Item 15.3 - Attachment 1

Strategic Partnership with SWAHS Project Updates



Project Title

Project Objectives

Project Deliverables & Activities

Project Timing

Current Status of Project

Sharps Project

To establish a Sharps Task Force (STF);

To develop a Sharps Community Management Plan;

To provide for the safe disposal of sharps and related wastes to reduce the risk of contamination and infection to the community; and,

To minimise pollution of our environment by such waste.

To establish a STF that will meet 3 times per year, and prepare a Sharps Community management Plan

July 2006

through to March 2008

100% Complete

The contract with Stericorp was renewed for another year at the end of March 2008

To develop a Sharps Community Management Plan.

To develop a service agreement for operational issues with sharps.

To review Sharps Service Agreement for Operational Issues.

To review Sharps contracts.

Healthy Lifestyles Programs 1 - Smoking Survey

To understand community attitudes to extending smoke-free outdoor dining areas in the LGA

To prepare a survey to be distributed to restaurant owners and operators

May 2007

through to

October 2008

100% Complete

A Report to Council is expected to be submitted in October 2008

To prepare a survey to be distributed to restaurant Patrons (including residents, workers and visitors and the general community)

To analyse survey findings and prepare a report with survey findings

To workshop Survey results with Parramatta Councillors

To prepare a Report to council with results and analysis of smoking survey.

Transport Access Guide (TAG) - Active Transport Project

To promote sustainable transport and active lifestyles;

To increase knowledge of public and personal transport routes;

To promote the health benefits of and opportunities for non-car travel.

To produce a map of the LGA and CBD depicting public transport routes, cycle and walking tracks as well as other health specific information

February 2007

through to December 2007

100% Complete

The TAG has been printed and distributed to staff and stakeholders

Influenza Pandemic Plan

(formally known as Public Health Protection Plan)

To establish procedures and guidelines to be enacted by Council in the event of an Influenza Pandemic;

To provide support for the community in the event of a public health emergency

To prepare a Parramatta Influenza Pandemic Action Plan for Parramatta City Council

November 2007 through to February 2009

70% Complete

This project is at second draft stage


The final plan is expected in November 2008 and will be reported to Council for adoption early in 2009

Healthy Urban Planning

(formally known as Assessing Major Planning Instruments)

To develop an effective and efficient methodology for NSW Health to feed into and inform Council’s strategic land use planning.

To produce a document that describes the urban planning processes within Council for use by SWAHS.

To provide a protocol for using health and population knowledge and assessment tools to contribute to planning policy and outcomes;

To outlines the process for SWAHS to comment on draft planning instruments

June 2007 through to February 2009

20% Complete

Project Brief developed and agreed;

Project team identified and currently working on project deliverables.


Health Data

To ensure health related data within each organisation is up to date and used appropriately;

To obtain health related data from SWAHS Epidemiology Unit for inclusion in a   health profile of Parramatta LGA.

To Include (where feasible) NSW Health Survey questions into Council Residents Panel consultations.

November 2007 through to November 2008

70% Complete

Awaiting formal distribution of the Parramatta Health Data Profile from SWAHS.

SWAHS and PCC staff are currently preparing for data sharing workshops in November 2008.

To obtain a health profile of the Parramatta LGA from SWAHS;

To provide Data Information Workshops that will assist in the process of planning services and the delivery of services

To document existing SWAHS Health and Council data sources for Parramatta LGA;

Healthy Lifestyles Programs 2 -

Health Promotion

To identify suitable healthy lifestyle programs and chronic care programs for promotion in Council facilities and to the Council staff; To increase opportunities for individual and community knowledge, skills, capacity and motivation in order to adopt, maintain and promote a healthy lifestyle.



Not complete

This project was reviewed and stopped in its current format by the Steering Committee.

It was agreed that the content of this project was related to ongoing services provided by both organisations. Therefore a project brief was not necessary.

PCC staff will continue to accept and distribute promotional material for healthy lifestyles activities from SWAHS as requested.

Health Services Review

Determine current levels of health service provision in the Parramatta LGA;

Determine barriers to access to services; and,

Identify opportunities for collaboration and coordination to address gaps in service provision.

Identify ways to improve coordination of current services to overcome duplication and to meet gaps.



Not complete

This project was reviewed and stopped in its current format by the Steering Committee.

It was agreed that the content of this project was related to ongoing services provided by both organisations. Therefore a project brief was not necessary.

PCC staff are actively working with Parramatta Community Health Services in order to strengthen mental health services available to the community.