Item 8.1 - Attachment 1

Proposed Amendments to the Code of Meeting Practice 7 October 2008



7 OCTOBER 2008


Insert after s26(12):


12A     Voting on all motions for planning decisions will be by way of division.  The division will be by way of councillors standing, when   required, to indicate whether they support or oppose a motion.  This method may be varied as required at the discretion of the           chairperson.  Votes will be recorded by the Council minutes clerk and confirmed by the chairperson before proceeding to the next item.


            12B     For the purposes of 12A above, “planning decision” includes                            decisions relating to:

                                    a) a development application

                                    b) an environmental planning instrument

                                    c) a development control plan

                                    d) A development contribution plan

            But does not include the making of an order under Division 2A of Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


            Note: Divisions are not required to be called for amendments.  Only motions for planning decisions require the calling of a division.  This does not, however, remove a Councillors ability to call for a division under s26 of this code.


Amend s26(10) so as to read:


10)  Voting at a council meeting, including voting in an election at such a meeting is to be by open means (such as on the voices or by show of hands). Voting on planning matters is to be by way of division, in accordance with the provisions of s26(12A) and (12B) of this code.  Despite this, the council may resolve that the voting in any election by Councillors for mayor or deputy mayor is to be by secret ballot.