Item 12.3 - Attachment 1

Access Advisory Committee Meeting 5 August 2008






John Moxon in the Chair, Debbie Manuel, Leone Clark, Jim Grainda, Barbara Jones and Peter Simpson.




Hatice Vural – Community Capacity Building Officer, Beth Collins – Team Leader, Home Support and Community Care and Michael Wearne – Administration Officer.




The Chairperson, John Moxon, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.




An apology was received and accepted for the absence of the Phillip Cornwall and Donna Mosford – Community Capacity Building Officer.


John mentioned to the committee that George Mannix’s replacement as Community Capacity Building Officer – Chris McAlpine, is unable to attend Tuesday night Advisory Committee meetings for the time being due to other commitments, however he is still available to support the Committee through activities and projects.


RESOLUTION          (John Moxon/Debbie Manual)


That John Raymond’s name is formally removed from the Access Advisory Committee Members List.




There were no declarations made regarding conflict of interest at this meeting.




A copy of the Minutes of the Access Advisory Committee meeting held on 3 June 2008 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RESOLUTION           (Debbie Manual/Barbara Jones)


That the Minutes of the meeting of the Access Advisory Committee meeting held on 3 June 2008 be taken as read and confirmed with the following change to Item 8.1 regarding Bus Routes. Paragraph 2, point 3 to read as follows:-


·    Bus stop proximity to increase to 400 metres on weekdays and 800 metres on weekends and weeknights after 7.00pm.




Hatice Vural has received advice from Northcott Disability Services regarding the carpet on the third and fourth floors at Parramatta Westfield’s Shopping Centre. The advice states that the carpet is unsatisfactory and very difficult for people in manual wheelchairs.


The committee agreed with this advice and also stated that the carpet is also unsatisfactory for people with walking frames, prams and trolleys.


RESOLUTION          (Peter Simpson/John Moxon)


(a)       That the committee write to Westfield’s Shopping Centre and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) advising that the carpet at Parramatta Westfield’s Shopping Centre is unsatisfactory and not to Australian Standards.


(b)       Further, that a draft version of the letter be forwarded via email to committee members for their approval/additions before being sent.




During discussion of Item 5.1 at the previous Access Advisory Committee meeting, the committee raised an issue concerning the removal of Disabled parking spots outside the Blood Bank on George Street, Parramatta.


Council has received advice that the Police have requested a clearway at that location for an on going court case taking place in Justice Precinct. The clearway is only temporary and the disabled parking spots have yet to be relocated.


The committee stated that the three spots allocated for Taxi pick ups in George Street are under utilised and suggested that one of these spots could be allocated for disabled parking until the clearway in front of the blood bank is no longer required.


RESOLUTION          (Peter Simpson/Jim Grainda)


That the Parramatta Traffic Committee be advised of this matter and the possible reallocation of one Disabled parking spot.




John Moxon, Barbara Jones and Leone Clark joined John Evernden at Dundas Railway Station last week to look at Accessibility Issues for John Evernden’s Access Audit. John Moxon mentioned that on Monday, 11 August 2008, at 1:30pm, John Evernden will be looking at Telopea Railway Station in relation to his Access Audit.


During discussions on this matter, the Committee agreed to ask John Evernden if they could include Camellia and Rydalmere Railway Stations in the Access Audit as these Stations could be worse then Dundas. John Moxon stated he would ask John Evernden at the Telopea Railway Station site visit.




John Moxon to ask John Evernden to include Camellia and Rydalmere Railway Stations in the Access Audit.




8.1       Access Advisory Committee Recommendations to Council      


Hatice Vural advised the committee members that Council approved the following four recommendations that came from the Access Advisory Committee:-


(a)     That Council undertake a bus stop audit to assess accessibility works required to comply with the legislation in the 2009/10 financial year;

(b)     That Council distribute a copy of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC)’s publication ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ DVD to individuals, organisations and companies on Council’s Development Database and to the public at Council’s Development Assessment Service Desk;

(c)     That Council relocate the after-hours bell at the rear entrance to Council Chambers to meet the requirements of the Australian Standard 1428;

(d)     Further, that Council install hearing augmentation systems in the Town Hall in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (NSW).


These recommendations have now been sent to the appropriate Council Officers and are currently being actioned.


During discussions on this matter, the committee enquired about the status of the proposed modifications to make the Council Chambers room more accessible.




Donna Mosford to ask Council Support Manager – Graeme Riddell for an update on the proposed modifications to the Council Chambers.


8.2       International Day of People with a Disability (I.D.P.W.D)


John Moxon gave the committee an update from the last IDPWD Sub-Committee Meeting:-


·     Donna Mosford will be contacting Australian International Performing Arts School in Harris Park about performing at the day.

·     Northcott Disability Services are interested in coming to Parramatta Mall instead of holding a separate event at their Parramatta Location.

·     Other disability organisations to be approached to see if the would like to be in involved in IDPWD.

·     Sub-committee to approach a Corporate Agency to do a free BBQ

·     Looking at incorporating in to IDPWD, the screening of accessibility related Film at Riverside Theatres.

·     Exploring the possibility of a Disabled Theatre Group performing at Riverside Theatres on IDPWD.

·     Next Sub-Committee Meeting – Tuesday, 19 August 2008


8.3       Items to be discuss at next Access Advisory Committee Meetings


During General Business the committee members raised the following topics which they would like on the agenda at the next Access Advisory Committee meeting:-


·     Change of commencement time for Access Advisory Committee meetings

·     Invitation for Councillors to attend Access Advisory Committee meetings

·     Invitation for planning staff members to attend Access Advisory Committee meetings

·     List of complaints from Council’s Customer Request System regarding accessibility issues to be supplied at each meeting so committee members are aware of what is happening in the community.


8.4       Bus Stop South of Lennox Bridge - Relocation


The committee was previously advised that Richard Searle had indicated that the bus stop which is currently south of the Lennox Bridge will be moved to either the north side of the bridge, or onto the bridge itself, to improve the line of sight of bus drivers to the stop.


Leone Clark stated that the Bus Stop has not been relocated and school children are still running out on to the road to see if a bus is approaching.




Donna Mosford to ask Richard Searle why the relocation of this Bus Stop has not proceeded as yet.


8.5       Westmead Drop-off Zone in Front of Westmead Hospital


Peter Simpson advised the committee that the 4 disabled spots in front of Westmead Hospital have been removed and there are no curb ramps in this area. The only disabled spots are now located in the undercover parking station but are too small. John Moxon added that most disabled people, including himself, can’t insert money in to the machine to enter this car park.


The Committee did not recommend whether any further action was required regarding this matter.




8.6       Thank You


As this is the last Access Advisory Committee meeting before the Local Government Elections on Saturday, 13 September 2008, John Moxon thanked everyone for their attendance and work over the past twelve months.




Access Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, 7 October 2008, 5:30pm - TBC

Ground Floor Meeting Room 3

Council Chambers Building

Civic Place, Parramatta







John Moxon in the Chair, Debbie Manuel, Jim Grainda, Peter Simpson, and Phillip Cornwall (from 5:44pm)



Donna Mosford – Community Capacity Building Officer, George Mannix – Community Place Development Officer, Beth Collins – Team Leader, Home Support and Community Services and Erin Lottey – Minutes Clerk.




The Chairperson, John Moxon, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending.




An apology was received and accepted for the absence of Barbara Jones.


It was noted that David Powell is on an extended leave of absence.



RECOMMENDATION         (Debbie Manuel / Jim Grainda)


That the committee accept the apology put forward by Barbara Jones




There were no declarations made regarding conflict of interest at this meeting.




A copy of the report of the Minutes of the Access Advisory Committee held 2 October 2007 had previously been forwarded to each member.


RECOMMENDATION         (Peter Simpson / Debbie Manuel)


That the Minutes of the meeting of the Access Advisory Committee held 2 October 2007 be taken as read and confirmed as a true record of the meeting.




5.1 PTC Report


Donna Mosford advised that she had spoken to Council’s Traffic and Transport Service Manager, Richard Searle, regarding the report he is preparing.  The report is expected to be put to the next meeting of the Parramatta Traffic Committee in February 2008.  Information collected at a meeting between Richard, John Moxon and George Mannix on 18 October 07 would also be presented at that meeting.


5.2 Investigation into access provisions at Railway Stations within the Parramatta Local Government Area


Donna advised that Richard Searle is undertaking an investigation into provisions for accessible parking at railway stations within the Parramatta Local Government Area.  Richard has agreed that feedback about railway stations with inadequate access provisions would be considered for works.  Feedback from committee members included:

þThe ramps at the north side of Granville railway station

þKerb ramps at Westmead railway station

þAccessible car parking spaces at Westmead railway station do not conform, the roll top kerbing is located to the rear of the space making it very difficult to get from the car to the footpath.

þEpping station lacks accessible parking; the nearest is located at Coles or at the library, and there is no accessible path of travel from the station to these spaces


John Moxon suggested that a visit to the various railway stations may assist the committee in providing more detailed feedback.


ACTION:       Peter Simpson and John Moxon will conduct an inspection of the various railway stations within the Parramatta Local Government Area, and report their findings to Richard Searle


5.3 Accessible Bus stops


The committee discussed the speech given by Graeme Innes, the Commissioner of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, at Parramatta Council’s International Day of People with a Disability celebrations.  The speech highlighted the requirement that 25% of all bus stops within the local government area meet the standards set in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (NSW) by the end of 2007.  The committee agreed that an audit of existing bus stops is required to determine the level of compliance within the Parramatta Local Government Area


RECOMMENDATION:       (Jim Grainda / Peter Simpson)


The Committee recommends that Council resolve to direct Council to audit all bus stops in the Parramatta Local Government Area to determine how many meet the requirements of the Accessible Transport Standard within the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (NSW)




The committee was advised that Richard Searle had indicated that the 3 accessible parking spaces in Civic Place (which are currently designated ½ hour parking until 6pm and 4 hours parking thereafter) are going to have the time limit removed. George Mannix indicated that to his knowledge only the Civic Place accessible parking spaces would have the time limit lifted. George also advised the committee that Council Rangers have recently been conducting a ‘blitz’ on the misuse of accessible parking. 


RECOMMENDATION:       (Debbie Manuel / Jim Grainda)


The committee commends the Council for its crackdown on the misuse of mobility parking authorities and the unlawful use of designated accessible parking bays.





John Moxon commended the staff involved in organising the day, George Mannix, Donna Mosford, Maia Giordano and Zoe Spiteri and thanked the members of the organising sub-committee, Barbara, Peter and Debbie, for their hard work during the year.


The committee suggested ways of improving the day for 2008, and identified specific issues which require addressing.  The suggestions and issues included:


7.1 Art Competition and Engagement of Local Schools




8Inadequate number of entries in art competition at the secondary school level

7Getting engagement from secondary schools early enough in the year.




·Changing the art competition, possibly having a poetry competition instead

·Pinpointing the relevant staff at local schools earlier in the year to ensure that there is a contact at the school

·Providing more guidance as to what the day is about, such as a one or two page outline to provide to schools

·Preparation of a photo montage to include in any outline

·Forming the subcommittee earlier to identify potential improvements and funding opportunities.


ACTION:       A subcommittee be formed and the first meeting be scheduled for late January or early February 2008.


7.2 Marketing of the Day


·Marketing needs to be improved, more publicity required in the lead up to the day.

·A printed programme / flyer handout detailing the activities and events could be prepared and handed out in the mall

·External activities should be signposted

·Use of a PA system to commentate sporting events, Richie Benaud style spruiker etc.


7.3 The Function Itself




·Acoustics in the town hall aren’t good

·Getting the function started on time

·Getting school attendance




oTiming was better than last year

oGraeme Innes was an excellent drawcard

oRepresentatives from other Council departments be invited to join the working party to ensure coordination of activities across Council

oPerhaps another school group doing street theatre

oScouts involvement

oOne hour is long enough for the function

oPerhaps hold the formal proceedings outdoors, with the town hall as a fall back should the weather require it

oGet a Federal Minister to attend, for example Bill Shorten

oHave well known speakers to attract attendees


7.4 “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly DVD”


Commissioner of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Graeme Innes, referred to a DVD titled “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” in his speech. The DVD relates to access considerations within development.  The Committee noted that one local government area is giving a copy of this DVD to every DA.  The committee further noted that this would increase awareness around accessibility issues within the Development Application team.



RECOMMENDATION:       (Peter Simpson / Jim Grainda)


The committee recommends that the Council make a determination that Parramatta City Council follows other Councils by distributing a copy of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission’s DVD, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, to all Development applicants.






8.1 Pedestrian Access & Mobility Plan (PAMP)


The committee was advised that the Traffic and Transport Service Manager, Richard Searle, had asked for the locations of crossings that are non compliant.  John Moxon suggested that some photographs of the crossings should be taken, and a report provided stating which crossings do not comply.  John suggested that this exercise could be done at the same time as the railway station visits.


ACTION:       Peter Simpson and John Moxon will visit locations if time permits prior to the next Access Committee meeting. 


8.2 Bus Stop Relocation


The committee was advised that Richard Searle had indicated that the bus stop which is currently south of the Lennox Bridge will be moved to either the north side of the bridge, or onto the bridge itself, to improve the line of sight of bus drivers to the stop.


8.3 Ramp Accessibility Issues – Cumberland Highway and Wentworth Road


Phillip Cornwall tabled a letter indicating problems with the footpath ramps at the Cumberland Highway and Wentworth Road intersection. The problems with the ramps have left Phillip dangerously stuck on the road in front of approaching traffic.


ACTION:       A service request will be raised with Council about this safety concern and Donna Mosford will contact the relevant Council Officer to reiterate the urgent nature of Philip’s request.


8.4 Courtesy Call to John Raymond


Debbie Manuel requested that a courtesy call be made to John Raymond to check if he is alright, given that he has not attended any committee meetings this year.  It was further suggested that a call be made to David Powell to enquire as to the health of his wife.


ACTION:       Donna Mosford will make a courtesy call to John Raymond and David Powell.


8.5 Movement of the Intercom / Bell to obtain access to the Council Chambers Building


The committee noted the ongoing issue of the height and accessibility of the intercom and buzzer system used to facilitate access to the Council Chambers Building after business hours. 


RECOMMENDATION:       (Peter Simpson / Debbie Manuel)


The committee recommends that Council resolve to have the after-hours bell at the rear entrance to the Council Chambers building relocated to meet the requirements of Australian Standard 1428. i.e. Between 900mm and 1100 mm from the ground and no closer than 500mm to an internal corner.


8.6 Hearing Loops in the Town Hall


The committee noted the lack of provision within the Town Hall for persons with hearing loss.


RECOMMENDATION:       (Debbie Manuel / Jim Grainda)


The committee recommends that Council take action to install hearing augmentation systems in the Town Hall in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, so that people with hearing loss can engage in functions held at the Town Hall.






International Day of People with Disability 2008

Working Party Sub Committee Meeting

To Be Confirmed – Late January / Early February 2008


Access Advisory Committee Meeting

Tuesday, 5 February 2008, 5:30pm

Ground Floor Meeting Room 3

Council Chambers Building

Civic Place, Parramatta



The meeting concluded at 6:58pm




Tuesday, 5th February 2008


Tuesday, 1st April 2008


Tuesday, 3rd June 2008


Tuesday, 5th August 2008


Tuesday, 7th October 2008


Tuesday, 2nd December 2008