councillor Wearne requested that the update be provided prior to Wednesday 24 June 2009.






SUBJECT          Removal of Rubbish from Outside Schools

REFERENCE    F2004/06401

FROM                 Councillor M Lack


Councillor Lack referred to instances where members of the public were informed by Council staff to raise the dumping of rubbish outside of schools with Councillors. Councillor Lack asked why Council staff did not seek alternative remedies.


Councillor Lack added that he would forward the related email received from the member of the public to City Services.






SUBJECT          Impounding of Shopping Trolleys

REFERENCE    F2004/06447

FROM                 Councillor G Elmore


Councillor Elmore referred to the increasing incident of shopping trolleys being left in suburban streets, often some distance away from shopping centres.


He suggested that Council should investigate the impounding of such trolleys.






SUBJECT          Compulsory Acquisition of Darcy Street Premises

REFERENCE    F2004/06405

FROM                 Councillor P Esber


Councillor Esber referred to recent legislation relating to the compulsory acquisition of premises and questioned when contact would be made with the relevant shop owners in Darcy Street.


The Chief Executive Officer advised that initial discussions had commenced between the Lord Mayor, the owners and himself this morning and added that the owners were currently considering their position.






SUBJECT          Northmead Crime Statistics

REFERENCE    F2006/01279

FROM                 Councillor C X Lim


Councillor Lim referred to a recent public meeting held in Northmead and requested that the crime statistics shared with the police at this meeting, together with any crime statistics that the police may possess for the area, be circulated to Councillors.






SUBJECT          Installation of Right Hand Turn Lights - Intersection of Pitt and Railway Streets, Parramatta

REFERENCE    F2008/00400

FROM                 Councillor J D Finn


Councillor Finn reiterated a previous request for the installation of right hand turn lights at the traffic lights at the intersection of Pitt and Railways Streets, Parramatta.


Councillor Finn sought advice on the present position of this request.






SUBJECT          Overgrown Footpath - Intersection of Woodville and Meadows Street, Granville

REFERENCE    F2004/07383

FROM                 Councillor P J Garrard


Councillor Garrard requested that the overgrown footpath on the south east corner of Woodville Road and Meadows Street, Granville receive attention.





SUBJECT          Media Expenditure

REFERENCE    F2008/00400

FROM                 Councillor M McDermott


Councillor McDermott advised that he had previously requested a memorandum on the budget and spending by Council on media and questioned why Council continued with Question Time if questions did not receive a response.


Councillor McDermott again requested that a response be provided on the monies spent in Media together with the amount spent on self promotion by the Council, as raised on 25 May 2009.





SUBJECT          Leave of Absence by Lord Mayor

REFERENCE    F2006/00528

FROM                 Councillor A Issa OAM


The Lord Mayor, Councillor A Issa OAM advised that he would be taking 2 weeks leave of absence and in that time, the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor L E Wearne would be available to handle any concerns.




The meeting terminated at 8.49 pm.








Lord Mayor